\ bd PAGE FIVE W of "Out of the High Rent District," OComar's Ladies' Exclusive 1 Special WAIST SALE 20 DOZEN COLD SILK WAISTS In four of the newest styles. °All the delicate shades; all sizes; fine quality. Worth regular $4.50, To Clear $2.98 Each- 30 DOZEN FINE VOILE WAISTS Various late styles in all the sizes; extra quality for $1.75. To Clear $1.19 Each fepan Bargains in Coats and Dresses. Get our prices. We save you money. sn . T.J.O'Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 Higher up street but always lower in price. Ee HAVE YOU AN EXTRA TYPE- WRITER? You can sell it, if it's a good machine, to somebody who can make godd use of it. A lot of people would like to own type- writers for personal correspondence--'home use," as it were. These machines have a cash value. Describe yours, and quote a price, in a classified ad. . CWA. HOSPITAL CLOSED THE PATIENTS ABOUT RECOVERED. ALL HAVE { City Hospitals Able to Cope With | tthe Situation and the Need for Emergency Hospitals is Passed. The emergency (hospital at the GC. W.V.A rpoms is now practically fel sed wp* All the patients, with {the exceptioh of one or two child- iren have recovered, and have been able to return to their homes, or to homes provided for them until par- ents have recovered. The city hos- pitals are now able to cope with the situation, and the need for emer- gency institutions has passed. This hospital has done splendid work in caring for cases that would other wise have been neglected, and has undoubtedly saved, gmany lives. It was opened on Friday afternoon the 18th October, at the request of the mayor and (W. F. Nickle, M.P., who had discovered @ large number of cases of children suffering from in- fluenza who were not being treated, and were in sad circumstances ow- ing to their parents also being sick. On the first day ten patients. were admitted," but cases multiplied so rapidly that an extension'was neces- sary, and soon the hall was filled to capacity. In all over pixty 'cases have receiv- ad treatment in the hospital, The large majority of these were small children, the remainder being moth- ers whose families were ajso patients there. Out of these cases only one died, a little child who was suffer- ing from pneumonia when it 'was ad- mitted. A" second death occurred, but this child was in a dying condi- tion 'when it twas Throught to the hospital, and only lived for two hours This ds a most creditable showing, -constdering the heavy mortality in the city during the epi- demic. The greatest praise is due the staff of volunteers who made | this hospitd&l possible The doctors in charge James Third and Dr. Dolan, were Dr. a fifth FEELS TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER Can Walk a Mile Now Where Before Taking Tanlac Couldn't Go 2. Blocks "Since Tanlac bas relieved me and much I feel twenty ud . B. Lap- s at West 2115 Ele-} Spokane, Wash., recent~ built me u years your sley, who n venth Ave, iy. "J had suffered stomae h troubles,"" she continued, "until I had become almost @ nervous wreck and unable to do my housework and look after my children. My stomach was so weak and upset that I could hardly retain a think I woald eat. . I lived for days at a'time on nothing but boiled milk and poached eggs, and half the time they failed to agree with me. I was kept on ea diet all the time, and my stomach was pump- ed out nearly every day, but this nor anything else did me any good. [| was advised that' a higher altitude might help me, so I took a trip to the mountain in Canada, but 1 came back home just as bad off az when I left. What I ate woull sour on my stomach and the would bloat me terribly. Sometimes my heart would palpitate 1'ka some one beating with a haminer, and then stop suddenly and keep still so long that I-thougiit 1 would never draw another breath. My back, over my kidneys, hurt me dreadinily and at times my left sido paiued me until I could hardly stand it. I was con- stantly taking some thing to relieve constipation and was almost frantic at times with headache, and wus so nervous that sleep was almost im- possible for me, from erate ssa bh IRA HI THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1918. . | rm Em formed by 0 HERREEMAERARNANE VICTORY BONDS AND CAMPBELL'S FURS Are Both Good Investments. "Now this is just the condition I, EB was in when I began taking Tanlac' and I commenced fo pick up with my first bottle. It was ohly a short IIE | LADIES' HIGH GRADE BLACK: KID LACED BOOT White trimming on edge of soles: high or medium heels. A very prétty shoe .. .. i Sov 099.