Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1918, p. 4

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r-hoy, | own To-day hi , 'an envi-| which alone assures their cont h iber call] abl® position, | He ms heen blessed | ance in the conflict, up th SW SY f and com-|{ with bo } erop hrough the | gur contribution is: fi our sons | ived the} agency the B + and Canadian and brothers for the trenches; i Eain because he hast receive y i : pa governni A re irket has ond; the last pound of food prodas #1 2 SEE OUR % : SEE OUR pn . been found for a roduce; andi which we can grow and, - third ; ther citle re tal vantage he oh : ealized oodstufl » | money for Vietory Bond Every TWEED 1 S TWEED the government's advice and Bp he aver before ex-| farmer in Canada must remember HATS wid HATS how qui DS i ---- YE much higher than n Canada must Committee perienced A that the war has a first LEAEe On ean devoliazl gehieved a position of wealth af- | every cent he has 3 ast spare : > 4 i 2 of late RO | fluenes And of hir that hath | cent in the pockets of y farmer WHERE SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES ARE SOLD the influenza epidemic, and has thus{ nop is expected should be devoted to the we 2 had no oppertunity of considering] one farmer everywhere loves peace, | Germany wins if the tre ry fails 1 5 jthis impormut guestion It cannot, | he ¢ fian farmer especially, but | Keep the treasury full by buying i . Young Men's ! ever, be akved ACLlon may bel he farmer everywhere is a warrior | Victory Bonds : b 4 { t cannot be avoided when war is the only .thing which! : SS sl uty . ust be protected against will make and, keep him free----either| : ose who would profiteer in food! , warrior or a serf He does not | " 5 . . supplies « frally to the colors as quickly as the | PUBLIC OPINION wor Io hen Be ; dwellers in the cities, because it : . os Ny : 1917 VICTORY LOAN. - 1 r to send to the farms - por pi " . \ takes longe Some interesting stalisties have] | than to the cities the fiery cross of | "Erzberger Tears." 3 o ared © rning the Vie : rrherger 1 Published Daily and Semi-Weekly been gathered oconcerni is the call to arms But when the] (Philadelphia ie dw need no donger speak of Cro & ict v 8 ? EA THE RIT w HIG PUBLISBING | tory Loan campaign la ear, which | | ners do Jgnite, they burn with al } i ® Yo rod od - . i LIMITED, Leive some indication of the tremien- 4 x : codile tears It will be move MH 3 Bd, > i PR -- ee some ind yi slow, hot fie which nothing can put and 'niore expres sive: to speak of « } i Leman A. Guild .. Editor and dous amount of work volved ia} The Canadian &Regger Will |" Erzoerger tea re : i i Managing-Director | organizing for what is intended to as and. all that be | os ARLEN - «2 : A h B he ! give, all that he 1 { % Telephutien; : be a thor ough house to Bouse, can- is to win this pi var against war | His Chance at. Last ~ & » Susingss ice * 1 vass during the three weeks of the What the Imperial German Covi remind gba J A VB ; f AWe speciali oh young men's Top tice «Ln nial Jaiddive this year, commencing Mon-{amment offered the farmers in its | id gener retirement of German i a ed" BE E Ze : (rupsZat last wives the Crown Friuce ; id <lothés and fill the mind's eye of SUBSCRIPTION RATES. dy, October 28th + | ruthless submarine warfaveiwas net | LEROPRE CE Et Ce CY in per] ; ; Ome. Jour. ay He LI $6.00 In 1617 there were 12,300 cah-| ; Yes nt profits, but slavery to the 1 $ 4 } ' every young fellow that _eqmes LF ! advance... 