\ THE BRITISH WHIG! ish. « ty "enty _PAGEF OUR 85TH YEAR Published Dally snd Seml-Weekiy by | HE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING Co, Lauren. J. G. Eniott .. ee fent Leman A, Guild Editor and Manaiin- Liirector 1 elephoues: 3: Business Office Editorial Rooms Job Othce st BSCRIPTION RATES (Dally Edition) year, delivered in city $6.00 year, if paid in advance .. "35. 00 year, by mail to rura; offices 83a. 50 Year, to "United States B2.00 {Semi-Weekly Edition) by mail, cash . «31.060 year, If not paid in 'advance $1. a year, to United States .. .. $1.5 Six and three monthe pro rata, MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE R. Bruce Owen .. . 123 St. Peter St F.H. Northrup, 22 Fifth Ave, New York F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago One One One Une Une Une Une year, are published name of the Letters to the RKditor over the actual writer. Attached 18 one of the best Printing offices fn Canada The circulation of THE BRITISH Whig is authenticated by 'the © AB Audit Bureau of Circulations. oe oo tm The Whig never had so many In fluenzial readefs as it Was to-day. The second Victory Loan paign begins to-day. Every 48 expected to do his duty. ¢ cam citizen Senator Richardson's death came with alarming suddenness. A pat- riotic 'apd neble-hearted Kingston- jan has Jain down his arms. « Subscribe to the Vietory Loan-- even if it means sacrifice on your part. The boys at the front dida't hesitate to sacrifice even their lives for the same cause. The best you ean do is small compared with what "™sthey have done. The influenza epidemic in Kings- ton might have been far worse had it not been for 'the self-sacrificing devotion shown by the women of the city and by the readiness witn which the veterans' associations re- sponded to the call for help. ' ------ Staying at home and helping oy saving does not seem .like..a- very herole part to play in the great war. Doing without is as important as doing. It is just as necessary, just as honorable. To do without and buy Victory Bonds is, therefore, 2 highly patriotic duty. swopg mesa. sald to be considering the standard ization of shoe prices. Why not of hat prices as well? . Women who pay from $15 t6 $26 a pair for shoes and from $15 to $30 for an ordinary--of is it an extraordinary? --hat, should be protected agaiust themselves. The Toronto: expréss (bandit .lunched with the chief of police at Midhurst, near Barrie, Ont., on Wednesday, while the stolen auto stood outside the chief's door. A man with a nerve like this is wast- ing his time in Canada. He ought to be at the front, where he would Soon gain the Victoria Cross and capture the kalser single-handed. "Farewell, a long farewell," the Hun waves back to Belgium as he Vacates that devastated gguntry. But he will not be 'permitted to for- got the atrocities ' he perpetrated there. The heavy indemnities he _ will be called upon to pay will keep green the memories of his injustice and foulneas "Jor several genera- tions. --------. A The success with which the brave Tittle Servian army is smashing the is one"of the marvels of the war... Nothing seems able to stap ts 'progress. The Servians have re- claimed the greater part of their country, and are now only a few miles from the capital city of Bel grade, near the border of Austria. Admiration dor these Sallant fight second three-year naval, programme at a cost of L000. At the same time it 200,000 _recruils for the A nunition. food, must be s broad If sume g befgre the war, there will ( ubh soldiers aut we. con- not be for our They help canpot gnt with- our is a big us fill and our buying It 4 credi t curse country done by Vi of our éapacity 'tory the Ge SUrre seas When rIany submarine and gives up Heligol ers and and .11es, agrees to the Kiel canal and the under being placed surrenders all Dardanelles neutral control, Rhine forts as a guarantee j evacuates all conquered territory, { the Allies will be warranted in econ | sidering an armistice, Even terms will not mean the advent peace; they constitute only liminary requirements. { SIE THOM! The message MESSAGE. of Sir Canadians published on Page One, is lably worded 'and eminently appeal- ing. In a succinet way he defines the purposes the loan | C anada's forces at the front. fs a