0 PAGEEIGHT = a \Y, OCTOBER 26, 1918. i -- SO EE I | 8 ® ad A i et i AAAI : i | Barriefield camp has 1 hd : 2 ! for the season. The la nn . | =. i , cal troops who were stationet d there | struck camp on Friday and returned Mrs. Lenora Walker, Findley. . to quarters, in the cit Mrs. Lenora Wallke¢ Jed at. the ee RP : Hotel Dieu on Frias Her home was Lieut. D. BE cartermaste se el Li : . D. Evans, quartermast X0CK STREET. at Findley, and the remains Were|oniarig Military Hospit A Cobours, -- I AH -- I © & @® sd 8 y Extra Special! | Glove Sale TONIGHT! 20 Dozen Pairs of Women's High Grade French Kid and Suede Gloves Found to be slightly damaged in color, but absolutely perfect in wearing quality. 'Sold regularly from our stock at $2.00 and $2.25 a pair. A SACRIFICE TO-NIGHT l ¢ a Pair The sizes and colors range as follows: Black kid, sizes, 53 6,631 and 75. Tan kid, sizes, 7 and 7}. Black suede. sizes, 6, 4 63, 63. -Customers Please Note No phone orders can possibly be accepted for this Glove Sale. ® n = - 3 x a SNIVEY spital; sent to Athens She 18 survived by | was in Kingston on duty all this week ber husband and seven children. and returned to Cobburg on Friday. i Pars, red, Hanley, Patzersen, : The attention of all ranks is called : { The death of Mrs. Frederick Han-}, oop, 9 KR. and O. for Overcoats: $20, $22, $25 up fo $35.00 | ley occurred Friday at Battersea. The TAaaragmph 1488, KR. and states deceased as ad laughter of Mr, and 2 : # lors iM William Patt&rson, of Be attersea, that all officers; soldiers and color Mrs, Williar Arson, passing a military fuperal will salute Tailored From the Best Materials. and 1 survived oy her bustnd and PROSE 8 Han infant child 5 i : 3 Clon Pte. J. A. Draper, 1st Depot Bat- I: Albert ar a a i talion, E.O.R,, has been taken on the | p saty-nine. eed : '| strength of C Battery, R.C.H.A. When Living- taged twenty-nine, occurred at Bat- ' & . ersed Thursday The deceased ; a. stor s overcoats, x 1 : are . on of Jan ne Clark, of Batter- . The military funeral will take place ¢ and hd is survived by his wife, | OB Sunday afternoon at two o'clock * : S fats sea, x y tailored in the ia | who is ve ry ill at the present~time, | Of Sergt, Artillery Clerk A. J. Crook, new autumn mo- late R/C.H.A., who died in Queen's d ] [Fad 3 x Mrs, William Me Laughlin, Military Hospital on Friday. The els, are offerec » ; { Mrs. Alberta McLaughlin, wife of | late sergeant enlisted fof overseas - : 2 4 : ! William McLaughlin, confectioner, | service with the R.C.H.A. three years at above price, { \ died at her residence, 344 Albert | ago, but owing to his S3copiional «YOu can safe 3 ; street, on Friday, from pneumonia, | abilities as a clerk, he was delainec TY y : . The deceased was a daughter of Rich-| in Canada for duty at the Tete de "conclude t h at . Ar 3 ard Filtz, this city, and she is sur-| Pont barracks. Two months ago he 7 77 hv , vived by her husband. applied for permissiofi To transier { there has been a 2 /y i the Siberian forces, but was refuted ifi 1 f / 2 | The Late Isadore Laplante. permission. . He was a very popular large sacrifice mn 77 Pl "The funeral of the late Isadore | and conscientious N.C.0., and will be our profit mar- J/ En i 1} Laplante took place on Friday after-| greatly missed by his colleagues. * J 3 nogn pom his. ale residence, 3iv . a-- x gin. : NZ i y 5 University avenue, to St. Maryls Gunner Thomas Hewitt, 73rd Bat- 3 7 cemetery. The service was conduct- | tery, has been discharged to civil life " : = Fe ed by 'Mather Hanley. "Besides his |as medically unfit for further ser- I'he thing can BH widow there are left to mourn his { vice, , > loss his parents, M and Mrs. Geo. be done no other he / ; Lisplante, six brothers and a sister, All ranks of the R.C H.A. received way. Mrs. R. Thomas, all of Pembroke. | inejr third inoculation with anti-in- * RE { truer fluenza serum on Saturday morning Sh nh d 1 nN "§§| The deat 1210s Oxsor, Orser oc- a ten o'clock. Los 1p 0 moc e 8 : iu curred at the Hotel Dieu on Saturday, The following men were: trans- English design 2 Y after a short illness from pneumonia. | rerred tram the 74th Batterey to the ee © Ugg : The deceased was a tinsmith by | sng Depot Battalion, E.O.R.: Sergt.