Ey i 1 a : " ; ; v THE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1918, PAGE THREE en ---- a ---------- al - , Sh or admix Alpiné type or sorater. | CALVARY PRESENTATIONS 522 ¢ upper class, At least ix-seventr! ) he German people are n sete CAUSE INDIGESTION TO REV. JOHN "AND MRS. YALL | Bot { THURSDAY EVENING, bok r Teutonic stock { ----_-------- i | son with the othar § : ¢ TL Intellectual qualities 0 ( Finish the Job Right-Buy Victory Bonds | e the Nordie race has ciation of the Splendid Services He | } -------- A -------- If} Fed Ye. Pott ACIDS IN STOMACH Purina Baby Chick Feed Purina Chicken Chowder Purina Serateli Feed Probs: Showery to-night and on Saturday. Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How To Treat eo ~ REE ERE More Fggs and Ctordy Chicks. For Bale By aristac rilllant succescion , Statesmen, explor- al authori Had Rendered, ne tenths 'of € ¢ i st On i ats and inven- D. Couper. ach trouble, indigestion, sourness.| ., : 18 entire historys| Heasant 841-3 Princess Street, journaling, gas, Fhursday evening a held at Calgm and has wdever been a , when the member th people, which means that hand Young People's Society t developed one kind of led to bid farewell to Rev % tiative nor acquired that %. John Lyall and | 1 with thie peoples on Monday for the west 1 he shores of the Reven lies' Ald of Bethel church and ade part of the Nordies'] v. Mr. and Mrs, Rayner, of the ge and equipment. st Congregational echureh, were "And so the argument runs that sent, A selection was given by! the overwhelming of the Nordie | the choir, and a solo by Mrs. Morris. stock in G by the Alpine 'in- Miss 'Edna Revell, on behalf of *I"vasion' has resulted in intellectual members of the church, read an ad- and moral deterioration, while there | dress; and presented a purse to Rey has been a military development affcongisted always ime was 3 Of » 10 4 Phone 76. Ru, tare stomach ourse J ligestion is dels causing the disagreeable sy which every stomach nows 80 well Artificial digestents are not n such cases and 1 Jerntany I'ry laying aside all ge instead get from any dn 1 HIRI Magnesia, ounces of Bisurated sonurness, as or ' * ° ' rescription f=. jof watér right a r eg f | |sweetens the stomach prevents i} . i 10 B Pleurated Magnesia {in ior tablet form never | | formation of exce and there is Is unequalled in this district. } A capable dispenser at your service from early morning till § midnight, means so much to J the sick. Your doctor realizes this, and is depending more and , more on us----just as we expect J him to do. | The slogan Bests," we want to be watchword of the sick. Best's liqui the most | magnesia for stom- is used by thou-| inexpensive to take and is efficient form of ach purposes. It with no more fear of indigestion. | Because this is an era of high] "Tak to Hi Take it for merchandise does not sig iy prices the Hii You ads., may, | secure | an end the Bi has come to | through studying | peace times Smith's Falls is to have two cap pain. | i {sands of people who enjoy their meals | AAA Arr ein aaes | Ri i him with an wmbrella from clet §i| nify that competition between stores; , on. i! just as great advantages in buying as| | you are accustomed to thus secure in | Mr. and Mrs. Lyall, as a token of their kind and helpful services during their | work at Calvary church, Mr. Lyall | responded, and wished the church ey ery success in the near future.' Then Rev. Mr. Rayner addressed the meet- ing, conveying the best wishes of i lor milk) is harmless to the stomach, First Congregational church and the Ministerial Association of the city to Mr. and Mrs. Lyall in their new field of labor. After this George Allen. on behalf of the choir and Young Peo- ple's Society, thanked Mr. Lyall for is help in the work, and presented The: meeting was closed with the national anthem, after which re- were served, Round Heads i | 1 { the so-| | { rank and. file of the | nothing more along lines of unparalleled brutality, Thus the otherwise inexplicable bar- barity of the German armies