Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1918, p. 14

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entaaubii ce a a TT omen and Boys Men and Boys wanted for farm help, ing and general fall wor Women to help in the house ° APPLY ONTARIO GOVERNMENT PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 22 Market Street 12 substance js our most important problem; EXTRACTS FROM PROCLAMATION Issued by His Honour the Licutenant-Governor of the = Province of Ontario, ° - -. - Whereas next to the care of those who are offering their Mves ON the front fine of battle, the conservation of all our emergies and the saving of human life, thrift, and the provention of Toss of property through destruction by fire, is an al@ which everyone should give willingly to the community at e.: > And whereas the reckles .apd impoverishing fire waste that confronts the people of our Province is appalling: ra---yny Therefore, belleving that the loss can be minimized only by awakening in the public mind a universal watchflness against carelessness, accumulation of rubbish and unsanitary conditions; and o z LIE EE Beoause of this great need and in order to arose a sense: of watchfulness, carefulness and cleanliness, and to create a greater personal responsibility in reducing the number of preventable fires: 'e vi ht fit, by and with the advice of our Executive, Counetl for Our Province of Ontario, té name, aud do hereby name » the 9th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1918 FIRE PREVENTION DAY And We do hereby wrge that on this day, throsighout our Pro- vince af Ontario, attention be called in schools and public places to the conditions: that exist and to the need of immediate action and co-operation on the part of everyone; and special exercises, ad- dreswes and other leans be employed to impress on the public mind lessony of Fire prevention! - : ------ > : ' 'To Insure the success of this great Clean-aip Campaign ft will necessary to have the hearty ad nious co-operation of all R. Who have for thelr objects civic, social and industrial bet- . termjent a The Proclamation should be read in all Schools and at Public Gatherings, Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario, GEORGE F. LEWIS, Department of the Attorney-General Deputy Fire Marshal. Toronto, Sept. 21st, 1918, ; 3 THREAT OF GERMAN INVASION HANGS OVER LITTLE NATION. Leader of Socialist Party In the Little Nagion Has Declared Phat He Is & Friend of the Germans and Will Try to Have Peace Confer ence This Year When Offensives "Are Ended. Temps of Paris declares that the danger of a German in- vasion is hanging over Hol- land and quotes in support of this Statement an article appearing in the London' Ninétéenth Century, by Mr. Boulger, who cites the disposition of the. German railways leading into Holland from Germany in support of his contention and says that the Ger- man invasion of Belgium four years ago was heralded in the same fashion. The Germans, he affirms, have a railway concession, 800 yards long and 300 yards wide, close to the town of Venloo, which is quite apart from the ordinary raflway station and the town and entirely under their control. The trains arriving from Geldern pass through this con- cession, run on to the main line and £0 into the Dutch station where they run alongside one of the ordinary platforms and not on to the special line of rails reserved for trains from Kaldenkirchen (Germany). The concession, or "German sta- tion," as it is called, is separated from the town by an inclosure and a ditch, and entrance into it is for- | bidden. The station master and the employes are all Germans, wearing the uniform of their profession. Even the barriers which cut across the Dutch lines are painted in Ger- man colors and marked with the im- perial eagle. The concession is sim- Ply a network of shunting lines, and the Germans, Mr. Boulger affirms, could detrain 20,000 men there in 4 single night without any of the in- habitants of the town knowing any- thing about it. "This striking example," the writ- er of the article in Le Temps affirms, "shows the danger which Holland is running. What with the German trains running on the Ruremond line, with the well-equipped concession hy Venloo, and with all the other means of invasion which Germany has at her disposal, the Dutch are never sure, when they go to bed at night, \ {the war. } YN NINN Insist on Getting CHARM TEA In Packages Only Black, Green, Mixed. At all Grocers. iui dh A A 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 a a a an mp ---- " The New Work-Shirt The Mechanic, Farmer or Engineer has a new standard of value in buying a work-shirt. He wants this open front work-shirt that is more convenient to put on, eliminates all ripping and tearing, and is more comfortable to wear " than the ordinary work-shirt. ; Maintained quality, increased worth and assured wear is found in a ad that they will not find a German army encamped among them when they wake in the morning. It is un- der these pleasant conditions that a great struggle in internal policy is being prepared; the elections are fixed for this summer, and the elec- tion campaign is in full swing. "The parties confronting one an- other are more numegous than ever, owing partly to the effect of propor- tional representation.. 