Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Oct 1918, p. 2

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_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, | 2 a rs a es 918. i ---- Motor Coats for men Fur C Caps and Gauntlets Fur Robes, Splendid Value | John McKay, Ltd. THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock Street. G.W.V.A HOSPITAL FULL Ins a ALL: THE CASES THERE ARE RE. PORTED DOING WELL. Family of Bight Well on the Way to Recovery--'wo Trained + Are in Charge. The emergency G.W.V.A. rooms pressure to-day twenty-five cases be attended to, the majority of them ing children When the Whig representative called there the children were sll looking very bright and seemed to be very comfortable; The family eight children who were admitted on Fri- day aftertioon, are all well on the way to recovery Mr. Dolan, & fifth- year wedieal student, is supervising the work. « Miss MacNamee and Miss Oglivie; two frdined nurses, ably as- sisted by a number of 8.0.8, workers, are working night and day. The hos- { pital #8 now full, but fresh cases are being reported every hour, There is not & single empty bed, and some of the beds are being oceupied by two small children, The appeal for gifts of clothing, Toys and picture books has met with | & generous response, and one room | Tooks lke ao dry goods store. Many j of the garments received are quite | new, while others are «only slightly | Worn. © It is expected that -as .each | child is sent home on recovery, a full outfit of winter clothing will be pro- ital the king «#t fall are ' now Rat oats { of $25 up $17.00 vided. Master's Voice" Records Same Price As Before the War. 90c For 10-inch. Double-sided $1.50 for 12-inch. Double-sided When Aunt Di. unis Daughter Hivunh Bangs on That Pinso--One Step, Six Brown Brothers Chasing the Outed Kenmpd ox Trat Six . Brown © Bro thers J I'm Always Chay: ing Raiohbows, Charles Harrison. : y 18408 I Miss That Mis. | sinsippl Miss That Misnen Me, "All the poular vocal and dance records in stock. Wiliam Smith, the energetic secre- tary of the G.W.V.A., has been ren- dering valuable assistance in fitting up the rooms as a hespital, and it was learned with great regret that he has fallen a victim to the opi- demic, He is being greatly missed by the workers, and his place will De hard-to fil. during his illness. Hie mother 'is one of the most active workers. The Army and Navy Veterans nave offered a part of their buil 1g to be used as 'an eme gency hos- pital. "The whole top floor of ihe building has been cleared out, 'and beds have been secured On this floor there are 'abont twelve private rooms which are being fitted up {ready for .patients. The hospital | was ready for use by noon to-day, {and is heing reserved for adult patients The Ontario Women's Emergeney Corps is making arc Lrangements forthe "provision nursex and VAD. workers to take | charge i VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Oriental -- Fox Trot, Jone] mith's p-- . Dodola--Waltz Joseph Smith's Orchestra Splendid Red Records. Force of ni) asete t EN WOUNDED. J | KINGSTON M { Seal Lance-Corpl. Twigg. W. A. Twigg, Barrie street, has re- ceived word from Ottawa that his son, Lance-Corpl.' Harry Twigg, was admitted: to hospital ' at Camiers, France, on Oot. 12th, suffering from gunshot wounds in the left hand. Lanee-Corpl. Twigg enlisted in the Queen's Bngineers and was transfeér- red to a reinforcing company 'of the P.P.C.LI On reaching Wngland tie was drafted to the 21st Battalion, and was with that unit when wound- S0087 il Segreto Tu Du. gue Violate £35.00 Caruso de Lmea La Ronde des Laue tinswiicifetz } 74570 200 ed, oy ® Lieut. J. TL. A. Madden Wounded. Patrick J. Madden, 50 Earl street, received message from Ottawa that | Lieut. Joséph L. A. Madden, arti brick dwell- B. & C.- St. Annual ren ings; +7 rooms, Lawrence Avenue. tal ho y » ; 9 - 86 Brook S¢. Phone 330 or 621 There are two kinds of wives-- one thinks her husband is the great- OSL man. on earth, and the other thinks she is greater than her hus- band; = © lery, was admitted to No. 20 General es ° Hospital; Camiers, Oct. 16th. 