Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1918, p. 1

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\ tish W - " Chan ig Gologne that we shall reach ground more favorable for mass movement I for our. superior artillery. JAPAGES he Dail : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 I91 Horsemen rete ieee EE -- Now 254 se Austria Ar The Ex-Hungarian * 1D . . i Premier Killed BRITISH RESUME ' A | (Canadign Press Despatoh) | ~n } Copenhagen, Nov. 1.--Count Tisza, the former Hwigarian | Premier, has been killed by a | ) soldier, according to a Budapest --ILend. Buy Victory Bonds | ~Lend. Buy Victory Bonds telegram to-day. The Count i Completely Isolated a3 Result of Surea- fell a victim - a revolver shot South of Valenciennes And Are Making | dor of Her Mies. while Le was out walking, Good Progress. SHE MOST SOON ACCEPT ENEMY FRONT COLLAPSES | THE TERMS OF THE ALLIES OR SIVE | ne BE ORUSHED, Turke STANDS ALONE y An Copenhagen Hears Kaiser Abdicates. ---- (Canadian Press Despatch) For the campaign of 1919, whe- ther in Belgium, in the Ardennes region or to the eastward, our In- #1, London, Nov. 1.--~Germans in fantry will come first, second and high positions at Copenhagen {third in order of importance --Lend. Buy Victory Bonds-- The Armistice Was Signed op Lh Net TOWNSHEND BORE REQUEST OF TURKEY TO BRITISH NAVAL COMMANDER. Tisza was one of four men re- sponsible for the war and the accusation has been made that he instigated the, assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. ' Count Tisza was pro-German and atm- ed constantly at supremacy of Hungary over Austria within the dual monarchy. He was born in 1861. Count Tisza was twice Premjer of Hungary. In January o 1918 he wounded Count Michael Karolyi, a life- long and hitter opponent in a duel at Budapest. An unsue- cessful attempt was made to as- sinate Count Tisza in Buda- pest on Oct. 17th Austria Applies For Armistice BEFORE ITALIAN OFFEN AT MONTE GRAPPA. The Italians Have Forced the Gorge [FLY PREVALENT IN of Inero and Are--~Advancing in| s CAMPS IN ENGLAND the Piave Valley. . (Canadian Press Despatch.) Investigation May Be Held Into Medical Administration at London, Nov. 1.--British troops | resumed the offensive south of Val- | Segregation Camp . London, Nov. 1.--Spanish infiu- enciennes this morning. Field Mar-| shal Haig, in his report to-day, says good progress is being made. enza has been very prevalent in British troops in minor enter-|Canadian training camps in Eng- Sais. . : pr _{land, but it is believed the authori- prises near Lequesnoy oh Thursday |, '}ave the situation well in hand. captured 8 number of prisoners Prairie troops have suffered most, as it takes them longer to become acolimatizdd here. There has also been considerable sickness and a number of deaths among drafts on transports, 'As a rule the work of the au- thorities in combating disease has heen satisfactory, but considerable criticism has been made of the ar- rangements at one segregalion camp, and it is possible an investi- gation into the work of the medical administration will be held. I'ro- mineat officers declare that in open-air treatment in this eamp no rubber blankets were provided, which are a necessity in this climate, especially at this period. It is stat- ed by officers familiar with thi camp that penalties of undue sero ity: have been given for minor of- fences. It is in regard to this camp alone that there is 'much criticism. While the ortality has mot been excessive the 'effects of disease will be felt by hundreds for some time, and many will have to be returned home as unfit for service. Terms of Armistice Announced in the British House of Commons by Sir George Cave, Home Secretary. Paris, Nov. 1.--Terms of the Turkish armistice, signed Wednes- day night, include the following, it was officially announced yesterday afternoon: } Free passage of the Dardanelles for the Allied fleets, as far as the Black Sea i ' Occupation of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles forts. Immediate release of war prisoners. Prussianism Strives Hard to Secure a Negotiated Peate--No Stopping the War Till Germany Surrend- | ers. | received word yesterday after- | caine math noon that the Kaiser had abdi- --Lend. Buy Victory Bonds-- | GERMANY MUST PAY cated. Nothing was said about FOR PRISONERS' WOES the Crown Prince, / Foot Soldiers of Greatest Importance in ® -- Battles That May Yet Come. |Release of All Britons May Be Amsterdam, Nov. 1.--There ---- Armistice Price--Unspeak~ has been panic and outbreak | able Outrages. among the population dn the GROUND FAVORS GERMANS | London, Nov. 1.