Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Oct 1918, p. 2

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DIAMOND <> QUALITY FURS 1918-1919 Write or call for catalog. John McKay, THE FUR ay 149-157 Brock Street i Ltd. Kingston THE, DAILY BRITISH H WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1s TI a nm $19), 900 SIN 50 FAR RAISED -Lend. Buy Victory Bonds-- For the Victory Loan in Kingston nd Frontenac. EXPECT MILLION FRIDAY WHICH WILL BRING WATER To KAISER'S WAIST, Arrangements Are Being Made for a Grand Demonstration 'on the Market Square Next Tuesday Evening. The total amount reported by the executive committee of the Victory Loan campaign is $792,900. Of the amount $769,560 was subscribed iu the city and $23,350 in the count) of Frontenac. The figures for Wednesday were: City of Kingstoa $45,100; County of Frontenac, $11, "250 : : The Kaiser now sees that $800.- Rr Victrolas Victor Records Victrola X. $136 1» Excellent Records For November 18505 90¢ Oud Onl Marie . .. Arthur Fields) We Don't Want the Bacon Peerless Qt. | Oh! How I Wish I Could Sleep U Und] My Daddy Comes Home .... .Burr There's Nobody Home But Me ...Hart| Hindustan ... .e Fox-Trot 5 c. Smith goa N' Byerything ... ... .Fox Trot | * ~ J. C. Smith Orchestra Whitehall .... Hear your favorite vous and dacs re- cords at ) MAHOOD BROS Fitting Glasses Almost mew; in first class condition. Furnace, electricity, open plumbing; west end. a glasses accurately. POSSESSION NOY. 15th. p> McCann's 86 Brock St. Phone 826 or 621 this service, CONSULT ---. A small headstone may be made a monumental Har by the man with the hiss). stered Optician 4% King 8t. = The Rusy Owtieal ce ! We are open to bu from: 500 to : 1,000 pairs of \ | Fowl, Chickens, AN EXPERT'S JOB It Is no easy matter to fit Only the trained optometrist with exe perience, ability and the pro- per instruments can give yon You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ace curate glasses at Asselstine's J. Asselstine D.0.5 Reve 000 is within reach. The first mil lon will bring the water up to his \I'walist line, and everybody hopes {i {1see this accomplished on Friday. il From present indications it looks {as if the village 'of Portsmouti | might take first place in this cam- {paign. Its allotment is $15,000, and already $10,000 has been al most redched. If Portsmouth wins the Governor-General's flag there will be great doings in Hatter's Bay | A great increase in the number o {applications for Victory Bonds | {looked for. While there have heer many applications made, the figure are somewhat disappointing. The Victory Bond buttons and windov cards are not as much in evideac as they should be. Arrangements are being made fo! a grand demonstration on the mar ket square Tuesday night next wit} fireworks. Five bands will be h attendance and a few short speech es will be given. A large electric ""V'" hag been er ected on the roof of the Hotel Ran dolph at the corner of Bagot ant Princess streets. It can be see nearly the whole length of Princes street as well as from distant point: on Bagot street in both direction: Underneath it is being placed fo day the following: "V Means Vic tory and Victory Means Lend." Th bill boards that have been place: around the city are also a good ad for Victory Bonds. The Victory Loan choir under the direction of Miss Hazel Browne an: Miss Phillis Devlin will be out o1 the streets this evening. The following is a copy of a tele {gram from Toronto received b: Mayor Hughes Wednesday evening "Toronto, Oet, 30th, 1918. "Heartiest congratulations upor yesterday's splendid return. In spit: of unfavorable weather and 'flu, re turns from all points of the pro vince most gratifying. Wait unti Old 'Man Ontario really gets into hi' stride.