"-- - PAGE TWG ------ $ Fur Coats Caps and Gauntlets Motor Coats formen . . .. . . .$25 up Fur Robes, Splendid Value . . . $17.00 John McKay, Ltd. THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock Street. Victrolas Victor Records Victrola X. $136 --- \ Victrolas © and Victor Records i are sciéntifically Coo hated and synchrénj¢ed in the special pro- cesses of manu- facture and their use, one with the other, is abso- lutely essential to a perfect re- production. 45155 No. A SONG TH AY TTT GS oy TO A WEARY FILLS TO Ln % puom iy IN a Glasses : AN EXPERT'S JOB It is mo easy matter to fit glasses accurately. Only the trained optometrist with ex perience, ability and the pro- per instruments can give you this service. You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac~ curate glasses at Asselstine's CONSULT 1.8 Asselstine DOS Registered Optician The Husy Optieal Stave Almost new, in first class condition, Furnace, electricity, opén plumbing; west end. POSSESSION NOV. 15th. McCann's 86 Brock St. Phone 826 or 621 AA rei A * Practical Politics, to be success-| ful, must be ulterly free from con- + science S twinges. 3 King St. I i' favorable comment. x Tail ir Special for broth suited to invalids. Por- tomt weighing 1 to 11 Ibs. each. | EA iil: city, made the painting of the Kais- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1918. PRENE LIEUT. ROY GOODEARLE INCOENTS OF THE DAY," iho 005m Ep § AND ITEMS OF 'Was With the Royal Air Force oe ~--S8on of Late Huhphrey | Goodearle. Harold Goodearle received the following cable Monday morning h- Readers of the Whig. zollawing cat of the death of his New mixed nuts at Carnovsky's, lbrots her, Lieut. Roy Goodearle of W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at Royal Afr Force, on Oct. 23rd: McAuley's, 'phone 564W. "London, Oct 1918. Most of the cases at the G.W.V.A.|° "Regret to inform you that Lieut. emergency hospital are improving. !F. R. Goodearle, R.A.F., is reported Mayor Hughes, who has beea ill, to have been killed Oct, 23rd. The is able to be up and will be out in a Air Council express sympathy. few days, | €Sgd.) Seeretary Air Ministry." Police Constable Leslie Clark, who, The late lient. Goodearle was an has been laid up with the "flu," is arts studefit at Queen's University, reported to be much better. and volunteered for overseas ser- Harold -Day, King street west, who vice. He was granted a commission has been very ill of influenza for the in the infantry and transferred to past 'two weeks, remains 1n about the R.A.F. in England. He was a the same condition, 'son of the late Humphrey Good~ Two drunks were before Magis- (earle, and is survived by his bro- trate Farrel on Monday morning. 'ther, Harold, and one sister, May, One was fined $10 and costs and the both of whom reside in this city. other was remanded. {The decensed was an aetive mem- Now is the time to have your) ber of St. James rch and Sun- plano tuned. We carry two expert day school, and € news of his tuners and will assure entire satis-/death is receive 4 wi ith much regret. faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. | The infant son of William Fair-| Pte. F. J. Fagan Gassed. burn engineer on the G.T.R., died in! Mrs. Eliza Fagan, 307 Montreal Belleville, and the Body was breught street, ;receivell a telegram this to Kingston for burial on Sunday. morning from the Director of Re- The four-year-old son of Capt. cords, Ottawa, stating that her son, Levoilette, of the tug Coteau, died Pte. Frederfek -Join Fagan, had on Sunday as the vessel was making been "mustard gassed" and admit- her way from Montreal to Kingston. ted to General Hospital, Camiers, Police Constable James Cotter has France. He left Hamilton with the resumed duty after being laid up 13th CMR. under Major W. A. with influenza. His son, ill with the Stroud, in Mareh, 1916: Later he "flu," was reported to be much bét- trdnsferred to the 18th Battalion ter, Infantry. He has been two years in Through a printer's error in Sat- France, and is but-twenty-one years urday's issue it was stated that Mrs. of age at the present time. Mellroy . was. given a month in jail for hoarding. The sentence was one hour in Jail. | LOCAL GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity «What the Merchants Offer to the | an "iy St. Catharines Well. The 8.0.8. call on Sunday for vol-' In giving due credit to the won- unteer workers to assist in - homes derful. remedial springs of Europe where sickfiess 'prevailed, met with We are apt to lose sight of the value a good response, but still more we ork- of the ones nearer home. About ers are required. one thousand springs of various Eighteen of the local telephone 'medicinal virtues exist in America. staff are ill. The rest are over- Of one. of the Hare's System of worked. Do not use your telephonia Therapeutics (1891), page 523, unless aliolutely necessary. Cut thus speaks: "A number of saline 'out ordinafy'conversations. # springs exist in America amd Eu- Women are floing great.war ser- IOPe, very strong water of this kind vice in filllig, fife posts at home left being the St. Catharine's¥ well In vacant hy 'the'; men called to the which Somtaitly Sout 275 [fronts Jt it's work a, womgn' can db; & a ium Radi to the pint, ad cord: » the position: fn. the classi- &s Wel as 135 i aleiym chlors fde. Its 3 pat n Howard Burns, aged fifteen, was celebrated rgutznach springs' in | removed from St, Mary's-on-the- Prisstag rs contains about 110 | Lake orphanage to the Hotel Dieu by grains Siivam Shloride Ceurbrun- | § |The Tad ' ambuimnce on Sumas, clopaedia Britannica, Appleton's Am= | Regina; t grican EReysiopaedia, the Albutts | . System of Medicine, ete. The Grand Fens op rept a. Phang, ang a Frunk Railway system's traing rum { ol. six Joonths you fee ® direct to St. Catharines, and fur- | purchasing instrement we will allow). information can be obtained | the six pronths' rental om purchase from their representatives. Apply | brice, and arrange easy terms on bal- to J. P. Hanley, C.P. and T.A., G. anace. C, W, Lindsay, Limited. T. Ry Kingston, ont | © Although' there were quite a num- ' : L | ber of deaths during the week-end, { the doctors report a marked de- | orease in the number of new cases of |influenza. The hospitals report the wego with a cargo of coal for Robert | situation improved. | Crawford. During the early hours of Sunday, M.T. Co" s Pulletin: The tug Me- morning-the canteen at the Tete de Naughton eleared for Montreal with Pont Barracks was the sceme of a {wo grain barges; the tug Thomson burglary. The thief or thieves ran-' arrived with the barges Winnipeg sacked the place. There is to be a and Dunmore, with grain from Port .court of Inquiry t6 probe into the Colborne; the Thomson cleared with affair. | two grain barges for Montreal. Barnet Lipman, Brock street, re- cetly, word that his son, Dr. A. Pte. Clendinnen Improves. Lipman, {s very {I of influenza at St.! A cable received in Ottawa 'an- Joseph's Island, near Sault Ste. Ma-|nounces that Pte, Ivan C. Clendin- rie. 'His daughter, Miss Sophia Lip- nen, formerly of Kingston, son of man, left Sunday afternoon to attend Ray George S. Clendinnen, who was him, wounded recently, is now in a Can- Canada, grains sodium chile In Marine Circles. The steamer Jex arrived from Os- > a w. a, a Woodstoel: adian hospital at Orpington, Eng., ,- arrived in the city on a ay; 3 v dail on a visit to his son; Sergt: I jond {5 pra ne x Jones, R.8.A., who is seriously fi at. : Queen's Military Hospital. He fs ae- Corns Go! You Bet! companied by his daughter and his] - sols wife, . > dod Calloused Foot The Salvation Army band paraded the streets all Bunday afternoon and | Lumps Too held religious services on corners.| Blistering sore feet from cprn- Citizens expressed their deep appre-|pinched toes, tired aching lumpy ciation of Ensign Smith's action, | feet are things of the past, A true, which brought comfort and cheer to successful; painless and dependable many sad hearts, _ remedy can now be had for the mo- The death of David Maynard, aged|dest price of a guarter eighty-two, occurred at the General! - Who would suffer a minute after Hospital on Sunday. The deceased "hearing that Putnam's Corn Extrac- was born at Cloyne and was a re-| tor does the trick so neatly, so tired farmer 'The funeral took place quickly? from R. J, Reid's undertaking par} Out comes the corn, no sear left, lors to Cataraqui cemetery on Sun- no pain to hedr---it's a magical, won- ay. (derful