Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1918, p. 1

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~ Marie the Freugh have captured thej 16 PAGES WILL AUSTRIANS STAND min ~Prepare For Victory Loan-- Toe Halans And. Their Ales Are Stik ing Hard Al the Encmy. MAY BE ONLY DIVERSION MORALE BEFORE BIGGER BLOW. TO TEST STRIKING STILL The British in Mesopotamia Have | Resumed Operations Turks and Will Try and Effect! Junetion With Allenby)s Forces. (Canadian Press Despatch) New York, Oct. 26.--The Associ sted Press this morning issued following: While British, French | and Americans are slowly breaking their way through the Against | | the | stubborn | cne ~The Our 'Answer ony HUN PATRIOTS ON THE FRONT LINE, e But | Gorman Writer Says N Thase Ready Should Be on Battlefront. The Hagué, O¢f. 26 known writer, Richard in" The Vorwaerts: This is our last effor {hope that the enemy | good-will, but 4f he { des 26 gation, then "AL I front only 'rve who would rather « cept an ignominious aré too many out t against will. free and | There is plenty 1 front. "None would disapprove time has gone by when the should be used for shment | peal should be made lak | 5€ han ac- ! > wh ht They allowed of work b e ir | set to this. p to every man | hould | Br _RINGsTON, ONTARIO, SAPURDAY, oC fi 26 5 TOBER PAGES 13% LAST EDITION { should | 1s re | nid bel rétiirn. | ehind the The | trenches | Ap- | { working at home, in the war zone or | \ j occupied districts, who feels for fighting "Ii" "the front lines, , his health or his train- Then the front will be that one machine gun against = ten mortars, cannon and ten tanks.' ever his age | | | strong | right ene German defence along the line sout' h of Valenciennes, the attention moment at least to the Italian front, | where General Diaz seems to have | started & major operation, begun on Thursday, .when the trian official statement heavy artillery fire from the Brenta to the Monteéllo plateau. ft was reported yesterday Italian, British and French attacked between the Brenta Piave rivers and advanced rougher country for a considerable distance. At the same time, tho Allies moved ahead and captured is~ Jands on the Piave above the Mon< tello plateau, This stroke was alm- €d at the angle in the Austrian line, which rung from the Adriatic along the Plave until it reaches the moun- taing and thea turns to the west, If the Allied attack makes material progress, Austrian armies on the lowlands near the sea and those holding the front in the mountainous sector may be divided. The num- ber of prisoners taken, 3,000, would seem to indicate fighting of a seri- river that forces and over ous nature. It is too early to determine whe ther General Diaz has really begun an offensive or Is merely directing an operation which is in the njture of a diversion. It may be that the morale of the Austrian army, has repeatedly been. reported to be very low, will be determined by the Tightisg during the next few. days. British Attack Turks, {Canadiay Press Despatch) Néw York, Oot. 26.~-The British divisions in Mesopotamia have re sumed their offensive against the Turks, Fighting in that region is next to im thie during the heat of EN that autumn has come, it may be expected that there will-be an effort to for a junction between the forces along the Tigris and those operating morth and cast of Damascus. . -- War Tidings. British 'continu® 'to press forward between Valenciennes and Tournai. They have captured Odome and Malude. Strong German connter-attacks east of the Meuse were repulsed ex- cept in the Bellew Wood, where suc- cessive assaults forced a partial with- drawal by the Americans. On Serre front 'south-west of village of Mortiers after violent fight- ing, Between Sissone and Chateau Por cien the French carried their line for ward on a front of four and a half miles to a depth. of two miles through 'positions prepared by the Cermans in 1917 ntl Beav: Undergoes tion. London, Oct. 26.--The (Canadian Press learns that Lord Beaverbrook has gone to the hespital for an op- eration by Dr. Trotter and George Budgeraw. {Colonel Herbert Bruce, Torgpto, has also came here for this operation. It is belleved Lord Bea- verbroek will not return for 'some tite to his work. Austrians On Secret Mission, aT Press Despatch) Zurich, Oct. 36. Prince Frederick Lonkautis an and Baron Nadherny, Sho strongest anti biel at Vienna, have 1 ow + ity for 'for Switzerland, © ed with a |, Bission: out ich 'no details are Ste Attacks: pncglled; Must Oc- ; Germans On to Figh:- ing on a large scale appears to hava | Aus- | reported | { flamed up again and { is pow under way from Valenciénnes | whieh | | HUN LOSSES 50,000 the Allied world is directed for ti ef reddy | what- | 80 | IN- PAST FOUR DAYS| | The British Have Captured 15; y=! 