'with I { ti ng gunshot wounds in chest, right foot, Gl | | JLASSEeS right leg and left arm; severe, AN EXPERT'S JOB : .. | Of Miss Kathleen Nicholls, nursesin- It is no easy matter to Bt| glasses accurately. Only the} Siaining as the Kingston General Hos. trained optometrist with eX 2) £ 3 . perience, ability and the pro-| INE SOH "WINS per instruments can give you! WOODBINE SCHOOL. WINS this service. * { The Largest Prize Money at the thorough | ! tion and ac! . Wounded In Action. Dr. William Nicholls; Clarence Street, has received word that his nephew, Lyman Nicholls, of Ux- bridge, with the Canadian Signallers, was wounded in the shoulder in re- cent fighting. This young man en- Hsted 'two years ago, when only six- 'teen years of age. He is a brother You are assured a scientific examina curate glasses "at CONSULT J.S.Asselstine D.0.S The pupils of the Woodbine school, township of Kingston (Mrs, L. Saun- ders, 'teacher), have been dwarded |'the largest prize money from . the school branch of the recent exhibition held -by the Kingston Industrial As- sociation. Robert J, Bushell says: "As man- ASR ager of the Kingston Industrial Exhi- istered Optician Atmes | Dition I regret the indifference shown on the part of the trustees, children and parents of the county of Fron- tenac "in this school fair branch of | the exhibition. There are ninety-five' schools in the ecoutity and I find only 4 féw taking part in this branch of {the werk. Wake up, children, tesch- |. ors, parents ana trustees, in 1919." A VICTORY LOAN PARADE 4 be . Will Be Special ®eature Fop Next : Mondhy Night. ps A Victory 'loan parade will be a special feature for next Monday night, 'Oct: 28th, 'Great enthisiasm is being shown fn the even" anid iv 1 gives drontise of being a "hammer.'" © GY. Mills, the chairman' of the local Jublicity committee, for: the 43 King St, {LOCAL NOES AND ITEMS OF Nurses | { - " i Lieut. Joseph #1. A. Madden and WCOENTS OF THE OA | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | =What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. | Miss E. Culcheth, of Kin the guest of her niece, Mrs LeMasurie | of Ogilvie, Minn, i The death of Catherine Lynn woc-| curred at Battersea on Sunday, d deceased was' seventy-one years age, | «OW is the time to have your] piano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction, C. W, Lindsay, Limited. Mrs. J. C. Bennett and Mrs, Tet-| lock have returned after a 'month's visit with relatives and friends in Perth and vicinity, A Hebrew boy named CGossen died | at the Kingston General Hosvital on Monday. His father is & patien{ in the same hospital, +4 Beatrice Bishop, aged eighteen, | daughter of Maxam Bishop, 57 King | street, died on' Sunday, The remains! were sent to| Gananoque on Monday | and interment will take place there, i Gordon Gammon, aged eighteen, | son of James Gammon, 142 Bay| street, died on Sunday. The re- mains were taken to Deseronto, where | interment will"take place. The president of the Board wf Trade acknowledges receipt of $12.25 from the South Frontenac Teachers' | Association (per Mrs. R. Ravelle) for the Belgian Sick Children's Hospital fund. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months If you feel like purchasing instrpment we will allow the six months' rentdl on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal- anace. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Evidently the weather man did not agree with the authorities in the 1Ht- ing of the ban on Sunday joyv-riding. The inclement weather yesterday kept practically all the private carg in Kingston in the garage, and the result 'was that there was a great saving in gasoline, "It's an ill wind that blows naebody guid." Many citizens breathed a sign of relief on Sunday when they realized that they did not have to go to chtireh. Kingston looked MHke a de- serted village: gll forenoon, for the héavy rain Kept everyones indoors. Even the preachers were glad that , they did not have to face the ele- ments, | The } of} re ---------------- BARGE WENT ASHORE But Was Released by the Donnelly Wrecking Company. in a gale on Sunday, the tug Fron- tenac, of the Donnelly Wrecking Company, succeeded in releasing the barge Thomas Quaile, of Cleveland. 