Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Oct 1918, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, , 1918. Faster Ontario News GANANOQUE | {From Our Owr roke Li oyd 4 into the Pine Correspondeiit, ) or parties arglal the rear of J. | rt, on Wednesday noriing, and took which was found in it some time ago. During this wee Mayor Wilson and F. W. Bell, tlre president of the local Board of Trade were in Kings- ton in consultation with rig. -Gen. Hemming on the question of billet- ing 3 number of soldiers at the local armoury for the winter. The mat- ter is to he given due attehition by the military authorities. Flight-Lieut. Joseph Acton, of this The Kaiser's Troops in Belgium in - Bad Shape. Harderwyk, Holland, Oct. 4.--The condition of the (German troops in Belgium is about as bad as it can be. They are" upderfed, ill-clothed, and demoralized. Discipline is gone. The officers are depressed, realizing that it is useless to resist a superior force. They find it difficult to make the sol- diers obey orders, Many deserters arriving in Holland say that most of the men wish to desert but fear the authorities, The soldiers conceal and feed the desert- ers in the trenches until théy gét a d en (APPOINTMENTS AT QUEEN'S A NUMBER OF VAC: VACANCIES AYE BEEN RUASD. nh" it Is Expected That the Euisiration Queen's University 'that registration this. season will exceed that of last session. treasurer and registrar stated on Fri- J | in Al the Faculties Will Show a Substantial Inerease. | It is confidently at total expected the G. Y. Chown,! ay morning, that there was no doubt Go To Robinson and Wiltshire's Garage For Repair Work of All Kinds Volennizing ~= Cars Washed We sell sendline, Sis, tires and Open Day a iy Night, 2394 Bagot Street Phone 243. «In Cometeries a Specialty. i Workmanship Guaranteed J. E. MULLEN, 155 Frontenac St. Phone 1417 t that the enrollment will be much rger than last year's and this opin- ion seemed to prevail in university citcles: The enrollment of male students in the faculties of applied science 'and medicine shows a substantial increase over that of last year and it is also believed that the faculty of arts will haye as many, if not more, male stu- dents.. There-is also an increase in the attendance of ladies in the facul- ties of arts and education and the registration up to the present has been most encouraging. Several more resignations and ap-~ pointments are announced, Capt. T. S. Scott, B.A., B.Sc., will not return this session to the acting professor- ship of civil engineering, but will continue his duties with the Cana- dian Engineers at Halifax, Prof. BE. A. Stone, Ma.E., M.Inst, C.E., who has been acting professor of general engineering has taken a position in the Government service at Ottawa and will not return to Queen's, In ther stead Stanley Graham, B.Sec., night or the au Mills terday morr chance to escape. There is no Toth for uniforms in Germany, and those worn by the killed are salvaged for the use of the survivors. There are few profes- sional officers left, and the first lines at the front are now under command of reserve officers. A huge debacle is feared when the Allied warships shell the coast. SPEER ERR RRA BRITAIN SENDS SHARP © # DEMAND TO BERLIN, % > owned = by Thomas achine.was found yeés- p-the Kingston road west of the town. Pre- t car had been run to Kingston and back that far, when; on account of g out of gasoline; the machine was left by the roadside, No clue. has so far been obtained of the gu party or parties There was quite a large gathering of the ladies of the town at the coun- ] 1 the town hall yesterday vhen the Gananoque War Society was organized, with o officers: President, Mrs. James first vice-president, Mrs : second vice-president, Miss M. Stunden ;'recording secretary, Mrs, David Bain; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Jackson Visitors, Mrs. John Gib- son, Mrs. W. K. Crouater, and Mrs. O, J. Shaneman Conveners: Sewing UNITED GROCERY |: committee, Miss Mcintyre and Mrs for all kinds of the best C. Knight; knitting committee, Mrs. ¥ - Fhe Knig hy of Honor Bible Class Ouitomers daily a of Grace Sunday school, of which i NY ay Town Councillor Clifford Sine is » te Itt, tendered a banguet to the ors 188 Princess Bt. BEN LER, Mgr. ganized young ladies' classes of that Canada Food Roard Licease No, Sy129Y town; who has heen overseas for some time past, and has seen considerable service at the front, and who was se- riously wounded some time ago, ar- rived in town on Wednesday to, re- cuperate U inder the auspices of the Catholic Literary and Athletic Club, an enjoy- able dance was held on Wednesday evening at the assembly hall of the Gananoque: Canoe and Motor Boat Association's club house. . FARMERSHAUL STONE A IN STOCK Best quality Connell coal for open grates and domestic use. Also select lump soft coal for all purposes. A. CHADWICK & SON RT HARDWOOD FLOORING Wanted in every home and always on hand ee be Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria St. Yard Phone 1042 F ancy Clover HONEY ys oss 35 cents heh. nice and PRR Erte Ae th aporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for gel fo dhe Cem wae wae as WR MecRae&Co Colin ion Gree ' ev san t The rush is now to the Island Whar{--Dr. Spankie Also Works. Wolfe Island, Oct. 3.