PAGE TEN An-- > a -- ------ - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OC , Jy TOBER 10, 1918. i Te ------ 2 3 "Ini the Realm of W oman --- Some Interesting Features " is made in England and en- joyed all over the world, It has a new and delicious flavour, distinct--quite dis- tinct from amy other sauce you have ever had before, Rich -- Thick -- Fruity, . For Women's Ailments Dr, Martel's Female Pills have been ordered by ians and sold reliable sts everywhere over a of a cen . don't accept a substitute. ey a a COAL CUSTOMERS: Please Notice | Coal Sales wiil be for HEN you're fighting, 3 fishing, hunting or motoring, Borden's Reindeer Coffee makes a delicious beverege that's quickly prepared. ; A 35c tin makes 25 cups. It's handy for home use, Send a tin to yoursoldier. No postal regulations prevent, BORDEN MILK CO, LIMITED Montreal -- Vancouver You just add boiling water Canada Food Control License No, 14.313 be pai ot hon the part e cialists reveal oe fact 1 dis. ® obeti- nate ec EES are capsel incural ty the indiscriminate use of pre | |in a rush. "flo carry my clubs: "Where are Fours, I Bsked. noticing for the t time t his "Tess angle, "The Wite" By Jane Phelps CLAUDE BECKLY ARRANGES A SURPRISE FOR RUTH AND BRIAN CHAPTER LVIL Mollie King. By the tisie they reached home, |{o object to her working, then take Ruth had made up her mind what to] "hat she earned and spend it oh an- do. Had it not béen for Claude Beck~ lather woman? She would have a ly joining them, she would have sald [talk with him, nof mentioning Mollie. mething about "her meney" and {She would pay all the expenses of the then have been sorry afterward. She | flat, and that would give him his was grateful she had not mentioned |inoneéy to do with as he pleased. it. That was the one thing she never {Mollie 'King? If he hadn't had it, |it, jhe might have run in debt again |it {might have borrowed it from that when he asked about if sh jman Clark. So when they were get-| have a chance to tell him. ting ready for hed she remarked: much, to have him use her money for I "I wish you'd ask me to lunch the | Mallie. It belittled her--and him. | next time you ask Miss King. I'll [That was really what hurt Ruth inot interrupt, if you talk business, {more tham the fact that Brian was . th Mollie. That Brian, her hus- "All right, I will. But don't sip-|band, could bring himgelt to be un- pose I'll take her again for some |faithful, and to deme time," Brjaw answered, mollified by {doing as he had; hurt. Ruth's ighe #nd the thought that it |her thoughts gave him all {was duly her (Ruth's) desire to be fit of the doubht. # that had made her act as{believe him unfaithful until she (she had on the roof. She was jeal:|knew beyond all quibble that he had ous. gone from her. Yet Brian Hackett knew he had was his hurt pride that she had ta- done something that he had no right {ken her life into her own hands; and to do; and, as a person who is in the jmore than that, his Jealousy of her wrong invariably does, he was cross earning power as opposed to his that and unreasonable, both that night [had driven him to do things ne never and the next morning. would otherwise have done {and I would so enjoy it." wi with \hi "Shall you eome home, Brian, or wait." it "I'll be there by six-thirty,"" shal I meet. you somewhere?" Ruth absolutely right at that time. asked, "I might come down to the ther in word or positive action, had office, then you would not have to {Brian been untrue to her, although The rent was due the next day, so {must do if she and Brian were to live | she took part of her noon hour and 'happily. Suppose he had spent if for | visited the real estate office and paid taking a receipt. She would lay where Brian would see it/ then e would It was too What right had Brian an himself by Yet Ruth in the bene- She never would She still believed it "Can. you cash this check?" he asked her. "One of my clients came An" to-day and instead of giving me the money, gave me that. It makes me tired." The check was for only seven dollars, "I: suppose they think I am sending to the bank every fen minutes." "Of course I'll cash it. - You know 1 told you I got paid to-day." * "Well, I can't go down with the old bunch, withoug any money in my Pocket, even if Beckly . is going to blow. ¥ you couldn't have cashed it somewhere--and that gives a fellow away so darn bad. Getting a seven dollar check cashéd before' he can pay car-fare."" : "How terribly he feels the ques- tion, of money," Ruth thought. "I never must say a word about mine, what I earn." "Come on!" Brian said after he had put the seven dollars in his poc- ket, and Ruth had taken the check. "The dinner will be better if we get there on time." . When they went into a basement door, then fo the dining room, the noise at first bewildered Ruth: Everyone semed to be talking at And in this supposition Ruth was may have looked as if he were. Nei- Ruth-dressed for the evening with "Onl, T don"t care what. you do! e ; i a, lon't see what you accepted his in- 1h sreaiont care, although wearing a A.vitation for. The, sort of a dinner was very attractive, Beckly I put up won't be half as good lgroomed, so dainty as to gloves, as Crawford could cook for us." shoes, etc., that more than one wo- I think it will be nice to go." man looked enviously at her; and "Oh, T'Il go all right! only you'll more than one man turned to take a | be disappointed. What time will you second look as she waited for the come down?" tar to take her to Brian's office. But she She was so well Brian was still grouchy, but Ruth All day Ruth thought of Brian and pretended not'to notice. once, and a young man with a shock of black hair was pounding the tin- panny piano as if by using his "strength, he could make his music heard aboye the din of voices and dishes. . "Ah, here you are! so glad to see you. TI caught Mollie, tao, for to- AiEHL! 