» 12 PAGES PAGES 13 L AST _eiTIoN Bonds YEAR 8 85: NO. 258 BINGSTON, ONTA ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, ¥ NOV NOVEMBER 6 EwnEk 0 08. smommmiet: m--------------] pee te Ara rr -- To ---- - Every Dollar Should F ight; Buy Victor CRAWLING Pp A DELEGATION A LONG ROPE AND, A STRONG ROPE. Fateof Peoples LEAVES BERLIN y 7 = : i Paris, Nov. 6--Premier 10 HALF WAY gi : - = | Clemencean, in the Chamber 10 SEE FOCH A . Prepare For Victory Loan-- (Canadian Press Despateh) The Victory Loan Toul on Tuesday Night Amsterdam, Nov. 6. Premier Ciemenceau als) an- Was $1,225,550 | nounced in the Chamuer that ---- --A German armistice : the conditions of the armistice delegation left Berlin : = 7, |= i - 2 = : ¢ Sa | for 'Germany had been trans- this afternoon for 'the g w- - \ 5 : mitted to President Wilson. western front, it is an- They were inspired, he add- OF ITS OBJECTIVE IS HALF A MILLION. : SN a A re i' i vl, as were those for Austria, nounced from the J # % ; 3 z g Aa -- = ! to prevent a resumption of German capital. SW -- : . The Total Subscriptions on Tuesday "Were $84,700--More Literature hostilities Berlin, Nov. 6.--An Being Sent Into the Homes. official statement is- The total amount raised in Kings- sued here to-day says: ton and Fromtenac for the Victory : Loan on Tuesday night was $1,225, A German delegation ty Loan C 650. The amount subscribed "on| to conclude an armis- re ™ |+ao0 SE PRAISED" provement Aon Monday's work to] tice and take up peace BOTH PARTIES "FOR A REVOLUTION! ALLIES ABOUT negotiations has left i . So Says Prince Maximilian of \ BIG RALLY FOR VICTORY LOAN ~Lend. Bny Victory Bonds-- Was Held in the City Hall on Le of Deputies yesterday, said that le could assure the House that "the fate of the peoples was tenceforth fixed." LIEUT-COL: A. KIRKPATRICK TOLD OF WHAT HE HAD SEEN IN GERMANY. Rev. W. T. Brown and W. F. (Nickle, M.P.,, Urged the People to Du Their Duty and | Buy Victory Bonds, ! . * The City Hall was on 'Tuesday evening the scene of an enthusiastic rally in aid of the Victory Loan. Every seat in tha auditorium was becupied and a large Humber were all damage to the civilian forced to be satisfied with standing populations of the Allits and room. This was the first large their property by laad, sea and meeting since the begluning of tue air. . campaign, and Kingstonians turned -- out in their hundreds to hear the BONUS NOT LIKELY speeches. 'While the crowd was as- Must Compensate Allied Peoples (Canadian "ress Despalch.) Washington, Nov. 6.---Under the iterms of the armi<iiza of- fered Germany, it is ofiicially anngunced that compensation must be made by Germany for s Canada is out to lassoo the Hun as he beale his way back to Germany. Cartoon drawn for the Dominion Vietory Lean Committee by James Frise, the clever Canadian "artist, A Ng tire extent of $20,000. This was due » ty, p b- 4 chiefly to the county, where the su for the western front. Baden, Ioorier rH md : Chancellor. seriptions were increased. The city > ' . . api. | Kaiser's Abdication 7 Amsterdam, Nov. 6.~--Prince rs to see him buried in his coffin, they | artillery, gas and machine guns, The shows a depline and must pull up. | The figures of Tuesday are: Amounts. cations, Appears Imminent - $46,900 es 37,800 (Canadian Press Lespateh) Zurich, Nov 6 Emperor William's abdication has be- "pe imminent,' according to information received from Ber. lin-by the Munich Post. The newspaper says that - serfous Pittsburg . .... 17,600 17 differences have arisen between otal amount subscribed by the the 'Munich dnd Berlin govern- "eounty to Nov. Gth, Inclusive: ments, and adds: "The Hohen- Sy n Alani Appi zoilerns and military party Kingore Tp. Win $29,600 he , would be making a mistake to ; play with fire, for the people Wolfe Island 14.400 Portland . ...... « 32,900, are by no means inclined to re- main passive." Kingston city "County . . By townships: Portland . . ...$§ 2,500 Kingston Tp. . 8,600 Oso 1,150 Howe Island 4,600 Wolfe Island . .. 700 Kennebec 1,250 © po We BS pe Pittsburg . . [.... 