000 Prisoners and Over 200 Guns. Press Despatch); ~The battle { heavy fighting | (Canadiar Paris, Oct The Germans are fig hi-| but the Allies to the Meuse. way in the task of driving back the] enemy on the Meuse line. Although | recent fighting has been marked by no sensational developments, it is having a cumulative effect which, apart from the ground gained, adds considerably to the wastage of men amd material with which the Germans must reckon. In the last four days Sie neemy has lost-well up towards 5,000 prisoners and over 20) guns. He total loses of effectives cannot have been less than 50,000. Strictly speaking, there are three large bat- tles in 'progress, all of which are he- ing conducted with equal success for the Allies, © GERMAN RED CROSS HIDING EXPLOSIVES Photographs of Ambulance Captured by the British Prove Hun Perfidy. With 'the Allied Armies in France and Belgium, Oct. 26 he British army 'has now ion absolute proof that tio Germans are viol atiitg the rules of 'civilized warfare in re- spect to the use of the Red Cross. as had for some time been suspect- od. In: yesterday's operations - the fifth army captured a German am- bulance which, engaged in carrying rmmunitions, bore the Geneva Red Cross. This vehicle was found to be loaded with explosives and the capture was 'considered so import- ant that sepfries were«immediately posted to make certain that no one touched it unlil, photographs of it could be taken ¥or Puture-reference: THE FIRST TO BREAK THE HINDENBURG LINE Proud Distinction Belongs to British Army, M.P. Is : Informed. on London, Oct. 26,--Replying in the Hause of Commons to* David Davies, Lord Robert Cecil stated that the Government was trying to reach an agreement with its Allies and the Un- ited States which would enable a de- tailed scheme for a league of nations to be drafted. Replying to Mr. Houstin, J. I' Mac- Pherson confirmed the statement that the proud distinction of being the first to break the Hindenburg line be- longed to the British army. DEATH WARRANTS NOT NOT SIGNED, No German Commander 'Willing to Take Responsibility, With the British Army in Belgium, Oct. 26.--NAn inspection of numerous German posters in Belgium discloses that whatever the death penalfy for offences by civilians was exacted, ng signature was attached. 1t is, there- fore, concluded that no German 'com- mander was willing to sake an Indi- vidual responsibility for such orders, possibly fearing consequbnces in the future. 3 Twenty Years For Anarchists. « New York, Oct. 26.---Five avowed anarchists, convicted of circulating anti-Governmient literature, ineciud- has | g 1 eryw { continue to make substantial neas.| LEADS HIS PEOPLE BACK TO THEIR BATTLE SCARRED Worked out by the supreme war H King Albert of Belgium whos HO ES asd held up the Getman hordes | it the beginning of the war just long 3 enough to allow France agd Britain to ¢ his beloved country freed more day by ¢ ¥. He is in personal command of the British, French and Belgian --_-- von Arnim's army from north-eastern Belgium. ith tte tn oe oe OU SL A Ae Ag in the campaign. After $he e¢hurches "e-open there will be a Victory Loan Sunday, with suitable séfmeons. The Prepare For Vietody Joan ministers of the city decided to at- tend Monday Right's: Borate in "a Victory Loan Comics Thought it Best Nat to Hold It. VICTORY LOAN WORKERS some of the dovorated Did Good Wg In all about twen DID SPLENDID WORK IN "POST- ING" THE CITY. The People Are Requested To Be anteers handled the posters Friday. Leaving the City Ready on Monday Morning For the Noisé and Squadron of Air- Hall at 10 o'clock, inside a shert time they had pretty well covered the en- tire business district. They report ithe ity of the merchants, and only in a very few cases was it necessary to planes, : Saturday 'morning the Victory Loan executive decided to cancel the dedicatory service which was an- nounced to be held in the cricket field Sunday afternoon. it was point out that it was. not-onhly the privilege but 'the duty of all classes to give these posters the most promi- nent places possible, Placing them on the very front of their. windows, and perhaps putting up 'with some inconvenience by interference with thought that after the rain showers the ground could not .pessibly be in fit capdition for a successful meeting. It 'was felt too that in view of the faet that the epidemic of sickmesS is s0 nearly 'checked in Kingston, it would be wise to eliminate public their light or their own wares, means Victory Loan meetings until after that each poster will greatly assist the canvassdrs and be of much assist- ance ment the campaign opens, when it is felt certain that all restrictions in this regard can Ye safely withdrawn. At a well attended meeting of the city clergy Friday afternoon