1 Knew she'd entertain Brian and let us get better acquainted" Claude Beckly said ("screamed," Ruth would have declared.) 'Good evening," Mollie King said calmly to both Ruth and Brian. "Wasn't It good of Claude to ask me?" To-morrow---Brian Shows Jeal- ously, Which Puts Ruth's Fears At ~--------~With Lorn TALKING IT OVER a Moon a. I had been straining every effort to I know that ditch--it is twelve feet deep and the bottom is covered with |ed edge of it 1 was surprised to see a cal sailor standing astride the bottom |"c with a wide grin and" askéd as he held a muddy pel- let up for inspec- tion, "Is this your 8 ball?" § 'I'm playing a red dot," I made answer. - He removed a little of the dirt with his palm and said "This is yours," them with another even wide Erin, "Are you pc- ; ing to plar u ; at : of here?" What were you doing down there?" I asked to avoid his ques- tion. ° "Was looking for my ball." This "If 'vou find it. wil ¥pu play out avoid. As I trundled down the hill] :lubs," I said. I regretted my resolution to refrain !dered them gratefully I drew his at- from adopting the golfers' vocabu-|tention to the golden lary when I adopted his other ways. [near saying "Isn't it glorious?" A Lonesome Sailor Boy I drove off, and my ball sailed on-|placing his hat in a frenzy of shy- ward, and landed right in the ditch |ness. ] | "Perhaps you had better carry my And then as he shoul | rod growing "Gives ye hay fever," he comment. . And thereupon I knew that he soft, splashy mud. When I go to the |wasn't story telling when he sald he me from the country. It takes a ify person" to appreciate wild groping in the dirt. He looked up flowers. te ------ & NO FUN ® Fly -- Shucks, there's no fun biting this fel- low. He don't kick or any thing. A man may be master of a dozen With a shepish look. ' He was a very | languages and still be unable to Young satlor. control his wife's tongue. An expert is a man who doesn't of thore?" get confused when cross-examined. Rest. aii i Hunnish Heartlessness. An incident related in a letter re- ceived by Nofman G. Heyd, of To- ronto, from his brother, Major C. G. Heyd, in charge of an American Base Hospital, throws an interesting side- light on the relations which" exist between the officers of the German army and the men under their com- mand. 3 A German private and a captain were brought into the hospital and placed in cots quite close together. In a short time it was seen that the private's wounds would prove fotal, and, as there was no one else in the ward who could speak German, a nurse approached the officer and ask- ed if he would speak to the dying man, and take any message he might have for his friends. ; oooh QUE COURLry--offiders do not speak to privates unless it is to give commands," was the heartless an- swer, and the private goon passed away. Ld The senate of the University of Toronto has accepted the decision of the Provincial Government in declar- ing that German should not be de- manded in any of the courses requir- ed for specialist certificates for the high schools and collegiate institutes, and changes have beén made in the curriculum in accordance therewith. Students who are 'preparing for re- search in the sciences will be requir- ed to know enough German to be able to read articles on the subject in the German periodicals and, works of reference. 2 Jitneys and Red Cross. During the recent street car strike in British Columbia cities, the local transportation problem was happily ava by h reds of private-owned automobiles being put in jitney ser- Yice, their "fares" being given to the Red Cross. "1 have to do my own laundry." he fenced. "All right throw up my ball" I said. "If the navy can dadge behind an alibi like that I don't need to blush, ° Hope you find your ball, and thanks for finding mine," I added over my shoulder. "Say"---came back from tha bot- tom of the ditch. - 1 glanced over agaln. His ridiculous hat was perch- ed on the back of his head where he had pushed If 'for safety when lnok. ing down, and his face was red with' confusion . and embarrassment-- he Was a very young sailor. "It's-- I'm awful lonesome." He got it out "Well" 1 answered, laughing ort to keep a straight ot In the best place to got company. However | hope you're lucky, and I started off again. hi; ambering "If I don't find this didn't -~ i oi 1 Say so before," sald handing