'which went ashore Saturday night, east of the Grove Inn wharf. The 'Frontenac endeavored to pull her off about two o'cloek on Sunday morn- ihg; but could not get near her on account of the heavy sea, On Sunday afternoon, however, the Frontenac got. within two thousand feet of her and got her off. In view of the con- ditions, the piece of work was an exceedingly good one on the part of the wrecking company, and was mueh cemmented on in marine circles, The barge Quaile was loaded with coal, and will be able to proceed on her Way to Montreal, | "The tug /Frontemae, with two scows and a lifting outfit, will leave ! to-night, "if the weather is favorable, for Iroquois, tn work on the tug Mary, which was sunk there a few days ngo, off Pine Tree Point. The tug is lying on her side in thirty-five feet of water. ! IN TROUBLE AGAIN. John Gowans Js: Held on Three : Charges by Toronto Police. The Toronto Telegram has the fol- lowing: "Not long out of Kingston, where he had spent a term for beating a woman, John Gowans was to-day committed for trial on three chdrges of 'house-breaking. Evidence was taken in only one case, Mrs, Lena Lowden, of 102 Bedford road, and that on Oct. 1st she left her purse, containing jewellery and: money, on the parlor table, Someone entered and took the purse. "The prisoner: was then committed on all charges." PN nnd ---- | = A When a Man's & Man, Harold Re Rising Tide, Margaret Deland: The Girl Phillipa: Robert teenth Commandant. Tap, by Guy Empey: Bah, A Sub Deb. by Mary Rober Berta Ruck: The Daughter Pays, Mrs. Baillie Reynolds: Grey: Following of the Star, Florence Barclay. | will be unable to secure paper for further editions THE COLLEGE Phone 919 as ae . Now is the time to secure these books for holiday gifts W. The BOOK STORE Chambers; The Thir- Clipped Wings and Emply Pockets, by Rupert Hughes} Over.the ts Rinehart: His Offivial Financee, Border Legion, Zane as publishers advise they Beautiful For ey Ladies Who Care | Prices start at $18.50 er on ComrmentaL Continued this week at the McFaul store, All rugs reduced in price. RUG SALE Pictorial Quarterly for winter. ; -~ ~---- Newman & Shaw ts The Always Busy Store 3) 5. Cand "4 TO HELP VICTORY LOAN. How Business Men Can Do Their "Bit" in the Campaign, How. can the business men help the Victory Loan drive? .W, Y. Mills and his committee on publicity have hit upon a couple of novel ideas, and if they are carried out, and it is be- Heved that every business man will Is the chief building material for "studs, joists and rafters. It lasts indefMitely, if moses "The Hai Stare. IMMENSE VAR: IETY "OF STYLES AND COLOR x WINTER HATS $2 to $6 do his "bit" to help on the campaign, The plan 'is to have every business man attach a Victory Loan "sticker" to wll his' correspondence. * 'These "'stickers" are now being distributed by a most energetic committee, The suggestion has also been made thir every business man sign his letiars, "Yours for the Victory Loan of | 1918." These two suggestions should be a great help. ho a All over the Kingston district much interest is being manifested in (he not exposed to ' weather, 'We have a fine as- sortment of two inch good, sound stock. 5. ANGLIN & C0. ing to'learn that the | slibscribed by $160,000,000, They are confident that Canada can district ean set the pace for ail Can- Victory Loan drive. The local work- ers were overjoyed on Mdnday morn- A Liberty Loan in the United States had been over- Wosawarting Factory, 'Lumber a : Hay & Wellington Streets, King- - tom, Out, Office Add 'work ANNOUNCEMENT! Owing to unprecedented accumulation of walch we reluctantly find it necessary to an- nounce, beginning. with this date, and until further notice, it will be impos- sible for us to undertake the repairs of wrist-cap- ried watehes, unless such walehes have been sold through - our establish~ ment, RECENT $1.50 COPYRIGHT FICTION | 'Handsomely Bound in Cloth Now 65¢ 11 Wright: Mary "Gusta, by Jos. C. Lincoln: The { * dh hh a oa a aaa a a W. F. GOURDIER Phone 700. Addins want to ' buy a home Wanted to effect an exchange . " : "of § ? Want & Joan on real cstate? Want Fire Insurance? Do business with Mullin & Son. A detached frame dwelling on John street, 7, rooms, B® Co; good cellar amd Fad: $2,500; possession lin 80 days. 3 do likewise ang that Kingston and the Abont Calling Doctors. |: The physicians 'of thé eity are 'do- " 4 4 4 Ing their best to cope with tive epl- demie situation but are being works ol far beyond the 1imit and are still Unable to cope willl the: situation. IH People could ease the position of tie Folin [EES es 8 Spanish Flu =i take Vinol, $1 bottle pas of he (| should see our array of | 3 - «Then the doctor eam , met with ss ~ ; i IF Sew inter hate _ Apart Irom ali the colors 'tls work Hi there' hig u . of conor §. materials. Ha of tweed ie JI fells' finished in camel's hair, velours, ete. La The prices are right. We Gift. save vou something ramen Jf cvery iat you buy. iS % 4 Is aes » y 3 = 4 artment | e, 458. 3 = RY Shen a) Aree Grosery, , nt Phone, 1840

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