Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Oct 1918, p. 7

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Cn WR Incorporated 1855 Capital, $5,000,000 Reserve Fund $6,555,000 THOS. F. HOW, General Manager. Head Office--King and Bay Streets, Toronto. WINNING OUT Men, munitions, money, of and food are Tail necessary GRAN gramal To-Night & Saturday MATINER SATURDAY AT 2.50 | Fon ---------- a iui Annual Engagement of 'America's SEHD ADVERTISING RATES. Most Popular Romance SONDEXSED fe" a word. Each con : ? a - Reeser, Al. ; : PIANO CASE 'ORGAN; CHEAP FOR a, po secutive Tha OLIVER MOROS LE cent a word. guick sale. Apply 439 Broek St ome imse rpg A Ze) thee OVER Tn Boe x $1; obe mon 7 'ERLAND URING CA 5 PAS. I 3 A clever woung Miss named Kellogg 3 senger. Apply 171 Kagan Road. es Saw a Want Ad. for girl as stenog. ; mn i _ 5 to win out.' Those who cannot #o overseas must produce sup- plies and save money. A Savipfs Account will help you save, for the next War Loan. -Start the accoulit now. Savings Accounts Invited. WANTED Har In tn hour she was hired $1X ROOMED HOUSE. ALL wopmRN A LABORING MAN. APPLY FRON- And the other girl fired 3 00. vements: EO 37 LA 7 / e » Hotel, i ¥ 4 Hdl ORY or HAWAII. Rt For msisiing on bringiug her dog. pical Morosco Cast and. the| MAN WANTED; LIGHT WORK.. AP- + SULKY WHEELS A orginal Hawilan Singers and Dan-| ~ Ply Miiicods Drug Store, 2 ¢ "Perfect, Columbia © and © ik MAID FOR UPSTAIRS WORK. APPLY cle Bioy cles. PRICES MAT., 25¢, 50c,, 75¢, "$1.00 Y.W.C.A., 186 Johnson Street. ' 3 ; , King St, Phone 1 - EVENING 25¢, 50e, 75¢,.81, 81.50 5 a ------ ; ALE A GOOD COOK. WAGES Bs HEINTZMAN & CO. PLAYRI-PIANG, SEATS NOW ON SALE ° ' y month, Apply Box $19, 'W. POSITIONS WANTED. CT punrameed in berfeot condition, to A . be sold a bargain or particulars GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSE ; Apply Box G.G.M. Whig Office, small family. Apply to 172 obnson EXPERIENCED AND CAPABLE VIO- Sa - a Yu ne Ohant a ON THE FAIR GROUNDS NEAR ; A #nce or "theatre orthestra In : I uh FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT . GENERAL SERVANT, GOOD WA Donnelly's booth, smak . Kingston, or solo work. Apply 0 fot: small fishing, &o x and outings. - Apply 151 Bar Box H. Whig Office. purse, 39 Cisrence sipest, A 5 . Test _ change. Owner can have opbost F R ALE ? i : PEWRITER WITH SOM WwW. GENBRAL ? sams by calling at 235 Ear! can Consulate. Telephong S¥iw, LADY TYPEW © ame. ; ONE NIGHT ONLY experience, Apply to 8. Anglin & ANTED Kin On pnock sTaeeT. oWN-_ || apxuive -GRAPRONOLA A | ér may Have same by call- selections: Jour aw 'dhol Rr Co. : FyR) ISHED HOUSE, CENTRALLY 2a° COUTTS & TENNIS OFFER t Whig Office A frame house, good condition, central HOY ABOUT 100 LEARN THE OF.| wo Hoht must bs fisevrkbie, Ap.|| GOLD WATCH BON. AreLy Lindsey! Tmitod: erik Be - 1 * - hed b Kd 1 DIRECT FROM SIX MONTHS AT tical business. = Apply Box #5, ply Box $00, Whig Office. Ear] street. . ocation, 7 rooms, s at back, deep lot, GEO. M. COHAN'S THEATRE, NEW WhigOfige. * oo =~ '-° adn a ive FOUND, ARTICLES ADVER- BRICK. HOUSE. No. 328 ew i YORK AT ONCE A WOMAN TO WORK BY AND = OPRIGHT ISED FREE TO Johnson; we an separate riveway. ossession a for cash or in pa £1 payment of new ; > . -- the Bi. APP 61 West street, } Pianos a Br C. W. Lind- Anyone" Snding saying a electric light and gAS; on: ce 225 Sm : Musica H 5 