10,000 Storrington . '. ... 3.8560 u ar ie. aa RETREAT OF GERMANS Hinchinbrooke Bedfortl . ; ...... 4 GOES STEADILY ON|Farly to-day whether the Democrats or the Re- Fronch in Contact Wi wish Enemy publicans would ' Kennebee . .,.... Portsmouth Howe Island. .. \ $126,760 326 7 sme ! Actors to Assist. There promises to be the city on Friday when Thomas A. Wise and 8. H. Rob- | guards. bins, stars of the "General Post' | have passed beyond Voharies, five Fe Frossing On. (Canadian Press Despatch) Paris, Nov. 6.--The retreat of the Germans along the whole of the Opert House, and will assist the Vie- | junction of Vervins, tory Loan Committee in the sale of Victory Bonds. to the employees of several indus-| Barzy, west of Rethel. motive Company, and a meeting is| forward, reaching the outskirts of} being arranged for in the market | Lameth Lacassine. square on Saturday morning, when 'an immense crowd is expected, as Mr. 'Wise has the ability to entertain his audience and keep it in good humor. There will be fun, too, at the Grand |'night continued to press after the at all three performances. Germans beyond Mormal forest, Victory Loan literature is being|)ere they have reached the main sent oul to-day, and every household | ro. from Avesnes to Bavay. Pro- British Press On. (Canadian Press Despa plaining the Joan. ib JA cartoon has beea execu y i y : ip Russell, While, of Roger's jewellery} Prisoners were taken store, which will be hung in the win- dow of the shop late occupied by Wiki Ham Carroll, tailor. Americans' Meet Resistance, (Canadian Press Despatch) The Kaiser is not yet engulfed, but | 3edan Front, Nov. 6.--German re-|and one Independent. his waist line has been reached by|gistance against American pressure the subscription of $1,200,000. If] wegt of the Meuse stiffened consider- the citizens of Kingston really wish | aply to-day. The Germans are using Buy Victory Bonds---- Clark May be Among the Defeat: states, he raid, it was unthinkable i i (Spec iad to the Whig.) ever receive control the nextim,,jine generals, governments and Congress. Party managers on both |commandants, says: they 'would have] substantial working majorities, but sides "predicted & stir in | French front continues. The French | still unreported and the line up so |express Mr. Wise will speak | on both' sides 'of Rethel, capturing cratic - opponent, North oi the wag So close that it tries, Including the Canadian Loco-| Argonne the French also have moved |soidier v would settle it. I known figures in" pub- the censorship of newspapers and lic life will be retired, or at least other printed matter. have close shaves by Prominent among them is lof a military nature remains in Speaker Champ Clark of the House force. JA preventive censorship can ) in the future be placed on news Shen? Ditween a apers only with the assent of the |and lhe Argonne beea Dapper ; yesterday and the French advanced six mtles." Guise and several" towns were taken, as' well as sixty cannon and over four thousand pri- voting London, Nov. 6. "The Bi Britian ast of Representatives, a Democrat. Taooks Like Republican House. (Canadian Press Despateh.) -- Nov. 6.---The next in the city will receive circulars ex- | gross was made in other wections of| House of Rebressutativen wi be Re w@ll, and more] publican on the face of the latest re- a Sons. he Duthie Siont as a turns, The political completion 'of Church Authorities Declare Estate the Senate is still in doubt. th south 219 Republicans appar®at have been red and ry Senor mas F.. Hickey, of Rochester, and|seventy-five mife front from the With the American Army on the| crate, together with one Secialigt|Auxiliary Bishop Patrick J. Hayes, |geheldt to the Aisne. The Americans now on the east as' archbishop of New York, will be-|l yank of the Meuse. come heirs of the late cardinal 'and | in fu) retreat northward. executors of his estate under the | resistance has been broken to the ' point of demoralization. Democrats Claim Both Houses, {Canadian Press Despatch) , Nov. 6.