BRITISH WHIG,; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1918. MRT ARI Famous Concert Singer who here expresses her admiration for the Gerhard = Hejntzman Phenograph. onderful Phonograph --Says Famous Singer "MAY I not express to you my admiration for the wonderful phonographs bearing your name which I saw at the National Music Show in New York. The cabinets Were the most elegant I have ever seen. It was with extreme satisfaction that I heard my own records on your beautiful instrument. So writes Madame Inez * Barbour about the Ger- hard Heintzman Phono- graph. And who could better judge of the quality of a Canadian-made phonograph than Madame Bar- Twice was she soloist with Dr. Vogt, in the world-famous And she toured Canada with the Thomas bour. Mendelssohn Choir. Orchestra. To-day Madame Barbour is with the American So- cietyof Singers in New York. > FOR fifty years this insti- tution has unceasingly studied music and its expres- From our factory have Bi gone forth musical instru- : ments that have set stand- $ sion. " ards for the world. Fifty years of constant Fifty years Fifty years that have seen the Gerhard Heintzman become Canada's endeavor. ever-higher achievement. Greatest Piano. And now the; trained designers, the tone experts, the skilled crafts- men---all those who have made the Gerhard Heintzman Piano envy of the musical world, have turned their experience and ability to the perfecting of the Phono- graph. built the final phonograph. The unstinted praise of Canadian music-lovers bears dut our belief. It needed only this endorsement froma world-famous singer to complete the evidence. You will find for yourself the satis- faction that Madame Barbour found in the Gerhard Heintzman Phonograph, You will find in'its musical expres- sion an ¢ cation of the highest standard. , You NEED a phonograph. You need it for the good of your soul. You need the supreme music that the Ger- hard Heintzman brings to you. ECOND in im- portance only to its tone beauty is the fact that "THERE is no phonograph in the world you should know more about than the Gerhard Heintzman. Not so much because it is differ- ent as because it is better. Not so much because it em- bodies phonograph ideals as be- cause it is built by piano-crafts- men, of Piano genius!--that is the nu S7i0Y them all. idea iw phonograph art. In the Gerhard Heintzman you can count on al richness, resonance and realism of tone that only piano-builders, working with piano sounding - board = spruce, could attain. the build. THE 'musical training of fifty years told us that in the Gerhard Heintzman we had the Gerhard Heintzman Phonograph plays all makes of records-- and plays theni in a new way. So clear-toned, so modern a phonograph a8 the Gerhard Heintzman should not be limited to one make of records. . are master records of many makes. And with the Gerhard Heintzman you can There The guarantee shown here goes with every Gerhard Heiatzmafi Phonograph. It is our pledge that this instrument is the best that a great music house can Go now to the Gerhard Heintzman dealer and see and hear the final phono- graph. We are content to rest our case on the performance of the instrument. T. F. HARRISON 229 Princess Street, . Kingston. : a A Al at Se oi NOTES OF 'SCIENCE [over Japanese are making an imitation silk from New Zealand hemp. A New Jersey Inventor has patent- ed a simple holder for hot eggs. An insulating material made from milk curds has been invented in Rus- sla. : Fo» stripping timber an inventor has patented a motor driven barking machine. An adjustable table enables a new tapping machine to tap holes in work at any angle. The German village of Remborn has a linden tree which is said to be more than 1,200 years old. Oil burning equipment has been invented for use with steam or hot water heating plants. A Paris dentist has developed a method for bleaching and sterilizing | teeth with ultraviolet rays. Long handled hooks have been in- vented for piling car axles in railroad shops with safety to employees. Russia is estimated to have fore than 4,000,000 acrew of land which | Took Bronchitis . AFTER THE MEASLES Measles is a disease that is very hard on children, and it genéPfiy leaves the system in such a debilitat- ed condition tacks of some other trouble. One of the most common of these is hron- chitls, which with a short, that ft is liable to at-! paintul, dry cough, a feeling of tight- | ness ) the chest and difficulty thing, accompanied ing sound from the lungs. re is a raising of phlegm from tubes which is very of- a streaked with blood. Bronchitis ihough : phot Joally dangerous, s! never be neglect . as some gerigus Tune trauble is of * [tained units, 'dustry. (With such a would produce cotton is irrigated. X-Idy apparatus has peen mvented for killing the ty parasites that eat BMA holes in lear tobacco, Fivemen's helniets carrying Stor- age battery fed electric lignts in front have been fuvented in England. For motorists or campers an Ohio man has patented a two gallon pail that folds tat like an open hat. The government opened a school of medicine and one Of agriculture in French West Africa. T'o make persons appear two.dnches taller, a Chicago man 'has ifiventeq metal forms to be placed in shoes, A novel rolling pin is made of glass and has a' wooden handle, % formed that it can be used with one hand. to be sewed to women's hats to hold them in place without the use of pins. A new pocket adding and subjract- ing machine is only three |suare and three-quarters of an inch { thick, A machine to sterilize. table ware {man. | A motor vehi¢le trailer has been | Specially designed to carry a reserve (stock of fel in a barrel-shaped tank. } A new typewriter of light weight Hs made of three separate solf-con- the base, setion and var- riage, The French Academy df Sciences { has created a new department fo cons sider the application of science to in - A folding rack that can be at. tached to an oil or gas stove has tvoen invented for drying small articles of clothing. 