I a a Ger Sirs ap 12 PAGES - Ee. YEAR 85. NO, 258 : 0 | ask for' answers to the fellowing| ARE WELL WORTH BUYING! seseiomamsusmmat, nfo | bonds: "1. Beeurity---Is it_sa ON 15- YEAR GOVERNMENT BOND | "2. Return--Does it $1,000 YIELDS $2,263, {factory rate of in i---- I "3. Convertibi ¥, B. McCurdy, MP, Applies A, B, clas get his money, of Common Sense in Analysis on | quire it, without dela) Victory Loan, "The .answer to al In answer to a request for his opin-j tons is emphatically jon as to the desirability of the pres-{bonds meet all these re ent Victory Loan for investment, F, 1. All Canada, through B. McCurdy, M.P., Parliamentary|ing JOWer, is the security Sh Secretary of the Department of Sol-| Womb and one-half oo Een + diers' Civil*Re-Establishment, writes such A Hepes . Shi yD ay as follows to H. F. Bethel, secret aro 3 a 8 Satan; only. H mes of the Victory Loan Committee, Tro-f sont ow hogs it ed eran ine ro, N.8. | "3. Even in war market "Anyone who regards his action ino gion Victory bonds have been s investing in Canada's Victory Loan atlunie ut cost. With the return five and a half per cent. hs a patriotic | peace there will undoubteddy duty duly pecformed can take what|io,qy market at a premiom meed of pleasure he may from such! «Tg yon Fecall the parable of contemplation. It is all to the good, | (alents? Its teaching is tha and, giiy way, he will never regret his | ne's capital should n t purchase, {in a napkin, bat w "I'he present generation of Cana-|Have you ever pondere dians have never had an opportunity |oromous importance of s of investing in Government bonds at {ment and whaf power it car all comparable with the present War| "There are many people Loaus. To find a parallel on this|Seotia who have during the wh continent one has to go back to thelaf their 1 3 been content to Ket Amarican Government civil 'war: |their money in the saving: bank Then, as now, large omissions of the!3 per cent What would they United States Government loans for |if, instead, they placed their war necessities flooded the market |in the Victory Loan at 5% and résulMed in that country's bonds | Victory bonds have a currency being 'sold at low prices After the | 15 years. Any school boy can rec | end of the war, of course, they went [0D that $1,000 would amount in fif- up. . teen ycars at 3 per cent interest | "The present Vietory Loan is being [added half yearly 10 $1,663.20. HM offared on more favorable terms to|invesied at 5 per cent. the amount | 000 invested at par in Victory bouds, | with it the conditions that will brin , would at their maturity | 2 G58 ir £} a 2 bonds » any reason for a wise and | towns sold at par. Does any one| umpne panks, like the other big | » turn? committees and encouraging their Ww 1 y 65 { Sit 1 $10.4] she purchasers than its predecessors | Would be 265.80. Simiarily, 310, in that now peace is 'in sight' and : op! pr nt at 5340 per cent, added fresh acenmulation of capital and mouit 1 . . higher market prices for Government 3 a RRL $1 I "Only a few years ago even four) dent Investor to hesitite or des > 0 5 sme ities a i » § ; 2 LL per cent. bonds of small citic nd lay? I think not doubt that, after peace come Sim= lo ciness 'organizations, are loyally | ilar bond market conditions will re | ec operating with the bend selling | "A prudent investor will naturally | customers: to buy bonds Rr rion a . a 3 " "Under pressure of he gallant | {armies of the Allies the w map is | WAR. PUZ LE changing very rapidly indeed, and | the present may well prove to be the last opportunity for investors to purchase Dominion Government bonds on very favorable terms. , "At any rate, I feel sure that those who buy Victory bonds new will never rye their bargains, bar- gains they certainly are." MEMORIAL AT MALLORYTOWN Fo be Held. for Those Who Hav( -- Died of Influenza. | Mallorytown, Nov 4,--Things seem to be once more assuming their old order and routine again after the terrible epidemic of in- {luenXa which has been raging here for the past foar weeks, and while many familiar faces will be missed | from this community we are thank- | ful that so many have heen restored | to health once more The quarterly sacramental service was conducted in the Methodist church yesterday The pibiie gchools in this vicinity will resume their duties again to-morrow. Frank « Mallory, William Chick and Charles Higgs have left for the northern hunting grounds. Mr. Johnson, G. TR, agent, is able to resume his duties again after a se- vere attack of the "flu." Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Cook and son, Jordan, : Morristown, are spe gi ¥ RELIEF OF rat aE ring 2 aw NONCOMBATANTS A memorial service forthe in- In Belgium 'and: France called for |fluenza victims is to be held in the warm clothing for: 9,200,000, three | Methodist church here. next Sunday years ago today, November 9, 1915. afternoon. 'Miss Laura Jordan is at Find another mother. her home here owing to" the closing YESTERDAY'S ANSWER. "Of the public school in Ottawa. Mrs. Upside down in front of lady. Lang returned here after spending nan -- nm, Jn few weeks with friends in Lyn. * * Offictal word was received hare Glorious Relief! orns recently of the death in action of Foot Pte. Morton Hodge, of Halicks. Pte ~|{Hodze was a member of the 156th Lumps Go| Leeds and Grenville Battalion and Wi. Es i wy ireceived part of his early military You lk Uke a kid again, you'll tralning in Mallorytown. be ticked fo death at the painless, ion quick Filldanes of all your corns once You paint on Putnam's Extractor. THE IRT SP TLE ERS A. a Do it to-dayi Dealers everywhere LATE BERT SPROULE, ODESSA ave been selling this safe, depend- 4 v " able and Sure remedy for nearly Burial Todk Flaceat Cataraqui on fifty years, = Only costs a quarter.| odessa, Nov. 4,----The many friends Does the' rick éyery time, of Bert Sproule were very sorry to Putnam's Gorn Extractor was the hear that he passed away last Thurs- st SOIL Teiiger on the market, has day night in the Hotel Dieu Hospital, t0+ ay he : ges sale, and simply | Kingston, after a few days' fllness of aise it's by long odds the best. tmeumonia. The funeral was held from his late home Saturday after- noon. The services were conducted hy) Fev. A. L. McTear of St. Alban's ¢hurch. The remains were taken tol Cataraqui and interred in the family plat.' The many beautiful floral of- ferings and the number of friends that gathered for the funeral told-of|, the love and esteem that existed. Besides his widow and little daugh- 'er, Jean, there are left to mourn his loss, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid- ney Sproule, one brother, Fred, in Toronto, and one sister, Fern, at home. : Mrs. Riley Lee, who has heen spending some time with relatives, returned to her home in Toronto last Wednesday accompanied by her sis- tyr, Mrs. Johm Mancur. Mr. and { Mrs. Charles Watts, who have been spending a few days with Mr, and [Mrs George Watts, returned to their home in Syracuse. N.Y. last Wed- [8Tow days Inst week rth. mi dunenc] 3 lays \ wit] 1 i: {térs. Mrs. Atbert Baker has return: od from spend he Daily 7 KINGSTON. ONTARIO. od ED a The Bad Man of Europe is groggy. The hell-hounds he loosed in Belgium are backing away, cringing, snarling, scared. We've got him going. But he lives--4,000,000 strong on the Western front alone--and in his perverted brain lives the am- bition to destroy and to enslave. Now, while his legions totter; while his only hope is to dodge, to retreat, to evade the knockout blow that he knows must fall, now is the time to strike and to put every- thing we have behind the blow. If you were planning to buy a $100 Victory Bend you can surely hit harder. Make it $200 or $500. Fitish 0 SE ee -- If you were thinking of a $500 Bond, can't you strike a $1,000 blow ? . The full weight of Canada's fighting strength must go into that crushing stroke--our great re- sources, our industries, our agri- culture, our fisheries, our surplus wealth, every dollar we can spare, every dollar we can rake and scrape. For this is the knockout--the blow that must strike. the demon down and send his broken war ' hordes hurtling back across fhe Rhine, Hit him again! | HIT HIM AGAIN! ictory Bonds Jesued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee Dominion of : corre with the Minister of Finance te -- SECOND SECTION ------