PAGE TWO apts Fur Coats Caps and Gauntlets Motor Coats formen . . .. . . .. .$25 up Fur Robes, Splendid Value . . .. ..$17.00 John McKay, Ltd. THE FUR HOUSE 149.157 Brock Street. VICIROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS SOMETHING NEW--SMILES The most sensational song hit of the tine. The most fascinating fox trot of the dance hall. Double Side Blue Seal "Double Side 10-in. Record Record Smiles--Fox Trot ] Rose Room----Fox | Trot. J Smiles -- Lambert Murphy he Radiance Your Eyes { Reinald Werren- | rath. 18473 90¢ in! 45155 $1.25 All the popular vocal and dance records in stock. : Mahood Bros. Fittin Glasses $3400 Almost aiew, In firkt class condition. Furnace. electricity, opén plumbing; west end. glasses accurately. POSSESSION NOV: 13th, a McCann's 86 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621 this service.' A -------- If you are a capable worker in any useful line, vou can find the kind of a job, you have always want- ted-+-through using the classified. 1.8 Asselstine D.0S Registered Optician The broth suited to invalids. Por- 1to 13 Ibs. each. 300 LBS. SWEET DAIRY i Special for ™ Vil hundred Ae ee Nin g . "AN EXPERT'S JOB It is no easy matter to fit Only the optometrist with ex- perience, ability and the pro- per instruments can give yon You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac, curate glassed at fisseistingty ' CONSUL! ir SPECIAL FOR INVALIDS ! | Tail Joints | Tl their evidence as FOR MAKING STATEMENT DE- I TRIMENTAL TO CANADA'S CAUSE William McFarlane, of Joyceville, Found Guilty of One Charge and Allowed Off on Suspended Sent ence on Another. | Magistrate Farrell, | morning, a farm two ¢ on Friday BY made "a tendency se of the people war, He w L having, al Sand Hill, ark that Canadian sol- were wounded were nat by the Government. On 2 was Tined $50 ound guilty de the rer: I who cond charge, that of hav" ing de at a meeting of yy oevil branch' of the United | Farmers of Ontario thai "oonserip- {| tion was the d d farce éver per- t{petrated on the people of Cawmada," {and that "ninety-nine out of every Idiers went sightseers." The accused was allow- ed to go oh suspended sentence will be called upon to pay the costs of the court, and was also bound {|over [ir two suretiés of $500 each, to be of good behavior in the ure. | 'T. J. Ridney 'appeared on bhe- half of McFarlane, and J. L. Whit- ing conducted the prosecution. SiX witnesses were called on be- half 'of the defence was resumed. Thomas Shortell told tending the meeting at Joyceville on br about August It was a meeting of the united farmers, and was presided over the accused, Mr. McFarlane, who is the président. To Mr. Rigney, he recalled Mr McFarlane giving a business talk to the farmers - . Questioped about the remarks credited/ to McFarlane, about re cruiting being .a farce, witness said that to the best of his knowledge McFarlane made no such statement He did. not remember anything to this effect have raid somef? tion, but witness did not hear him Witness did not ar him make any [statement about ninety out of ever | hundred soldiers going overseas ghtseers. i To Mr. Whiting, witness recalled {what he termed a "racket" between {a man in the audience named Mun {dell and: Mr. McFarlane, but could throw no light whatever on what thé "racket" was about. James Hawmey, ~Thomas Baker, {William Wilson, Michael Shortell {and Patrick Keyes wers also wit- |nesses. Michael Shortell and Pat- {rick Keyes were not present when {McFarlane was speaking, and the {others swore they did not hear him {make the statement it was alleged he had made. Magistrate Farrell, Mr. Rigney and. Mr. Whiting tried hard to get the story of what did occur at the meeting. One witness spoke of what he called a "chewing match" between Mundell d McFarlane, but 'he cold not saPwhat it was all about. Mr. Rigney recalled Mr. McFar- {lane to the witness stand, and a Printed circular was produced, showing. the meeting at Joyceville Idd" been called by the Joyceville branch of the United Farmers of Ontario. Witness told presiding al the meeting, at which he said he should be pleased to Becure the names of any of the farmers who had not yet joined he association, and at this Mr. Mundell interrupted, saying that he understood the asso- ciation was formed to break down the Government. Withess remlied, stating that he had no knowledge of the assoeiation being formed for any such purpose '48 this. The hall was very aqark, there being but one light, and He could not see who