---That the 'im- Rhine provinces over reports [mediate release of all British pri- that the authorities were prepar- | Soners will be insisted upon by the ed to allow enemy troops to oc- | ACCQRDING TO OPINION OF [Soyerument_ sa pact oh te Srul cupy Cobliinz and Cologne, LIBUT-00L. REPINGTON. = {3% '*ils jo confidently expected = TE. Secretary, announced in' tha House Analyses Terrain to be Fought Over {of Commons yesterday that the same and Declares Greatest Stralu conditions imposed upon Bulgaria Will be on French and Americans. 110 this matter would be insisted up- Lond Nov 1 Lieut.-C {on In any "truce with Germany or onden, Nov. ~--Aeut.-LoL. | ugtria, and General Allenby had Repington writes: I wish, if I can, been instructed to follow the same (Canadian: Press Despatch) 3 London, Nov. 1.--Complete isola- tion of Germany as the result of the desertion and surrender of her Al- lies is commented upon as the out- standing feature of the latest de velopments in the "colossal drama of vietory." The effect of this iso- lation upon her armies, coupled with the desperate internal condi- | tions in Germany, is regarded most everywhere as bringing end of the war very near, although in some guarters a warhing is raise ed that the German army and navy is still in existence and in the hands of desperate men are formid- able and dangerous. The general tenor of the comment, however, in- dicates the belef that Germany must sooner or later accept -virtu- ally any terms the Allies may im- pose. to convince our war cabinet that|policy in dealing with the Turks the maintenance of all our existing Bri are = Plenty or S¥idencn, Hat : n Si 8 ers e "eC v infantry divisions in France at their | = p ] : ¥ worse treatment throughout the war full strength, throughout the com-|than any others, 'except the Rus- ing year is their primary duty fo- | dang. Such § Tr. ward the army. 1 have particular | Such a demand will be a very im 3 portant factor, and it is not likely criticism to make .of the present | that the other Allies will show jess proportion of the various arms of | regard for their nationals who are the service, in relation to approach" | suff fering in German eamps. Events ing eration on the Belgian plain. | Since the German peace overtures oe op : B : : x Ar P were launched have not tended to We require strong artillery, plenty |; 0 any spirit of conciliation, for- of bridging plants, troops fot the giveness . or leniency toward the proper provision of tanks and a s.- (enemy in British breasts : perior air force. The sinking of thé Leinster fol- 'But even in this theatre the In- lowed close on the German note The evacuation of Belgium , and Tantiy still remains tHe arm of de- French towns, for years under Ger- cision. "If we have to fight our way [man rule, has opened what has through Belgium, in an enmclouded |Neretofore been largely a sealed -country, through numerous villages, mining cities and other. Joecalities, book of rumors, and authentic constant strain will be upon our in- stories from truthful people of German barbaritiey toward the in- fantry which, as ever, must suffer the heaviest Josses habitants have been flooding out -- EVENGE FOR ASKS REVE THE LEINSTER'S LOSS Would Have U-Boat's Com- mander and Crew Brought to Trial. London, Nov. 1.--In the House of Commons Alfred Byrne (Natiohalist) asked whether steps would he 'taken to secure com- pensation for... the... «dependents of 'all victin of wilmirine War. tare and also the Government proposed to demand from Germany tlie names of the commanders and the crew of the submarine re- sponsible for the murder of 600 passengers of the Leinster. Further, would the Government see that these men were brought to trial. Bonar Law replied that as. re- ards' the first part of the question he had nothjng to add "to previous answers. A register was being kept of all claims {n respect to loss- es due to enemy action Austrian Front Collapses. (Canadian Press Despatch) Rome, Nov. 1 In their gffensive against the Austrians on the Monte Grappa front in porthern Italy, the Italians have pressed the enemy so strongly that the front has collaps- ed. The Italians have forced the gorge of Quero, have passed 'beyond the spur east of Monte Resen and are advancing in the Piave valley. London, Nov, 1.---The Aus- all Aled trian commander on the Italian front appled yesterday to Gen. Diaz, the Italian commander-in- chief, for an armistice An Austrian. aeputation has been permitted the fighting to with Gen, Diaz as to the terms of the armistice. Serious demonstrations are going on in Vienna and Buda- pest, al- tae Townshend Bore Turkey's Reques'. Paris, Nov. 1.