- F. , ; x > trade and resided with us mother at Major H..G, Haig, Drivers J. J. Me- | rm yr 294 Division street. He is survived ty . W: Davey and W. C. Coch- 0 fitting coats He o Bo by his mother, one sister, Grace, and Insts, R Davey 4 with eep collars Bird TE : one brother, Harry, all of this city -- He was a member of the Sous of Eng- Word was received on.Sunday by land. his mother that Pte. Thomas F. Con- | : nor, 267 Withrow avenue, Toronto i Mrs. J. H. Dicken. (formerly of Kingston), has been ad- | The death of Mrs J. Herbert mitted to the 55th General Hospital, { Dicken occurred at the. Kingston Boulogne, on Oct. 12th, suffering ai 3 | |General Hospita} on Friday after a pam gunshot wound in the chest. He {short illness fram pneumonia. The onjigted with the 180th Sportsmen deceased was a daughter of Georgey' Bagtalion, was transfered to the 19¢h Tandy, West Bromwich, England, Battalion, and has been one year and Ivin S t on' 5H ing m the IAT. in France. Sno | ciht months in France. His brother, i in the R.AF. in F ge," . 8 - i s Divisional | }ame to- Canada three weeks ago James, is SOrVIRg With the Divisigna { with her husband, who had served | Si€nallers. a | four years at the front. Mr. Dicken capt. J. Howard Box, M.C., who . went overseas under Col. A. E. Ross. . onda BROCK STREET {The funeral took place to Cataraqui belongs to the Snowball Brigade, | cometery from 66 Centre streer, | medical unif, has, along with Lieut. 1 Saturday, Rev. Mr. Ellis officiating. Hendry Connell, sailed from a Pa- If off your route it pays to walk. | Be Ya rival AT cific port for Siberia. Capt. Box has 'been made adjutant of his unit and . The death of Vera Lou VanLuven' When Vladavostok is reached a sta- occurred on Thursday morning at tonary hospital will at once be eleven o'clock, at her home, Moscow, , Set up. | Ont., aged thirty-three years. De- ceased. was taken ill a week ago with : : Spanish influenza, which developed | The hand genades ae Jolly things into pneumonis. Besides her hus-{, 10 smite 3Ee ya en mg foe, | band, she is survived by her parents, | 70 fit them out on happy wings 'Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Neely, Govan. Are what our honds can do! Sask., and Tour small children. A DAILY MEMORANDUM private funeral service was conducted See top of page. three, right hand at her late residence on Friday after- | corner, for probabilities. . noon at two o'clock, by Rey. Mr. Personal Unristmay| Grosting Qards, 3 i rg A full Mine now in. Order now for over. Robeson, Br Buleryise, swing to the seas The Jackson Press, Wellington : y «dd, ve «1 street. The sorrowing family have the heart. | meant se felt sympathy of the entire commun- Ha wD ORK. v A.B BRYANT---To Mr. and Mrs. T. ry - iy In their sad bereavement. ant, 93 Johnson street, a daughter, +: Dorothy Norene, Oct. 18th, 1918. Mrs, William R. Badour. TTT MARRIED. { The death occurred at the General | HARTE-MOHAN--On Tuesday, Oct. ' Hospital on Friday evening of Mrs. end, 10s, by Rev, Pathe: Staley, William R. Badour, formerly of hla. Mae iF oungest Caughyter o | 3 A Ars . M : | Bharbot Lake, but recently residing A ar erihur Mohan, to AY WwW TT at 279 Montreal street. The de- Mrs. Patrick Harte, ~Elgmburgh, Oo EN S. BLACK CASHMERE E ceased was thirty- "four years old, and | NTT TN REET WT HOSE; two special makes, medium and ! died of pneumonia after an illness of |" fro Ta aard, by Rev. J. 8. La h |. ten days. She came to the city with Flair, Mrs. Mary King, sister of eavy weight. For 35¢ a pair, or 3 her husband from Sharbot. Lake Mgrs. Hraithwaité, to Edward Sar- f about three months ago. Her hus- gent of lastowel, Ont. 2 pairs for . . . cove oon, $100 MH vana, Wiliam Rufus Badour, was Dish . amp employed on the new barracks at] scat : SAMPLE nT , Oct. 22nd, at ll Barriefield camp, and is at present in | YAP Br B Tuesaday: bart pat the Army and Navy Veterans' hos- loved-~son of Mr. and Mrs. Camp- She hell, aged 6 mondhs,. § days WOMEN'S BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, [fl pt serine mow ives: Saf |e English make, Llama brand; sizes 9, ||: Eawara. ftteen years old, who is in [sare in the arms or Jesus, i the Hotel Dieu with pneumonia, and | Safe on his genitle breast. 