'All the new organizations are not, however, likely to last and, for the moment, a scattering of forces is reported to the detriment, especially, of the liberal forces, and for these reasons the Roman Catholics and the Socialists find themselves in the most favowd ble positions. The French public are not concerned with Holland's internal af- fairs; their evident interest and their sincere desire are that Holland may be respected and that she may de- velop freely and prosperoufly after If it is true that certain ecclesiastical personages, lacking in- sight, show sympathy for Germany, the French will nete the fact with regret, Neither, however, -can they ignore a speech made recently at Amsterdam by Mr. Troelstra, the leader of the Socialist "party, of which extracts have recently reached Paris and require certain ° explana- tions, The writer says that, if he is not mistaken, this is not a new explana- tion but has already been employed 'jb¥ a Danish Socialist, Mr. Borgbjerz, who has done much for Germany. "It is impossible to explore the depths of the consciousness of these . gentle- men," the writer remarks, "but, in any case, he cannot see that lack of conviction constitutes an 'extenuat- ing circumstance. "The interesting thing would be to know the 'future policy of Mr. Troelstra especially in the case of a German menace. He has declared that his program includes the main- tenance of neutrality, inguiry in the case of a menace from without as to their ability to offer a resistance '{ which would not be useless, and the * offer of themselves as intermediaries to (he belligerenty as .soon as this shonld seem possible. We cannot be- come the allies of one of the belliger- ent parties any more than of the Entente, he is reported to have said. 'What we have to fear most is the German sword. Temps comments on the satisfaction whieh it would give the German gen- eral staff to learn that a man with had become the leader of a majority or a member of a government at The © "Mr. Troelstra" he Germany feel that I represent thé 'Netherlands party t to fight. * the Ww RECENT leading article fn Lef The writer of the article in Le such a respect fof the German sword |! ; tor he said, T1¢ le of the | HOLLAND IS IN DANGER) BEDRIDDEN WITH RHEUMATISN Flt That He Would Never Walk Again "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Brought Relief, 4 MR. LORENZO LEDUC 8 Ottawa St., Hull, P.Q. "Fruit-a-tives" iscertainlya wonder. For a year, I suffered with Rkewma- Jor five months, 1 tried all kinds of medicine but without getting better; € thought I would never be able k again. 'One day while lying in bed, I read about 'Fruit-a-tives' the great fruit medicine ; and'it seemed just what I needed, so I decided to try it. The first box helped me, 45a 1 took the tablets regularly until every trace of the Rheumatism left me. 1 have every confidence in *Fruit-a- ives' and strongly recommend them to every sufferer from Rheumatism", LORENZO LEDUC. B0e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit.a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. #ism; being forced to stay in bed THOMAS COPLEY Preserving and Pick- ling Season Requires the best and purest vinegar and spices. Our stock is selected with care and will give satisfaction. C. H. PICKERING Grocer and Meat Dealer, 490 and 2 403 Princess St. one License N¢. B.2152, a Dr.J.D.KeLLoGGs Asth Dy as THE CHOKING, SUFFOCATING EFFECTS OF ASTHMA ARE GREATLY MITIGATED BY THIS EFFECTIVE AGENT. A TRIAL 18 SUFFICIENT TO CONVINCE YOU OF £ 118 RELIABILITY, HUDSON BAY Insurance Company PIRE INSURANCE OR TA ie. Manauer, Ostaris Branch Forente "W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. {| venge" WHO "WILLED" THE WAR? "We Did," Says Pan-Germion With- "" out a Blush, . . The present war is a 'war of Rre- long desired by the Pan- Germans, writes Kurd von Strants, a German leader in a book entitled "Our National War Goal," published in Germany. { German newspapers received giote the author, as saying: . "In my bo¥Yhood days the "fGer- man war of retaliation, as we. must name this world war correctly, wasy the dream of my life, the realization of which I have never despaired of, although 1 did doubt 'that I would live to see it in view of the unfor- tunate peace policy followed by the 4 post-Bismarckian administration. "But I have lived to enjoy that happiness. 'By word and letfer I have fought for this war of revenge which finally is to restore our old na- tional and politica! frontiers which we had gradually lost in whe east and west since 1552. Neither"i315 nor 1871 restored those frontiers: "Bismarck started our national rise but he did not complete it, His discharge impeded the victory- promising course, as his successor gave half of German Afpica pense- lessly without any compensation io our new arch-enemy, England. There- with began the descent which only, this world war could arrest and | which I Jongeéd for and foresaw when sueh thoughts were unpopular." The Berlin Vorwaerts says that the entire enemy world will learn of this confession with great satis- faction and adds: 'It Herr von Strantz had been paid for his book by the enemy agents he .could not havc better worked into the hands of the enemy countries. The book, says the Vorwaerts, is proof of the criminal activities of certain pan- German circles which now openly boast that they had longed for this war as their greatest happiness. Norah, #¢he Rat-Killer. "Dogs of war' are again in the foreground of the news from the bat- tiefields in France. It is timely, accordingly, to tell of a dog which holds one of the most interesting records that has been made on the western front since the war began. It Is the rat-killing record. The dog