» THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1918. bi J meat alt gh rationed, is not real- OT EE BT j ND HIGH ly scarce, 1 of butter and mar- garine' there is a fair supply. Coal | : ( and the population iND THE FOOD CONDITIONS [are stri loned in fuel and gas EETTER THAN LAST YEAR '} ; thei population t i Bi i i a 4 \ JEL feild Bl : Purina Baby Chick: Feed j : i 3 i il # 25 sans fiend 5 , and the people are re- - Purina Chicken Chowder ' 7 8 | § g i ry.on ugtil the enemy Purina Scratch Feed ii Pa lg J Bl | Staff-Sergt. Sherborne Wilder for peace on their own terri- Mdre Epas and Cturdy Chicks { a5 g weaks of the Khaki University of {tory No one over there expecis an | a : "For Sale By | ; oe 4 1 3 1 da Now in Full Swing Over. | early peace and preparations War were to | a ~ Lh I er year east people jn England have no Se r, in an ing D. Couper. + ee * for peace at the present stage |v ie spoke w ! 3 is BL Ii NIGHT RT a the war, and they are more |g! enthusiasm 'of the Khaki Uni- | . : Ra . | n a A amy witha . rsity of Canada, his in { : oi : ; anxio ol tinue with all full swing in the Canadian. camps | vF is r command than at au He claims that it is tie You know jt! Jt begins with 8 timer This is a statement |f thing yet done for the sol- a tickling, irritating sensatio . Rtn Fa rg ho ene | die n this university of mauy in your oat. You cough to Lh Staff-Sergt. Sherborn education of the ne i | clear the throat. In & moment Br, 2. n arried of if they- were still in | == ' - LAWN MOWERS --there it is again! arrived i 2 from overseas on loanada. The headquarters. of the | = . | A minute's peace, then again {Tuesday evening. He sailed from |university are in London, and the Novem er ARE COS1 LY. | you cough, and so on until you Southampton on Monday, October | president is Prof. H, M. Tory, for- Get your old one snarpened, re | Bcough your throat sore, and by 21st on the Aquitania, and after a }™merly the University ot Alberta aired or refitted at moderate | the time the cough is suffid- # tue aR . Capt. Frisby, formerly of a Toronto -- ON SALE TO- DAY cost. Parts supplied for all ently allayed to permit you to pieatant vo » with no trouble [huginess college, is business man "Look for the trade mark dog on it™ amt price' ua befoe the was standard machines. sleep, you are thoroughly worn frefi submarines, arrived at New |ager, and Lieut, Sleep is secretary out, This kind of experience {york e ly a week later. There is a large "Sehool for the! a : - i 1 wps in Lond y ARC 1 3 | John M. Patrick Jimi wvios to od | Siussonst "Wilier was ane ot | troows is Loudon aad cologes in| i 0 cons for inch, double.ided . 2 {Canada's origir irsts and helong dong Bay if Liens . er i EF. i Geon 149 Sydenham Street. Peps make this sort of thing eff 'to the 2nd ttalion. He LAH Cans nadia dig 3 are e lig le for Everything is Peaches Down i Bh Georait. in * i eo tail + é ¢ 2 iraftees as well as men 849; Phone 20563. quite unnecessary. | wa inded is X second battle of he & Tesdl ing Ho " 3 i ; Carolina, I'm Coming Back to You 18497 Pui a Paps pusiitle, on So Fgh pi in Ye rod England. ey ] held" in the 'spare . E hin, soPaaidis Doi ees is Lo tongue and ailow It to slowiy CaP tho was. transfor a to the 2nd ime of t f special hours wrhing is Pus id lead you inCois li io I'm dissolve. Healing fumes are {Lond al Hospital a td g > day for lectures. 2 Coming Back to You" "on the reverse side--is quite then liberated, which mingle LOongor ners lospital.. As a re- cts taught are as varied s contrast to the above; more tender in sentiment. N = 5 , sult of his ) Is he lost his left]. : . ag toaacita 5 with the breath and are carried ' : ho waa itach-1as oa und in any university Oui, Oui, Marie . Arthur Fields | 1505 ; 3 | oi st parts he. alr hd re 18 Currie n additi he re ; Go To Robinson and tie semotast parts of the ats od in. the tian Pay iOffies in ah gris 3 1 ' addition to. the We Don't Want the Bacon Peerless Quartet | il 9 C passages 4 ody } Yo and so rose to the rank |&ular university 0 € of arts, : "1¥e Dont Went the Bacon (Wha Want is a Pieces Wi tshire's aarage the irritition and soothing the A jan ne Ha Wes on dui) je dici and scienee there of the Rhine) na typical oyehbor fhoandy Jol of i € 11 2 i uty Yb tes oe hak i it's ws a poc ul meney