him a bail He thunk ed and pocketed the hall and offered clubs were no. where in sight. . Sattad ars TT Su s bat at a more y reck- en pushed it back and tp Evident Joat the "1 ain't really p -1 was &% Pretending to look for a ball, ou see ed io ot ; 4 I--my' home j don't know any.girls." hares "You'd be more likely to he city." { said kindly, Nr Oe oso SS SLR CR EROS RAS ESS TEST: CANAD LEE: WORRY SUGAR - 416 Timothy ne wonderfu cool the burn to sleep, and skin over the again knocks, dolls, pimpl ulcers and Brevity may a man when h il 0 prrereeeee | (TR TE hb i" Feed Your Poul LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE } Purina Baby Chick Feed. ---- Fo (EE More Eggs ana Sturdy Chicks, § | © Station. Fear of sem ent, iy "Such relief I felt when I ap | £ For Sale By Golag West, ; plied Zam-Buk to a badly al No. 19 Mail... Bay Arr; Olty band!" writés Mrs. A. Riseley, of No.13 Express S10 am, 3 { No. 27 Loeal 9.45 a.m. St. Montreal, No, 1 Tntern']l Ltd. 1.15 'p.m. Mall, "I was standing near the stove No. Then He Aatile bolled over on my . applied some ointment which I had in the house, but it Ne. s-3548. No: did not ease the burning. The skin No, 6 M focled off and the pain was so bad v I got no sleep for two nights. 3 ' "Then I commenced using Zam- Siner trains daily ase Sunday. Buk, and the first application gave & 5 dinafe; veitisle reot To Bronty, | tether, No. 15 pm... 3 an, No. 28 Local . .... 8.48 p.m. 24 p. © Neos. 1, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily. relief. It seemed to | 4 medicine. Sold in t Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, ng so that I was able z bors. | OWA, Quebec, Portland, = St, John, 4 1 E 0. 2, §3; No. 3, §5 per Ty fax, Boston and New York For from then the scald by sil denggists, or sent Tp, 00 0 accommodation, tickets and began to heal. Zam-Buk grew new Ny Pr eet Safmice: ail other information, &pply to Top ess: sore place and before Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean dong my hand was quite allright steamship lines. Open day and night. » y \ A ra ars ear / Zam-Buk should always be kept nig ny fo fn the house for cuts, burns and oR J iN A es B) and for eczema, ringworm, " ! . blood - = ANC " En a camigoning, COKE ORDERS CER: ualled. - All dealers or Zam-Buk ANCHOR-DONALDSON 00. Toronto. §0c box, 3 for $1.25. : ONLY : TAKEN Passenger and Cargo Services 95) MONTREAL, HATIFAX, New 1} - LovpORK. BOSTON fo a 4. N 4 1 REE DLE The James Sowards || LoypoN ARTO Co. | Money sent by Mail or Cable to Great | Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, taly, | France, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland . Phone 155. For further information apply to local / be the soul of wit, agents, or THE ROBERT REFORD CO, Limited, dian Service.) 1 but just the same it doesn't tickle (General Agents © e finds himself short. y 0 King St. East, Toronto. ambiti But be Sold Around four o'clock in the afternoon, when the body is tired and the mind is weary, and you don't quite know what to do next, there is nothing that will stimulate you so quickly and give you renewed Canada may give you this guarantee, PERCY J. QUINN, . Manager, Bradich. T) ; - ! O N J S W. H. GODWIN & SONS Everywhere = (1: % . . . 300.Cups to the Pound THOMAS COPLEY "Telephone 987 wanting sayth wone fm the carpom. pr Hae, Rattmates Go To Robinson and iltshire's Garage pb a Waanea™ We well gasoline, oils, tires and nove ries. Open Day snd Night. Genial Drink || 23%% Bagot Street on, and make the world take on a new "Ranks with the Stroagest"' aspect, so much as a cup of Lipton's Tea. HUDSON BAY sure the Tea IS Lipton's, because the qual- Insurance Company! ity is guaranteed. We grow it, blend it, pack it, FIRE INSURANCE and sell it ourselves. No other firm selling Tea in Preaw Offics, Roya: Invuruce Bide. EAL eronte TEA PLANTER, CEYLON THE UNIVERSAL TEA | frre THREE FULL Fy: LE Propar Specially for this Newspaper by Pictorial Review. of Ft { LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street CHEAP ' Clever Idea for a Make-Over. tends to economize by making over last year's frocks for another sea. son's wear. A smart example. is given in this frock of black satin with a redingote of black and white «heck. The foundation dress con- sists of a two-plece gathered skirt closing at the left sidefront, joine to a waist that closes on the left shoulder and at the left side-fronf. To reproduce the dress in medipm size requires 3 yards 36-inch check and Al yards plain 44-inch plain aterial. 3 Miro cut the overdress, fold the check material in half, placing the front and back sections of the pat. tern in position so that the triple "TTT" perforations will 'rest along the lengthwise fold. The girdle and iecings for the side may be placed n the space between the front and back, with straight edges on the sel- vage of the fabric. Now, take the satin and fold in halves also. The front of the waist Et Bs os orations eelvage' and ge "0" ora in wise thread of material The back of back and | dalla a 4 a a Adhd Ada a dk aa We have just received a nice assortment class shy 0 os Ad EST ME Adhd aa re a ls