35 rassers for vhole Dominion, Or! tra rattler of sy He pir . i 4 } i - ps oy : Oy paid advance .. $5.00 | Yassers for the who sabre-rattler of Potsdam pur | / to us f r } utfittin ne year, by mall 10 rurd; offices $2.60 «pach 650 A FSONS Tha ioe ru ca Ga re Z An : . { ? ' v ( e fo 118 O g. . ya. a Statin Ey one for each 5 per posed to make us ives by murder Justify Faith by Works. | a0 : (Bemi-Weekly Edition) average for each canvasser was 32.0, | {nu the people who take our produce (Wo vek Sentinel-Review) bg ite 2 3 ¢ 1 One year, by mail, 4 fy a 31.00 & AE spacial sal . : A . . ti lieve that the . ? R- Ra Sei . " ie One Year. 3 no paid in aavance §150|50Y: apart from spécial subscrip {to market These are the murders I all right to believe tha i #2. } SEE OUR SUITS " i TE #34 ATL long as ; r, United States ., .. $1.50 18. The average for each appli-|ip.+ iain | is 'of » Kajser | fhemy whl surrende ' . ; At ; p ! One year, to Unite © $1.50 § tio; age PPE] that stain the hands of the kaiser ¥. youlr by : your Za § ; The Marlow .. . .. . . $25.00 free months pro rata § you jJustily Six and th of pra , ation was $330 m4 o was 344. land his advisers and minions And | works by doing your share to com- A 1 | i MUNTIGAL REFR TARIVE * The figures for Ontario are } i in I y to surrende " - & ail ; The Bellere .. .. .. . $30.00 3 Ge rders were ¢ itted pel the enemy R. Bruce Owen .. St. Peter St ; | these murders were eammi pe : | J ¥. 1. Northrap, 225 Fifth Ave, New York [somewhat different. For the pr DY that we might be enslaved -------- ean ? ; 4 Th Madison $35 00 F.RNortheup, 15610 Ass'n Bldg, CHEAZO | Lin ns 12 h rare. A 08 i i -- e ote eee + vince last year there were To have subniitted would have cost egal Note ; 7 4ae4n tiated ates Sega é ¥ I . : setters to y Editor are published | onnvass wre wi pC get ws a \d ) 4 - one iors! 0 Lhe Editor irs Published canvassers. This year there will bel, . aay in prosperity; but that woiild : 5 I by hy - hl 4 Society Brand © SEE OUR OVERCOATS Writer, about 2,600." This would average!p.ve heen the least of our loss. We * "ppeal of aa ra 3 ' i The Bel ' $20 00 -- TI Tree pees | ORO canVaSSer for every 300 persons.lqnunid have had 16 grovel before the | [FARSI . ENCE Of 3 . & FN ec belmore .. .. . . . A ned 48 one of the ' best : § 1 f ¢ court has heen dented Judge Foeh | 1 i ; A printing offices fn Canad: In Ontario each eanvasser last Yedr{Gorman government We "should | will hear the chse and decide the : ; . The Stanford a . $25.00 iH meee pga ____|Obtained $43,300 apart from speciallpave had to accept murder as a thing | merits of an armistl | To oy r || subscriptions, or an average of $360 against which we could not defend . ree HH The Delpark ra aati y . $30.00 "The circulation of THE BRITISH A s 1 Whig 1s authenticated by the for such applieation --i . ourselves ABC Hon On the last loan 1,760,426 bonds Audit Bureau of Circulations. were issued, of which 1,287.691 uch a though intolerable. Bet "Yours For Vic- $ % " - avere 'coupon bonds and 462,823 | (er any sort of war, better war for-'s | tory Loan 1918" 4 were fully reg > The extent] ever, than that Let us remember ¢ on ---------------- ee Buy-a bond. yore Sony restaered. -- xy at that we fight for liberty Not only i GG y HM the people of Canada is shown hy | for the liberty of the Belgians, the "Yours for Victory Loan, 1918 the fact that over 1,300,000 bonds | French, the Servians, the Rus fans, js the Canadian letter writer's Not every home may boast a ser- {were in denominations of $50 or [the British, the Montenegrins, the |glogan in the Vietory Loan cam vice flag, but every home may have | $100. i Rumanians, the Italians, but of all |paign. * Bvery one is asked to sign} : § ORGET BUY VICTORY BONDS a Victory bond. The patriotic in- The total number of applications |nations, even for the German peole his or her letters in this way Al-| DON T F 1. . vestment offered you 18 an 'invest- [last year was 874,331, averaging 1 themselves, and most of all for our | ready some are doing it, and befoit | » ment----not a privilege. T |in 9.02 of the population. The total |0Wn liberties. ~ The Germans are |ihe campaign is far prides way it is -- iy number of applications in the Pro- | being whipped--they know they are | hopad the practice will be genera! No' warrant is now needed for the vines of Ontario was 403,541, avér-| being whipped--and our boys are | It is an'easy and yet ost effective arrest of loafers; Any police officer aging 1 to 6.39 jof .the population. |toking & big part in the game. The way of driving home the appeal for McCLARY'S INTERCHANGEABLE ean round up the sons of leisure. [It is hoped this year to make aa|rough and ready sons of Canadian | the Loan, and it will reach praetical- v Those who frequent street corners, even million in applications. farmers are every ay proving their! {ly every one. Business men parti- Gas, Coal and Wood Range P pool rooms, etc, have no excuse; sn an superiority over the much vaunted | Feniary are requested to adopt the Costs less, takes up-less space, has larger oven for gas revent they must work or fight. WHERE HARD COAL IS STORED, |profesgional soldiers of Prussia. They y {idea As they read their incoming than any other range of its kind, "a : The press has called attention to|have never yet failed to take their i fama outgoing letters, during th2 We have lots of satisfied customers te whoni we can refer, ® Prince 'Max. insists upon a peace [the fact that the cellars in all tie] objective They will not fail next five weeks, they will confront We will be pleased to show you one at any time, I that shall safeguard "the honor of government buildings in this and | long as we back them up with ry an] 'Yours for Victory loan 1918" 1 emic the German people." Outside of other cities are filled with hard | munitions and reinforcements. That scores of times 'gach day. Stait 9 Germany, whers could one find an |ecal. 'The government at Ottawa |is our part, nnd eravens indeed. will now sigping your letters in this way B U N T o 1 ouch Individual will cary individual who would acknowledge [took 'the jprechution to ste that nf we be if we fail them in the hour of ; Get into the swing! Every little hit Phor 388 Hard Kin St TS Madicul Mentth . that Germany had any honor? ample supply was Secured for these |their greatest trial 'We can back | is" needed if Canada is to go over ne ware 4 . Spray or Gargle » RS buildings, and, it is said, for a good | them up by supplying the 'money ' the top." ! b The merchant who keeps his many officers and officials besides. | mesa imam immon irminas snmanin A 3 R - : oo mange w Piiush Ta scales covered up by advertising The general public were not so con- i { t fluenza. signs. is inviting disaster. The pub- | giderately treated. While, as pre-. We have this solation sade "to the proper strength from oy : . f= er lie have a might to know the welgbt|yiously acknowledged, the govern : 3 : . . L- . and the price of every purchase. If finant was to he commended for en- | in mes ; g pure distilled water. any Kingston merchant offends Ii|guring a plentiful supply of coal for * d " ut mn ric 25¢ BOTTLE, this. particular,-he should make 1W-tye public buildings, it was ta be : Always keep us in mind when in need of mediate amends. condemned for neglecting to make ~ w : . : i : 7, ~~ I¥IMIAT provision for tHe people. It CORN PONE Hard, Soft or Pr essed Brick. " n CHOWN'S "ty a ecople, § a, Rik > 4 ve Te. a. proud. people, aceuss alsa transpires that these places are Some loyal woman from the south Should teach us how to make corn tomed to victory," says the latest : - shag ; ; Bn stocked with hard coal, whereas | pone, the kind 'one pushes in his mouth and bids farewell to grief and | 9 German peace note, But pride i ' groan. All kinds of bread are being made to take the place of wheaten all S : LIN Tr . ary 16F