91, 10 for, a pair... ai ata | James Howagd, four months old, who |DICKIN-<At Kingston General Hos- . is ing the G. W. V. A. hospital suffer- pital oy yngay 0 pen 1818 § + 4 V " ly oved "+ ing om. influenza. A brother fs at Herbert Dicken and daughter of » i present' serving overseas, and her Mr. and Mrs. George Tandy, West MEN HE V Y. W( X ) ED parents reside at Sharbot Lake. The| fromwich, England ? S A L 4-1 RIBB funeral took place Saturday after- Funeral took ice from Lhe residence S0CKS, black; extr non from Corbett's undertaking par- Saturday at 2 p.m. a strong; sizes 10, lors to Cataraqui cemetery. HAZLIBT Tdi Winnipeg, on Oct. 23nd. 1918, Foster, eldegt son of Mr. and 10 and I or : Ls for y @ pair. Shiai 8 Mrs. Thos. Hazlett, aged 22 years 3 - . i Late James Gowan, 2 and 4 months, Funeral at 2. 30 Sunday afternoon, with Attended by a large number of re- mitary 'honors, from his father's Iatives, friends and acquaintancesy residence, 474 Brock street. the funeral of the late James Gowan | HANLKY--In Battersea, ct. i Them, ok place on Friday morning, from 1918, Ruby E. Hanley, beloved wife a" in residency 381 EE -- of Fred Hanley, aged 23 years. » Muneral takes place from late resi street. ye, remains were taken to dence on Sunday afternoon at 2 Cataraqui etery for interment. o'clock to Sand Hill Cemetery, Friends and scquaintances are respects Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, of Chalmers TI vite a. { Ig j chureh, officiated at the service. The | ,yON--On October 25th, 1918, at 115 | Mrs. Harry L. VanLuven, What Bonds Can Do. lid I Hi OC i i i EE ---- 7 be § MEN'S PLAIN CASHMERE SOCKS, 1 black; ant extra quality, made in Eng- | I | if ATT AR land and priced special, Tonight for, a ar, .60c - le pall-bearers were Barney Dalton,| ' York street, Helen Louise, infant 0 | Samuel Hamilton, - Georzs Derry, Saugnion of 1 ad 3 aly. : x - WOMEN'S N ATUR AL AND WHI Thomas Angrove, John Sowards and | yyneras held on Saturday at 3.30 pan {if "VESTS AND DRAWERS, lon 5 Bad Boy ul lore]. irtbutes were). Bond a cemetery (or. arses 'Try this shoe if you have had trouble in getting an easy going fit. g placed on the casket. The floral of- MCI tn Tech hale Samuel Me- Made over a special last with good "style. Black or nut brown, $8.50 d an ferings included a 'pillow from the| ~C a 27 "an kle length for a garment . . Rif Annee fastaded a plllow fot thei | Liu. afl FE years, iste edt dence at Cataraqul at 4 o'clock, - © Ml and Mr. and Mrs. Robertson; anchor, Monday' afternoon. £7 8 -- . : Ch H.W. MeNaster, wreath from | pions sad douaivizioos are fapect i: fF . * . Vi * + | WOMEN'S NATURAL AND WHITE [ff 3 mh. i vars i (rib deniosiese nism A an 1s LIRe { and Mrs. Richard Taylor, W, B. Dal- : ay > : / VESTS AND DRAWERS, extra heavy TE Limited, Capt. er Bry | (privaces on' 3 aay morn : 2 . ; : shite of His Wal { | 1 3 | i ! u : . V. Norris, B, Curzon, & quality, unshrinkable; Tong sleeves and Hlli J. ¥. Norris, 8. Curson. Taylor 81, ankle length, Worth 3 00. each. For Kingston: Mrs. J, and M. Gowan, of Deseronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chester | dissec Urse tone, a garment a Henry, of Kingston: sheafs, George | "5: Division EE dy Derry and Tack Gowan, 454" many at 330. A vigorous, conden stride is 'as much a matter of sides asany- thing else. When ear "'Lockett's" shoes you get enthusiasm Yehich Som comes on Te owledge that you have Sores clean-cut