4 : The hours, salves and quarters are spoken by an English cjock that con- tains a phonograph with a very dur able record. A sale toy gun for children that been invented shoots a wire ring Spin that it returas to the shooter, : The eraverotting process for wa- most Herproofing textiles was invented as Syrup will! the resu¥c of an worka in Knglard. ; Guided by havd, & motor driven fmplement trac or has been built that Is small enovigh for use in gardens or on 8 farms. i. £ oHullans are experimenting with se- He ture ix Libya, which produces stikworms, ? A New York inventor has paten accident in a dye "in motor driven toothed wheel {at high mad to stildy thelr action. draws n rider upon a single beupasd over jeer LW yreveat unnecessary m 1 4 : iL gymnastic school hag in CX3R Aneous photographs - of pupils 14. that swing ont from i naw Rep ladder firm hd fol in ile, : : ey of France ry An Englishman has invented combs | inches | in hotels and restaurants by eleetrie~ | ity has been invented by a French- { y treed to provide food for the | AAA PAA rt it river to furnish power for a railway {and industries ia Dublin. | Opening the top of a new Iramé washing machine thot operates by the isuection process automatically re- | moves the clothes from the hot wa- i ter. | Water from -a. German | plant's condensers is piped moreé than la mile to a public bathhouse to save {the expensa of a heating plant. The inventor of an electrically op- erated tattoo machine says that it saves both time and pain for the re- cipients of that style of art. Frequently shut off from the rest of the world for months at a time, thé mivers of Sipitzbergen are fur- nished news twice daily by wireless. Among the nawer scientific toys is one which transmits pictures elec- I in, your stomach? Don't bother! dyspepsia go. electric At Once! 'Stops Stomach Distress! | "stir, sre mse Indigestion pain, food souring, acidity, gas, and + heartburn go instantly! Pliasant rehef! Wonder what you ate.{o upset - The montent Pape's Diapepsin reaches your unsettled stomach il the lumps of indigestion pain, sour- | : ness, gases, acidity, headache andy, Gg Costs so little at drug stores. veges Pae's Diapepsin SE tractor is s seat; even ass | i nr. © me ms it trieilly, using the same prinéiples as |there was an increase of nearly 1,-| are applied to félephotography. $100,000 sheep in New Zealand, not- in Madagascar the natives make a | with standing exports of almost 4, wax with many uses by heating the 000,000 carcasses. } leaves of the raffia palm to dust, hoil- | A new semi-circular deflector to be i ing it to a eream and cooling it. | placed pon automobile headiights to | A North Cardlina musical instru- | block their glare is claimed by its | ment dealer is the inventor of appa- | inventor to have 9.000 reliecting sur ratus with which one man can load a | faces X ' piano upon the back of an automo l Spain 'has established 2 naut bile. } | school at Seville for boys who hav The sugar production of the pro- education, | vince of Matanzas, Cuba, this year was the greatest on record, amount- ing to 4,861,409 bags of 325 pounds each. An oil obtained from stumps of red pine trees has been found to be valu- received an elementary engineering. Four small electric fans to sur- round a pedestal, any of which can | be operated independently or all of them together, are the idea of a] able for recovering silver from pul-| South Dakota inventor | verized ore by the flotation process. A screen has been patented to he | In the year ending with . April, [installed at a joint of the intake of | ' ~ | a gasoline engine thoroughly to ato-| mize the fue! and promote complete | "ice and provided with paper holders, | have been invented by a German. The number of trunk telephone | lines in the United Kingdom has treb- led in ten years. Australia procaced 750,560 fine ounces of gold in the first seven months of this year as compared with 853.074 fine ounges in the similar period last year, When connected with any house lighting fixture a new elettric ma-| 'chine .perforatee or trims wallpaper herders wherever its owner happens to have use for it. : . Experiments are under way in the Philippines with the cultivation of cinchona plants from India in the be- lief that quinine can be produced in the islands. 5 . A governor for gasoline tractors has been designed that can be adjust- od within a wide range of speeds from the driv \ Here is relief! : * DEPOSITED WITH THE GOVERNMENT OVER $100,000.00 The Raval Guardians INSURANCE MONTREAL. LIFE, SICKNESS. INDUSTRIAL AND ENDOWMENT with special courses in piloting and SPRINGTEX is the underwear with a million litte springs in its fabric which "give and take' . with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite dong wear and hard washin It is the year.arounqundermess, light, medium or heavy weight, as you like, "Remember to Buy It-- You'll Forget You Have It Oa" Ask Your UTICA KNITTING CO. Makers Szies Room: 350 Broadway, Mew York aR at. 8 of sc . Thy fn ER er rds [AGIMEERING QPEGIALTIES POMPARY. -- 1060 King Stvect West 0: Toronto, Ont. Nanntatr irs of IL EVERLASTING VALVE