~--The Demo- Maximilian of Baden, German quoted by the Vossische Zeitung of Berlin as saying: | \ "God be praised for. a real, peaceful revolution. The old re-! mocracy soon will be living at peace 'with our present opponents, in or- The Chancellor declared also that « {if in the future the Reichstag should With reforms in the federal that the [Federal Council should The supreme army command, in an order issued to all deputy com- "The fundamental dea of our political 1116 Ks to give the Terman their desires plaints. (Restrictions shail be made a a ste rion | lone {hat the scales might essily be |Gkiiout rogar to garties, according Of the beleaguered ity with The. governorships - of New York, Opera Company, will be at the Grand | miles south-west of#the important{, = 8. BO¥ rn to the following rules; peared the |tenance of public order. "The same restrictions apply to . A preventive yesterday's | censorship of all news and articles supreme military' commander." BISHOPS HEIRS OF CARDINAL. . To Be Small. In ihe New York, Nov. 6.---Bishop Tho- assistant to Cardinal John M. Farley terms of his will. AY pa TDW a der to ibe able to complete thé task | pw MAY BE DECIDED BY THE SOL- of remodelling Germany." ENEMY DIER VOTE. instructions 'which and (Belgium, Nov. New York, Nov. 5 (10 a.m.) ---|would bring jt into' conflict with de- | troops yesterday began the siege of it was not apparent {cisions by the Reichstag. the city of ed virtually on' three sides. assault on the city (was 'witnessea bLy Queen Elizabeth of Belgium hundreds of her non-combatant sub- people an extensive right to express | jects. ; teturns showed between fifty 10|their opinions in speech and writ- seventy-five congressional districts | ing, and they shall, unhiampered, soldiers, yesterday afternoon and: com- pushed up to the eastern outskirts Sony paratively light resistance [rom the "All meetings shall be permitted | enemy, who apparently has evacu- was surrounded with the same |gnless the: objects of sach meetings y ppa y The contest between [offend the penal code or are con The French have crossed the Alsne| governor 'Whiteman and his demo- [trary to the ia] voge of warfare, Alfred E.' Swith, the conclusion of peace, or the mala- | morning, but it is expected the 'Al- lied troops will enter the city at any time. \ " Im- --iPrepare Fe 'or Victory Loan-- Not Known Which Will Control fhe Next!™man reforms in' an interview, ie | Quécn Elizabeth of Belgium Witnessed the United States Congress. NEW YORK GOVERNORSHIP|::w.cc.ivsie"u"ss éemaase| THE RESISTANCE 1S LIGHT Attacks on Tuesday. RETREATS SOMBRE AND ARGONNE, Some AVellknown Figures in Public | pass a wote of want of confidence in | And French Advance Six Miles, Tak- Life Have Close Shaves--OChamp | itl. te would be obliged. to resign. ing 4,000 Prisoners--Giife and Several Other Towns Captured. With the Allied Asmies in France 6.--Allled Belgian, French aud American had ated the place. The siege of Ghent continued this Sega Enemy Retreat Before French. (Canadian Press Despateh) Paris, Nov. 6.-- The retreat of the the Sambre canal War Tidings. The Germans are retreating on a BETWEEN Ghent, already surround- The and The enemy are Their FOR ALL EMPLOYEES Cabinet Agrees on the Prin- ciples and Is Working Out Details. Ottawa, Nov. 6.---It is understood that the Government will not likely grant a bonus to all employees in the public service. Nor 'will it give 80 large a bonus as $350. At pre- sent the Civil Service Commission is engaged 'in the preparation of "a plan for the reclassification of both the dnside and outside branches of the public service. This will in- volve the consideration of the gene- ral question of salary schedules. The Government, it is understood, therefore mow proposes simply to grant 'bonuses in cases where they are urgently meeded by reason of the increase in the cost of living DOCTOR'S WIFE Diks vr i Fi At Napauer" Avter Two ni- ness of Pneumonia, {From Our Own Corres ondent.) Nzpanee, Nov ee (Dr. MeLaughlin died a" Tuesda morn- ing