was making ah the remarks, but there was a dis- turbance. He heard some one say that associations of this kind were trying to stop recruiting. Witness said he had never tried to Stop re- eruiting, and he heard sdmeome in the hall cry, "You are a lar." Af 'fils witness asked Mr. Mundell to tome up to the platform, and he did 50. "Mr. Mupdell then spoke of Jbaving a brother in the war. Wit- ness said he resented tne statement that he was trying to prevent re cruiting.. He said the association had 128 members, and that no ef- fort had been made to pfevent re- cruiting. Witness declared most emphati- cally 'that he had never made the li statements about recruiting and the soldiers going overseas as credited to him. 8 J 1st. by as he Conflict of Evidence. | Mr. Rigney said there had been a conflict of evidence. One could tell. by reading betweed the lines that ill-feeling had existed : between certain parties hefors the meeting. il: There was the question of the ac- turacy of some of the evidence. It Was remarkable that witnesses had able to tell what McFariane {had said verbatim on this ome mat- ter, while they could not tell a soli- {lary Wing about other matters he had talked about. = Witnesses call- od for the defence could npt swear | MaFatiane did not say what he was i credited with sayifig, and the eourt | should. place as much confidence in in the ease of a n who was "cock sure" about a ; The Government had rightly A law to ent statements ing Made which might tend to weaken the part Canada is taking in the ¥, but Mr. Rigaey felt that the t and object pr 4 this case sbe. met-il in this charge the Wag 10 go .on sus- FINED FIFTY AND COSTS as | and | the | overseas as | He fat- when the cases about at- / this affair took place that the of justice will be 7 €nce is suspe charge," remar} Mr. Whiting btu . asked tha the costs of the ¢ the" magistrate agreed that the defendant of bonds of $500 e behaviou sondas wi 0 The case cr the county, ant of the Board o jToom would overiilowing w INCIDENTS OF. THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. be oi good tire These h interest in r the order the court en filled (to ala tors. i --- Happenings In the City and Vicinity -What 'the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. November Réd Book al lege. Book Store: Tell what you can do--and there will be bids for your service, Civil service examinations will be held in Kingston on Nov. 15th, WwW. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at I'McAuley's, or 'phone 564W Fire Chief Armstrong is confined to bis bed with an attack of infiu- enza. | Rev. Father McNeil, curate of St. ' Michael's, Belleville, is seriously ill { with influenza. Frank Pearson h dong siege of i pital in Port Arthur { Sergt. Walter Pye, of Brockville, seriously ill, was brought to a con- valescent hospital at Kingston on Thursday. Yes, it IS hard to find the right jan or woman for that work--but others are succeeding through using the Col- s reiurned after the hos- {a ess in | ._ | the classified. The court off day 'afternoon t | against assesime Most of appeals were of a minor nature. Second Lieut. Harold Taylor Cliff, vision sat on Fri- I appeals tae } fear t . {of -Gttawa, has been slightly wounded He graduated College. k the in the right forearm, at the Royal Milit | November Red lega Book Store } J. G. Elliett, who has been in To- ronto and acting as provincial chair- man of the Victory Loan news com- mittee, returned to the city to-day. NOW is the time to have your { plano tuned. We carry two expert | tuners and will assure entire satis- | faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, { The weather man is bound that ' this district will receive lots of rain. {On Thursday night the weather man said that it would rain on Friday, sure enough the wet weather arrived. { We will rent you a plano, and at | end of six menths if you feel like {| purchasing instrument we will allow | the six months' rental on purchase | Price, and arrange easy terms on bal- anace, C. W, Lindsay, Limited. Col- 00K al For Fall And Winter. Prevosty Brock street, has a great assortment of ready-made clothing, and a splendid assortment of gent's furnishings, His order clothing de- partment was never better assorted with new goods. It will pay you to examine his stock before buying, WR WP ------ -- ~~ Norris-Noble Nuptials. The marriage tqok place in this city on Thursday of Mrs. Charles Noble and Samuel George Norris The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. D, Ellis