THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, F RIDAY OCTOBER' 11, 1918. PAGE TWG Furs That Excel wD' ARSE AIRE John McK ay, Ltd. Kingston's Reliable Far House 149 Pa 157 Brock St. & J Victrolas and Victor Records VICTROLA IV. $34.00. Sacred Music | 16008 f . Beautiful Isla of Somewhere ) 80 e Christ Arose When the World Forgets In the Garden In the Sweet Bye and Bye Ninety and Nine 18020 0c 16532 90¢ 16394 3 | Lead Kindly Light 20c Rock of Ages Blest Be the Tie That Binds 16178 Jesus Christ Has Risen To-day vue | 1 Walk With the King 17763 Brighten the Corner Where You Are 20¢ " Yield Not to Temptation 16451 Nearer My God to Thee 00¢ | Mahood Bros. | For Sale or Fitting Glasses AN EXPERT'S JOB It is ng glasses accurately. trained acres plowed; dwelling, cement and metal barn, stables, etc. Orchard, | creek crosses; Town. shi easy matter to fit Only the optometrist with ex- ~~porionce, ability and the. pro- per instruments can give you this service. Ernesttown. i -either-for-city™ McCann's 86 Brock St. Phone 826 or 621 4 You are assured a thorough scientific examination and ac- curate glasses at Asselstine's CONSULT JS Aselsine D4 DOS Lr ------ General Ludencorff has arrived at Berlin from the German Grand Head- quarters to take part in conferences 10 be held at the German capital. |Our Oysters g Have the Tang I { Queen's | Mrs. Sale held by Miss F. Jean Richardson and Marga- St. Seeley's Bay Women's Insti- Edith Cavell Class Prince<Charlie £ Chapter, 1, O 1 Miss Jessie HASI . A Mrs Outstanding accounts of the Sea At the seaside they are packed solid into. air-tight containers and then sealed. Handled this way, they retain all the freshness and flavor of oysters just taken from the beds. are economical; a pint is enough for a- family of five.. interesting wills 2 a Lo of those res recipes housewives. Jay, fiom ---- THE RED CROSS SOGIET) ANOTHER: APPEAL MADE TO BLIC. The Society Must Have Motiey Tc "C On" -- Contributions Ac ary knowledged. i i BBA LELAND The following statement shows that the Red Cross must have funds. This branch has worked for over four years, and only once has it appealed di- rectly to the public, when in May, 1917, a canvass of the city was made. It makes a se- cond appeal] Wednesday, Oct. 16th, when a canvass will again be made. Everyone will have an opportunity to contribute. 4 Ww hen the collector calls Be ready to give, and give gener- ously Everywhere prices ad- vances, so to meet the demand and keep up the work the so- ciety must have money. Please give. 20 b bb bb ebb hb b bP Pib bb be The Kingston Branch of the Cana dian Red Cross' Society reports cas contributions from Aug. Ist to Oct i0th as follows: Ped Phse SEALs Previously acknowledged . $11,095 8 Mrs. McDowall . 5 0 Prof. R. K. Hicks ........ - i x Mrs. Jeremy Taylor ...... 10 OX Mis. Giles .. 2. 45 0 Helping Hand So ciety, Ver- ona . . ww E. "Whiteside, St = Mr. W. Thomas . George's Cathedral, part of offering at special ser. Aug. 4th ....... H. F. Osler .... D. Brech- . 3. Carruthers Lesslie Crothers L aidlaw * no w St ® nN vice Mrs Mrs. « ND 30 GI BLL hn a S NN Nn : 7. Be 'New York ustoms refund ' Miss M. Betts ..... Mrs. Snelling | Glenburnie Red Cross work- ers . assess Mrs. A. Smith... RA Ng Proceeds of garden patty held at Collins Bay by girl members We stbrooke Wo- men's Institute ve Anandaly Chapter, 1. nN Cs PR COVRSRPIPR® ~r win O. aes Ww. Kirkpatrick Tag day, Labor Day picnic at fair grounds .... | Mrs. W. A Bellhouse | Miss A.aMagnee Dr, J. C. Connell aw Nicholas Kinsler .......... Medical Faculty, hospital fund ......... 5. D. Phelan Proceeds of garden held at Collins Bay Collins Bay Red workers . Archdeacon O. G. Mrs. Wartmars mou: unde, Morton. Red Cross League Carpenter's Union, sale of garage (over expenses), float in Labor Day parade Mrs. Constantine Mrs. N. F.- Dupuis . .. Miss St. Joan from garden produce Macnee & Minnes Queen's War Relief Fund . Sweet's . Corner Patriotic League FO The Misses Waldron Tag day, Inverary fair, verary Women's Institute Half Teas Bay View Women's tute . ia Y Mrs. Jordan: : Mrs. Randalls party by Cross od ox Dobbs Ports- Za =3 oy wn nds 28 pe NN wom Insti- REL. BE WR RV WVR -- nS Frances Con- ger and Georgia Robin- ti afar} ret Christmas, made dur- ng Sutter at Wolfe Is- land Andrew's 'Sunday school tute Aa ay Syden- ham Street Sunday School R. D. Sutherland ,... Total receipts . Total expenditures ..... BRI RIW\W 2.8 22 2% 1 ..