Princess Bt, Phone B48 Carry your parcels. th bef dest ti id Io8t if not all, of them eould : Use foaves, inventive women rayed around th tion ki toy Boel] ore estruction an a i 3 M > > ' ome are ar ec ound e nation's coo ng si } : * haughty spirit before a fall. The Bituminous eon I " : I've eaten bread composed of rice, I've eaten bread! Victoria Bt. Yard in Phone 1042 otis 5 onl t head es A similar situation in Toronto 2 they made of bran, and some was punk and some wasi } aL peop 6 Just become ech: has provoked the assistant fuel ad- : nice, and some was but an also ran. I've 'eaten stuff, tomed to defeat before a satisfac-| . .. .. . co Ontario, BE. L. Cous- they called corn bread, the kind that helps té win | ew A ----------------------" Sore =, tory peace can be concluded. . . ; . oi : JE the war; and.it outweighed a bar of lead, and tasted | pe jus, to announce that he will take like exeélsior. Down in the south they and tasted | oy | 1ESY GENERA : LS The United Farmers. of Ontans full advantage of the recent deci- pone that soothes the soul, it is so nice; a pirat ARE TO DECIDE FARMS FOR SALE | ew » i - sion of the dominion government fo monarch on his throne might envy one who has a tried out their strengt 4? : RR Blick i Bele Suisngth Matust. the replace all hard coal supplies with % slice. If I had southern pone to eat, I would not care | president Wilson's Latest Re- 50" diren.. Price. . il aman Pure C 2 ver 7 1X 3 bituminous in public. buildings b ) a finétooth comb, it all the mills quit grinding wheat | ly Resolves Whole Thing BED orem Brice CT anes lo 4 Hearst on Wednesday and won by a ch tho heatl z i ' until the speekled cows come home. Anon a north- | rn re LAE py ; substantial majority. R.'R. Gamey's|" °'® the heating equipment Is eap- : - ern woman cries, "1 know just how that pone is made; | into Military Question. 5 acres, Price ... i... Honey old constituency of Mauftoulin has] able of burning séft coal. He con- I've been down south, and 1 am wise to all the secrets | eres, Fhice ray : A] tends that ninety per cent. of the f of the trade." And then she tries to show her skill;| Paris, Oct 26.1 The official com- a lee mney "In the Comb "is very. been lost to the government. Com- public buildings throughout Ontario and makes corn bread that 1 would like to shovel in- ment to the. Associated Press on 50 acre, Price ... Lo. 4000 n she La 18 Yory¥ ing events cast their shadows De- ; i to Kaiser Bill until his works went on a strike. We | President Wilson's reply to Germany, meres, Fries... o.oo. searee this year: We have "ore. . ¥ : can use soft 'coal and that their pre: a HE 4 can't make pone deserving fame, all honest northern-| ean be-summarized as follows: : acted: TrEIEE. a small quantity which we : sent supply of hard coal should "fers allow; I wish some loyal southern dame would travel round and show "President * Wilson's latest an- 20 meres. Price ... .. iid y diverted to the uses of household: {us now, {ewer resolves the whole thing into I, re A are selling at helies, Schools and th tres 3 ! hed ing a. military question which can be 3 aeres, BE 02a NODE are still closed, : but the pool To6ins ere for domesticNujtiiies : it WALT MASON. | decided by Foch, Haig and Per- ] ig Ras 40c. per Section, * are doing business #s usual: . =r nly . 4 Vy | A} Its estimated that practically t 25 shing. neres. pewspap ; entire shortage for immediate needs "The' situation, however, is virtu- 260 weres, WEL oF. Maids to vee more than could thus bé more than made up THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN ally? unchanged, though the ex: 240 neren. te vaia Jas. Redden & Co. ; ii insighl avres. Price Y 6-450, H-184, any official In advocating the tem- change of notes hag given an Insig LAcen, Nos, porary closing of the pool rooms, Local fuel controllers will Shortly By GENE BYRNES into affairs in Cermany, and has; | ne \ * But the While puts the public 'wel: be Instructed to investigate the sup prom -- perhaps, hastened her internal re- fare first. 