te hear inflamed membranes, thus end til the time of his departu efs mechanical training, hu Ree ur Fields rip out "zis" and "zat in the refrain H 1 Frontenac street, wio Fer Repatr Work: of All Kinda. ing the cough and making sleep and also cour "Oui, Oui, Marie' on the reverse side. Vuleanizing «-- Cars Washed possible, We sell gasvilne, oils, tires and necennories. { Peps are also best for bronchitis, a Open Day and Night laryRgitis, asthma, sore throat and mented DY practical work . on "Hindustan" has the oriental touch: w | | les in agriculture The agr- | | | B colds. Try Peps at our expense, the land, the King having given the melody and inkisent | rhythm, On the reverse side 1 i 1 | | } cultural course is supple Hinddstan--Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orch. NE ver hing--Fox Trot ~Smith's Orch. } 18507 E TY ad he : f March of this year there wa : | Send this advertisement 3 lc ¥ university the use of parts of the is Everything." full of energy and "pep. 2393 Bagot Street BE 1 setv . ¥ nid Fe alm st in royal! model farms at Windsor. The § FREE TRIAL PAC KAGE. Al Yuk: er Thed 16] they {students of the university have a Fhone 243. | dealers, 60c, box, a y Wor} has ter Y splendid athletic society, and are al = ! avel fresh. combing oft. of lowed the free use of the Richmond Oh! How 1 Wish | Could Sleep Until My Daddy Comes Home Henry Burr } 18506 There's Nobody Home But Me Chas. Hart r v : The sugestion for bedtime fer hell litle oie In OKT ued © : . Rowing Club and their boats. - How | Wish | Could Sleep Until M: by Deddy Comes man powe country took plas The 8 all Home" is brought out strongl by Tl: Nn by 3 4% " y university 18 open to ¢ i place, ¢ degre re situation I t Henry Burr. On the reverse "There's } nt time DARE E RRR | 8 + ; {eh tr the nistic spirit {24lan army. There "3 nomina Ce a ht in COAL CUSTOMERS i ly ns ot ot | AlL the, bodks used are supplied ab - Beautiful Red Seal Records pt outwa : ons of the cost price, and if in good condition \ Peer Gynt Suite No. I---Anitra's Dance Please Notice ! jetorie that 16 tr have A . Ji or : The Peace aye at the end of the course are bought W Philadelphia Orchestra 64768 hl : ¢ back (rom the students at a rate of "Anitra's Dance', is the third number in the "Peer Coal Sales will be for Cash Only nat Were ived with ridi K, : nt ¢ | seventy-five per cent. of their cost Gynt Suite No. 1. BOOTH & CO. § 1 imous feelin f v \ nd | ne There a branch college in every 3 Mate o° Mine Clarence Whitehill 64789 back a . Phone 133 | | Simos, oan | cers, NX.O' and wen of the ( - Home But Me." applies 10 the brave pir of hile aki by Charles tant people that there ean be no | 4 : : tmp ingland, and in France - "Mate 0° Mine" is a tender song which | { 3 Ng = TABLET S = a | pe kee pu! | yo Hy £ are coiupletely there ha Vimy Rides © silege f i = long trail of happy aie ows fot thats whats E Better Th es GET | ; Rip And made pow Y 7 | which carries on the 'work when the =e mariage has truly joined together are far better _- Ra I Ti iffons in Enelan {| {r0ops are in rest billets, The whole \ = 7) Hear therm at any "His Master's Voice" dealer year ago system is worked frem London, and ; } v when a man goes te France he i Soe 52 Victrolas up to $597, on easy payments, if desired. . Sargent, In aggist, Kingston, / f pply of transferred from the E ish college - Ask for free copy of our 620.page Musical Encycle- HARE ARAED 0 ont, ag hd' cereals, i bi acon is le nti , , fa Siig Cotisge, ana bi : pedia listing over 9000 "His Master's Voice" Records. A A uption. The same principle is carried . ~~ tac ats nd BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO A . . France to England, or transferred cd - from one camp to ancther ? MONTREAL LIMITED mm 3: { : The oldie: s are taking the great 18296 20 Lenoir Street est possible advantage of this | : scheme of fitting them for the re vo His Master's Vole" Kin gston Dealers: ; turn to -civil life, and to keep the I. F. HARRISON Co. . 