[=| The Daily Soe \ » armistice terms arrived I 1 . f YEAR 85: NO. 253 Every! KINGSTON, RS ST ndaR ONTARIO, THURSDAY British * ee ------ bs seat OCTOBER 3! eal Depth Bo FOCH'S TERMS REACH BERLIN --Prepare Eor Victory Loan-- The Alles Wil Demand Complete And Urondtional Surender of Turkey. ALES MUST BE LANDED ON TURKISH SOIL BY ENTRY INTO DARDANELLES. . Hungary. Turkey Must Also Deliver Up For | Trial Certain Persons Accused of | Disregarding Rules of Civilized | Warfare. i (Canadian Press Despatch.) _iLondon, Oct. 31.--A 0nsle Turkey asking for peace is expected momentarily by the Alliel Govern- | men's. the Dally Express; says it| unde:stands. The Allies, the news-) paper add, will demand complete | and unconditional! surrender In| order to insure compliance with | their demands, the Express con- tinues, the Allles will Insist that Turkey permit their flecis to pa 8! the Dardanelles, and an adequate | force to be landed on Turkish soil. | Turkey must also deliver up certain persons accused of disregarding the | rules of elvilized warfare i from | Theaa | dividuals will be tried, and if found guilty will be punished. Foch's Terms Read Berlin. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Oct. 31,~--Marshal Foch's in' Berlin Tuesday night, the Vossische Zei- tung of Berlin says it learns, accord- ing to an Exchange Telegraph de- spatch from Copenhagen. i FREEDOM OF THE SEAS MUCH QUESTIONED What Does Wilson Mean By It? ---0f Importance to Great Britain. London, Oct. 31.--The general na- ture of the militaey guarantees which the Allies will require has been out- lined as the occupation of strategical German bases, as well as the retire ment of the Germany army to its own il. Maritime guarantees are consid- ered equally important to Great Britain. Their nature thus far is only speculative, but the internment of the German submarines, if not the surrender of the whole fleet, apnears to be the minimum terms whici would satisfy the British people. The séa i8 as important as the land to this island nation, and the only detail in President Wilson's fourteen points on which there is constant, questioning is what the President means by freedom of the seas." trap pt. $00,775,900 SUBSCRIBED To Canada's Victory Loan at 11 a.m. 5 Thay raday. . (Canadian. Press Despatoh) Toronto, Oct. 31. --Up till 11 a.m. to-day the total subscriptions to the Vietory Loan .as reported to the Do- minion committée, from all Canada, was $68,775,900. No new figures Kingston last night that Lieut. England. by Capt. Training Lieut. medicine at Queen's University the spring of this"yéar, and enlisted immediately on graduation. He was medical officer at the Ontario Mill- tary Hospital overseas. Berlin-Vienna Railway Is Cut {Canadian Press Despatch) Paris, Oct. '31. --Communir" tion between Agram and Fiume, and Budapest and Vienma has been totally interrupted. The Czecho-Slovaks have cut the ratiroad between Berlin and Vi- enna, near Bodenbach, and Ger- man trains can go only as far as Schmadau.® The Crotian Par- Hament at Agram has voted for a total separation of Crotia, Slavonia and Dalmatia from The despatoh says that Agram Is decked in national colors and that the people are celebrating the passage of the resolution Fiume is the principal sea- port of Hungdary. Agram is the capital of Crotia and Slavonia, is situated near the Save river, seventy<ive miles inland. Bo- denbach, where the railroad be- tween Berlin and Vienna has been cut, is a town in Bohemia pear the Saxon frontier and is situated on the Elbe river. Crisis For Austria Close at Hand (Canadian Press Despatch) Washington, 'Oct. 31.--Fif- teen Austrian divisions, operat- ing between Brenta and the Piave on the Italian front, have had their retreat off through the operations of the Halian and Allied troops. The advantage is pressed to the utmost, and a crisis is near, as the Austrian losses are appai- ling. cut being LIEUT. R. H. LALONDE DIED WHILE AT SEA He Left Kingston With C.A. M.C. Draft on 23rd of September. r The sad news "was Lalande, C.AMXC., who Williams, of Depot, in. a letter Horne, C.AM.C., No details of the cause The deceased officer graduated previous to known and ton. THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told in a Pithy and Pointed Way. ictory Bon received in R. went overseas from Kingston on Septem- ber 23rd, died at sea on the way to The pews was received the . A.M.C. from who sailed on the same vessel as the late Lieut, Lalande. 0 death have so far been received. 