Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1918, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY OCTOBER 11,1918. chief. This system, from this' Pi 5 would furnish co the i tire 5 nearly . gcte ye tien to the fire [igl { : pow..on duty for ct whole twenty-four hours t is the 1 he plan adopted by the police depar'- { Their record ment, ang One can see no reason » sp | fame imperishable why it would not work out just as FURNISHING WORKING CAP | her sons in 'old France iting for | well in the fire depar TAL, ¢ | the freedom of a A really furs} 1 DOW | vear g a} the workin apital f tha , ishing the workll pia' of THE PLATOON SYSTHM. | nation during the period of the war: Following the introduetion of the They e als eated the ineest-| They hay on and ve . - toon gy en n T { i SMe. Toney ath: [ ", jovement now on ed our provin nd m ubicipal : y . . sire 1 ® 7 re 4 i the {foot to } g the ons Fire De- SSUES. pp of 1 ' ing the Tit pra i8sne hie et partment ine lone agionz 3 H tized last year to X millhan dollars oe Atv the fixed g te | 811 the employees of. ihe City, LHSqthe 4 f creamery butter to he Apart f nm parriotie grounds it 3 3 . ¥ 2 4 } Aparl rom. | : n ave no regular alternationydelivered\ for export. Who could fithe direct, z diate Persoual Saf th » hours of duty With the pot es Fone a step faither sig _ {terest of even tizen & ana t i p : wligs ao | fixed 1e [ price for local consump vt Ha % os 2 Publishes nd Ses y by | contribute to the Victory loan. ~ Is|SXeeption o 4 Brief 3a Bolla tion? . |! There's a something about these military wh. aril hit OMAR | Lo mans five hundred million | a A ar ar Sia = | ,models--in style, tailoring, fabric and the final dollars of new business for Canada ! Fah He Will. fo, mmo AGRI fara How does €ireat Britain repay us: } BErViee 2 A8ven HO (Ottawa Juurnaly touches i mn designing--that gives them that . Managing Director. | 1 ; redits which we opportun to enjoy home life as it And if any British statesman di ti H t f ] . h 4 ki d EE pan wl . , So rear is known fie rest of the eitizens Shows a Beatie Sa enter into Poe istinction no ound In the or mary ma. sxtend ing 1 o 16 hse oni Sob have ind | potiations with these brutes on any 9 . . . of grain, foodstuffs, ammunition,| | noJOn¥ hours of duts*have eased 7; ,,, wigtever while. they remain We have a specially attractive selection: | Et Y ve. ms f % . : . | dissatisfaction here, as they have l Snead he will deserve the execra- and other s s in Canada? -Inl @ *d, . i {in other cities, and t} iteme -liibns very wd . ded, whole- | Ii 5 SUBSCRIPTION RATES great messure by lending us) in] l ther and \ 'e firemen | ns of every war bloo je 1 ane HA $25.00, $30.00, $32.50, $35.00 and $37.50 2 (Daly Rdition) Lond I 1 Jieve<that the time has eome en jsouled man and woman under the | oudon the funds required to main- |" : IniG vk * » a v é J) p IOrves LDZIANn an 1 -- ani Nr A rm One year, bv mnil to rural offi 60 our foree } Francs Wa do nat them. A re-arrangement of their ] on res in France + ) no n . Ye! CW eckiy Bas 2, : : ! could he made, according to How Does Wie Io Begin? i-Weekly Edition) send gold abroad for this purpose Nous Londo i One year, by mall, cash 1.00 8 A at pur] a report: presented to and adopted | How. doen cath begin? Real e year, If not paid in "advance } - or "buy sterling exchange 3 ex % . 3 : One Jour. to United States $1.50 tend Fodits to Brit Hn hero to pur. by the Fite and Light Committée, { wealth, not false wealth. The kind x and three months pro Fis. | oh : thet : Britai a without adding to the strength of |fhat spells success 'and happfuess. | -- ase our Iroc ue 8. ritalin exienas : SOOTE $< z 'a pes } : MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE pra ada | tore or increasing its cost. Tt | The secret of a man's success ha 23 St " never been in the amount of maney -- R. Bru ph r 8t, | credits to us in England to pay our| . ONT STAs RE HSENTATIVE: war expenditure abroad he ball proposed that, beginning on Dec. |} makes, but in the ratio of in- FB Northrup, 3h30 Am id NO a f ac t jay i 1 1st * or earlier, the, department come and outgo. "If you fix your on » . ge uve of accounia Jp to-day in ou; I i hifts. { outgo below your income, then new Yor 1G. An § vie av. | Should be divided into two shifts, ters to the Editor are published favor to an amount considerably ex and . steady streams of income be- het for night .and one lay, al- h 4 ! ; only over the actual name of the| geeding one hundred million doi- | 2" PR fe on Tor Cay |e n to flow. Be the margin never | at Writer. lars lernalsg each to t. Each shift so sm ull, it 1s added to your income, Ts Attached 1s ome of the best job - aon {| would eonsis f nine men and the |agnd wealth begins | . ; i t 3 4 y | rm nn a -------- A" PATINA NN SINAN IN Reining ofits nD Ee FIGHTING CHAPLAINS. | r It is no anaemic or solemn-faced| "rw { 'r . The circulation of THE BRITISH Whig is authenticated by the religion that the chaplain of to-day " = i AB © preaches at> the front or in the | " Audit Bureau of Ofrculstions. Jl camps. 