--Geperal Towns- hend, commander of the Britisn Mesopotamian force which surren- dered at Kut-El-Amara, was the messenger who bore the Turkish re- quest for an armistice to the Alli€s, it is officially announced. A few days ago General' Towns- head was freed to go to inform the f° 1ish adnisral commanding in the Aegean Sea, that the Turkisy Gov- ernment asked that negotiations be opened with a view to conclusion of an armistice. between Turkey ani ihe Alles, § Rear-Admiral Caulthorpe réplied that if the Turkish Governsient sent regularly accredited plenipotentiar- les, he had the 'necessary powers to inform them of the conditions un- der which the Allies would consent to cease hostilities, and that he had e to cross line confer Great Leaps Forward. (Canadian Press Despatch) Washington, Nov. - 1==0fficial Romie despatches to-day, describing the victorious sweep of the Italian and Allied 'armies that is demolish- ing the Austrian front, say the lines are moving forward in such great leaps that it no longer is possible to identify the towns retaken or to count the prisoners and guns cap- tured or the Ttalians liberated. Confine Terms To Military Needs (Canadian Press Despatch) aris, ov. . 1.--Armistice terms to be submitted to Ger- many will be confined strictly to military requirements, = condi tiowed generally 'upon President Wilson's. principles, with some | definiteness, ' Faces World's Wrath. (Canadian Press Despatch) New York, Nov, 1---Under the cap- tion, "Germany Stands Al:ne," the New York mes thig morning edi- torially says: "Germany now stands alone. Abandoned one after an- other by all her acdomplices in the crime of 1914, she confronts Lhe wrath of the civilized world infinite- ly the greatest malefactor of all, the Instigatal of the war in which her allies only did her bidding. She has shown no pity herself; she deserves none. Sha is a criminal pation, whose offenses transcend all human experience, and the concern the world Teels a¥ to the degree of her punishment is that it shall comple- tely and forever put it out of her er to bring about another em- roilment of the nations. The Herald Says: "The capture by the: British forees of the Turkish army which has been operating on the Tigris, undoubtedly bears re- lationship to the cause of surrender made effective yesterday. Fighting against fate, Prussianism is striving as hard as it knows how to drag the victorious Allies to a negotiated peace. Until Germany : surrenders unconditionally, there can be no stoppi off, no letup in the war. On with it; we have just begum to fight." : ' Enemy in Strong Tosition. .. The character of the ground will change after we cross the Meuse. The French and Americans are al- ready sensible of this change, and they. will become still more impraas- ed with it as they advance. The front of Ardennes facing south is paturs ally strong, and favorable for defen- sive warfare. The French have before them now from our right to the Americanileft, even 'on the left bank of the Meuse, a chain of wooded heights, and on the south the upper streams of the Oise and the Serre. Along these heights we find in succession from right to left, the forests of Masearin, Signy, St. Mihlel, Nouvion and Tre lon, all of them good for defense, and essentially Infantry ground. Similar wooded heights confront the Americans. It is the ante-room of the Ardeune region, Assuming that our armies and®the Belgians remain on the left of the Allied line, in the general advance from the 'Meuse eastward, we shall have as our front the Belgian Ar- dennes first and a country of not very dissimilar character, until we. reach the Rhine, Luxemburg, with Eiffel and Hunsruck on 'the morth and south of the lower Moselle, will be in our path, FAMINE FOR TWO YRAEKS. No Flour or Sugar in White Sea Coast Towns. Washington, Nov. 1.--Red Cross workers who recently returned to Archangel 'from a trip to isolated towns aloug the coast ol the White Sea report that the inhabitans were on the verge of starvation, and that some of the villagés had been with- out flour and sugar for two years. A cablegram received to-day at Red | Cross headquarters said Red Cross workers distributed 100™%ons of provisions, medicines and other suppljes. ihe Sower to sign in behalf of AX ¢ The 1 Arie rived at Huleoare he this week. The armistice was | ed Wednesday night by Rear-Ad miral Caththorpe on behalf of the Allies, and it became effective yes- terday noon. It is impossible to publish the complete terms, but they include: Free passage of the Allied fleets through the Dardanelles to the Black Sea. ccupation of the Bosphorous and the Dardanelles forts, as necessary to guarantee the secusity of this passage. i The immediate release and return of all Allied prisoners of war. . commas APTI OTL SAA) ave: Terms, London, Nov. 1.