their support in the Victory loan efforts was assured. They were quite will- ing to assist the executive in the Sunday dedicatory service if held, and will in every possible way assist a A conrmittee of inspection will cover the ground again earl next week apd suggest some changes in the poster locations, more where they are still needed. The stores of the outlying districts will als6. be covered in a day or two. Look out Monday. The noise on Monday morning at 9 o'clock, which will announce the opening of the Vietory Loan cam- paign, will be mecompanied by the presence of a squadron of aeroplanes, which will reach the city by 9.15, and distribute Victory Bond leaflets. They will then fly over the county, Col. tures committee, visited Deseronto Friday aud completed arrangements for this interesting publicity feature. STAND BY CANADA AND THE ARMY. The organization for the Victory Loan campaign is pow complete and a good start has been made in the drive to secure the full allotment of $2,750,000 in the City of Kingston and Connty of Frontenac, On Monday evening a demomsiration in the form of a street parade will be held to arouse all classes of citizens to the great significance of the Victory Loan. Every person is ¢oncerned in the success of the campaign, whether he realized it or not, It is just as important as the vietory of the Allies armies on the field, hecause it provides the means by which we sustain our army with food, equipment and munitions, : tion alone, however enthusiastie they may be. not only 4 duty, but a privilege, It is has asked for our financial support at a time when it is sorely needed, is needed to maintain our lilberty, our commerce and prosperity, have given their heart's Blood and their lives. hich drove co-operation of the great major-! in the. patriotic national move- | cerned, and give out f, visiting the principal.villages. Lieut.- | Fillespie, chairman of the fea-| This is too big a task to be accomplished by the members of organiza- Each individual citizen must consider his position and ability to subscribe to the Loan--this is duty because the Government a time when every resource in men and .money of the British Empire dt is a duty that pales info Tnsignificance beside that which our soldiers have heen called upon to perform, We are 'asked to loan our money, but they It ix & privilege because it 1 i i i i i i ¥ ~--Prepare For Victory Login | | i (The Mlics Must Hold Metz And Strass-| burg Before Granting Armistice. | THE TURKS MUST YIELD | THE DARDANLIES TO THE EN- | TENTE ARMIES, { Probable Terms | | i { f I t { i | { i ! { The of "Armistice | | Which the Allied and American | | Military Advisers (Will Formulate. | | Washington, Oct. 26.--Discusston | | cones -here on 'the probable terms | of armistice 'which may' be formu- | lated by the |Allied and American | | military advisers, sfter the Allied | { Governments thave' considered the | German proposals transmitted by | | President Wilson. It (was generally | | assumed by army officers that the | | President already , has ascertained | | the 'willingness of the Allied Gov- | | ernments to submit the matter to | the military men. ? | | Military opinion here is that Mr ! | Wilson has expressed the basic idea | | upon which an immediate armistjes | | can be reached. The terms to Ten der | | the German military power on land | | and sea. absolutely impotent must | council at Versailles. 'Marshal Foch as supreme com- | | mander and Generals Petain, Haig, Pershing, Diez and Gillian, the Bel-| | gian chief of staff, are ex-officio members of the army botirds as the admirals commanding the four great | navies, British, (French, {American |and Italian, are exzofficio members of the naval board. {Ratified by Governments. The President proposes that the terms. to he drawn up by these mili- tary and naval agencies are to be submitted to the respective Govern- ments associated against Germany for ratification before they are given to the IGerfan' Government. The supreme war council, composed of the premiers of the Allies and of President 'Wilson, probably would pass upon the programme, since it is only armistice conditions and not peace treaties which are to be con- sidered. As to the torme® themselves; the sitnation on land, so far as the western front is concerned, appears simple. To make certain that the Uqboat fleets are put out of action, however by any terms except the surrender of the submarines them- solves, jappears more difficult, Oc- cupation of (Heigoland might - serve to bottle mp both the submarines and 'the German high seas fleet so [far as ithe North Sea outlets are con- but there is another gate- { way, via the Kiel canal and the kaggerak, passing between neutral | waters. a -------- Occupation of Metz Essential. Ashore on the