1n fact he can be said not Rippling Rhymes ; If you 'Il come to our Brercoat Feast you 'll see some a to preach at all. He practices. Tue | world beaters. " The best gervice 'the kaiser can | minister of religion who has don render his eountry to-day is to com [ned khaki in order to help his coun | 4 4 : ! . mit hari-karl. try win the war is'a goed type of " e THE GARDENER The Romley Sia Naw Aw aay . v en .$18.00. ol SE em = Ek whole-hearted, manly soul wio| Je man ¥io Sossw't do his it fs Worthy Ny 3 3 The Kensington AER ER 'ei .$20.00 lean up, burn a rubbish, Or would as s 'erack a i > his pardon; anc eel chesty, 1 admit, when 1 survey mj bh \ . ol later on it may burn up valuable ou d 8 SOON crack a joke to cheer garden. 1 always hated honest toil, but wartime needs . > 7 The Victor mt nti wr ye yy . $22.50 - r dat " Ha a soldier ag crack ah enemy over the impresged me, and I got down and tilled the soil, al-. h property. Safet) st! head to save a soldier. Whether a ; b though the stunt distressed me. And now, through i The C ester - a Protestant or a Catholie, he is first § : Autumn's golden haze, I view the greens I've nourish- It is just disclosed that the "B" Fall a in {btor Ae he ia ust ed, the product of my tollsome days, the plants that The Romley . on the oat lefves meant the busting % ik E 5 | : grew and flourished. My cockieburs are large and : Th H dder © I wholesomeé spirits of the troops and | 3 i 1 i e u Ph of the first belligerent, Bulgaria > = 3 . tall, they grew in rank profusion; my neighbor views J x only afterwards a minister of the them o'er the wall, and makes profane illusion. My, The Atlanta en eh] 9 » | practices and observance ich we » sunflowers stand, some t lve feet high, majestic in 2 aye . Ss Eggs move on to new levels, have learned\to know A the name : their beauty,-and turn of gh tothe sky as though The Militaire . daclaves a farming paper. Not to f religion: iy it 'were a duty. Between the coathouse and the shed new levels, friend?" to high and ai-|° oe glo; YiLoR x Lai : where stands by seorthorn heifer, the milkweed rears 3 so888ib e JAke the YIM.CA., worker and ais its stately head and bows. to every zephyr. Bull = anos: inacestsinle aliitudes. colleague of the Cathelie welfare ' - thistles shade the fertile soil, and none of you is SEE OUR SILK LINED BURBERRY ULSTERS knowing how much of hard and earnest toil it took. |JiH $38. 50. When women invade fhe pulpit, | Organizations, the chaplains of all ALSATWAN, . W, lod Hi! . denominations "and religions' realiz- to keep them growing. My prunes and squash and cabbage died, but I have as they are now seeking-to do, will t ie din th i y compensation; my dandelions are my pride, the finest in the nation! I the men retaliate by demanding ag- [®d very early in the war that thers gstand and view my handiwork with wholesome satisfaction,~and how I : 3 1 te by & 2 R | Genuine Chamois Gloves, per pair mission to the Ladies' Aid Societies? |18 enough solemnity, enough fami-|loathe the slacking shirk who took no proper action! Aman should raise liarity with compelling and awesome enough of greens to feed his own gross bedy, and though I rather slump- " a - + Caghmere Hose, Special, per pair .. . ed on beans my jimpson weeds are gaudy. » Turkey has 100,000 soldiers {1 facts in the lite of the soldier. With . Palestine, but General Allenby com- |true instincts, he set before himself . hr WALT MASON. mands some 72,000 of them. * The |We task of lightening the burden, i ~~ Hi] _Underwear--See our*union suits (Merino) per garment rest are practicing running & of giving the wholesome, human THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN | $2.00. -------------- touch, of offering the services, not On Oct. 27th that extra hour of [of a spiritual leader as such, but of . Copyright; sleep is given back to us. But, hor-{a