of pneumdnia at her home on Thowas street after but 'we weeks' illness. Deceoved leaves, hesides Ler husband, ome little daiighter a year and a hall old. Pceasced was bul twenty- tw years of age. and sithocgh only iu Napaneo since last wouter she had endeartd herself tn every one. The remains. will be Naken to Athens for interment. -On Saturday evening at Spencer- ville Mrs. (Dr.) Kenneth M. Shorey passed away alter a short illness of pneumonia at the home of her fath- er, Robert Montgomery Deceased was married in England about four montis ago and shortly alter came to Canada. She spent some time tith--Mr.-and Mrs. George Shorey, Switzerville, and endeared hérself to all. Mr. and Mrs.' George Shorey were with her when the end came, having been called by telegraph to "thet bedside on' Friday last garian nobleman. MARRIED TO ALIENS. Many American Women's Properties Are Seized. Washington, Nov. §.-----Millions of dollars' worth of property belonging semblin he band of the RIC.H A. entertained the -didience with live ly musical selections. On the plat- | form there was a representative gathering of the prominent citizens and military men. Mayor Hughes , occupied the «chair. In opening, the mayor said that this meeting had 'been called for the purpose of stimulating Interest om the Victory Loan. The objective set from Kingston city and Frontenac county must be reached. So far on- ly twenty-eight per. cent. of the amount required has been obtained. Kingston must nof fall doww. When the call for men came the 'city and county sent their full quota. Bvery citizen must put his shoulder to the wheel to raise the money. Three splendid speakers were to address the rally to make an appeal to, their patriotism and to wrge the buying of bonds. r ey CJ om--. i Fr Master BT vis amused the audience i of Harry Lauder's "Rdamid in the Gloaming," Rev. W. T. G. Brown was called upon tc address the audi- ence. He spoké -elogquently and vigorously, and said that all through - this war we have have been fighting becadse we _fé8 that paciticissi would be sinfud:| We have fought in the belief that God 'is with us. § Throughout four years 'we Lave given to God the best of aur blood and treasure. The old reply of Christ to the Jews, "Render unto Caesar the things that' are Caesars, and unto God the things that are God's," might well apply to Cin adians. We have given our men to God, and we must now give eur money to the state that has pro- tected us. This Is a righteous war, and our men have given of their best. It will' be to our everlasting disgrace if we refuse to give our money. In four years the valor of Can- ada's sons has placed. her on a high level. In four years we have seen many oppressed peoples libe- rated. + These things have come about because our men have suffer- ed, died and given their all. What of the people at home? ; The war is not yet won. Undoubtedly it will be won. During the past spring and summer Germany had it in her The testament, signed in 1915, be-| The great artillery works at {to women of American hirth who power to strike the fatal blow, but queathes the prelate's entire property Spandu, a fortified town in Prussia, | have married German and Austrian | she was restrained and falled. to the two bishops and to Bishop nine miles from Berlin, were com- [subjects has been taken over by the | Weakness in our last blow will James A. McFaul, of Trenton, N.J. »| pletely destroyed by an explosion. Alien Property Custodian. Many lengthen the war, It is in our hands now dead Ecélesiastical officials | President Wilson on Tuesday | prominent women are in the list, in-|to decide whether the blow will be her to-day sald the two surviving night despatched a note to Germany | cluding Countess Gladys Vanderbilt strong or weak. Many are holding executors would administer the es- stating that It they desire to know Szechenyl, whose property as taken | back their money because they ean tate unfil a new archbishop is elect- | the terms of the armistice prepared |over amounts to nearly four