2 ®my, insted Cosy Street n reac! ® Own . Mateos Qe Pri $ 0. : | A acking 3 1 i 7 TT PLAIN COOK Lo Ed 8 2 repgriing 5 res te ris sors. a. in : GENERAL SE , AIN COOK; | NF e Britlgh 3 e alver: arly J. K. Carroll Agency. Success. on no 'washing or ironing. Apply 18 ie i mr lo tisement will be printed 4 5 thie : i Phones: 68, B74w. Wellington Street. ot up. fing, heated. Box column free of $400 BUYS FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY THRE > 5 Whi n ce. "Found articles" does net In- 32 x 133 foot lots, good soll, on Hp GENERAL SERVANT, PLAIN COOK, clude lost dogs, eattle, "Horses, Victoria street. These are choice RR ITA 2 yoaniog, op iriaing. Rumily'of | imviemen moos on aranzwene|| ot ise (Chalimdy BRE || wllalek Sod Perey don, 4h 5 pply suitable for housekeeping; close to ed 10 Jentre. street, GIRLS ~ FOR THE WORKROOM: A Whig oa font Apply Boxl\ : , By Glen Macdonough and Raymond pleasant, ught, work. Apply His -- : : smew | WE HAVE GOOD Hubbell McCallum, N. C. Polson, Co., Ltd GOOD BOARD AND TWO ROOMS Fou LOST furniture, dus ' . - : - a nd gentleman (mother sn: ; 8: ] FULL OF PUCKERING TUNES A GIRL FOR UPSPAIRS WORK AanY on) bt far ftom business dis- NO ture snd stoves. : el nan ae 3 ied rtcit. Apply'Box 104, Whigh Office. Gorn, in BETWEEN GRIF. "ar " & i a Rire and 8 oy"s, Ltd. With a Peacock Alley Chorus. 1535. A FURNISHED HOUSE, ABOUT 6 OR 7 Finder Kindly fTeave at Whig Of: - - rooms, modern improvements and fice and recéive reward. SOME OF THE BIGUEST SEATS ON SALE MONDAY IA JUNIOR SALESMAN FOR MEN'S CERMINLly TOCBUEA, DY TOSPORSIDIC | sessment -------------- srs today somes "RICES: 4 50c, 73 ) g hat--Department, -- Apply George arty. Address Box AL, Whig Of 1 SMALL -- PEARL SUNBURST| his. PRICES; B00 y 736, $1.00, $1.50] Mills & Co, 126 and 128 Princess . Rony. " brooch. Reward offered. Phone Jost _ will bring ec Street. 1093 or return to 302 Barrie street, | LADY AND HER DAUGHTER, A Corner Brock. ® British Whig Publishing ® hd a NRL A 0 oy ao)s oR furnighed 3-4 room apartment with rr Er reer HLLED y T onery = housekeeping privileges: conveni. 2 CMAN LLIE! partment, Steady employment, ent to Queen's University, Apply watch on Concession or Division BATA AL TT al good wages. The W. J. Crothers, Box 224-mi, Whig Office, street, out to Bt. Mary's Cemetery. |¥ S ' bl Ltd, - Finder. kindly return to Whig ments, large lot and sta oy b . . ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GEN- OMice, PP Union west. iL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON---$10,000 tlemen in private house where ne 5 " AME, 6 ROOMS, STONE P ® practice for capable man. Enquire other boarders are Rept. Good Jo- : | 1C i 11 ade Board of Trade, Sedge- cality, State terms and full par STRAYED. foundation, garden; off Chatham L th 1 £S ii wick, Alberta. ticulars to Box W-1, Whig O : street. a 5 | N HE PREMISES OF J. A, MFAD- Owing to the prevalence of Span- . A PLAIN CDOK WOR SMALL FAMILY, UY ALE THE PREMY CFAD- | 2200S TEPHEN STREET, FRAME, § ET . Pp . Thurs., Friday, Saturday ne upstairs work or washing or Wis WANT Toewol J Swit 4 Ben, Roar orth Road, one twos rooms; good cellar, large ots ish influenza in the city, and the ne- | " jroning; bin Wages: Another iri Bearers clothes iF "We ala Ravel ith otch on dort ent; one white| VIS : . : . ' Ply avis wo &lectric fans ® two-year-old with black on the , Te cessity of guarding against its B ant 17) Stuart street. in 'the second-hand Hne for sale. neck and large black spot on left] ome RICK. 4 ROUMS, IMPROVE. 