$ 1.300 Marioni Redden, Hon. Sec.-Treas., 64 William street, Kingston. IN MARINE INE CIRCLES. of Ves 'essels Reported the aterfront. 8 sehooner St. Loufs arrived Dewvego with coal tor. Robert s ho Amor Ohambertatn clédred for. Charlotte. Welland McLeod cleared tor nd Canal after undergo- 's. Bulletin--The steamer sed ap light on her sno lo, 2k Bk clea 1 TT Erie; the Jie ron with INCIDENTS OF THE DAY WOAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City apd Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the, Readers of the Whig. $7.50 beds, $4.75, McFaul's. J. M, Farrell is home from attend- ing the funeral of his nephew at Utica, N.Y. Market Clerk McCammon has been } provided with the necessary equip- ment to test eggs 6n the market. Samuel Pr Logge was arrested] Thursday night for being drunk. Po-| lice Magistrate Farrell remanded him a day. "$16.75 beds, $10.95, McFaul's. Capt. 'W. C. O'Donoghue, a return« ed officer who died at Ottawa, was a Queen's medical college graduate of 1914, Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert uners and will assure entire satis- 'action. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. The Salvation Army conference called for Kingston on October 16th, has been called off for the time being, owing to the epidemic, .Desta Jean Sughrue, aged eleven months, infant daughter of Capt. and = ' - i THE DESIGNER THE DESIGNER TO-NIGHT. . Phone 919 Mrs; Thomas Sughrue, 426 Johiison: street, died on Thursday night. The County Teachers' Association is in annual session at Convocation Hall, Friday afternoon Mayor Hughes welcomed the teachers and also made an appeal on behalf of the Victory Loan, On Sunday next the harvest thanks] giving services will be held in St. George's cathedral. The Lord Bishop of the diocese Will preach in the morning and Capt. Ketterson, a chap- lain recently returned from overseas, in the evening, The death occurred on Thursday night of Francis H. Norris, who re sidedin Barriefield. Deceased was twenty-nine years of age, and for some time was employed in a local blacksmith shop. Mrs, David Wil- son, 9 Simcoe street, is a sister of the deceased, we will rent you a plano, and at snd of six months if you feel like jurchasing instrument we will allow 'he six months' rental on purchase rice, and arrange easy terms on. bal- nace. C, W, Lindsay, Limited. William G. Ferguson, superinten- dent of the Metropolitan Life Insur- ance Company in Kingston for the past eight years, is leaving shortly to take up the work for this company at Fort William. Mr. Ferguson has made many friends during his stay in Kingston and the best wishes of all go with him. a-------------- SWIFT CANADIAN C€O., LIMITED. Kingston Indus- The following were winners in uessing the nearest:correct weight f Swift's premium oleomargarine ligplayed at our exhibit. The cor- rect weight of contents was 194 1-4 )Z. First prize--Miss Phyllis Devlin, 44 William street. Tied for second prize--Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, 302 University avenue: 2. L. Snyder, 368 Alfred street. Tied for third prize--Miss Ethel 30yd, 367 Brock street; Mrs. A. G. 3immons, 265 University avenue; Pte. A, 8. MoGill, 11 York street: dr. J. M. Sharman, 274 University wenue; S. W, Davis, 174 Stuart street; C. H. Reid, 71 Nelson street. Fourth prize--Miss Gladys I. S. Lemon, 149 Frontenac street. Tied for fifth .prize--Miss Bva L. 3ell, Queen's Military Hospital; G. Mullock, 1st Depot Battalion." The dealers' special prize was warded to Joseph Cullen, Alfred ind Princess streets. We take this opportunity of hanking the contestants for the en- 'husiasm. shown in this guessing :ontest. uessinig Contest, rial oe oe » The Designer Delivered at our store each month for twelve moriths for 59¢ For twelve months and | copy Standard Quarterly and pat; tern coupon for 15¢, delivered at the store for. .79¢ For twelve months, | copy Standard Needlework Book and one | 5¢ pattern coupon delivered at the store for .. .. .. . NO ORDERS AT