western front, which dominates the situation else- where, it is regarded as obvious that ocoupation of the Metz-Thionville "mutterstelluing," 'as the Germans call that great Tantress, would be essential. " It is Sosarded probable that the Germans would in any case stipulate that American troops take over the fortress until final disposition of Alsace-Lorraine is determined at peace conferences. Holding the Metz-Thionville gate- | way, supplemented possibly by oc- cupation of the Rhine fortress at Strassburg,; some officers think, would enable the [Allied forces not only to dominate the German forces on this front, but would give also an open! road into Germany itself should resumption of hostilities be threatened. .. Merms of the evacuation of Del- glum and North France probably would precede the statement vf con- ditions that must later be enforced along the German-Belgian fron- tier. 5 : £ fo On Be Frontier. What fortresses on the German- Belgian frontier might later be re- quired for occupation is not so clear, since 4t is thought that in any case the reservation of the Ribine road to would be, it dis thought, surrender by Austria to the Italians of fort- Tesses in the Alps that guard thell HUN FORTRESSES Berlin by the joccupation of Mets British Capture. 9, 000 Germans (Canadian Froes 1 London, Oct. thausand Germans and one hun- dred and fifty guns have been captured by the British in the last two, days of fighting. Many towns have beén occupied and large quanjities of material taken, 2 The French made advanees on all' fronts yesterday taking a total of 2,000 prisoners, Turkey's s Offer : Means Surrender se(Special to the Whig.) London, Oct, 26.--The Turkish minister to Switzerland has handed the British and French ministers to that country 'an offer of peace virtually amount- ing to surrender, according to a Berne despatch. Germany Awaits - Entente's Terms ------ po Despatohn The German (Canadian P Oct: War Cabinet considered Presi- dent Wilson's reply in a lengthy session, It was decided not to answer at the present time, but wait until it learned what the Entente armistice cond be. 26 is {tions may [MANY WORKERS WILL LEAVE JOBS in Draft Ages to. Be Placed Soon in New Lines. Syracuse, N.Y., Oct. 26. up by industries, draft boards, the police and county authorities, the Units States Employment Service will next week launch a drive de- signed to shift from non-essential to essential oecupations ' eve able- bodied male worker ween the ages of 18 and 60 years. Employers will receive Men -Backed notifica« to the successful conduct of tha enterprise. "Draft boards will co-operate by enforcing the "work or fight" law among registrants from 18 to 45 ahd the police will proceed under the provisions of Lhe anti-loaling law. Every employee who finds himself engaged in work litted as non-es- sential must file his name with the employment, bureau here and he wil then be assigned to duty in a necessary enterprise. The long promised shift of labor to the plants engaged in war work now becomes a reality. N¢ man who is holding down a job that a woman can fill will escape the meshes of the industrial net. With every -plant in the country working to capacity business no man need be without useful employment Waiters, bartenders; hotel footmen and other attendants, soda foun- tain clerks and clerks in department stores as well as a host of other non-essentfals" will find their ser- vices in demand elsewhere, necessary THE FiRST INVESTOR. of Devonshire Acts Quickly, Ottawa, Oct. 26.--The Duke of Devonshire wants a share of Can- ada's Second Vietory Loan. The fol- lowing letter explaing why! "Ottawa, October, 1918. "My Dear Sir Thomas "1 shall be glad if you Avill again include my name in the first list of subscribers to the Victory Loan of 1918, "This loan I am sure is of the ut- most national importance in con- nection with Canada's continued ef- factual prosecution of the war, and the establishment of Imperfal cre- d#ts for the purchase of foodstuffs, munitions and other- supplies ur- Zently required by Great Britain and the Allies. . "I have every confidence that the patriotism of the Canadian people which has so nobly sustained every duty and obligation imposed by the war will again respond to the ap- peal and that the Vistory Loan of 1918 will be even a more striking and notable success than that of last year. "Belleve me, my dear Sir Thomas, "Yours very truly, "(8d.) DEVONSHIRE." ------_n Profi New York, Oct. The Duke in investigation by the Federal tion to report every man whe 3 not ji Oranges, 26 lately following the announcement of an to "Germiany Be 500 Millions -- TT «GERMANS HEADED ~ FOR THE MEUSE --Prepare For Victory Toan-. 