noble, patriotig purpose, bLhave given the flower of manhood to the cause of justice; must equip, support and them at their task to the tent Sir THomas points only method we have so far devise to raise the money required, that is through Canadians buying Victory bonds. The message finance minister is a clarion call te to maintain their The. money required is all to used in Canada in providing neces saries for Britain and her armies field The expenditures keep our industries working, fariners producing, our 1 {factories operating day {in general, keeping all {channels active and of to Ww fullest ex out and the and commercia progressive | The prosperity Canada has enjoyed in the past year was due to the Vie- the money country resulting Sir Thomas trenchently presenty the reasons for the loan in raised in 1917 distribution of the tory Loan immense throughout therefrom. and these words: Loan will all be spent in classes of our asking vou, your money. loan. yon are helping Canada : benefiting yourselves also. "I earnestly appeal to all their full duty. We are Canadians We are engaged in the greatest wa of all time. It is the national pure Pose and determination to 'carry on.' ° We shall never let up "until vietory is ours, and the world - iy safe for Nbérty and civilization." » oe population. not to give, but tq lend RUSSIA'S PLIGHT. When Russia exchanged ezardom for Bolshevik: rule she' may have thought she was achieving liberty, Lio. Lhe forces of abarehy-and-lawless Whatever may have been her sad. plight "under the czars, it has been infinitely worse under thelr succassors. Her temperory ruleic have delivered her, bound and gag- ged, to their Potsdam masters. Ereat heart of Russia may be sound: it may be only the treasonable part of her ruling caste thatehas be- trayed her. In that event, the Al- lied forges sent to her aid will be welconfed and assisted, and a stable form of government will in due time be established. In the meantima the country Js 'in great travail, ant the sufferings of its people are in- digeribable. The condition following the cor- clusion of peace with Germany are vividly sét forth in a statement re- cently issued by James Keeley, for- 'mer. proprietor of the Chicago He:- ald, and speured from information from .enrinent Rugsiing: He wril- es: : "European Russia "this coming winter Will, yes, must be, the world's most awful graveyard. Famn- ine [an't a possibility. It is a' cer tainty; to-day an actuality. Pestil- ence is reaping the First crop of a |gtzantic harvest. According to my information, from a duarter to one- third of the: inhabitants must die before next summer. There is neither work nor food to support Sha Population, and to-day the wo People are predestined. 'vietims pe hunger and disesse. Productiva labor has been annihilated, and no nation can live without it." : The forces of socialism and an- archy, aided and abeited by the kaiser and his minions, have re- jduced this once great nation to & juipment Ives Hmit he " fleets, the colon- tha|does not } and | am pag i ou, these of. the pre | Thomas | White on behalf of the Victory Loan, admir- maintain . This | ing Canada's we maintaia the of the army. ba - | Loan committ ir wit our munition night, "The money raised hy our Victory Canada, and will inure to the benefit of all We are By subscribing to this and to, do ar but in reality she was surrendering P The | Ne WITH A BIG BAG VICTORY LOAN ( oP ENE D WITH A| LOT OF NOISE. The Booming of Guns and Sounding of Whistles and Bells Heralded the Opening of the Cam- Paign to Raise Money to Finish Up the War, The loeal | Started with a jing. Promg arrangements i committee were ¢ ter. med, whistles were blown, bells were sounded, auto horns screeched, and noise-making devices! of all kinds were worked overtime Ir] there is ar soit in Kingston who! v that the Vietory Loan | it is not the ¢ publicity committee Mills 8 all the fuss about, an aged man was heard Victory o'clock the oisw, Guns boo un- a fire? 10 re- at its height. the Vietory the noise was "Why, it's aign started," was the man who was standing close by. | 0 yes, 1 forgot for the time," was tthe reply of the man seeking thepin- formation This will certainly tend to remind the citizens that the _can- j vassers are now on the job." For ten minutes