PAGE TEN : i. mgm THE DAILY BRITISH + WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1918. seri _-- In the Realm of Woman --- Some Interesting Features Is made in England -- every dr but used all overthe For Women's Ailments Dr. Martel's Female Pills have been ordered by physicians and sold by reliable Druggists everywhere for over a quarter of a century, don't.accept a substitute. LS PLEELOBOILIISLPEDDY 5 The Quick Way fo Stop a Cough This home-made syrup does the work in a hurry. Easily pre- pared, and saves about $2, TEEPTTTTYTTeeY EERE You might be surprised to know that the best thing vou can use for a severe wough, is_a remedy which is eagily pre- ared at home in just a few moments t's cheap, but for prompt results it beats anything else yon ever tried, Usually Stabs the ordinary cough or chest cold in 24 hours. Tastes pleasant, too----chiliivn like i--and it is pure and good. Pour 215 ounces of Pinex (50 cent worth) in a 16-0z. bottle; then fill i$ up With plain Jrunulated sugar syrup. use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup, if desired. 18 you make ounces----a- family supply--but . costing no more that a small bottle of ready-made cough syrup. And as a cough medicine, there is really nothing better to be had at any price. It goes right to the spot and pees quick, lasting relief. It promptly eals the inflarned membranes 'that lige the throat and air passages, stops the annoying throat "tickle, loosens e hlegm, and soon your cough stops en- Splendid for bronchitis, croup, ooping ¢ough and bronchial 'asthma. wPinex is a highy coneentrated com- pound of Norwav pine extract, famous for its Healing effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "234 ounces of Pinex" with : ons. don't "accept anything te Satis { - BLESSES RA ASS oa 8 ion or mon: The Pinex Co, estore halr to its nwtural color or money refu Positively not a Dr. Treutafuts Yarra Hate Reatora- tive, used ay a ted, Is guaranteed to a d nd 10 Price $1.00 ye A non-inju us, oe 00, Sa sue in Kingston by T. H. Sargent, t. Princess and Montreal Sts. v- {been willing, even anxious to do so. Perfectly Clean! That's the feeling you bave 8 about everything washed with Lifebuoy, especially ~ stockings, underwear, night gowns, sheets, blankets, . and everything that touches the skin. The rich velvety lather of Lifebuoy\ has prevents germs, disease. ey 'ed next year because the styles have HAPPY DAYS FOLLOW THE DINNER iN THE VILLAGE » CHAPTER LIX. "Yon must take me ta some more { those juaint eating places, * Ruth said on the way home. ory entertaining." you wouldn't like they wouldn't be smart yr -you." yut Brian! yeu nlygst let me Ask me when you want to | BO, and if I don't care to go along I'll tell you, 'but give me the chance ta refuse." They hoth knew she had - his lanchecn with Mojlie King, of tlie day before, In mind; although it had not again been mentioned "All right, Ruth, I like meéting the people 1 know, ltke seeing them, talking to them." I just thought you didn't care for them." So a sort of flag of truce fixed up. - Neither mentioned thing disagreeable again. Yet both were thinking of the same thing, both wondering, in a way, how they were going to get along without constant friction. Ruth had no intention of giving up her position. Brian had no in- tention of spending his time alone. He would cut out the lunches when Ruth was at home; that was only fair when she had been so decent But when she left him, he would. do as he pleased---and she hag no kick coming. This was the way his cogi- tations ended. \ "What's this?" he asked, picking up the rent receipt "I had to go by the office this noon, and ag I had the money, I ran in and pald it. I thought it would save .an extra trip," she answered us uficoncernedly as she could. Brian made no remark. "Your clients are so slow in pay- {ing what they owe wou, I will pay the house hills until vou get vour money in What little they do give vou, we need ito sport withs pr rl rn was any- I ex-| pect it is so with - all professional men--that they have hard times collecting their bills. 1 Know it is with doetors," she was talking to gain time, to take his mind from her offer to pay the bills, "Old Doctor Graham-~used to say that 'people ex- pected a doctor to eat promises, and $0 gave them nothing else. ™ "People are slow in paying pro- fessional men," Brian responded. "Yet 1 haven't so much out," Le added honestly. . 