--(Sgd.) G. H. Wood - (chair man)."" The total number of individna subscribers for bonds in the city uj to Wednesday evening was 365, anc a vast improvement must take place ff Kingston is to even do as well as last year. The returns from the hanks have been very small, and it might be stated here that person: having balances at the banks car make application for bonds while at the bank and need not wait for : canvasser to call upon them. There need be no misunderstanding on this point. The banks here all the forms necessary for the purpose. EMERGENCY HOSPITAL WILL SOON BE CLOSED The Epidemic . Is Fainy Well Spent--Regu ar Hospitals ~Wit-Soon Suffice. The emergency hospitals in the city will probably be closed up in & few 'days. The influenza situation has improved to so large an exent that the regular hospitals in the city are now able to care for all new cases ill A large number of patients have been ill able to proceed to their homes dur ll} ing the last two days, and very few fli ew cases are coming. There are il| now thirty cases at the G.W.V.A. hos- || pital, some of which are being sent ii home as soon as arrangements are made for them. Amother death oc- curred there on 'Wednesday evening, when an infant boy died of phen i} monia. This is the second death that has occurred in this hospital, which ds a splendid record, cqusidering the number and the serfous nature of the cases t 3; J The 8.078. weikers now have all their cases covered, There is a fall ing off in the sbor of families INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LAL NOYES AND ITEMS UP, GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~What the Mérchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. W. Swaine, piano tuner; orders at McAuley's, or 'phone 564W. There is so much water on the land 'in some districts that fall plow- ing cannot be proceeded with, Owing to some of the rural milk vendors being ill, there is a marked scarcity of milk in the city, Holy communion is to be celebgat- ad in St. George's cathedral Friday (All Saints' Day) at 8 and 11 a.m. The churches should get together and save coal. The demand for the {uel for householders is urgent. Senator Casgrain and Senator White, of Montreal, attended the funeral of the late Senator Richard- 30M. John McEwen, Toronto, is dead, wed fifty-six years. He was born in Kingston, the son of the late Ewen McEwen Miss Margaret Dunnett, of Kings- ton, who has been very ill of influ- eanza in Sudbury, is reported as much mproved. T. E. Merrett, an old Kingstonian, was here from Montreal to attend the funeral of the late Senator Riech- irdson. Kenneth Loucks, Kingston, has been notified of the death of his 'ather in Thurlow township after a wrief ilness, The Board of Trade office ackiow- ledges receipt of $2 rrom Mrs. E- E. jurnside, R.R, No. 1, for the Bel- rian relief fund, > Mary Ryan, aged twenty, died at 3t. Mary's-on-the-Lake Wednesday. jhe had no relatives and Hved all her ife at the orphanage. The late Robert H. Fenwick, To- 'onto, left an estate of $6,924, It was willed to E. J. Fenwick, Hams on, and two sisters in Kingston, In thie appeal case of Jackson vs. McCoy, against a decision of the re: eree, heard in Osgoode Hall, To- 'onto, the appeal failed with costs. Mrs. Spencer, who had been under reatment at the hospital, was re- noved to her home on Wednesday yy James Reid's motor ambylance, Now is the time to have your slano tuned. We carry two expert uners and will assure entire satis- 'action. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Charles Lee, a Chinaman, who op- rated a laundry.a 235 Bagot street, vas removed to the Hotel Dieu, Wed- wsday, by, James Red's motor am- )ulance, Dr. A. W. Stinson, well known hroughout Northumberland county, lied at Cobourg Tuesday from in- fuenza which he contracted while wttending patients. A freight train was derailed near Napanee Thursday morning about ine o'clock and the passenger trains vere late in arriving here in the fternoon. We will rent you a plano, and at 'nd of six maonths if you feel like yurchasing instrument we will allow 'he six months' rental on purchase orice, and arrange 'easy terms on bal- nace, C, W. Lindsay, Limited. Pte. Leo Millan, son of Ald. D. J. dillan, stationed at Quebee, passed hrough the city on Wednesday. He vas one of a number who had 'harge of some soldiers being taken 0 Cobourg Hospital Tor treatment. Watson Davis, of New Dublin, is he guest of Rev. J. de P. Wright, ector of St. Luke's church. Mr. Javis was one of the ehurchwardens luring Rev. Mr. Wright's incum- yency at New Dublin. The boys are doing their "bit" for Re Victory Loan by asking the older 'olk to buy bonds. The lads who irove in the big military truck in luesday night's parade played their part wet -and did. much to advertise the loan, Lend -- Buy Victory - Bonds. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" NOVEMBER , MEANS COLD WEATHER NOW FOR FURS i} on ou, root 'that the churches a "a séa. Price $1.00. Phone 919 THE COLLEGE ON SALE FRIDAY. .. Price 20c with coupon Novemier Ladies' Home Journal 140 pages including six full page colored drawings. | THE STANDARD NEEDLEWORK BOOK AT 5c. 44 full magazime pages (same size as Ladies' of Needlework and Embroidery designs' etc. good for any 15¢ Standard pattern. THE LEADER IN THE SIX BEST SELLERS FOR NOVEMBER. Treat "Em Rough, by Ring W. Lardner is now the leader in the "Best Sellers" in the U.S. Read this book and send to the boys over- . BOOK STORE Te SAAR Home Journal), Open Nights _-- Last ticle. for each . "an mt fOr... ... 7. . rug, Friday ot HALLOWE'EN TO-NIGHT; BIG TIME FOR KIDDIES (Will. "Dress Up," Parade Street, Play "Tick Tack" and Ring Door Bells. To-night's the night. All the small boys and girls know that to- night is Hallowe'en, and they are preparing to pull off some "stunts." "Sure this is Hallowe'en night," a Whig representative heard a sturdy youngster remark on Thursday morn- ing. There Is every reason to believe that Hallowe'en this year will be very quietly celebrated, owing to the epidemic. However, there is sure to be a big deputation of the little folk out to-night, so if you hear some person playing "tick-tack'" on your door-or ringing the bell, you will know who is responsible, Many of the children will be "dressed up" for the occasion. The sale of "false faces" has been quite brisk in the down town stores, and there is every reason to believe that there will be a big time to-night. 5 EPID MIC ON WANE . RCHES TORE-OPEN Ban on Schools, Theatres an Pool Rooms to Be Lifted Next Week. - The health authorities announced YY YT For Furniture at the McFaul Store." nr ---- One only, extension dining table, wal- nut; a beauty; $40.00, for . . One only, walnut buffet. Will add tone to the swellest dining room. One sale Friday for . . : Three only, buffets; surface oak, pretty designs and at a special price. SA AA AS AIAN ANANSI See the special in a 4-foot white enamel bed with iron spring. AAAS A AA, Newman & Shaw & The Always Busy Store on he... Call . $25.00 AA NNN A $50.00 ar- .$35.00 AA A A 325.00; .$15.00 On Friday, both .. .$10.00 AAA SA AA A tA A NANA Ask to see the pretty pattern tapestry size 23 x 3 yard, Reg. jiad 00. On sale ..$13.95 Draperies that are very attractive. ARN = poesia BUILDERS SUPPLIES west Shingles Take a tip from Father Time's past experience and use dependable Roof- ing material. : Cedar shingles . been known to last years. They keep. S. ANGLIN & C0. Lumber have 40 require no up- Woodworking Factory, Yards, + Pay & Wellington Streets, King Ston, Ont, Office Phone 066. Factory Phone 1415. RY Ahaha Badd 4 8 a a 2d a hs a aaa aka wae Lumber, Cond ana Wool ees AN 4 4 3 4 1 4 4 Shh ha a 4 4 9 4 4 ANNOUNCEMENT! Owing to unprecedented accumulation ofy watch work we reluctantly find it necessary to an- nounce, beginning with this date, and until further notice, it will be impos- sible for us to undertake the repairs of wrist-car- ried watches, unless such watches have been sold through our establish- ment. SMITH BROS. LIMITED, Diamonds, Watches, Issuers of Marciagiol Licenses, p b ; y p p p On Albert St., with E $2800 A New Busmalow : With possession at once; $8400 A Detached Dwell. / in garden, A Brick Cottage On Division Street, $2500, A Frame Dwelling Queen Street, $1500. A Bungalow On Markland St EASY TERM EW. Muli & Son

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