the tinued, and a note of interest was the| fact that just as o'clock, Old Sol, reply who had been play- a game of "hide and séek" * tween the clouds, came out in all his glory, showing that he was heartily in accord with the campaign The campaign was opened most favorable circ umstand eS, ready to ceive the do your yg Oy ace very ! the aeroplanes which w to bon- 1 re it ¥ Vietory da gi pamphiets while (he. "hig noise' 3 under | Get ount of the high wind re >to have them morning Letwae 'The aldern iTyive ; and 9.16 ln k and the Victory vill attend tha par ade this eveninz ia a body Auto- r.obiles to carry thiem will be at the Hall on Oaiario street o'vlock The €igy of y will ailtend the Vietory Loan parads in a body, I Nill meet a: seven &'clock at the Furst Congireg itech hall wa at séven winzston 1 ci Help the Victory Loan. Owing to the influenza-and the absence of mass meetings, the Vie- tory Loan Commitiee is up against it. The executive, however, relies wpon the help of the citizens who know the needs of Canada and should respond with alacrity to the call for money. The committee in view of the handicap under which the teams of canvas:ers must lahor can cnly be counter<balancad if our citizens do not wait to be persuaded, but. decide now to invest the utmost | they can afford in. this great gova | ernment security, and factitate by immediate response to teleplione or} written appeal | Lol the 'awihaorized team eéaptaing and canvassera The credit and prosperity of Kingstan are at stake 1 { the | campaign ynday morn=! _ time" | arried out to the let! fault of}. is there | wark in front of the W hig office, while | Loan cam- | of a! big noise con-! on the stroke of nine be-| ¢unvassers and | arionat | INFLUE ENZA. Wallace, in Albany ocker you wake up in the mo With a pain right through back: your Mmbs and you your crack; And your crack; If you're ¢hilly as an iceb Or you feel so awfu!l you're sneezing or you're ing And you lLnow thing wrong; in bed my friend, J bor, Don't give thought {Cauge you have the influenza, Tho it's tough that you | caught | Ges a doctor, that's the surest Way of fighting the dis And then do just as you, Not just the view you please, Jon't pet nervous; fraid shaky, Those are things ou houldn't do, just brace up like a soldier { It will help to change youy vi And in a little time, my f Tho' you have had the ou'll want so buy bonds, Praisc tid there's Jife | in you Kn We your | 1t shoulders hurt And poor seems tol head seems to peor BE there's some- Stay my neigh- "getting up" a are OF But iend, flu," Y Victory more ' EDITORIAL OPINION. Free Press: If the loan we would be unable to] maintain our army in the field { i Sentinel = Review, Woodstock, | Ont.: The duty of every loyal Cin-| | adian is 'to prepare to subscribe to | Hmit of his eapacity Review-Advertiser, Alta.: Only by the complete Success | of our 1918 Victory Loan we continie to finance jour 'requir ementyy and carry on generally the way | ve have during the past seven | {months Daily A News, Nelson, { people have been thrifty jfor months to answer: the the Victory Loan, Star, Saskatoon, tain's extraordinary Winnipeg should fail the { Claresholm, | can in The & ing for Sask.: Great Bri- achieveminty in raising of money for war pur- should be an enc gement | "anadians in the big task that! before them. | B.C.: prep call the poses io lies { A SONG. [Give me to love in the old way, | © With a love that is firm and true; {Give me to love in ithe right way, | Forgetting myself in you | | : [Give me to trust in the old way, { 'Heeding mo 'word of blame | Tholighs the world should spatter | your fair-way | And pass you the cup of shame {Riawine that all was right, dear, However the facts seemed wrong: That the pangs of an earthly hell, dear, \ 4 | been needed to show. yon strong, | i Feeling that ull the 'pain, dear, | That 'was yours no less was mibe, | Living, 'heart, soul, amd brain, dear, In a fellowship vine, J. D. Hessey. Had Rippling { I | } A A A AA, AAA AANA NEN. NAIA fi | Rhymes THE WAR The mighty road; neath its load. try ground, and Ch Lt a LH) men." plea for peace, | old ark could hi talk of peace ga But while we pu AIT MAH v und on' that wornout gott' had run t would 'not mourn my royal goat, whi denburg, "The motor's works