7 in going He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lalande, Cobourg, and was married about five months ago. De- ceased was well popular in King very were available at noon in the case of the provinces of Ontario, New Bruns- wick or Prines Edward Island. Sanguinary fighting is going on at Agram, capital of Croatia-Sla- vonia. The epidemic of the so-called in- fluena in London, Eng., embraces diphtheritic pneumonia. The diph- theria serum is giving good results. The Berlin Lokal Anziger, a copy of which has been received here, gays. Dr. Richard von Quehlmaan, former. German Secretary of Foreign Affairs, will be one of Germany's representatives at the peace, confer- ence. Contracts for construction of a ® Frey 3 troopships ata jot of - 000,000 by the ethelehem Jaewving Trockyilie, {Union Shipyards at Alameda, Cal, Brockville, 31.---A large ijave been cancelled by the US. number hi ihe Smbla) see Py Then! shipoing board. Carriage Company at Broth:4 The repulse of violent attacks de- ville, whose plant was destroyed 2 fivered by the French yesterday in fire Sunday morning, are. lany 12 | Lhe 'region south of the Oise river is town to get work in the other fac-|puparied by German army head- tories of , Limited, ut 'gearters. Tentative attack tila, Alexan and Manga s { Belgians' on Flanders' tron About twenty left yesterday to ake | opped, the statement adds. positions with "the Toronto Street} "TTC Railway p No decisign has | J X - the corporation - se company as toi.{ H LARGER DISCUSSIONS At the Allied Peace Council in Paris (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Oet. 31.--It is officially announced that the preliminary cou versations-of the Allied peace coun cil in Paris have concluded, and "more important discussions" now beginning. Bonar Law has gone to France. to join Lloyd George at the discussions. . were by the} * © TURKEY'S BROKEN BACK ' P G YX line | ognized since the Middle Ages, AA AA AA NNN NANNING, ATTACK WILSON'S PEACE PARLEYS ~--Lend. Buy Victory Bonds-- Roosevelt And Taft Do Not Want Any Concessions to Germany. SUE JOINT MANIFESTO FOR THE ELECTION OF A RE- PUBLICAN CONGRESS. Two Ex-Presidents Say it is Oune« Man Control the Allies Are Fight~ inz and They Want the People to Decide Terms, (Canadian Press Despatch) New York, Oct. 31.--Theodore Roosevelt and Willlam H. Taft issu- ed here to-day a joint appeal for the election of a Republican majority in Congress. The statement was said to be the first ever co posed and signed by two former President: of the United States. The mani- festo says in part: . "parms of peace should be settied not by one man bnly. It is one-man control we are fighting in this war to suppress. If the peace treaty i3 to be useful in the future, it must be approved by the great body of the American people. The President has indicated a willingness to make a peace by negotiation. He has not demanded, as he might have done in three lines, that which American people demand, an unconditional surrender. His exchange of notes with Germany has caused a deep concern among our people, lest he cede her peace court." ; STOCK MARKETS. Ryerson & Co., 239 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. Open. 2.45 p.m 92 65 162% 7 87% 100% 29 48% 129% 104% oi 28 «. 116 "ewe 10196 % 102 rt }iv the capture of Aleppo, shown on the above of communication between the eastern and wes as the key of Asia Minor, 2 ITAA TURKS YIELD POWER IS GONE to Great Britain {Canadian l'ress Despatch.) London, Oct: 31.-- Turkey has agreed to an armistice. It is presumed this means Turkey's acceptance of the Allies' terms.' Reuter's despatches say that Turkey has uncondi- surrendered tionally and has made definite proposals of peace to Great Britain. The armistice with Turkey took effect at noon to-day. COULD GET LIQUOR % FOR MEDICINAL USE Drumheller, Alta., Appealed to the Department of Justice For Permission. -- Ottawa, Oct. 31.--An qutbreak of Spanish "flu" in Drumheller, Alta. on the outposts of the Canadian Northern branch has brought. an appeal to the Department of Justice here for a dispensation allowing the citizens to bring in Mquor for life- saving purposes A telegram receiv- od this afternoon by the Minister of Justice from Drumheller stated that may by the two arrows, ter n halves of the Turkish Empire. Aleppo has been reo- may by his parleying with her, con- around 'a couneil table instead of a sentence from a Quotations Furnished By Bongard, 92 55% 164% y in Police Court yesterday. people were dying from the "flu" and no alcoholic stimulant was avail able in the district 'to revive the stricken ones. A reply was sent in- timating that the law provided for the transport of liquor yequired for medicinal - purposes .and the needed supply could doubtless be obtained from the nearest town having a H- censed liquor dispensary. ; ~-- FASHIONABLE WOMAN SMUGGLING WHISKEY -- 3 Is Fired at Niagara Falls and . Her Motor is Con= fiscated. Niagara Falls Oct. 31.