7 Princess St students in. touch with their various MAHOOD 'BROS.. 1 Street, Sib ols. In the 'London coliege F* W. COATES, 1 58 Price Street. alone there were eight hundred Ar : - » so students. The scheme is attracts z DON'T FORGET You cannot purchase thess new "His Master's Voice" Records at : of. the "Ain. ; any but our aythorized dealers E the attention autnorities in } Great. Britain, and. aiso in Australia and New Zealand. It is likely that + all the colonies will have tneir "hy it'sa ase Sur future, ES a 3 good establishing the first a ; CR AE pn SSMS | FE Jeweler friend: CANADIAN ARMY AND Local Agent THE VICTORY LOAN | ; Phone 445. War Costing Canada Over Million : : J) Ha Day -- 000, : mn 1--Steadies nerves "Wi fe Thi Years Bi --= ' if s Nearly 600,000 have been enrolled i 2--Al S tf irst » in the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Y -i A About 435,000 have gone overseas. { 00 0S ® Canada's 1918 war bill will be ® 3--aAids appetite : : "Canada's 1917 war bill'was $320, | Agents Victor-Victrolas 113 Princess Street 4--Belps digestion Cafiada's war expenditure is now n J) $33,000,000 a month. . v It exceeds $1,000,000 a day. 5 Keeps teeth clean 17 Victory Loan wiih ortbed tothe Il -We_ase always pleased to demonstrateVictrolas and Victrola Records. 1917 Victory Loan will not do much i sree | TF. HARRISON €0. LTD =m see | memes] BANKS WILL LEND. in order to help out small sub- Te eR ET sober, fo vier Town "0s | DON'T ENDURE RHEUMATIC PAINT BCRAND TRUNK SVS 7em probable sotiainty of repayment with---{-- 9 LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE I ~ HERE'S QUICK RELIEF FOR YOU : ob a3 Loan. The rate of interest charged } IN EFFECT SEPT, 20TH, 1918, Keep the soldiers and by the Janks is 5 5% Jor cent, Repay- TTT Te-- rive as iy h ment is to made monthly and Stop the pain! Give me r ! dgwn to the seat of the trouble, warm- Trains Will leave ald Areiyd sailors supplied! quarterly. These are much better-| That's what you wart when you're i and easing the nerves and tissues. ation, Fant uf fduhhsen trent, > terms than were granted last year. hurt. That's what you get with Sloan' 's You can 2lmost feel the inflammation, \ Wen ony Arr, City Liniment, It t only "kills pain, swelling or stiffness subside, as the No. 19 Mall ,, ., ..12 20 am. 12.57am. There are over 425,000 Canadians but does it quickly, \ lay. pain-grows less and less. No. 13 Express . .. 310m. 3.52&m, overseas who will have to be kept If you're to ated by Rheur n, You don't even have to wait to rub No. " Yon! i Ltd. 145 p.m. for at least a year, even if peace were Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Backs in Sloan's Liniment. It penetrates, and No. 1 Mail. el y to come this month. and body or nerve pai its clear, clean liquid can be poured- vol Bast, No one who looks at the casualty quickly a little Sloan's 1 ment gives right on the skin without staining. No. 18 Mai Le ony Amy. City lists can do otherwise than subscribe relief. The very first application rests Made in Canada. Get a generous size No ie Express . .. 8.10a.m. ' 352am, every dollar possible to the Victory | and comforts. # Seems to reach right « bottle from yout druggist today, : No. 6 Mail ., .. 12.30 p.m. Loan. J ; No. 4 Intern] Lies : 15 pom. pom. The Canadians in France have set No. 28 Local . 4% . a high standard for thous at home to Noa. & 1804 it B08 Fu aii." reach in the Victory Loan campaign. Direet route tv Toronty, Peterboro, Canada must put every ounce of Hamilton, Buffale, giohdun, Detrolt, effort into the Victory Loan drive. Chicago, Bay Si, Saginaw, Montreal, Oversubscribing ' to the Victory - Quana, Qushies, Farciand You Joli, Loan would have a wonderful effect | in Ww O al d ES Paliman or x nd op the Canadian Corps in France, It eli other information, would be the best thing that Canada Hanley, Agent. .Afency pra 158s 0ee F008 Remember--There are' no others! HR Rr TTT HEE rE Russia a Nightmare, Says Loft. Honolulu, T.H., Oct. 31.-- Prince George' Lvoff, first premier of the 1 ' a s % Russian provisional government set | ! : HTH y 'up after the revolution, left here vé- ir ' cently for the United States. He For Something Refreshing Ask For . 'sald Russia Is a horrible nightmare, . The rash Is mow to the murders, torturing with and atrocities in those sections con- for alt Kinds of the best gi St. Law rence le & Porter {eight years ago. Ring Phos 645 For a Case. Ott oa iy a Gordon Grant, son of the late a TY os - Governor Arant, 'Perth, he A. 0, Monts influenza, He a ' Yo BEN Law, Mgr. Cansds Vood Towed License Neo : -- ; &