finds a plausible explanation. " Afew hundred years ago the so- called Germanic peoples were prepon- derantly Teutonic, but the Alpine stick has steadily crowded north- ward, supplanting the Nordic stock as it underwent decimation in the course of interracial strife in .pre- empire day 1d during the terrible slaughter of the Thirty Years' War. To-day, the majority of the Wuritem- bergers, Bavarians, Austrians and Tyrolese are merely Teutonized Al- pines who have exerted but little in- fluence upon European culture. The Prussians are ner less than Teutoniz- | ed Wends and Poles of Alpine extrac. | tion Their round, broad heads be- r origin, . revolution of 1848, viewed IH HAI SALE With the wonderful fruits of complete victory within our we cannot refrain from a spirit of exuberance that is shared by all good Canadians--this spirit reflects itself in the wonderful collection of sensational values offered to Saturday shoppers, which are re- markably underpriced. A Most Extraordinary Sale of i SE tured Germean guns, claimed for that | 4 town by Lieut. Harwood McKimm, of | J 2nd Canadian Battalion, The Satisfactory Drug Store. ! OPEN SUNDAYS. ally a revolt against and moral f a governm brutal- adent influ of the yn that we have out- lutionists were liber- he old Nordie vigor, valor progeni- | ethnically, was re the intellectu bankrupt Menace Mankind Fall & Winter Coats | These handsome new coats are all high class models from our regular stock, and offer the painstaking individual selections from the stocks of the most reliable makers in New York. Among the fabrics are Canadian velours, whit- ney cloth, Baltic frieze, chinchilla and many novelty tweeds. The colors are navy, brown, green, burgundy, grey and black; all sizes priced up to $37.50. Saturday . . eee. $25.00 MAXAM PLUSH COATS 7 only, Maxam Seal Plush Coats regularly priced $35.00 and sold as a leader at $29.50. Saturday . ©... i... vids J S3408 CORSETS { WAISTS : dozen heavy French cou- 10 dozen charming . new f til corsets "'Steacy's Spec- crepe de chene waists {n col- ial," in al wanted 8s and a ors of flesh, maize, rose, good assortment of styles to black and white. Four styles choose from. To-day's value to choose from. Priced up $1.75. to $6.00. . | call attention We are at war wit} This Velour Calf But-| © """' | round-headed Alpines Nordic ton Boot for fall wear is AVSRRTRENARTLITE OO pina « me led b stock which has rejected all the and sentiment whieh have cterized ideals chara intellectually he Teu tonic peoples of centuries. Viewed in this light, the dist 1 the German people and Gov ernment seems wi academic "Hindenburg 4 domimant and brutal fore idealism and with little or n ation, for he is of round-headec pine extraction. "The truth of § that the so-called Germanic rac ren ethnically bankrupt for © one hundred years. The present roilitary outbreak is ie evidence of this intellectudt" and moral bankruptey, and t has arrived for the whole as a sol- emn court of judgment and appoin a civilized receivér to either wind up | or reorganize the national Germanic | military establishfnen:." | tei inction betwee the German Hii are selling it for one/ .., week only for $6.00 ie >: 8 origin to the a editorial | E t tls with an index of 75 or Jack Johnston's "ov Shoe Store, 70 Brock St. a lit more than three-fourths of length, or less, are considered Se: ise Ap pi DAVIES = Extra Specials viding by the 'ength, The European | populations divided into three distinct sub-species, northern and one southern, both dolichocepha- ic or characterized by a long skull, | and & central sub-species which is | brachycephalie, or characterized by a | es ny g round skull | tons of food and 2 "Grant remarks that "While the have been brought in cor inhabitants of Furope betray as a and the food lo Finest Round Steak . . : Finest Sirloin Steak .. . .30¢ Finest Porter House Steak . . .32¢ Porter House Roast . . Chuck Roast Stewing Beef . . . . 