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store CA - a eal ime until I was eating most anythin yéar medical student, who labored \y wy. Jos I can ailing all kinds ng heroically without thought of re-|l otanles, or anything else-I want, ward fa dave 1 be, Tivos of their sat without the least bit of trouble from EL a. on asi My headaches and pain is all matron, and had her hands full, for | 1: . Ly Sada ee " re n is : was no light task to attend to the' S0Ne ant aAve.A'reacy Eaine n many details of management of such | pounds in weight, I sleep like a child an institution, The nursing super-, ©VerY night and have so much more Have been furnished the money-saving Reid way. Buy Bonds and + More Bonds SARGENTS' DRUG STORE Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts. Phone 41. > " > Str. Britannic Order Your Montreal Freight By the ~~ = Independent Line and send your shipments for Gananoque, Brockville, Cornwall, Montreal, and intermediate ports to the Ferry Dock. Telephone 2195. EE | Clearing Sale of | Our stock of millinery tobe sold at: great- reduced prices. We are making room stock furniture. $7.50 Hata fon. i ly | to intorda : Ee TA a Ns strength and energy that I can walk intendent was Miss Daisy McNamee, a mile, where before I took Tanlac I couldn't walk two blocks without be- ing all tried out. Tanlaé has not only helped me, but my husband, who has een troubled with his stomach for a good many years, is now taking it with just as good results. Some of my neighbors are also taking it on my recommendation, so you can see what I think of it. I am thankful enough for what it has done for mo to tell everybody about it." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. In Plevha by Gilbert Ost- ler. In Battersga by C. 8. Clark," In Fernliegh by BEvrin Martin.' In Ar- doch by M. J. Scullion. In Sharbot Lake by W. Y. Cannonh.--Advt. A rn ° ning factory, and Saskatchewan wlieat flelds at harvest time. It showed the wheat from the farm to the elevator. After the first film, Francis King, a 1918 graduate of Kingston Genera, Hospital, who from the start bore the brunt of the nursing. She was ably assisted by Miss Grace Lyons, a 'nurse: in training at Kingston General, and also Miss Evelyn Nickle, Miss Minnes, Miss Marion Ogilvie, Miss Helen Nicol, Cataraqui; Miss Margaret Bruce Taylor, Miss Chrissie Goodwin and Mrs. Rose- bush, who acted [ag dietitian, all 8. 0. 8. workers {rom the arganization formbed by Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie Mayor Hughes, . W. F. ~Niexle, M.P., and H. |C. Nickle were all un- sparing in their labors, and devoled much time and money towards mah ing the hospital a success. Kenncth Carson and Captain Douglas Nickie were on hand daily with motors and were indispensable. 'The whole o-- ganization worked together like a wall-giled engine, aud the warmest thanks of the people of Kingston are; i ~---- Fur setts and single pieces made from the choicest pelts, modeled in the latest styles and backed by our long and en- viable reputation. Men's Gloves Both lined and unlined, our special at $2. See Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Store, Campbell Bros. Thousands of wivesnow find home a happier, brighter place in which to spend their lives. Thousands of husbands more keenly than be- fore anticipate the home-going, all due to Reid way of furnishing with Reid's High Quality and Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker-- Phone 147 For Service. ' I 1heir rices Ae Ahem jor Shai Services ai o vice-chairman of the Victory Loan Committee, gave a short address. He The thanks of all the workers are' . rent to those generous citizens who Stateq thai phingstoniane must, buy by their handsome gifts of food, aR y i 0 clothing, toys, books and other done well in sending men. It is a things made this great work poss tremendous thing to ask a man to go | ible. . over there to risk his life.. But it BiG VICTORY LOAN RALLY LD IN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY EVENING. their money to counterbalance this sacrifice, It is not patriotism, but good business. The present issue is under more favorable conditions | than that of 1917. The boys going over now are going to join in the! fi This Tells of a Method That Cures sweep of victory. So that there is Addresses By Revs. J. 8. Leflair and DO fear of the loan not being repaid. W. 7. G. Brown and Francis King of The SPeaker Sd that hy the sud { --Several Interesting Fil 'e : fave o e vera Rens tus "Were big tell-tale must conié over the Kai- A most successful Victory Loan Ser's head. By giving quickly oth- rally wis held on Sunday evening at 6S Will be encouraged to subscribe, | ea Shown. 