5 Enemy Forces May Possibly Not | Halt at Brusses. THEY HAVE NOT PREPARED POSITIONS IN THAT BEL- REGION. | ANY { GIAN i | The . Line Between Antwerp, Brus. sels and Namur Presents Few | Natural Features For. Defence. London, Oct, 26.-- (British 'Wire- {less - Service).--The Germans, in | their withdrawal movement, have f not vet reached the Hne of Antwerp~ { Brussels- Namur, but it does mot | seem probable 'that they 'will halt there when the line is reached, but will continue the retirement to the {Hine of the Meuse The Antwerp presents few 'natural features { tor defence, and ithe Germans havs [not constructed extensive défences {along it. i | However, the Germans must re- tire to a shorter line. 'Their re- serves are exhausted and the hard- | pressed armies must have a breath- ling space. In the last few weeks | the German high command has not | been able to maintain a fresh re- seve of more than three or four {ivisions, The interns condition of the Ger- man arniy also is none too good. Mutinous conduct on the part of drafts has been of frequent occur- rence. On one occasion a draft whise trustworthiness was suspected was sent off without ammunition. However, they had concealed ammu-~ nition and opened fire on the par- ade ground as the train moved out. The German command also is having trouble as regards material. The batteries of heavy guns have been reduced from four to three guns and Mm some cases even to two guns. ine War Tidings, British and French are aiding in a new offensive and making good pu gress. The weather. 8 bad. The" British captured a garrison anu 49) prisoners on the Piave front. in Northern Albania, £93 Ausiri- ans have fallen back beyond the Riv- er Matin, The British are now close to Le- Quesnoy. The Germans are fighting fiercely but have met with. heavy losses. German papers criticize the speech of Prince Maximilian in the Reich- stag and say it is time to make a final declaration regarding Alsace- Lorraine. Italians have'made . progress be- tween the Bretna and the ve and have taken a large number of prison- ers, The Amerie ans had a heavy day and have made slight General Debeney's army 'is fight- ing a hard battle between Mont Origny and the valley of Serre. The Germans "have brought up three fresh divisions. # KITCHENER'S DEATH DUE TO THE CZARINA Information Transmitted by Her to Huns of Allies' Military Plans. New York, Oct, 26.--Information which made it possible for German submarines to sink the vessel on which Lord Kitchener was lost was furnished the German Government by the former Russian Caarina, ac- cording to an assertion made here by Henry W. Mapp, Salvation Army Commissioner, who has just return ed from Russia. Mr. Mapp declared he leamed in Russia that the Czarina maintained a private wire 4n -her apartments at the Winter Palace in Petrograd, over which she transmitted to the German Government all information in regard to the miiitary plans of the Allies which was received by Russia jas an ally. Mr. Mapp, including former Pres mier Kerensky 'with Lenine and Trotsky, were responsible for Russia's chaos. "When Kerensky first came into control of the revolutionary ernment he had he interest of #ia at heart." Mu said "but ne 8001 iy to pres. sure." . ; PEACE AT ANY PRICE Is Now Popular at Vienna and Buda. declared that the thres provides a. safe and- profitable investment that earries with it the added satisfac that each must feel in helping in a great national cause, To train, equip and send to the battle fleld half a million men was a great and noble accomplishment; but Canade is a rich country, her redources are unlimited, and her industries, which have received a new! [impetn during the. war, corstitite a sufficient guarantee for the loan. years, and & [ifth, a woman, for tif- (In this respect we are more favorably situated than any of the nations! q teen years. of Europe that are engaged In the war. Germany, Russia, Austria, i! 3 ® r . Rumguia. Bulgaria, Tirkey and Serbia are alrdady bankrupt hecguse Bak OF Domobilaati om, has been practically wiped out. /, But Ganada has pros- Basel, Oct. 36.--Vienna newspa- years after the war she will have markets for all that Jr ate publishing articles relative produce. Nothing but failure to beat th Huns can interfere preparations for demobilizing . the. financial prospeei of the inture, and therefors, owe it to to stand behind our country and our army 10 fhe last, dollar army. One ew Spaper says that two Kerlowits have revolted. "" "our 'mosey lito Yistors | Bowgs! Everyone ean help! , ing pamphlets ' urging munitions | workers to go on strike, were ssi tenced to confinement in prison, in ithe federal court here. Three of them were given twenty year terms, a fourth, who turned state's evi- dence, was eammitted for three h Bervices; Tncidedts of al Nove: Qranges and Lem.

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