500 Ibs. Sweet Piclded Pork, per Ib. . .29¢ 600 Ibs. Dairy or Whey Butter .. . | .48¢ Mild Cured Ham (whole or half) . . .32¢ Smoked Breakfast Bacon, sliced . . . .48¢c piece .45¢ whole their mixed origin, neverthe- nearly less the three main sub-species are By the LE la | - > 1,000 tins Tomatoes, per tin . . . J20e Limited ach found in large numbers and in THE WM DAVIES' 00 : . . ss Phone 597. the matte FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS 60 only, full size white flan- | nelette night gowns. Plain geil embrofdery trim Ex- ceptional values to-day, $2.00, $2.50 each. . .$3.98 | Sat'y $1.48, $1.59 | one {IEEE OLIN tive a adop 20,000 0040 as) 5.000.000 tons o munitions voy to England ave been reduced from per cent. Lo one per cent Thousands of Germans are g their approval of 1 rwsky's version of th r and are demandi prophets and wr of 'German Saturday . . .$1.19 VICTORY SPECIALS A special lot of 300 ladies' winter weight vests and drawers in white and natural. Worth at to-day's price from $1.00 to $1.50 a garment. Saturday «+ +. .15¢ca garment A special lot of ladies' union wool combinations in long and short sleeve, "Hygiene brand." Worth at to-day's price $2.50. Saturday . . ania an 40h Sas S180 PILLOW SLIPS : Hemstitched heavy round thread pillow slips in sizes 40, 42, 44. A special value at 75c each. Saturday .. .. .. .. ..59¢ COTTON HUCK TOWELS - Lad 25 dozen cotton huck towéls in white and white with red border. Hemmed and fripged ends. 'Sizes. 15 x 30. A value worth 25¢ each. "Saturday . . .. vv + 15c or 2 for 25¢ PURE WOOL HOSIERY 15 dozen of pure wool stockings. English make, in all sizes, 84 to 10. A special value to-day. Saturday .. . . . . 75¢ a pair 2,000 pairs of ladies' union wool hose in colors of black, brown and white in all sizes. A value worth to-day 65¢ a pair. Saturday... . 0, cup cov. 908 COMFORTABLES ~ 60 cotton down filled comfortables in a large bed size. Cover- ed with an excellent quality of silkene. 'A regular value, $450. 'Saturday... %.. 0 0, LE WOOLTEX BLANKETS 15 only ""Wooltex Blankets" --fine substitute for the pure wool blankets which price is almost prohibitive. This blan- i ket is of extra heavy make and it has a soft, fleecy wool "e Victrolasand Gerhard Heintouis shong. I 7 VR hike finish. Worth reg. $8.75. Saturday .. .. .... 'graphs. , A full stock of records always on mone ona Li fone a a AONE EGE ar ON er | T.F N CO. LTD WA i i is a long-skulled race, tall, fair-skin- ned, light-haired and blue-eyed. This ; group includes the Scandinavian and {banished Teutonic peoples. § It y Bo "The Mediterranean or Iberian | . = kes the V110 makes 1€ peoples are long-skulled and have tion every time ho sees the dark eyes, hair and skin. This sub- J species is short in stature in com- | parison with the tall Nordics...o- --*The Alpines occupy all central | and eastern Europe, extending through to Asia Minor. They are round-skulled, sturdy and of medium height. Their hair and eyes were originally very dark. "The people of the British Isles are made up of a fusion of the long- headed Nordic and Mediterranean races. There are no round-headed Alpines, This fact, according te o Grant, makes the desire of the Irish to separate themselves from their English brothers rather absurd on ethnic grounds, for the Irish belong to the Nordic group and are only a Ceitic-speaking people. The true Celts were of Alpine stock. { "The rank and file of the German | army 1s larsely comooséd of a pure ) truest patriot gest demonstra- ag TH TT TTT TTT ° A e great purity.' is : & . P Street i "The Nordic or Baltic sub-species Canada Food Board Licensé No. 09-3731. : . = = = : = - = = (REREAD E : = THIS LINE OF THOUGHT«IS 4S : A DANGEROUS AS PER PETU AL MOTION "ra "WORST CASE WE HAVE, He's BEEN TRYING TO Tere OF A GOOD Excuse J For MoT BuvinG vic TORY LJ . PONDS, WE GOT 1M FIRSY DAY oF The DRIVE | NEW FURNISHINGS FOR THE ; WINTER MONTHS. i + A § 3 inh A visit to onr shows rooms will convince you that we can give you the best values to be found diag . ith Ea ih A ie AR py «+ sold less than the wholesale price EASY | * Rugs purchased some time ago bei | ins, | | AL 3 { » !