'Phat was one thing Ruth loved in Brian. His txuiMfulness. She had never known him to He te her about the slightest thing. He might keen still, not tell her things, but if she asked him, she had the truth. It was a comfort, too, especially since she had found out: about Mollia King. Ruth was very busy at the store the next few days vefy tired at night. . Brian saw that she looked exhausted, and said nothing about going out in the evening, for which Ruth was grateful. Kenyon Roberts and his wi'e came ip one evening to play cards, but aside from that, they spent the time alone. Brian had quite re- vovered his good 'nature. Ruth was careful not to mention anything that might annoy him, and they had a 'quiet, happy week together. Ruth had gone to bed night after night with a lighter hedrt than she had known for many days. Ste smiled in the dark as she thought of Brian, his boyish sulks, his irre sponsibility. At timeg ghe felt moat as if she might be his mother "I'd spank him, if I were," she said to herself. Her heart yearned over him She Joved him with every fibre of her being. She wanted to n happy, to be happy her ge and there were so many things had to consider. make TALKING N ~~ With Lorna Moon ~~ IT OVER | -------- I am an easy mark for the high priced article. I think most women are. It is easy to convince a woman that an article is superior and desir- able if the price is sufficiently. out- rageous.: We admire an article ac- cording to the price we pay for it. Oh yes we do! (You don't need to let hubby see this article sister--he will only 'I-told- you-so' if you do. § But I want you to read it through, § because we really must do some- thing about this clothes questions.) Somehow we women cannot think sanely on the subject of clothes and conse- tuentfy are the victims of our own folly. We must pay high prices now, because for years we have Why should it take three times the money to dress friend wife that it does to dress friend husband? Where is 'the man who will pay nineteen fifty for a felt hat with a yard of gros grain ribbon upén it? How Can We Solve The Clothes Question? wen excells in quality and workman- ship, the snit for which a woman must pay sixty-five to a hundred dol- lars. And the styles won't change in his suit. He can wear it for ten years withdut being a laughing stock. Now why is that? There is only one explanation. Men don't have to pay high prices because they won't, Men view the clothes question sanely. They always have done to. They, want value in wear and cut for the price they pay. The whisper 'exclusive' doesn't weigh witha man. He won't pay ninety dollars for a thirty-five dollar suit because he has been assured that there isn't another of its kind. The situation gets steadily worse. What are we women going to do? We must break the vicious circle 'omehow! I am going to give a great deal of thought to this ques- tion. I would like every woman who objects to paying fourteen dollars for eight dollars worth of foot wear to put her thinking cap on and write to me when she thinks she had found a | solution, Get More Vim! Renew Your Strength! If you 'are tired, nervous, sleep- If a man pays seven dollars for a hat, he feels he has gone the limit. If he pays 'only four fifty he is much SHetter satisfied. 'Where is the man who will pay eightyfive dollars for a suit, knowing that it will be outlaw- changed? A man has got one price in his head when he sets out to buy a suit, it is usnally somewhere around thirtyfive dollars. For that less, Have headaches and languor, you need Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they tone the stomach, assist digestion, brace you. up at-once. Taken at night--you're well by morning. Sickness and tired feeling disappear instantly. Vim, spirits, hearty health, all the joys of life come to everyone that uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so satisfactory, Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to-day, 25¢ per box at all dealers. : sum he can get a suit which equals or . As the warm weather draws near, mew" idess in 'Hght hand-work are greatly in demand the woman fingers. who at rand by For times. filet crochet is admirably Bftective bod G © suited and many a has added Sonera "he dima of : 861 Hnen: work. ¢ £ nimble: rage inate which : A Happy Ending for Towel or Pillow Case. += - stitched hem. | The ever popular bow knot is the basis of the design which each : England, is the only = country where the bells are rung by . --_---- er mare. No man could be more charming 'than could Brian when he bestirred [Himself ; Tew men more