--A young woman, who gave her mame as Mrs. D. Thompson Buffalo, was fined $200 \ She was arrested last night at the Bridge for smuggling whiskéy into Canada. Twenty-eight bottles of whiskey were | found secreted under the seats of her] auto. She was locked up in the de- 2 fention pen and awaits money from friends to release her. She is very fashionably dressed and good-look- ing. She sald she was on her way to Hamilton to visit friends, The auto was confiscated by the customs officers; 2 % v General Allenby has cut the main AAA THE MILITARIST --Lend. Buy Victory Bonds-- Resi Shock to German Imagination. AND OMNIPOTENT. pr r---- Hollweg and Kiehlmann. General Ludendorff, As vested of political influence. viotory being turned into a victor under the old system." "much more in the same directio yet remains to be done." : past few days. the armistice proposal, the civil Wolff, followed Hindenburg's jected President Wilson's for capitulation. pan-German Organs upon the result that Ludendorff "in 'high dudgeon." m------ € : Interfered In Everything. army chief, two and js : , g desire to have Whi gation of Ludendorfl, Poplar lol, 2° a Berne despatch to-day AAD FINGER IN EVERY PIE THOUGHT HIMSHLF OMNISCIENT And This Brought About His Fall-- Responsible For the Pownfalbucot| bo gained --+just been Amsterdam, Oct. 31. Nothing ex- cept the abdication of the German Emperor or the retirement of Field Marshal von Hindenburg could have struck the German public's imagina- tion more forcefully than the resigna~ tion of the popular idol in Germany, the Vor- waents of Berlin, the Socialist organ, | puts it, the resignation df Luden- dorff means that the military ele- ment in Germany -henceforth is di- The Vorwaerts, which has noire-| gret for the departing army leader, ! says: "What has happened was bound t6 happen, even if Germany had won. The German Social Democracy was determined mot td permit a German The newspaper hipts darkly that PAGES 14 gl LAST EDITION mb; Buy 'em eo [THAN TAKE |A Movement in Britain to Pre=| serve the Government Dur- { ! i London, Oect. 31.--The ing Reconstruction. Times | CX prints an article on a movement aim- | --Fendl. Buy Victory Bonds-- {ing to presérve the Unionist-Liberal- | | Labor coalition during the period ot [AM Are Pressing Forward From the | demobilization and reconstruction. | Grappa Region 10 the Sea. -- It says the idea was adopted vigor-| | DISORDER templates an election on the bosis | { of the existing coalition. {2 z $ A definite agreement that support | agg, , SF ANI SR | of the coalition shall override old | THE BATTLE FHESSES | party distinctions is on the: eve > : | fruition, of | | Serbian Cavalry | . Reach the Danube (Canadian I'ress Despatch.) Salonika, 'Oct. 31.--Serbian have reached the Dan- miles south- The enemy The Ser captured a i i { ously by many of the younger Umion- | jets and Liberals of Westminster. | The Times says the Government con- ne Enemy Army Corps in a Very Critical Situation--Italians Havg Reached the Livenza River. : | 'With the Itallan Armies in the | Field, Oct. 31.--The Italians have {extended their offensive southward {to the 'Adriatic, increasing the width lof their drive to a 'froat. of more {than 100 kilometres (62 miles). They are now pressing forward from the Grappa region to the sea. fhe Italians have reached the Li- | venza river, twelve miles east of the | Plave. Vittorio, the great Austrian | pase, is situated on the west bank. cavalry ube, twenty-four east of are in wild pians have number of prizoners and much material. Belgrade. retreat. large war Paris, Oct. 31.--A from 'Athens says the sole re- maining Turkish army has been concentrated at Bulair on the neck of the Gallipoli peninsula. despatch Austrians Flee in Disorder. | Washington, Oct. 31.--Results of | the victorious advance against the | Austrians on the Italian front hour- Sklay FER ~... |ly increase in importance, says ai GERMAN EMPRESS HAUNTED | official despatch to the Italian Ewm- More than a towns have Abdieation of | bassy from Rome, | hundred villages! | been taken, | : . The battleline is pressing closely ASS 5 ve i an eax C Ph 11 prea a El tie t on the heels of the enemy the mess- | : : ® 1 age states, having reached yesterday | Petit Journal, It is said that she 1810 piver Liven > 4 haunted by the memory of the Rus Ee retater. 1D oo ms vrs Fal revolution ang asi wi upon Lhe} pire principal lines of retreat. ation of Le =Iperion. | 'The Austrian army corps on the in disorder, { material and Inciudi ,| several hundred--guns. The sixth neluding| austrian army corps is said to be in | a very critical situation, eugaged in Melborne, Australia, Oct. 81. heavy .efensive fight : Some conception of what Australia| poe 8 usive SIERUAE on the hits has done in the war andl of the lossesig i; iv -fver. i sustained by the Commonwealth can whrom Sgures. which. have oviclally issued. Out of a population of 5,000,000, Australia has sent about 336,000 men. The total casualties mumbered 290,191, meluding 54,431 dead. Recruiting in Austvatia is now at the rate of 4,240 a month. | {| And Insists Upon the | the Kaiser, | (Canadian Press Despatch) Paris, Oct The German and x aA a | 1eft wing has retired AUSTRALIA'S SACI FICE. |'eaving behind war Total Casualties, 200,101, 54,431 Dead. