The Brunsivick [In the World of Sport | mI ET PAGE SIXTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1918. wo { BOXER GIVES LIFE. things settle away it will be found | RACING'S LARGE DONATIONS. | that the National Hockey League -------- | Frank Slavin, Former Heavyweight | will be in operation and that Mr. | China amd Australia Especially Con- | Pugilist, Loses Son. Quinn will join the N. H .L. if he can tribute Heavily to Funds. i | The ranks of sport have been de- | sever his interests with the C. H. A.{ "Vigilant" says in London Sports 'pleted by the death of Acting Corpo. | The story from Montreal that no op- | man: Australian racing clubs have ¥ TOBACCO y tion had been given to the C. H, A. |done much in the way of contribut-|' ral Frank Charles Slavin, son of Mr. {and Mrs. Frank P. Slavin, Vaneou-|on the Victoria rink shows the state- ing to various war funds, and in the Iver, B.C., who have received infor-| ment of the new .league promoters {United States big sums are being i mation that their son has been killed | In this respect to be untrue. given out of the coffers of numerous in the greatest of all fights after| Tt is felt here that the pro, inter-jracing associations. What have the eighteen months" service in the firing | sts are in a fair way to wrangle the ¢ English race c¢ 8 done? Indivi- line, only broken by one brief leave | 32me into suspension for the season. ldual owners, ookmakers and back- | spent in England. Like his father. | Players and rink accommodation are ers are- not referred fo the great | frank P., besides being an expert in| cqually scarce. majority of them hat¥ subscribed in the ring, he was an all-round athlete. liberal fashion to ome fund or an- | His promising career as 2 mining en: | "dea dhbbddd bib ds bbb bbidds other. Everyone kiiows that most gineer, in which he gave promise of 4 @ fof the English race [course compan- making his name, has also béen cut PLAY BALL, SPORTS! * jes have been more or less badly hit ir : 5 oat ro ay op Thtite,_siopped| 3 3lavin was ingla "Play Ball!" Bg a of their 'own, bu | oor. Slavin w 5 bora. In Englang This is the call to the sports *| large sums could have been realized { y of Canada to line up. #| by means of Red Cross meetings and " i Victoria when he was eight vears of THE ULTONA - Sia Whe the ear iy out he The fraternity is in the pitch- 30 od, and would have been had not |was in the northern country, coming ers'. box and Sir Thomas White 6 Government intervened. » + + * + + * - > . ! {down with the Yukon Company, and 3 is the catcher.. The, Kais I am impelled to these remarks + * * + * * % 8 4 & This wonderful invention plays any |transterring to. the Paint mes andy (} the hat. Can ho be struck + When 1 Taficct that the Tone mika ' " on alls Jockey Club in the course of the last 'hich, afte ach , y out? The golden balls the L i e 2 make of record perfectly. All you need to eels alter, reaching the old Saute l 00t) 0 Tadon Bale Med Norte ro bs oSourse of {helast do is to hear it and you will see the differ- {72nd They have a doughty batsman, %|Dunstan's Hostel for Blinded Sol- | A student of mining engineering, one who kmsws all the curves Biers aud 'Satlofe. $13.000 to Hong ence between it and what other dealers say [he had been in the Klondike for a] # end straights, all the upshoots Rong war charities fund, $4,076 to {time, and had been engaged in dredg- and the low dives, He has play- e British Red Cross fund, and $1,- wi 0 000 to the Blue Cross fund. Had it 11 play all records. " |ing work in the Yukon. He had also not Deas for vd Dat fire ag x : | been in the Coal Creek district, and ing the races at Hong Kong this J year, in which 600 lives (mostly And enjoy Chinese) were lost, with the result | a ovo: Subseription would | Val.) fo Flavor have been considerably increased. | Another eastern club, the Shanghat | Race