interesting. He had an unerring taste in the subject to choose for conversation, fitting it like a glove te his audi- ence. Yet, with this unusual asset, he could be just exactly the opposite when either too indolent, or too up- sét because of some foolish happen- ing, to make any effort. Ruth had come to realize this trait and to try in every way to combat the indolence or -grouch that made him so different from what he could be when he chose. charm, to interest, would be a big factor in his success professionally if he did not so easily allow him- self to be switched off by his feel- ing. She talked to him of this, not in a fault-finding way, but em- phasizing the good points while speaking of the others simply as something he did unconsciously. "Why, Brian," she said as they sat in the little living room after dinner; I believe you could be one of the biggest lawyers in New York if you weren't so temperamental; or if you would learn to use only that part of your temperament that ap- peals so strongly to people. 'hen you first meet people they are drawn to you very quickly. But vou are such a boy! If they don't do just as you think they should, you show it so plainly. You must learn to hide it when you are not pleased." "I'll get there without playing too!" "I don't want you to be hyproeri- tical, dear; I only want you to show your best side. Keep the other] under cover. It will pay." day, and hyproerite, some the To-morrow---Arthur Mandel In-| vestigates Brian's Business Office. | i Chronic Diseases TakeHoldSlowly Kidney and Bladder Troubles don't attack you suddenly.' Chronic diseases of these organs are gemerally the re- sults of neglect. Nature gives you plenty of warning when your Kidneys are out of order and need assistance; You, notice a dull pain in the back; you are dizzy, have headaches, feel languid, tired and lifeless. There is no mistaking the symp- toms. and when Nature warns you-- obey--or later you will regret it. .. Putting off never cures. Gin Pills do. At the first sign of Kidney or Bladder Trouble, buy a box of Gin Pills and take them. They will help your Kidneys to perform their proper function and remew your previous strength and vigor. _ - Among our hundreds of testimonials is ome from Co., NB." Mr. David writes: "I was suffering from a dreadful lame back and-hips, so much so that I could hardly straighten up. I got a box of Gin Pills and they helped me immediately. I have' continued to take Gin Pills, and now the pains in both hips and back are gone, I shall always recommend Gin Pills to my friends 'and other sufferers." Mr. David's case is only one of the many to which Gig Pills have brought immediate relief. - Sufferers from Kid- .mey or Bladder trouble should heed what has been done in such easés and try Gin Pilla, , Bold almost everywhere throughout COanada--50¢ /a box. A free sample will be sent you if you write to The National Drug & Chemical Co. of Can- ada, Limited, Toronto, Ont. U. 8, residents should address Na-Dru-8b. Ine, 202 Main St, Buffalo, NY. 174 THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Mrs. Ethel C. Blair has been elected a justice of peace in Shasta, Cal. Girl workers in the shops of many of the estern railroads have proven $0 successful that it is the intention of the various" companies to hire ey = "Alice Neilson, noted prima donna, is studying the' mysteries of hog breeding at her summer home on the shores of Long Lake. All the Jewish women in the Unit- ed States are to be organized for overseas work. ! Miss Mary Anderson, a member of the International Boot | and Shoe Workers' Union, is assistant chief of the new woman's bureau of the de- partment of labor. = 'Fhe. Women's Motor Corps of San Diego, Cal, including some of the most prominent society women in the state," have been mustered into the military service, = This is the first motor unit in the United States to be made a part of the state militia. Andrew's Church at Bradfield, church in that wonien instead of men. Maude Adams, the She saw elearly that his ability to lmen in Cleveland threaten to strike 4 1918. Liakes, NJ. from Mr. B. C. David, King's | _ fixes a min wage of $8.50 a week | for 54 hours of labor | Over 400000 women ployed in mal are ne ng mumtions { Woem- for the" went workegs in Ottam- 4. have been granted a 10 per cent. increase in 'wages. The - Texas Federation of Labor is endeavoring to organizé all the fe- male workess infie Lone Star- State: Kansas has a Taw which protects its women workers both m wages