LESS THAN REGULAR RATES WILL BE TAKEN AFTER SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. Be" SUBSCRIBE THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE AA se A mam article for make garments. day for $1.50. -~ White Marquisette $1.25. White Silk Blouses Sin € Fail. "Miss Mary Lawson Bell, of Mont- eal, will speak on canteen work in Trance, Saturday, at 3.30 pam., in -Jonvocation Hall. Miss Bell has just returned from the French front, where she has carried on her work In Zone ges Armees in the Verdun sector, and will give an account ot he ""Cantine deg Danes Anglaises," with which she was connected. Sil ver collection. : Kingston's Famous Fur Store" | i not Monday Naturally at Thanks- | giving time one's thoughts will turn to Paes thoughts. the. opening" "of the fur "season. he or in our city over the holiday are invited to llare. We wélcome who come to look, even prepared to buy. Our stock comprises an immense stoek of skins and manufactured ments-- Had. i or i tion. October Yale Review. . The amazing changes wrought by the war in American ideals and in- stitutions are subjected to penetrat- ing anklysis by Professor Albert Bushnell Hart in the leading article of the October Year, Review. Equal- ly significant for 'these time is John Galsworthy's "American and Briton," in which Mr. Galsworlhy interprets the Englishman of ° to- day to his American cpmrade in arms. Alfred Noyes in a poem en- titled '"The Union' pays high tri- bute to the United States as a lead- Her of the new spiritual federation of free peoples. Our increasingly im- portant relations with Japan: and the *Far East are frankly discussed from the Japanese viewpoint by XK. K. Kawakami. Professor E. GG. Nourse, a spec ialist in agricultural economics, writes upon the "Revolg- tion in American 'Farming which the war has done much 'to hasten. "H§| Tanks and the gospel of Tanks are cogently set forth by Henry Seidel Canby, who recently visited the headquarters of the famous arm of the British service in France. Can a nation become bankrupt through war? When can we best pay for the war? tions answered by C. Reinold eg in an article on 'Fallacies of Finance," outlining the fanda- mentals of sound war tax legisla Ralph Adams Cram, the greatest American authority on Gothie, estimates the loss to the world in the destruction of | Cathedral, and For Saturday A clearance in ladies' cream all wool serge skirts, slightly counter soiled. Just the economical are handy with the needle and can re- $5.00 skirts on Satur- styles in sizes 34 to 46. Extra special i AR A ARN AA We Have Your Coat . . Furniture Sale! At McFaul's to be continued on Satur- day big sale of white enamel beds with and without brass trimmings. $16.75 bed, 4 feet 6 inches wide . $15.00 beds, 4 feet 6 inches wide . .$8.00 $7.50 beds, 4 feet wide . . .. ALL SALES FOR CASH Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store VD pete BUILDERS' SUPPLIES @wowng mtn buyers who Blouses; beautiful inst .$2.50 up .. +. 31650 up . $10.95 . $4.75 Aah Shingles Take a tip from Father Time's past experience and use dependable Roof- ing material. Cedar shingles been known {to last years. They keep -S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking - Factory, Yards, have 40 require no up- Lumber Bay & Wellington Streets, King. Ston, Ont, Office Phone 06, Faetory Phone 1415, These are some of the | - With daintiest of shades and silver stands. All sizes from floor lamps to the small boudoir lights. : These lamps are all wired ready for immediate use. SMITH BROS. LIMITED, " Diamonds, Watches, Issuers of Licen wherein Aided Badri Ad A A A 4 A 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 24 4a as ad ad ssds Ala ad 4 aa ad p | 3 p y : y Bo oo TTY bp > On Victoria St. A new semi-bungalow, $3,400; possession at once. On St. Lawrence Ave A new dwelling, $3400 On Chathain* Street A new semi-bunffalow, $2200, » BURNT OUT Burnt out and everyihing de- stroyed., If this Were your case where woul! you be? Safeguard - ed by insurance er would ruin stare you in the face? Think it over. Come and see us to-day. The best companies represented. EY ge 4 3 Wend iy ~ SPECIAL FOR THANKSGIVING 39¢ Pound A Fo Page x Shawand Liggetts _ Chocolates