43 these places are not Pes of hard coal in the basements forms. The next answer will have 0c art, as a esr ® ® " : to be a military answer {rom her closed up" at once, the public is en a i BE, Ire o - titled to some explanation as to why of public and large office hulldings ; _ tary " a a ] military authorities. with a view to the above-mentioned : : "Phe French people feel that the Real Katate mud mri they are exempted. distribution. During tire period of : I'LL question of the internal governinent Cinrence Street. 5 navigation most of the fuel-carry- of Germany is not so Important as || rn i The Frontenac farmer who was, [ing boats are being ptilized to con- GUARANTEE AT PT Re - ------ / Save on Friday fined $60 and costs for |VeY Saal fo Western = nadian points, ', Your QEPETHE CURE FATIGUE! : » : 4 fnst YOUNG J resulting. a ortage in Ontario an assurance aga a ANOe making statements deir{mental lo ait og In oho _e n " a a SATISFIED. BUILD UP! {or Germany's militaryship = policies, the cause of the Allies, has received |W hoped to make up by Fa VENOU JUST LOVE TO RE T! wnlch precipitated the war. considerable notoriety. Those who |"susportation after navigation clos- | . -- WA : : ot GET FAT! "We do not know how sincere know him best will gladly acknow-|9s. In the meantime there is a i . Gris Germany is about her internal re- J ! ONCE YOU. START USING THE forms. We have reason to doubt .|serions dearth of hard coal in the! ha \ : : ; ledge that his greatness of heart ex-|! 2 . _ FOR 3 NEW BLOODFOOD REMEDY the sincernty of her aims in this di- Now i ceeds his greatness of judgment. Province. Mhis the controller Beeks ' - 4 ! ™M ' YOU'LL WE ¥ A Baa a i 1a Like many sputter man, he sgid [lo overcome by the method wbove a : ; ™ 7 : a, KY. EIAs ore hes ats atl aot more than he Intended or meant. |outiined. i A A y Ff pass ha - * |, You're nervous and uneasy. again be in the same position as be- A cn ; Non nesses J f : 2 ' Appetite is poor, fore the war." : 3 Phe most noticeable thing abou: THE WAR AND THE FARMER. : A " l 4 d E : Steep is hard to get. Sleepy the Canadian universities this 'gail Canada must look to. ker rural} |. Sal, 3 ' Hil re, you are thin and fag- vy | | population to furnish a 'considerable Fel SEE BY a ; 2 partion of the second Vietory Loan, £3 : at A Ri He oh ugat be dons. but Where 1s the campaign for which opens on vo ied % ; | > Make your blood nutritious and Monday next. The war nas greatly | 130 ree 4 ave losis. of strohsh. enhanced the value of all foodstuffs, ' Hn . : po [4] oda Be SITOEONe, an ¥ ; : 4 en A instant blood-maker, 'blood-purifier, and the Canadian farmer, we dre glad ers, co TT CI [bicod-enricher. It brings on a' to say, Is in a far beyer Sasnciall | ¢ st" Se | Lot ~ (petite, digests food and supplies n position than he over was before. He! f f ; \ ~~ | itrition for beilding up all the bodily Son. rei a a struggle, but has had to use his == : ; Ove 8 akon muscle in | Allied forces in V brains as well as his hands. But he = Sra he , ' {stills a reserve of energy into the hody \ has not gained this position wihtent | ch "Xe iq : yen RS ana] This was the pt ptr for the 7 Tobie call should never forgot the condition the | y 1 Z that defies weariness or exhaustion Sy "iroyar ia Canadian farmer found himselt | | J 2 RE "1 'For men who tot asd labor, tor Lo send an. some fifteen or twehty x Loe : X . x the minister, fhe dC) ko cus Shon, about all the average farmer $ Wn 3 i Re - A % , : 3 1 Aiekel to could rilse 48 an : a

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