Club, during 1916-17, donated | cés Ld ed the game with all the drt and daring; with all the cunning and the cupidity of the Arch Demon; PEPE PER EEE P EP SE Sep + * --- |all over the province had hosts of] * : : | friends among prospectors and min-| % he has tried to knock the Allies / {ing men, who will regret to learn ot| % into his demonial lair, but so far u {his- death while carrying arms{%* has missed every fair ball {against the ememy. The fielders on the Allies' side are all alert, full of fire, and speed and skill. Can they call his bluff? You 'bet! The golden balls the sports can throw will be swift, so true, so encirtling that his Kingohip's ferocious dnd hellish smashes fall impotent and helpless. The great world fans fill the bleach- RACE ON PAPER TRACK. five airplanes (four scouts and one | battle plane) to the Royal Flying | Corps at a cost of $41,250. All this came from racing, and it | is" regrettable indeed that owing tof] the curtailment of racing in. this a A the Sovernment Ragany FALL SUITS $22 to $38.00 ht oS on oy ied r on I Fall OVERCOATS $ 18 to $30 ment, f Eas oe Just received from England, Officers's Trench Coats, oiled, HF] HIT LLL | silk lining and removable wool lining. LOCAL BRANGH TIME TABLS JOHN TWEDDELL 2 Civil and Military Tailor 181 Princess Streeet Old fashioned machines that only play one style of record properly, then have some attachment that plays others in a kind + | * » i + { Preparations Being Made for Annual $ | + i Six-day Grind. +> This year's international six-day + bicycle race at Madison Square Gar- + den, New York, the week of Decem- of a way, when You can have the Bruns- | ber. 1-7, may be held over a paper 3 se and the grand stand, joy- : i : | track. A well-known manufacturer Fe , tantly. a siasti- wick at less money than the ordinary ma- {has made a proposition to lay a track 2 wasly, an A enthus as chines. - is gil such as has been in use in Paris for + bully's downfall, They . : several years. It is sald a paper, paid their admissions in Vie- " . " . track has more durability than a # tory Bonds. "Der Tag" has Just hear the Brunswick, which has Wooden course, and insures better | 4 come and with exeerations and " ape ve . . speed. = The cost, too, is much less. |. ¢coffings they await his doom. the new tone "Amplifier," automatic stop Indeed. a papier mache track would |g 4" Strikeout dt is for Wiel. revolutionize six-day racing. The | 4 * * +> * + + » 3 A Il this will come if the and eve ture that is good and is worthy inventors promise a demonstration | 4 oiien bail the Sports will Mies before November 10. Right now of the, Brunswick quality. : it is only a question of procuring the fio dhe capacious mit of Sir N PEEP EPL I EP EP EE PI IPE Thomas is made full, complete IN EFFECT SEPT. 20TH, 1918, material. A ten-lap track will re- and all-embracing of Victory # Bonds. | Trains will leave and arrive at City 3 Station, Foot of Johnson Street. The reason Brunswick phonographs are terial. It can be built in sections, in Ball, sport! 3 got of Johan Lve. City Arn City Ll am. 1 1 : : and can be put together in about five + 80 low priced, mn keeping with the économy hours. It takes about forty-eight LI No. 19 Malr ,, L1220am. : No. . 410am. 352am. of the times, is that it is made by one of the hours to lay a board track, which be- } No. didam . 11% p.m » . comes worthless after a race. i bee on largest and oldest wood working factories Oscar Egg, the Swiss six-day rider, Ottawa Hockey Stock Stays. No: 3 Interns Ltd. LED pi 3 : together with the French and Ital- An emphatic denial is given to 5 . . ! i the world. They have their mahogany lans who are coming to ride In the |thé story from Toronto that Martin Noiis 3tan 1fs.Clty Ar City Bring Back Memories of Home to the 1 six-day derby, have cabled that ev- |Rosénthal, retiring secretary-trea- y Ry a Sewiiwi ans "1, . THs orests an * actories for every part of a erything will be arranged for them [surer of the Ottawa Hockey Associa- Ne 15 Eapress . rahi go a3 am . . phonograph. ' to make the trip. tion, had disposed of his interests |No. 14 Intern'l Ltd 1.15 pm....5.16 p.m, | Kingston Boys by Sending a Box of quire about 9,000 square feet of ma- odd kin f moter, interested in | No. 28 Local , 648 pm, 7.24 p ® 3 Juronio promoter, intertsted. in | No, 23 Lost, .... 