WAAAY AA 14 PAGES EE YEAR 85. NO, 254 The Daily B KINGSTON. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 191® sitish PAGES 9-14 SECTION ---- SECOND Audience at To-day's Concert. Discussing thie audiences before whom he had been playing of late, with a friend, a prominent band lead- er mentioned how readily the aver- age audience received and how wholeheartedly they applauded the great compositions which until com- paratively recently were only appre- ciated by the few. He mentioned how requests came in for "Miserere" "Music Maintains : Morale" LINDSAY PLAYER PIANO In your home will keep every member of the family in good spirits, bright and merry. C.W.LINDSAY Limited. 121 Princess St, Kingston Montreal, . Oftawa, .' Quebec, Brockville, Belleville and Three Rivers. »> ----------_, A ---------- ~The Telgmann School of Ia Music Plano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application, ements for concerts ac- . 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1610. EE _ ------------------------ mn, ISIC from Il Trovatore, selections from Pagliacei, La Boheme, and other great operas, The manner ig which these numbers were received showed that the missionary work had heen done and that the people were look- ing for the fine points in the per- formance of a familiar work. The band leader's friend remarked that this improved taste wis perhaps natural because the war had made the public more sober-minded. "No," sald' the great bandsman, "you have touched one of the reasons but not the main one. The one thing that has familiarized the average family with the best music played by bands and orchestras is the talking ma- chine. The records have done the missionary work and done it well. To these records is due « the greatest part of the credit for giving us genu- inely appreciative audiences to-day." Violinists before the public at present find the same condition ob- tains. As the.talking machine has become. a household possession among the masses as well as among the wealthy, practically everyone is familiar with some violinist's render- Ing of "Meditation," from Thais, Schubert's 'Ave Maria," Drdla's "Souvenir," Dvorak's "Humoresque," Nevin's "Mighty Lak a Rose," and other good works. _.Consequently MAE concert violinist plays to-day to 0 audience that is appreciative to a degree never dreamed of a few years {the { and ago. The same thing might be said of 'cellists, singers, pianists and art- ists in every branch of music. I -- The Use Of The "Loud Pedal." Anyone describing theif piano to a friend would probably mention its heawtiful case, the finish and de- ign, the action, hammers, strings, teys and nearly every part of its quipment excepting the insignificant little pedals which usually go unno- ticed. Yat these same little pedals we carefully fitted in ithe piano, vicely polished, and made strong en- nigh 0 endure years @f use, stren- tous use, for a very definite pur- nose, The purpose so often misun- lerstood is that of the "loud pedal" is many wrongly call it. A Mttle girl who was using the edal continuously, was asked why ind she said: "I'm trying to play] 'oud." Like many other pupils this) girl had a mistaken conception of the pedal, She had not been thor- oughly impressed with the idea that what she thought was a loud pedal is in reality a damper pedal, and may be used in the very softest passages, Loud playing should not bé done by pedal--the hands and arms are for that purpose. If the pedal is used promiscuously and incessantly fdr loud playing the ear becames accus- tomed to a conglomeration' of noises ome which in time would become neces- sary to satisfy the ear. This pedal is used primarily to connect tones when the fingers are unable to do so; also to continue a ghord 'until' the, following ~ one is sounded. Each new chord requires a change of pedal. Somebody once termed the pedal "the third hand" because #t can keep a group of tones sounding while both the inplayer's! hands are finding other keys to _pro- duce cther tones. ? But the so-called loud pedal does | cause the chords to soundilouder. It} removes «ll the dampers from the strings and each chord Is re<inforeoed| hy other tones according to the law of | sympathetic vibhations, causing the! piano to sound at its best, The pro-| per use of the pedal §8 a great im- provement, The wrong use of thei pedal is an abomination, Dickens and Music. Once again Dickens, the perennial- ly heloved, the forever human and hence the fallible ,comes in for his share of sophomoric criticism. In the course af an article in the New Music Review, H. Davey is quoted as classing Dickens among the liter- | ary men who have blundered in their | allusions to music He quotes aj ge from "Domhey and Son" "we do not remember,' says the | | med tun