1 1 th th " Ba abapire, 46 Princess street. side; one - yearling, white with] : -- ® sprea it is strongly urged at the Ww ~]4 OR 4 GOOD MEN FOR GENERAL Some red oi Solr. and three hog OFFICE TO RENT, CENTRAL, AND aboring Work; also: a few gov black, with white breast and three a Improvements. citizens avoid public assemblies, ashburn Dusky Sirls. dw momen for Eoberal| | 16 2a a a Sree rg ors Diy tn nEsten FURNISHED. ROOMS,. CONVENIENT and paying for trouble and this and as the disease is transmitted by Tit 1 Come Back to You chess: . - | om advertisement, > 7 a ad Sd secretions from the nose, throat and i ALSO u $3 PRIVATE .C) RISTMAS « GREET- 5, PWhis Omeer Abply Bet ve EE bh hhh hth ih hh hth fh 4 : bronchial tu the frequent use of A et Tents. noOMs, FURNISHED OR UNFURN- BOA ; | . er --m------------------ en a * a0 ten dollars dally, Bradiey-Gar- ly 82 Ontario Street, OF [GOOD BOARD AND ROOMS. APPLY a spray or gargle; consisting of per- | June Caprice reston, Brantford, Ont. Shoe EH 212 Kiag street. ping room. "Seven bedrooms, (hres | al ifn perfect / : FURNISHED AN and 4 manganate potash, of a strength 2 PATRIOTIC, STEADY, WELL PAID rooms Tog, iene. Housekeeping: 4p. Ap: TO RENT. a Td duns, irk patricks 1 ncess street. bp Agent; 36 Clarence street, L r one part to two thousand of water is = . peace tkme louis Socks for ua on 2ly 330 : : e nek nit socks for us ATTRACTIVE ROOM 150 KING 87, | & A Camouflage Kiss fe to "Auto Knitter CLASS ROOMS AND reroll egg ogy oe Bel ebb PER EE bb ma recommended. AND Ede NY, A am kits || $8 Improvements: etnias' Joost | A Mack Sinnett Comedy Knftaey Company. Dept. C-24, Col- od. Apply 243 LARGE FRONT ROOM, WELL FURN- PERSONAL - ; ished and well heated; electric 2 a A NICE COMPURTAILE FRONT MED. light and phone, centrally located. : : Apply Box 1003, Whig Officer HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, mIMTHEARM : ble for one ] ' WANTED -- MARRIED ° OR SINGLE bath. Kovly 41 Division street. Shad obaiid SSTEE . A.R. B. WILLIAMSON, M.D., I ladies to take orders fron neigh-| o-- oa -- foes Forpved permanently: Medical Health Offi | bors for Private Christmad Greet-|¥ oy BR RA DENTAL gut scar; 30 years' experience. cer. | ing Cards to send the soldiers and and clean. Apply . Wathen, : : 148 Eimer J. Lake, Bye. sy, Nose, B, friends. 35 sample book free. Big Nelwori sires, of phone 82. AE KNAPP, OFFICE, 306 PRINOBSS Turon pecia. t street. I TO-NIGHT| cir. oso) Sue save, sensor wie) sows fos : | A Ontario, open fireplace, elegtric light, etc. DR. GO! N OD AR, DI ST, : i {oposite & i) Office, 140 Welling: corner Princess and Wellington » FINANCIAL The Year's Absolute Sensation HIGH PRICED FRUIT HAS CREATED streets. Phone 1678. - - - en: eral Btook: oF i LIesty | SEUBAGE VOB FURNITURE, OLEAN DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, Tove | "ment So. LOAN AND INVEST. . Our trees are known as the M ; : best in the trade. We want reliable vid hots tists, 1580 We ington For over ment Sociefy; incor ted 1563 '8 salesmen to sell In unrepresented Bey " & ki + Carnovsky's, Phone President, W. F. Nek 3 vice~ country and ofty districts And hl _ Progident EE ot an ngh y ® or services renders er {NICELY FURNISHED ROO! RGE oney iss on y six hundred acres of fruit and or- ary, and electric lighted; a tes if MUSIC. 