remedy, and is as represented. The Kaiser "tell tale" was erect- | Sold everywhere in 25c bottles, Get|Y ed on the market square Monday |it to-day---to-morrow you're well. morning, and will tell the story of the campaign as it progresses from |r ce ---- day to day. Mrs. R. White, of this "Headquarter For Headwear" er, and her work has brought much ! The Board of Health members, af- {ier a conference on Saturday afterd oonn, decided to ¢lose the pool rooms for this week aw a further preventa- tive. "The influenza epidemic is con- sidered wander conteol, and next Sun- day the churches will 6pén and on il] Monday next schools, theatres and if; oot rooms will Agata pate, --- | | | J.B. Carruthers has: received E telegram from the secretary of -the British War Office, saving that his. son, - Capt. C. GQ. Carruthers, M.C was reported on Oet. I, as ad- [{ mitted to No, kD 8 | Calais, seriously if with Capt. | | wound in the ¢ has. ith. his 1 ent fillers when ® declar By He Gi served : | I. | | Shot H | was with the Dublin wis Dardanelles ial be sent | Ie the Suck of Oc f Jurope ij the: | socio Press, stationery, efc, 12.76 FER - pointment. * Phone 919 PERSONAL GREETING CARDS Place your order now for overseas. Made by Canada's best manufacturer. NOVEMBER RED BOOK NQW ON SALE. By Government regulations all returns have been cut off. Cus- tomers should secure their copy of .the Red Book to DERE MABLE and TREAT 'EM ROUGH Send these two humorous books overseas. of Dere Mable with fourteen editions have already been printed. Treat 'Em Rough, though only published two weeks ago is now in its third edition, Dere Mable 75¢c. Treat 'Em Rough $1.00 THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Delivery in four days. avoid disap- Over 500,000 copies ™r Bonds stores tr The Always YT B-U-Y Victory With the money you save on pur- chases atour two Newman & Shaw. dh A Bh i hh A died dd AAA Adhd dd VT Busy Store <= AAA ARIA AAs Bahia ddd dd MOORE DEAD. PRIVATE WwW. Formerly Lived .at Portsmouth Want Overseas in 1915. Word was received from Ottawa on Thursday to the effect that Pri- vate Melville Moc¢vé, of Portsmouth, had died of wounds in the Ninth Field Ambulance on Oct. 1st. The late Private Moore was a veteran of the South African war, and before enlisthig in the European war lived nearly all his life at Portsmonth, but three years previous moved to Watertown, N.Y., and was employed at Willlam Madil's as plumber and fitter. He 'went oversea three years and four months ago, and was near- iy all that time in France. = He wi the gon of the late Mr. and Mrs } Thomas Moore of Portsmouth. Hg' is survived by his wife in England, one sister and three brothers: Mrs..| A. Forsythe, Portsmouth; Thomas and Hyla, of Wtertown; and George, of Dayton, Ohio. Statement, Kingston CA. Hut App To al I subichiptions vive $13,605. ---------- Disbursements. 13 Postaze Telephone account Hi Telegrams .. . C. A: Martin, banvers Anglin & Co., banner frames BR. J. Reid. remt of tables and chairs .. 6.99 R. Chas. Bell, rent of type- "writer . Macnee & Minmes, 'wrapping [hm & Hanson, 'three sity SQituetories . Allen, Vill poster. Sf Free man Press . 3.30 poveaee BUILDERS SUPPLIES ewouy Nature's Own Root Red Cedar Shingles, straight grained, sound and clear, defy the elements, resisting sun and wind S. ANGLIN & C0. Lumber Woedworking Factory, : Yards, Bay & Wellington Streets, King Ston, Ont, Office Phone 06, Factory Phone 1413, wee Lumber, Cont wad Wood ot | | ANNOUNCEMENT! Owing to unprecedented accumulation of watch work wo reluctantly find it necessary' to an- nounce, beginning. with this ute, and until Turther notice, it will be: impos- sible for us to undertake the repairs | of wrist-car- ried walches, unless such walches have been sold through our establish- ment. SMITH BROS. LIMITED, Diamonds, Watches, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 King St. Seal Coats W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street. Phone 700. A New Bungalow + With possession at once; $8400 A Detached Dwell- ing On Albert St, with garden, $2800 : A Brick Cottage On Division Street, $2500. A Frame Dwelling Queen Btrert, $1500, A Bungalow On Markland Streét, $2000 EASY TERMS. EW. Mullin & Son TERE TRTTNYYYY