million get a little more than five and & ¥ will have tp come forward better | yijlage at Beaumont is a target of the | cratic national committee head- than they have been doing during the | Germans, All last night they deluged quarters eatly to-day claimed the past low Beaumont with poison gas. Senate would be Democratic by at The honor flag awarded to Ketine- é : least one and that the final returns bee township is on exhibition in the PRESTON'S SUGGESTION. also would show a small margin for store window of Steacy's Limited, the Democrats in the House of Re- Princess stroet. Thinks Germany Should Pay Canada |présentatives. a War Indemnity! 4 Returns received by the co overseas, when the military vote was polled last December, advocates the Ee for sup-|ada by Germany covering expenditure ove ronment de} already incurred and the full amount to make liberal provision Mr, Preston claims that by apply-| 01 Powers, sixty "| available Toronto, Nov, 6.--A pamphlet is-| mittee were said to show detinitaly sued by W. T. R. Preston, who was the election Wilf, h gentati tors, while iw' th rae ma a were assigned to the Democrats, 204 to the Republicans and the remaind- [accompanying the will to exceed payment of a war indemnity to Can-|eF 'in. doubt. Ids Ledd Over air RR Em for the soldiers apd. their depend- one of the closest elections In the | dinal, they said, gave \therally to nu- | hx ents, Intory. ot Now York State, Altred mergus philanthropies, and never ac- t emocra can e for | cumulated wealth. ing the standard which Germany as- Dh Held. the lead over Gove sessed upon Belgium to the Central gens, Whiteman of 32,118 votes at on dollars will be ingon to-day. There were still to bs nities. Beard from 436 upstate districts, or which the Republican leaders based thelr hopes of overcoming the de- House 215 seats | fer it to him. The estate, declared in the petition $15,000 in value, bringing it within the provisions of the state inheritance tax law applying both to real and per- sald by church oon ).--In | authorities to 'be small. The car- Whitman. -- i ols he the final vo them." ed, when it is expected that, follow- uy the supreme war couneil at Ver- 49 Democratic sena- | ing established usage, They will trans- | cailles, application should be made to Marshal Foch. Advices from Germany say Aus- tria will protest against the armies of the enemy attacking through Austria. "Why an armistice? that' Marshal Foch should be placed in supreme direction of the forces operating against Germany on Germania of Berlin says that Gen-| ore Germany I have got This remark is dscribec to Maarshal Foch, whose Allled armies Germa al dollars in securities, in addition to the income from a five million dollar trust fund created under the will of her father. Her husband is a Hun- ROME CELEBRATES. Jubilation Was Kept Up All Through |¥ Night. Rome, Nov. 6 Demonstrations by the Roman public in celebration of the victory over Austria-Hungary were continued all through Monday night. Yesterday morning the jubi- lation was still in progress, and when the rejoicing crowds met the work- $8 going to the factories, the two oy ts joined forces. All the Al- lied embassies were visited, and the achievements of the armies of the various nations coneerned in the no- table successes were loudly cheered. Fisher Succeeds Beaverbrook. London, Nov. 6.<8Sir Auckland Geddes has been appointed presi-| Local Government {it half per cent. interest on it. Talking plainly, these men are' le sinners. In time of war we must prepare for peace. Every dollar will be needed for recomstruction. That mugf be faced for the sake of ine men who are coming home. If give as we ought to give to the Niolory Loan we ensure the coun try's prosperity. Kingston must do its share quickly and well. The pext item on the programme ra the singing of & number = (ictory campaign the choir which has during the past few days given several street-corsier concerts in mid of the loan, They were much Sppreciaied. i crowd were -iwo and the Wiriking fe 'was the nae