at the home of the groom's parents at 106 Montreal street. Mr. and Mrs. William Cral- J lin, of Kingsion, uncle and aunt of the groom, attended the couple, who will take up their residence in this city. 4 i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1918. - By Ring W. Lardner. ed. Cloth . ak SATURDAY M CHUMS FOR 1918. copy to-morrow. Phone 919 ee THE PRESENT SENSATION IN THE BOOK TRADE 1 60 pages of solid humor. F USIC SALE. POPULAR HITS 2 for All the latest New York Hits. The greatest boys' annual in the whole world. Copies of this an- nual will shortly be unobtainable at any price in Canada. Secure your THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE ully illustrat- .25¢ ' Open Nights hy hd hgh VY TY Bh a ed 0 4 Saturday Special + At the McFaul Store Felt Mats, size 27 x 54, half price on Sat- urday, . . oo iw inna . $1.50 Jute Mats, size 31 x 68 inches. Satur- day. i aa a Ee Wire Dood Mats, 7 sizes. Special, 40c up 75 yards of 3-ply all wool carpet; pretty pattern; 36 inches wide. To-day's price, a yard $1.50. Saturday snap, 98¢c Ay AAA A A II AA A AN EA NMA NNN Remnant Sale Silks, Poplins, pailettes in black and colors. Also dress goods in navy and black serges, gabardines, plaids, tweeds, etc. Lengths from 13} to 5 yards. Saturday , at about half price. White Flannelette Gowns . . . . . $1.00 up. Kitchén Aprons, assorted colors . . . .39¢ 30 only--Ladies' Sample Coats; special prices. = 3 Wool Underwear for all the family; popu- lar prices. - a ------ The Great Sale Of pears is still on at Carnovsky's. | Big baskets from 75e¢., smaller bas- kéts 50¢.; nice dessert pears 75¢. per i six-quart baskets. See Saturday's sh owing, Condition Unchanged. Miss Flossie M. Bogart's condi- tion remaing unchanged. She is suf- fering from double infinenza-pneu- menia, and is reported by her phy- sician to be in a most critical con- dition. 'November Red Book at the Col- lege Book Store. NAN Ari Fo "Headquurters Vor Headwear" Choose Your Newman & Shaw te The Always Busy Store << dis Ah 'e AAA: , Letters to the Editor The Free Care of Baby-Blind. Oftawa, Oct. 25 (To the Editor): For reasons certain to exist in Can- ada as in other countries, a move- ment is on foot to organize at Ot- tawa an institution to be known as "The Canadian Blind Babies' Home. Although this home is intended to offer its service freato the parents or guardiats of such unfortunate babies throughout the whole Dominion (through branches, alse, in otljer provinces as the need may arise), it is desirable to know the names and addresses of the parents of such un- fortunates, in this »ty or anywhere s#ached by this paper. i any read- er of the Whig knows of such baby gr infant not more than five years Ofiiee Phone 806, old, please address the temporary of- Factory Phone 1415, fice of "Blind Baby's. Home," 12 < O'Connor street, Ottawa, and oblige, ] ves c and Wool = T. HOPE CHURCHILL! Sn : Fr o Socks For iremch Soldj Mrs. J. L. Whiting acknowledges the following: 2 Hugh. Nickle, $5; Mrs, Finkle, 6 : ; ulay, 2 pairs WHITE PINE It is easily worked. Does not split when nailed; takes paint readily and is quite dur- able outside. The demayl is strong. Prices are firm, with an up- ward tendency. Do not put off buying what you need. S. ANGLIN & C0. Woodworking Factory; Lumber Yards, Bay & Wellington Streets, King- Ston, Ont. piirs socks; Miss 2 socks; Miss Redden, 6 pairs soeks; Rogers,. Bdith McCallum, one pair etch, and 3 others without mames attached. 4 Two hundred pairs have already } Franee | ds % # Mahood's 5 adh Aa A a a Aaa aa 4 1 BUILDERS SUPPLIES eewey l § ! JEW. 'Agents for Page & Shaw and ; : Chocolates ANNOUNCEMENT! Owing to unprecedented accumulation of walch work we reluctantly find il necessary lo an- nounce, -beginning 'with this date, and until further notice, it will be impos- sible for us to undertake the repairs of wrist-car- ried watches, unless such watehes have -heen sold through our 'establish- ment. ? SMITH BROS. LIMITED, Diamonds, Watches, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 King St. Hudson Seal Coats ' W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street. Phone 700. When you want to buy a home Wanted to effect an exchange of property? Want a loan on real estate? Want Fire Insurance? Do baisiness with Mullin & Son, a A detached frame dwelling on John street, 7 fooms, B. & Ci pood cellar and yard; 82.500; possession in 80 Malkin & Son adhd did , Week End Chocolates | 39¢ Pound | fe! eT Liggett's