848 bun. aaily. . : . M ns the proposed Canadian Hockey As- Other 'trains dally excepi Sunda . . $ WRANGLING DETRIMENTAL. | goiarior Direct route to Toronth, Peterboro, Cigars Made in Kingston etr . J § May Bei Abont- the & y t Mr. Rofenthal has sold his stock Hamiiton, Buffalo, gLondon, aL ay Bring / ut the Suspension of | jn the Ottawa Hockey Association cago, Bay City, Sink, ontrea. a , | Ottawa, Quebec, Portlan 8t. John, : Professional Hockey. Limited, to BE. P. Dey, owner of thie | airax. Doster ang New" Yori Fou tf pas The pro. Nockey situation seems |ioeal Arena. His stock in the Ot-}Pullman accommodation, tickets and SPORTING GOODS co to have quieted down considerably of tawa Hockey Club, which controlled [#11 other Information, apply to J. P . a +... JR late, at least from a local standpoint. | the team last season, and which now Hanley. heent. ATi al night * 88 Princ Street ; When asked if there was anything {holds a, franchise in the Natiowal a hen fay 0nd night hc €88 ee new regarding the Canadian Hockey ! Hockey League, was purchased C TV Y] A R 5} : 3 Association, Percy Quinn said that Joigtly by two conmirerees. Notwith- &@ 3 . . . " things were quiet. Charley Querrie, standing reports to the contrary, Sole Agency For This District. of the Arena Hockey Club, however, [there is no chance of Ottawa desert- ANCHOR " gave out the information that when ing the National Hockey League. ANCHOR DONALDSON hone 29 Kin Mr. Verncombe and he purchased the They appear to favor a readjust- - . : Phon e 5 ? fa gston Toronto franchise in the N. H. L.,|ment in the N.H.L., but havo never Passeuser Sad Cargo: Sefvices May be had m boxes of 10, 25 or 50 at all 4 4 " : * " they also purchased the players, and seriously 'entertained the fdea of N AL R VE The Home of the Brunswick. . if there is a fight over the latter it going over to the Canadian Hockey NN i. HALIFAX, NEw . ; ' cigar and drug stores. Get them away now will be up to the National Hockey | Association. LONDON LIVERPOOL League to do the battling. re-------- GLASGOW BRISTOL : can , He is not, however, worrying over The iron will of the average man Money sent by Mail or Cable to Great . i : the situation, and believes that when lis nothing but pig iron. Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Italy, for Christmas. p-- France, Portugal, Bpain;, Switzerland : For further information apply te local agents, or 8 THE RQBERT REFORD CO, Limited, (Generals Agents, Canadian Service.) : J -- T R Y ¢ x J 50 King St, East, Toromto, mm ---- A Ae eA AAA AAA Prt to Ar Sc Poet Cigar 5¢ a Mount Royal Kook for Sik Thrmd on Ti of Bach Clee 3 Tunnel nmi S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston, Spe RD he Sst e OT JlieNew Fl fla : ~.Montreal-Ottawa When in need of a parga- " @ Tenure Short Line tive, do not resort to vio- ' THROUGH TRAINS BETWEEN MONTREAL, OTTAWA AND TORONTG lent cathartics, but takethe : AD POWN 17 Dally TD : gentle, natural Jaxative-- r 18 pm.) 12. ih by. Dining Car Service m.| Ar oy - ge vomron I [gal | Comiatlie Bay TORONTO. ia: . Wednesday aad Friday to | AT ' ~ Connections to and from : fie Const points, New Brunswick, Novas Scotia, New ~ THROUGH TICKETS AND RESERVATIONS ERE ~ SAGE Cn : General Passenger Dept., 226 St. James St., Montreal, Qus.; 68 King St, » Ont. : 14 ! . THE GREAT HORSE BILLY KELLY, | Which is owned by Commander J. K. L. Ross, of Montreal. BRINGING UP FATHER - "