8.30 o'clock in the First Baptist 8nd the objectime will be achieved Church A large crowd attended. This loan is a t partnership The feature of the meeting was the Scheme for Canadians, and all must showing of filmy supplied by the Do- take part by buying as much and as minfon Vietory Loan organization. Quickly as possible, The chair was occupied hy the Rey.! Following this address the second J. 8. Laflair, pastor of the church.' In film Was shown. It demonstrated opening he said that he did not con- all the war time abtivities of the mid- sider it anu act of desecration to use dle, eastern and mawitime provinces. | the church building for such a pur- The Manitoba wheal fields were! pose, but a proper use of God's house Shown; the Ontario munition facto- This is God's war, and money is ries and aeroplane shops, the Quebec needed to carry it on, so it was a per- hoot factories, creameries and cheese tectly legitimate use for the ehurch. factories, the shipyards and coal The first film shown demonstrated Mines of Nova Scotia and the fishing thé preparing and gelling of bonds/ feets of Prince Edward Island were Then, in order to convice a skeptical ineturn flashed on the screen. In Hl customer, the use to which the money €Very scans there was thriving in- will be pnt was shown in pictures of dustry, all ereated by the funds rais- Canadian industries.- The film show- ©d on Victory Bonds. This film end- ed British Columbia timber, being ed 'with Sir Thonias White's appeal, ili made into ships; Alberta cattle on 'Canada depends upon Victory Bonds oe 5 PRE . to enable her to carry on." the ranches and ready Tor thé can Rev. W..: T. Brown, Sydenham ' Old Folks' Coughs, ant fu elogueqy, IguaEs Told of the two kinds of .péoplox whe ought to | Quickly Cured The first is the man has mo . x !and has a chance to, invest it at higher rate of interest than five and Without Using Drugs. : ut Using ; the bigger interest and neglects to Elderly people take cold easily. buy bonds he is a traffor. Many of Unlike young felks, they recover | the boys who have given their lives ple past middle life die of pneumonia. had they not sacrificed all, so this Cough Syrups seldom do much class must make 8 small sacrifice to made up of those ARR [hr frgriidie don economy in Street Methodist Church, spoke next, t } hd Ca h, Bron tis buy bonds, but were hanging: back. a half per cént. If £hat man takes slowly. That is why so many peo- could have put them out of business who are afraid the are far too maga t, economy all can buy 'peace comes to-morrow is a small thing to ask people to lend | . pacalp itching and {Ta Remove Dandruff} > Get a small bottle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of this awful scurf will have disappéared, Two or three applications will de- stroy every bit of dandruff; stop alling hair. A i i i rally ended with the National! An- them. : Temperature For Buildings. In a bulletin just issued by the Ontarid Fuel Administration's Com- mittee on Public. Information, the temperature recommended for work- ing and living rooms is 64 degrees. This is the degree at which science agrees man is at 'his best. The tem- perature recommended for sleeping rooms is 50 degrees. : The funeral of Thomas E. Connell took place from James Reid's under taking parlors on Tuesday last. Rev. T. W. Savary conducted the service. The deceased was a bright Jittle fel- low and was loved by all who knew him. Every dolar makes them holler. Pte. Edward E. Moorehead, Toron- to, a first year medical student of Queen's, was recently wounded, but has returned to duty, HAD WEAK and FAINTING _ SPELLS. _ Those feelings of faintness, those weak, "all gone" sinking sensations, which come over some people from time to time, are warnings that must not go unheeded. They mean an extremely weakened! condition of the heart and a disor- dered nervous system. When the system is in this condi- tion there is no time for delay. One fainting spell may be recovered from ~--will the 8 may pass off, but the next may be more serious; : Ta > Satistied! Because we gave him that #egree of servic co-opera- tion essential to good eyesigh lasses, We can satisfx you if you will pay us a vigit. J. J. Stewart, Opt.D. Opp. Post Office, The Great English Femedy. Tones and invigorates tie who! nervous system, makes new Blooo Debt ens Sis in ir St A fia Ben er: 4 ix will Sins or malofl In mphlet mai led free. €O., TORONTO, ONT, (Formerly Windser.} '| Specially printed with your gwn copy, Salary Protection IN CASE OF Sickness or 'Accident (MEN & WOMEN) Costs $1.00 a Month COVERS ALL DISEASES, Pays firat week of sickaess without extra charge. Has all the old And many new and valuable Benefits. p up 5 Hue and we will enll and explain it fully, or when passing drop in at the office, MERCHANTS CASUALTY 00. RD. SUTHERLAND DISTRICT AGENT "Corner Brock ~ Paget Streets. : er THREE FULL LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street CHEAP W. H. Godwin & Son Insurance and Real Estate. 80 Brock 8t. + Phone 424 BUTTER ¥uureié pAPER Stock Printing. "Chofee Datry Barer 1,000, $2.85; 35,000, $13.00; 10,000, $23.00, 1,000, $3.50; 5,000, $15.00; 10,000, $25.00. ial # larger quantities. Shisping Sharges pork on 3 over. BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. - : A ran eee nan fips | You can't do better.