sharmony. Music Review, "as included on | many lists prepared by searchers | carpers An amateur violon- | says: 1 have whistled, { New hum- | 5, gone accurately through whole of Beethoven's Sonata in Mr. Davey adds: Now of all the twelve keys, B is the only one in | which Beethoven did not write a! sonata." | It is quite posgible that in these days of erudite proof readers, Dick-| slight error would have heen in- stantly corrected. His Sonata in B would have read Sonata in B Flat, and all would have been peace and After all the character referred to was a Tired Business Man (the junior member of the firm of "Dombey and Son") and such are likely to make mistakes even in Beet- hoven sonatas at the end of a long day. ' cellist the B ens' "The melody runs through everv piece like a road through a country hillside The art of conductifg is to clear the way for this melody, to see that no other instruments interfere with those which are at the moment enunciating the theme." This is the interesting statement of modest Alt- schufer, conductor of the Russian Symphony' Orcliestra, "It is nature who forces us to break forth inte singing when our heart is moved by great and sudden emotions" said no less a person than Cicero. AA A A mi 1¥ @ en . 1 'Goodbye, Berlin! Turkey has had enough! oe Driven out of Egypt, chased through Palestine, his \ on Mesopotamia gone, the "unspeakable Turk" is Seq except to massacre Armenians. " % campaign was going to Hx So the ho in history draws \ The men who swear b e men who swear by a reat shave. Turkey--aye, and Germany, too--should have known better than million men who owndnd use Gillette arms to th to pit their strength against ten Safe Wok Wy "9 " af ra to a fitting close. y the beard of His faith in Wilhelm is shattered --Wilhelm who claimed special influence with Allah! Wilhelm who called th tible little army"; or e British soldiers a' "contemp- --who said the United States could never ~. raise an effective fighting force; who promised the U-Boat ring England to her knees. pes of Turkey in Europe vanish; an inglorious chapter the Prophet lay down their ty Razors--keen disciples of the shaven chin. Bulgaria gone; and Turkey gone! The stoutest hearts in Germany and Austria may well quail before a combined foe which calmly whips 'out thousands of Gillettes and SHAVES before the charge! The Joy of Musicianship "- ton but realizes that The imitable perfection Vocaiton, be nnally convineing. 4 HAT A KEEN and novel ple a wonderful volce, to direct wished to do this Very thing ie satisfaction of making an exquis Your own music-teeling. the creative pleasure of making music ure that this beautifil art can give ME Joy of mpsiclanship may be yours, voiced with In- new phonograph-«t¢he Aeolin- ~--the revolitionary expression con. phrase, each tone your own, shad. With your own thought and taste, of all music which the Vocalien So Hnest and highest pleas se A RG NOW iis gupTe sweetest topes, ¥ the remarkable, dy means of the Gradgols trol of the Voecallon--you make each NE MM, subtly varying it, coloring it 'Phe tascination of this mastery Brants gives it an interest and musical worth far bey Other imstrument of the phonograph ty pe. 3 ~The' Aeolian-Vocalion The Phonograph 'That You Can Play play the Vocalion yourself, as Decide tor yourself. Unly such a personal test can' JSCores of Others aye doing every day. May Be Yours the skill of a great You have imagined For no man or woman of culture and vocal and instrument are re- ond that Come in and "Vocation prices are $69 to $525. Art styles to $2,000. (Non-Graduola styles, $69 to $08. v asure--what a satisfying joy--to be able instrumentalist! the thrilt of creating ite melody glow witht: the life of to command You have music, educa- is 'the of any - Fhe Canadian Casualties. Killed in action--C. Allan, Ad- lophustown; C. Noftel, Peterboro; D. Fowlds, Hastings. Died of wounds---J. H. Payment, Cornwall; H: St. Peter, Hilller; W. Curtin, Peterboro; C. Nunn, Lyn; F. Halpin, Peterboro; F. Levesque, Sturgeon Falls. Miss--H. AfcFern, Amherst land. Wounded and gassed--J. Freden- burg, Peterboro. Is- Cos WAR PUZZLES] ] # . WE cnn <> " * At i. A i Gassed---B. E. Carter, Armprior; R. T. Dunn, Brockville; W. Martin, Peterboro. I1l--A. Gribble, BeMeville. Wounded--A. Carr, Cobourg; F. Scriven, Belleville; W. A. Barker, Bloomfield; E. M. Turner, Colborne; C. Laforce, Renfrew; L. E. Scott, Wooler. \ Where is your Victory Loan but: ton? It costs a merchant lots of money not to advertise. DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP Ny VT Insist on Getting CHARM TEA In Packages Only Black, Green, Mixed. - At all Grocers. Victory Loan Bonds Will pay you 53 per cent. interest on your hurts. investment. Buy Gill it r Philadelphia Diamond pe mn TB Will i? 3