guide, philosopher and friend to rors, it comes on Sunday whet {the fighting man. everyone can sleep in anyway! The new spirit and the new -ap- or x preciation of values whieh thou- \e: latest leader to stan at Fsands of pastors and preachers will ) Armageddon 'and battle for the|attain during the war wit--exert--it--foe boc oY ae ee Lord 'is General Allenby. And 'helprofound effect upon the 'religious SLIGHTEST PAIN' WHEN did it with notable courage and s¥c-l)ife of the country after the war. J YOU PULLED 1T OUT ; i | HEADQUARTERS FOR BOYS' CLOTHING Boys' Department cess, : ' : We will have a more cheerful re i : : i i : y A Second Floor. ol i --------" t------ ligion, and none the less effective . % 2 he kaiser has much to tell hisf,,, deeply permepting on that ac- : - peuple about "our victorious arms." count Just how. it would seem as if tne 2 = German legs were the most victor: CANADA AND CAMBRAL dous things they possessed, * After being four years in the war, no - # ! 4 * . fio Toronto Telegram says that Canada's army in France is still go- WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF OUR CREAMERY it is not higher fares that is the. ery- ing strohg, and was never more el- B ; La 7 ficient or full of fight as in these dis , W P 1 R UTTER {Toronto street cars, bul Yr ing heed of Toronto street ta B autumn days of 1918, Foch knew - " an 0 a anges : ! 28 and 156 1b. boxes is now higher temperatures. Correct;,they are much Hke refrigerator cars what he was doing when he selected Aud ni h ) h ' ol i. : " i the Canadians to break the Hinden- iy > j nd are selling them at less than they can be replaces arriving. We would advise i ------------ burg Ii He HoTther d x WJ v = If you want a smaller and lighter range, we have them at a ,early purchase as price is sure Jurg line on its mor Tend, ii 2 p: . . price that cannot be equalled by any mail order house: to be hi : The Allied . commander-in-chief dil Ci 1: > g gher. knew that the ver ick of tae| Fililil Zz \@ fF #2 8 ' . y Pp : ith I Dred : [= To-day's price $0c tropps at hig disposal must be gent Per Lb. The Canadian soldiers are watch- ing events at home. They were in- terested in the last general elec: tions: they will be iulensely conyl. ip 1; tackle that difficult task, cerned abeut the sale of the coming : > and so he selected Currie's divisions Victory bonds. Canadians will not ; Ei ¢ 7 BoA HI : : f, § : et ERE, as Redden 8 Co disappoint; the boys. Ee pi Aq HS hae junk at : : - ht + S---------------------- - " J ; - . ny C up to 8 3 " Licenge Nos. 0-458, 5-184, putation and promptly smashed the line at that point to smithereens, so Nd fo 5) / / il x Pelee | 'XA nice story comeg from the old land, where a little girl, dining with a considerable company, was asked that Foch's plans might not be de- i a 5 Price 4 ire : to pay grace. Bending her bead re- layed. : i : NU eveil Pelee ... oo After a. rest, the Canadians were} 2 \ ) a \ > ' . ] i hi verently, she said: "We thank Thee, "@od, for the British flest, because it | Sent back to give the old line an- 5 NG NN . i. ehables uk to-have this meal." other crack, and they kept up their . ] N S SAN : : E ; : hammer blows. When it came time a 3 emic Au oversubscribed Victory joan |to mush Cambrai, the Canadians Shp were there "with bells on," and had . ; a foe If each individual will carry at this time will do more than any- thing else can to tell the kaiser and v his Potsdam gang that Canada sends back the answer to his peace : "3 hr Si He le £ Ponti ae of we ie i > i " of Ang Potash Jans, Unconditional "surrender aud : i $3 will he safe 1 $ nist Ine = i . uv 3 To fluenza. Victory Loan meetings, beginning / . We "have this solution made "Monday next and comtipuing un- ti Nov. 2nd, are advertised to bop held in most of the villages in Fron- tenac county. Prominent speakers |§ will be present to explain the ad- vantages of the loan. The attend- ance at all these meetings should bd] large. - ; nse A---------- The first requirement set torn] by the authorities for the preven tion of Sutiyenza is "Keep hell 'mouth shut" 'The observation of this tule rule also works well in most other occasions. We arell © wisely told in saerad writ that "He | who keepeth nis tongue kesputh soul from troubles. "2 The Astralion mL oat the Meilical Health Officer's pi hdd dL lA a a a aad : ® ee eee ene woo Bred BRR prices on. larger quantities. 8 $905 and over: C0

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