--8ir George Cave, Home Secretary, in the House of Commons announted the terms of the Turkish armistice, which are now in operation. - They include free passage of the Allied Meets in the Dardanelles and immediate re- patriation of about 7,000 British war prisoners, v Cave said that Gen: Townshend, commander of the British army that surrendered at Kats! amass. was released some days ar the pur- pose of contueiing the. he 8 for Turkey. This statemen was greeted with cheers. nig Great Britain, whose troops have taken a major part in the overthrow of the Ottoman forces; naturally is most interested, but it is exp the proposals would be submitted to those Allied nations who aye, st war with Turkey before a reply 'is sent. It is expected, however, that the terms will be 'much on the lines of those given Bulgaria, which amount- ed to unconditional surrender, leav- ing territorial questions to the peace conference. " HUNGARIAN REVOLUTION - PROVES SUCCESSFUL The National Council Takes Over the Government, Ac~ cording to Count Karolyi. (Canadian Press Despatch.) % Copenhagen, Nov, J.-A. .800ce88~ ful revolution 'has taken place in Budapest, and the Hungarian pa- tlonal council has taken over the government, according to a message sent by Count Michael Karolyi to the Berlin Tageblatt. The message from Count Karolyi, who is head of the Hungarian in- dependent party,' reads: "'Revalu- tion in Budapest and national coun- ell took over government. Military and. police acknowledge national council completely. Inhabitants re- Jolcing. * (Signed) Karolyi, Presi- dent National Couneil." JOHN F. WASHBURN DEAD. U.S. LIBERTY LOAN. Discovered Modern Method of Photo- Likely to Reach $6,500,000,000-- Five Hundred Million Over. Washington, Nov. 1.--Indications are that the total of the' fourth Liberty Loan would reach $6,500,- 000,000. ' Basing their calculations on re- ports from banks throughout the country, together with official fig- ures from most states, officials said an over-subscription «to the great loan of $500,000,000, probably had been made. Every federal reserve district has its quota "In sight" on official figures, -while hundreds of thousands of dollars continue to pour in, To exceed an over-subscription of $500,000,000 there must be an aver- age over-subscriptign in the twelve reserve districts of $45,000,000. Few of the districts will not have a iarger figure than that, it was as- serted. Chicago, it was believed, would have §$100,000,000 over her quota, and New York is expected to show $90,000,000 over. Worcester, Mass, Nov. 1.--John Fiske Washburn, sixty-seven old, discoverer of the modern me- thod of . photogravure process and for many years maker .of.all the photo engravings for some of the principal magazines in the country, died on Wednesday. He was a na. tive of Worcester and retired from active business twenty-five years ago, when his health became impair- Years War Tidings. Fifty thousand Austrians have - been captured and 300 guns. Terri- ble tosses have been Mflicted on the fleeing troops, a Rome despatch says. : Eaperor William has left Berlin for German grand headquarters, a soessage from the German capital states. 1 Violent artillery battles were In progress during Thursday night on the French front along the Oise neip Guise and in the Aisne regiom near St. Fergeux, north-west of Chateau Poreien, v British troops on the Italian front have occupied the town of Sa- aile, on the venza river, fifteen miles west of Plave. The enemy is falling back rapidly in the Grappa sgetor. ~~ The Canadian corps is charmed 'with its young staff officer, the Prince of les. is simple manners, keen. interest and gay youth win him friends wherever he All Infantry Ground. Al of these districts and beyond the Rhine are pre-eminently ifan- try ground. The main fighting must be'done by the infantry and machine guns and trench mortars. It is not good country for tanks or masses of guns. Nothing but good infan- try, well supported by ample re- serves, will see us through it. d am not in the least suggesting that the enemy can 'pretend to hold us up in this tangled ground. Our home, dominion, French and Am- erican troops are all, to my mind, superior. to the enemy in woods fighting, and I believe w& shall chase him from his lair in due time. But it is special ground and high- ly defensible, and in much of it the enemy will be at home. It will be only when our armies go north of the line of Aix-la-Chapelle and Ann, Above i8 a fac simile of the medals to be presented to the school winners in the victory loan essay competition which will be held in the secondary schools of the province during the cam- pRIgn. Jor the first prize the medals Will be silver, for the second bronze, Yields To New Power. JCanadian Press Despatch) London Nov, 1.