Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1918, p. 12

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bs The Brunswick "THE ULTONA" / This wonderful invention plays any make of record perfectly. All you need to do is to hear it and you will see the differ- ence between it and what other dealers say will play all records. : Why Buy Old fashioned machines that only play one style of record properly, then -have . some attachment that plays others in a kind of a way, whem you can have the Bruns- wick at less morey than the ordinary ma- chines. "Just hear the Brunswick," which has the new tone Amplifier," automatic stop and every feature that is good and is worthy of the Brunswick quality. The reason Brunswick phonographs are so low priced, in keeping with the economy of the times, is that it is made by one of the largest and oldest wood working factories in the world. They have their mahogany forests and factories for every part of a phonograph. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO, 88 Princess Street ; "Sole Agency For This District." _ Phone 529 ae Kingston "The Home of the Brunswick." 5c Poet Cigar 5¢ S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. | tsi i, HEERRMROEROENENERNBRRENERERD WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR NEW RANGE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S ~ AND CHILDREN'S | SHOES FOR FALL § WINTER WEAR Men's Shoes priced at . .$4.00 to $10.00 Women's Shoes priced at 4.50 to 15.00 at . 3.00 to 6.00 at.. 3.00 to 5.00 n's Shoes priced at 1.00 to OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 4 comes tie 4 n THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1918. In the World of Sport 4 i splepdid Lot of Boscoall Equipment %/ Jas been Sent Overseas, where Clark; has estas) gton, sSentors, llowing announcement: Still another answer to the old} i query, "What's in a name?" has been | Clark Griffith in the re-| quests for baseball outfits from our'| soldier boys in camps» here and | abroad. | Ty Cobb and bal are synonymous terms with an overwhelming major-} ity of the American leads with whom | baseball ranks second only to "Lick- ing Fritz' as the favorite outdoor! sport, That the mighty Tyrus" name | is one to conjure with when a hit is; badly needed is shown by the great demand for Cobb bats. | During the past year Griff's ball and bat fund] has given to the sol-| diers more than 20,000 bats with the other paraphernalia that goes to! make each baseball' outfit complete. | Bach bat carries the autograph of! one of the stars of the big leagues | and those applying for outfits are permitted to specify which player's | name goes on the bats; The result is that an unusually interesting "popularity contest' has been con- ducted unwittingly with some sur- prising results, That Ty Cobb bats are far in the lead is not surprising. They top the Mst with 5,882, with those carrying the names of the mighty Walter Johnson seeond on the list with only 1,740. Them in order come those stamped with Bennie Kauff's name, 1,680; Sam Rice, 1,138; and Frank Bake 1,121, the only ones" above, the thousand mark. One noticeable feature about the requests is the fact that the redoubtable Tris Speak- ers name is imprinted on only 32 of the more than 20,000 pats that hiave been sent out, igund by Great Plays By Cobb. While journeying to Boston for the final game of the world series the conversation turned to great play- ers of the past, says Malcolm Mes Lean, of the Chicago Post. Manager Mitchell, of the Cubs, recalled an in- cident regarding Ty Cobb that is il- lustrative of the Georgians quick thinking. 5 "It probably was the best play Ty ever pulled," said Mitchell. "I hap- pened to be catching that day again Detroit. Cobb reached third base af- ter two were gone, and I was afraid he might try to spring something on me, He did make a sudden move, and I whipped .the ball down. "Ty stuck to the base, "LaPorte, who got my throw, sauntered towdnrd our. pitcher. The latter had his back to the plate, and was chatting with LaPorte. LaPorte, as players unthinkingly do at times, tossed the ball up in his glove, about a foot or so, He did it again. Cobb was standing carelessly on third in the meantime. "The moment LaPorte tossed the ball for tne third time Cobb broke for the plate at top speed, I never saw anything sprung more sudden- ly. "Instantly there was shouting and confusion. 