3 hropenties,. muni] aul only eo red; mortgages q : namenta] trees, shrubs, etc. Exelu- d te f ---- By Edgar Rice Burroughs, esired. . 'Apply: Box som: Wits] MISS ENA BARNES, TEACHER OF Invent ment bunds Ton ship] HE Als Nothin +4 Sein ee peth oti Se Offi lanoforte playl h ived and interest allow: IN NINE THRILLING ACTS Co Tr rite elham ursery - planoforte playing, $60 Johnson receive. n er . ' ys Toronto, FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; TWO treet. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 dA g With a Cast of 500, Including Elmo on first URNS =n on PN athroom | s nee street, OR, Apply. Box G. He EBANK or TORONTO GEORGE B. M'KAY, MANAGER. | I ---- 5 J apps Dominion have same by proving property joan. e Lincoln, Enid Marke: d True - oem £104, electro iighted os Spoleto ISS BAOUN TER OBI BF SING ING as ¥ an -- T Footer x 47 Ridemu. street. Lessons begin | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Gi 3 Boardman, r : Jobs Bm. October fifteenth. Teleph 1296, Fire Insurance Company. Availa ele one e The Most Stupendons, Amusing P Pic- BOY WANTED SEVEN ROOM | HOUSE IN' FIRST RTE assets $1157315 In addition . ture fn the World's s His olass condition!" newly . decorated. DRESSMAKING which the policyholders, ave ey PNY 'The Bri . h Whig Immediate TOORTIOn. APP 5 : seeufity the unlimited 1a ish ty 3 | shown Twice Daily) "2.30 and 8 p.m. tis ower Rigeau recet, City. MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER Saasitie emis. Biad A : 4 PRICES: 15c¢ and 25c¢. ts STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, having resumed business, solicit old or giv ew bu Adds so much to the joy of 4 wan a strong, re- CLEAR, of ¥ 4 I Jin , Bry F : your lock _orders for fall and winter work rates from Strange & 8 Ping and reading as ability to read with- AUCTION SALE. liable boy to learn na rare Sty forages i Adghes i: Artred root" Agents hone 38 out eye strain. Can you do 1 this, oF does the print blur and §| saTvRDAY, ocronrs sri. ul presswork. Steady now in full ROOMS h i SoRlit: | Jour eyes ut otrist On Mbckot Square, Ford Touring Car position and chance d he Fo about your eyes. NR ner: to learn a good trade. 1 | GIR LS Jai ie ta We Are Eyesight AUCTION SALE. Apply at office. DESIRABLE FURNISHED, rooms; | - - central and modern. No lght-| Hi : rings, spices eg Ns Fun ts SATURDAY, OCTOBER STH, AT 12/\ oehearine Apply 10 Ent WwW ron window will tell kn MARKET UVARE. he story. Sri Batam" ith or without experience, on sewing and Work Singh or bier city broken; BITUATIONS VACANT. nitting machines; light work; highest The Busy Optical Shop le to | HOAG'S Drug Store Man'f'g. Opticians & Optome- or nin aida "bie dat lg hbo. you will be doing" your bit while working Branch Post Office. trists X learned: new, 3 le' me 0 wor Ada Adhd at 4 a A a4 4 4a aa ae 44a +R . 3 also yearling" chestnut filly. THIS DEPAR R.J.Rodger NR rg ettoneer ee TR ARE, Aware | wages paid while learning. ve § bute religious and patriotic tera: | $5.0 "of phone us about 5K We are now working on war orders and - Toronto.' yor | Kingston, Ont. 4 182 Princess Street. : fF: ~ with us. Apply y Hniiok A . SR i" Ho are AT BE WRITING . OW ckly and ren Rio ctr, Sg Fi a) PET coNnomy!! RIT m- rr 2 tins Tor 25c. Ask Se --

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