that holds it is a little browny-yellow Irish terrier, of the feminine sex whose name, though it ought to be Boardicea or Amazon, or {something equally warlike, is the eminently maidenish one of Norah. Norah, until her arrival back in Eng- land a few weeks ago, had been in France for two years and ten months, and in that time she account- ed for over 100,000 rats. Norah, who is just over three years old, went to France with a British soldier when she was a puppy aged three weeks. ' Before she was nine weeks old she had killed her first rat, and she has been killing them steadily ever since. The bést single day's record that shé put up in that time was 628 rodents accounted for. That was near St. Omer, i» August last year. Her naturally proud own- er, ~-Pté. Thomas Radford, of the Canadian Veterinary Corps, 'kept a record of her performances, rat by rat, up to August, 1917, at which time Norah's total was 'the astonish- ing one of 74,119. Since then her record has been largely by estimate. --London Answers. German "Efficiency." The German Government realized long ago that the most reliable me- dium of influence in democratic T¢ountries is the press. To securs the ; h-speed centrifu : Drying is followed by bleaching with ) Secand support of the press, newspapers can be purchased; but that is a ruinous ly expensive method. Think of the millions that it would cost to acquire a number of organs of very wide cir- culation. Moreover, this method is not dependable, for it is a very diffi- cult matter to keep secret for long the name of the purchaser of a great newspaper. How much more reliable and more practical is the plan of creating an agency to secure a monopoly of ad- vertising: This enterprise, after con- centrating the greater part of all commercial advertising in its own hands, begins by placing advertise- ments in the newspapers on which it has its eve; then it takes over all their advertising by contract, on terms which relieve them altogether from the exertion of seeking adver. tisers.-- "Lysis," fh Atlantic. Saving AbsogBent Cotton. Through the ingenuity of a French chetnist, who was struck by the fact that in the military hospitals of Paris alone about 4,400 pounds of absorbent cotton was used daily, a process has been developed which makes it possible to use soiled cot- ton a second time. The first step is the removal of all grease by boiling | ten or twelve hours in a soda solu- tion. After this the cotton is ther- oughly washed in a machine and 3 the moisture removed by. placing fi in & hig . gal drier. rine of lime and 2 -- Service Act of the district h TEN B ' istrict in which they live, ing the DAYS NEXT FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER ER as such CITIZENS OF THE AGES 19, 20 AND 31-44, both NOTICE-MIL REGISTRATION, OF : UNITED STATES CITIZENS ] we soy - 'Male citizens of the United States living in Canada of AGES 21-30, both inclusive, MUST REGISTER BY RE- POST with the Registrar under the (28th, 1918; and inclusive, must so register during the TEN DAYS NEXT FOLLOWING OCTOBER 12th, 1918. It must be em that THIS INCLUDES AMERICANS LIVING IN CANADA OF THE ABOVE AGES, MARRIED AND SINGLE, and in-- cludes ALSO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE SECURED DIPLO- MATIC EXEMPTION OR HAVE REGISTERED WITH AN AMERICAN CONSUL, or HAVE REGISTERED FOR MILITARY SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. Registration letters may be handed to local Postmasters for despatch to the proper Registrar, under the Military Service Act. MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. | = MEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS Having in view 'the importance of leaving a suffi- cient number of men on those farms, which are actually contributing to the National Food Supply, notice is hereby given as follows : 1. ALL MEMBERS OF CLASS I EXEMPTION AS FARMERS which is expiring and WHO WISH TO REMAIN EXEMPT should communicate 'with the Registrars under the M.S.A., of their "REQUESTING AN EXTENSION IN TIME OF EXEMPTION. Questionnaires will thereupon bei to these men by the Registrar and they will receive further exemption upon furnishing satisfactory proof that they are contributing sufficiently to the National Food Supply. 2. In order to facilitate productive employment during the Winter months, MEN EXEMPTED AS F. SHOULD APPLY TO THE REGISTRARS FOR TO 'ENGAGE FOR THE WINTER IN SOME OCCUPA- TION OF NATIONAL INTEREST, SUCH AS LUMBER. ING, MUNITION WORK, ETC. Such permits will serve be to enable exempted farmers to pursue other useful for the months during which farming operations, cannot x carried on, MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. ---- | NN Hi [ITI AH |e ERE is a shingle that meets every requirement for roofing homes. It is ughly weather-proof, being made of the same materials as the famous Paroid Roofing, - They are more attractive in appearasics' than - slate; they are durable and fire-resisting; they are easy to lay and mnst economical in price. They are suitable for all residences. And Sold by Lumber and Hardware Desios. WAREHOUSES : : Toront 0, W innipeg, Calgary, The Largest Manufacturers of § Wall Board and Roofing Felts in Ca i oinamiubisti---------------- ts have discovered: To awal sleepers interior of containers delved - 3 watches thal for desired switches a hot electric. carsent LD wire surrotuditg a wearer's apm, / Rubber flowers have besa "bo be worn on wy : . Sa -- at LEP BR, ---

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