'I yelied for the ball, and LaPorte, startled, failed to see Cobb, and didn't know where the play should be made. By the time the ball finally reaclied me Cobb had slid in and was brushing the dust off his uniform. 1 call it the best play I ever saw him make." stantaneous thinking Cogg worked in an exhibition game against the Cubs a year or sp ago. He had singled to centre and halted at first base, He watched Williams pick up the ball and saw him casually cock his arm to throw it back. dn a flash he realized Williams was about to toss it rather than throw it bard, and immediately darted for second. He gol there about the time the ball reached Pete Kilduff, and slid safely, Blinded Soldier Plays Billiards. Though he has lost nis sight in the war, ex-Sergt.-Major Shawl, formerly of the Princess Patricia's, is said to play a marvelously good game at billiards. The London Daily Chronicle tells how Shawl has developed a new sense by means of which he locates the positions of the balls on the table and retains a clear mental picture of the varying movements. In making. sure of the position of the balls Shawl, the Chronicle says, plays around them with his fingers and is enabled by a growing cold- ness of the air to 'sense' how the {vories are placed, It is said he rarely makes a mistake, and can run up breaks of 10 or 12. Would Keep Ball Parks Closed. Several eastern ball magnates are preparing for a fight to keep the ball parks closed until 1920. These men seem to think that con- ditions after the war will be so un- settled that a resumption of basi: ness will . not 'pay. They cannot make themselves believe that ali of their players will be returned from France .and Itay in time to begin the pennant races with the usual prestige. Furthermore, these eiub owners have an idea t the public will not regard with {aver the play- ors who jumped into the : and munition plants last rather than go into the army. -------- es. 1 I | RDOING GOOD WORK. l amous bat and ball fund, - . This recalled another bit of in-} Designs in Furniture CAPTAIN BRICKLEY OF HARVARD -- Sa os AA "He is now ia the U.S. army, but his educated toc has not lost its cunning wn American Rugby. ---------- ee AA A At ANNI ti 7 KING GIVES TROPHY, [ Pete Hérman, of New Orleans, who ------ claims the bantamweight champion- Boxers From Kvery Country to Come | ship: Harry Greb, and Johnny Ray, pete in London Tourney. of Pittshurg The boxing tournament to be The Great Lakes Naval Station at staged in London on December 11 | Chicago has organized a team of and 12 for thé King's trophy Tiro- | glove artists to represent it in the mises to produce some real Jistic bat tournament King George has pro- tles. United States is going to bo mised to attend the bouts. well represented. Among those from this side, of Garry Herrmann and Barney Dre- the ocean whe are slated to swap/| fuss are still boosting for the ap- punches with representatives of Eng-! pointment 'of Bob Brown, . a Louis- land, France and Italy are Willie | ville sporting writer, as president of Meehan, the 'Frisco heavyweight; | the National league. A A rm i A AAA PS FALL SUITS $22 to $38.00 * Fall OVERCOATS $18 to $30 Just received from England, Officers's Trench Coats, oiled, silk lining and removable wool lining. JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailor i 131 Princess Streeet Our New Fall are Arriving Daily We invite everybody whether they wish to purchase or not, as. it keeps prospective buyers postetl in the latest designs. R. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker; 230 PRINCESS STREET HL Motor and Horse Equipment PHONE 577 | OVERCOATS WE HAVE A COMPLETE RANGE OF FIT REFORM WINTER OVERCOATS PRICES ARE REASONABLE - INSPEC- TION INVITED CrawfordsWalsh Tailors: Perfect for the Pipe delicious, handy, economical, keeping its rich moisture and fragrance unimpaired for any length of time, and burning slowly but freely , these are the qualities which you will find in uno f001 > The Perfect Plug Smoking Tobacco Slice a pipeful, fresh from the plug, just when you want it, fill your pipe not too tight, light up and you will enjoy a smoke of real satisfaction. Try it.e Bd" ac IE The Rock City Tobacco Co., Limited, Quebec, Qua, THE TWO BEST BUYS On the Market To-day Are Victory Loan Bonds and Philadelphia Diamond Grid Batteies BUY A BATTERY AND A BOND George Boyd Phone 201 129 Brock Street. AA AAA tp at A NPA AN

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