and the number of hours of employment Twenty-nine per cent. of the wo- man munition workers in Great Brit. ain were formerly housewives and domestics. The number of women in govern- ment positions in England ' exceeds % 4 - : ' od - Knit Socks and Dollars with the Auto Knitter "~ Profitable employment at home in war or peace sme ee Socks-~more socks--the Soldiers' 1 hosiery industry is tooming and the demand far exceeds the supply. Help us fill it but get away from slow knitting. © Use the fast, reliable, modern Auto Knitter. = We gladly take all the socks you wish to send us and pay you highly profitable prices. Ty Soar nf cies fo ~ no pre habe ry iv egsential, i See what good ot sk fr eh tr, Sebi, 5 SOE, 85 Eh Auto Knitter Hosiery (Can.) Co., Simited, Dept 248 507 College St.. Toronto. by far the number of females employ- ed by any other country ifi the world. & Twenty-five hundred street car if the Cleveland Railway Company carires out plans to put women on the cars as conductors. The proportion which women form- ed of the total number of women workers in 'English munition facto ries rose from, 14 per cent. in Janu- ary, 1916 to 23 per cent. in January, In all the' munition factories in England where women are employed there is a welfare supervisor whose duty it is to maintain a healthy staff of workers and have them toil under satisfactory conditions Officers of the International La- dies' Garment Workers' Union are} preparing to make effective the decla-| ragion of their last convention for an| educational campaign to be conduet-| ed by five appointed members to be| selected by the - president of ® thelq union ; | preter Told In Twilight {Continued,fromn Page 3.}' Mrs. John A. Cooper, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. J.-G. Elliott, Bar- | rie street. | Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brogn, Bar-| rie street, are going to Montreal to spend a few weeks. | Bruce Taylor "and Donald Mac-| pherson. have returned fgom Mont- real, after spending the last two weeks at the Ritz Carlelon Hotel. Miss Mildred Sellery has returned to Bowmanville from a pleasant visit with her sister at Mountain Burns, their in R. Easton who have been staying with daughter, Mrs. Robert Patridge, Toronto, have returned home. Mrs. D. J. Dousley, Guenneth and Betty, Toronto, are vigiting Mrs. Campion, Princess street, for the week-end. } Miss Dorothy Dousley, Glen Mawr school, is visiting in Oakville for Thanksgiving. » * and Mrs. Miss_Hildred Driver is in town from Toronto for-the week-end. Captain Charles Cameron, R.A F.y of Morrisburg, was. in .town. for a few days this week.' Mrs. Beer and Miss Lowden, To- ronto, are now en pension at 85 Wellington street. Mrs. E. Richardson, Johnston street, returned from Toronto yes- terday, where she has been the guest of Miss Janet Scott. Captain Claremont QCarroll 'was in town from- Belleville for a few days this week. Miss Helen Meek is spending the week-end with her mother, Mrs. R Meek, University -avenue. Miss Marjorie Uglow is spending a few days with her parents, Mrs. R: Uglow, Barrie street. Miss Agnes Johnston, of Ganan- oque, went to Toronto on Friday to spend the week-end. Miss Sibbald Hamilton came down from Toronto on Thursday, and ig the guest of her mother, Mrs. Hamilton, Earl street. Pr I te mmm. The subtle charm in each cup tells why more than half the tea consumed in Canada is Japan Tea. Government inspected -- uncolored and un- adulterated --a tea of real cup B= quality, : " Over our tea ~~ a fing the sovereign ink of pleasure and health." WILLIAM: eure PIANO Heule ; HE outward beauty that distinguishes a Williams New Scale Piano Is an Index of its intrinsic worth, Ideals are bullt into .every one of these famous instruments-- ideals of craftsmanship that make for the most $ ~ * enduring quality, Bungalow Model, $500.00 Tl i THE WILLIAMS PIANO CO., LIMITED, OSHAWA, ONT. Canada'; Oldest and Largest Piano Makers B00) 11111-11111 (IIA IHI OEE : N ~ Sole Kingston Representatives: The J. M. GREENE MUSIC CO., LTD. Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets. 77 a2 and Omer dhoes Showing oné of our new models in Black Glove Kid, which is both fash- ionable and suited to autumn wear.' Georgina and Onyx Shoes are both _ beautiful ond enduring. Great care is taken 10 select close-grained, flexible leathers that will give substantial service as well as take a very fine, dressy finish. : : There's value and wear--as well as supreme style--in every Georgina and Onyx Shoe.