--After the pro- clamation of a republic in Budapest, Archduke Joseph, representative of the Emperor, left the city, according to an Exchangé Telegraph despatch from Zurich. Emperor Charles, the despatch adds, before leaving Vienna, personally gave orders that all eon- flict with the population be avoided. He instructed the authorities to yleld without resistance to the new power. O n is Orderly. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Copenhagen, Nov. 1.--Organiza- tion of the new Czecho-Slovak state is proceeding in an orderly manner, according to reports from Prague received here by way of Berlin. The National Council has appointed new railway, telegraph and postal' offi- clals. TRere have been mo especial ets of violence. " 25,000 Shot at Don. Loadon, Nov. 1.--During the rule of General Krasnoff, the Cossack leader and former member of the staff of Alexander Kerensky, in the Doa region, 25,000 persons have been shot, according to s Russian witless despateh received here to- night. KAISER'S ABDICATION SAID TO BE COMING The Papers Have Likely Been Presented to Him by This Time. Sb -- {Canadian Press Despatch) London, Nov. 1.--No official con- firmation of the abdication of the German Emperor, although German newspapers say that abdication pap- ers have probably been presented to him by the Maximilian German Gov- | ernment, 4 ---------- The German staté of Austria has been created by act of the German bational. council of Adistria. The new state cladibs all ory of old Aus- tria where the majority are Ger- mans. A. PAUL KEITH DEAD. Theatrical Interests Included the Im- in Montreal. New York, (Nov. 1--A. Paul Keith, 'who has been head of the Keith -- rem 1 rc ret, cst GREECE IS DEMANDING * THRACE VILLAYET Sonn gen Sonor | Conditions of ' 'Washington, Nov, 1--Greece is demanding that the Bulgarians be ejected from. condi the same time, telegrams received hastible Buigarian outrages in 'east- "The Greek press Is emphatic upoh the of the Bulgarians. Ev- op pin the newspapers of that | legation in this city. be "ext Thrace, as one of the sion nditions of any peace treaty. Atl the Greek legation lere tell of the given out by the Greek {1 bresu says that Thrace has| is 'desired, the rpated; Document Likely Ready. (Canadian Press Despatch) \Copenhagen, Noy. 1..--Rumors of Emperor William's abdication are t pre; e. The Berlin Vosslsche Zeitung says in Thursday's issue. It adds, however, that the abdication question was discussed at the latest meetings of the war ; former r Diibiues has left on an important mis Chancellor Maximilian. It 4 Dibrueck will t with = an abdication STEP UP KIN Kingston's 'Wietory Loan campaign, For the She actualy raised $2,250,000 and the colum figure. See how easily ft $2,000,000 and a quarter 8 at $25,000 . »10.at 10,000 ittee want can be don 'proud -position in war work must be upheld in the ' Kingston has never fallen down and won't this time. The canvassers are out to bury the Kaiser up to a million dollars by to-morrow night. ' Let everybody help. last Victory Loan Kingston was asked to raise $800,000, $2,200000 and this time she is asked to raise is alréady provided for, GSTON ! to do even better than this e, seeing that $860,000 of the BR «++ $200,000 100,000 125,000 60,000 169,000 200,000 155,000 theatrical interests since the death of his father, B. F. Keith, died of pneumonia: on Wednesday. Mr, Keith, whose home was in Boston, was stricken with influenza here last Friday and died at the home of E. M. Robinson, a business asso- ciate. York in 1875 and was unmarried, OFFICER EXTRADITED. Lieut.«Col. Collins Must Face Trial in Bombay on Theft Charge. New Orleans, La, Nov. 1.--C. G. Collins, a former colonel in the British, army, wanted Bombay, India, the alleged theft of a peas necklace worth approximately $125,- 000, was ordered turned over to the British authorities. Colling was ar- rested here months ago. It is said he will be taken to Bo bay for triel. 'Mr. Keith was born in New od -------------------- AN OFFICIAL WARNING. Fgh : Ottawa, Nov. 1.--"Sunday selling of gasoline is contrary to. law," is an official warhing issued to-day. 'The fuel controller has been Inform- that, since the al of the ban on Sunday moto; ers have assumed sell ne on that mistdken impression. The regu tates that the retall sale of line on Sunday is prohibited. : regulation is still in foree, the only exception that has been made being in cases where doctors have unex- pectedly run short of g: sup- influenza plies on Sunday dur ; epidemic. The Fuel Controller an- would who pounced that no taken by him supply gasoline in emergency eases, but no other of gasoline on Sundays are More For Civil Servants. Winnipeg, Nov. J --Retractive Tto May 1st this year, Pravissiar Gov. ernment employees

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