kic phone the Turks to come and haul windshield round his neck, nn NN, Copyright, ONE OF OUT OF BEANERY SEE A overthrown, and red rebellion has held undisputed sway. "has been chaos. Fifty million dead Will be the price Russia' must. pay this winter for her folly. Lenine | condition of abject slavery and} fwant. Taw and order have been has, asked congress to} The result to make repairs; it's lost its everlasting goat, The Kronprinz, smeared with mud and grease, ! crawls from beneath the car, and says, on wood; our Jonah's got us now, looks pretty good." sire; "The blame must go your way; you would put k up an awful din; we'll have to tele diteh, a sad and ghastly wreck, and W THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN THOLGHT SURE LY wo SICH CATCH © ME Thor TE + oKnow i} MACHINE' German war machine is busted in the! The wise mechanics flock around and! old Hindenburg. he paws the, uffer Wilhelm swears, Says Laden ied old boat wil never run again; | and we are hoodooed! "Perhaps a| ust now, would travel far. While this! t the plain at fifty miles an hour, all! ve me a pain--I gloried in #ts power. shed it we forgot, methinks, to knock I wot, and peace And then exclaims his haughty tire, that blew out every day. If Me his boat, with none to interfere, KR ch you made disappear." Says Hin- The war machine {3 In the ilhelm mourns, in doleful pitch, the -- WALT MASON. us in." | | HH the greatest engine ever seen hroke down be-¢ Looking Man-- Be One! ~ Just as ambition opens the' gateway to opportunity, clothes and general proper attention to your appearance is a pass- port to a higher position in life and assists in achievement by inspiring the confidenc¢e of others in you. In shaping a successful career you can't make a better investment than in buying l) Victory Bonds and is Society Brand Clothes Clothes like these make other men wel- come your society. SEE OUR HUDDER OVERCOAT $25, $28, $30, $35.00. SEE OUR MADISON SUITS $25.00, $35.00. HERRING BONE METAL LATH AIDLAW HAY BALE TIES 2ND. GROWTH INDIAN HAND-MADE AXE HANDLES BUNT?'S Phone 388 Hardware a ------ mh St. TE FOR SALE | 1] House Cleaners Let os demonstrate 6 you the latest Cadillac Electric Oleaner with Agtomatic .re- "volving dust brush, for catch ing lint and hairs. It Is » wonderial--- cleaner time and Ialar saver. Telephone 819 J. R..C. Dobbs & Co., 41 Clarence Street. dd 255 Go id 100 a 7 Price Price Price Price Pelee Price ... Price Price ... Price .. acres, ueres, neres, aeres. neres, acres, neres, Berens. sores, neres. acres, neres, acres, aeres, acres. neren, acres. acres, neres, . 108 nerves, 16000 oun aun A000 3000 i700 37580 4000 «anne 6000 6000 aro Th00 NOOO $000 + 10000 . 10000 « HR 50 100 150 150 120 200 200 200 200 200 260 300 Price Price . 2k Price... Price ... Price Price Price TJ. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance, | BIBBYS - 78-80-82 Princess St | eee Prevent An Epidemic It each Lp will earry out the Medical Health Officer's instructions and use a Spray or Gargle of Permanganate of Potash we will be safe from Spanish In- fluénza. 'We have this soluth Clarence Street. Kingston Ontarie, \ It ig always well to keep in mind the Waet that somebody will follow your example. - A te ee Br LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICK IN 1 NGLAND Se LECLERC Med Co. HaversinedRe..N WSL iE} TRADE MARKED WORD WATE rau Lessig a THERAPION th ot ATI" a My So or hEvBUBENRMUN en. SSE "di * 'WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR NEW RANGE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES FOR FALL 4 INTER WEAR Men's Shoes priced at ~ . $4.00 to $10.00 'Women's Shoes priced at 4.50 to 15.00 Boys' Shoes priced at . 3.00 to 6.00 Misses' Shoes priced at. . 3.00 to 5.00 Children's Shoes priced at 1.00 to 3.50 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Ti gE H uo mn = Fo w ] 4 ¥ ee] m = wn a wm = ™ \@ hdd a AA to the p vr strength from pure distil water. = 25¢ BORTLE. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 18¥ Princess St., Phone 848 uaa hh A A a Aa a # Perm, Pure Clover Honey In the Comb is very scarce this year. We have a small quantily which we are selling at 40c. per Section. Jas. Redden & Co. Licenge Now. 6-459, S-184, = ¥ . ave ~ Coal Use imported chest- 'nut coke for kitchen