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Oct. 31.--British forces fighting east of the Pave have reached the Livenza river at Fran- regis and the Italians have occu- pied Oderzo. mm Austrians to Withdraw. : Kaiser Will Abdicate, Vienna, Oct. 31.--Austrian troops ol, Oct, 31.---Deputy Richard 111 b ith Kono declared at a recent meet- fighting on Italian soll will be with . . | drawn, according™to an official state- ing of the Centrist party that he was| ment issued by the War Office able to affirm that Emperor Wil-| ¥ " liam would not ckng to the crown,| but would abdicate for Germany's good, according to the Cologne Tage-| blatt. Says Whole Front Ablaze. (Canadian «Press Despatch) London, . Oct. 31~--~The entire Italian front Is ablaze, & Central News despatch from Rome says. All the Italian armies now are in ac- tion. < A Vienna despatch says--Austro- Hungarian forces on their eastern wing in Serbia are withdrawing from occupied territory and have coms pleted the crossing of the Danube. Elsewhere in Serbia the Austrian withdrawal continues. i i War Tidings. American troops morth of Verdun e------------------------ Gets Five-year Term. Chatham, Oct, 31.--Five years in penitentiary was the sewlence im.' posed on James Steadiman, Tilbury, by Justice Masten, who tried him on| two serious charges preferred by the parents of an eleven-year-old Tilbury y | girl. Notice of Wholesale Murder. (Canadian Press Despatch) nl! Copenhagen, Oct. 31.--A despatch from Petrograd says the Bolsheviki have occupied Aingreville and ee Theodore Wolff, in the Tageblatt,| opiive Bourgeoise and felates at length the history of the| He declares it was Ludendorff who was at the back of but after- wards recanted because he objected to constitutional changes imvolving the subordination of the military to authorities. Then, says tele- gram of Friday to the press confer- ence, to the effect that the army re- demand This was the sig- nal for a general omslaught by the Gov- ernment; but the Government atood firm, and Chancellor Maximilian of Baden, from a sick bed, gave clear instructions that there was to be bo surrender of military dictation, with departed Herr Wolff devotes a long and characteristic article to the departed who, he says, ruled Ger- for years like: a dictator. For Ludendorf's fall he blames Lu- {openly declare they will murder the the intellec- A great panic reigns in tablished their lines north of that village. Big American were active in bombing railway junctions far and wide. ? A Viena telegram says Count Andrassy, Austro-Hungarian foreign minister, has resolved to initiate di- rect peace Neg with Italy, A Constantinople n says Turkey has commenced offi 1 peace negotiations with the Entente and delegates have already left the Turk- ish capital. It is also stated that the AMied fleet has been invited to en- ter the Dardanelles. Turkish troops have begun the evacuation of Tabriz, Persia, accord- ing to advices reaching the United States State Department, The Austrians taken in the last three days in the drive across the Piave now number 32,000. French troops late Wednesday re- pulsed a strong German coun t- tack north-west of C on. The Canadians are iying idle in front of Valenciennes on account of the flooding of the eutire country by the Germans. % a Officers will leave London short- ly to explain the proposed. abili- sation scheme to commanders the Oanadisn battalions at front. tual class. Petrograd. Versailles Confergnce' Ended. London, Oct. 31.--The present session of the Versailles conference probably ended yesterday. ' Whether it decided to publish the official statement is 'unknown. The 'con- ference was quite harmenious. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will go to Lon- dé on Nov. 19th, to confer with his Western Ontario supporters and ad- vigers in regard to matters of party organization and policy. The Printing Bureau, one of .the expensive institutions 'of the Gov- ernment, is to be investigated. . A commidgsion will make. & report with a view to economy. The CzechoSlovak eounell of state has decided to make Pressburg tite capital of Slovaki, according to the Paris pewspapers. ' i ree Perth, Oct. 31--Mr, L. 8. Lever- nois; barrister, of the firm of - art, Hope ani O'Donnell, died Tues- day at the age of twent; h following a few days' Hiness fro pneumonia. He leaves a widow and . thas small children. Dece was a clever young lawyer and for some time practiced in omy ahd o- before coming hi © Te "Montreal bridge mains will be taken 10°M for cremation. Fans Death in Belleville. i Baileville, Oct.-31.--After a briet > r