--~The reeve invited the farmers to a bee drawing stone for the ferry wharf. They turned oui in large numbers, with the result that a large amount of stone was laid on the grounds. The doctor is very anxious to push the work along before the. cold weather sets in. To show that he was in eardest to get the work done, he donned overhauls and leather mitts and helped to unload the farmers' waggons. Walter Yott, has rented James MaCarthy's farm, and-~ shortlyfmove onto it. 3 es Conley held a successful raising of an wp-to-date horse and cow barn on Monday. Mrs. Harris held a very sueecessful auction sale of farin stock and implements on Wednesday. James and Thomas Conley have gona to Watertown to visit rela- tives. H. Leakey is giving his new house a fresh ceat of paint. Theo. Eeeleg is the brush artist." Mr. and Mrs, French, Toronto, who has been visiting relatives here, have re- turned home. John Keys is home on a month's furlough. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hoffman, Yonkers, N.Y., who spent a couple of weeks here visiting relatives, have return- ed. home. Contractor Greenwood has. Bdward Kane's house about. completed. Mrs. D. Healey, Buffalo, a former islander, died in the above city last week. Her many friends here were sorry to learn of her death. STOCK MARKETS, Quotations Furnished By Bongsrd, Ryerson & Co.. 289 Bagot mereet, To Wolfe London, Oct, 4---Owing to % % Germany's continued failure to #% + ratify the exchange of prisoners # 4 agreement with Great Britain, # + and her raising of questions con- % #% cerning prisoners in China and % *% the release of U-boat crews, # % which Great Britain declines to + # do, the British Government has % # dispatched to Berlin peremptory + % demands for an immedidte an- #| formerly of the Technical School at & swer, # | Halifax, has come to Queen's and will * {assume some of their duties.' Phd bbb bbb bbb bib bbb bbb bib e J. A. Harvey, M.Sc., a graduate of hme "| MeGill, has also been appoirted "to INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. the faculty of applied science. He has been associated with M, J. Local Notes and Items of General | O'Brien development schemes for the Interest. past few years in a civil engineering The police have no trace of the | capacity and has been highly reecom- automobile stolen from R. J, Reid. | mended for the position, Dr. C. D. Matheson, Kingston, is | LC. W. Greenland, B.Sc., a graduate acting as superintendent of the Gef~|of Queen's and formerly asSistant to eral Hospital in the vacancy. caused by the resignation of Dr. Wright. Prof. William Nicol in the mineral- | ogy department, has returned to the | Kingston has been asked to send | nurses to Renfrew, where there are over 400 cases of Spanish influenza. university to accept the pesition of assistant professor of geology, which Dr. P. J. Maloney, district officer of health, has gone to Renfrew to take was held by Prof. Kirtley F. Mather, who has gone to the United Stated, | Prof, Greenland has taken exjensive measures to control the situation. post- 'graduate work at Columbia Uni- } Te iunaml af hes Suomas versity in mineralogy, and at Cornell i > 0 + WAO | Tpjyersity 1 0 , i - passed 'away on Tuesday in thg Inte J in Seology, and is emin General Hospital, wag held on Fri- day afternoon from the Church of ently well qualified to succeed Prof. Mather, the Good 'Thief, Portsmouth, to St. | Lo the faculty of arts C, W. Rife, Mary's eemetery. The Oswe Palladium says that M.A,, a graduate of the Un'versity of | Saskatchewan and of the University Robert T. Ryén, of Kingston, arrest- ed at Napanee on a charge of the of Toronto, has given up a féllowship in Yale University to come to Queen's theft of jewelry worth $140 from the home of Mrs. Kathieen A. Carey to succeed .W, N. Sage as lecturer in the department of history. at Oswego, was allowed out on bail in the sum of $1,000 to awdit the action of the grand jury. reece STEAMER OMAHA RELEASED. Mrs. Sunday school in -the lecture hall of whl the church last evening. The Gananoque high school rugby team has arranged for a game in Bro&kville on Thanksgiving Ry with the Collegiate team of that town The local water supply has been treated with chlorine this week, and the M. Il. O. reports that he has sub- mitted samples for analysis, which have been duly reported as practical- PIAA IANNIS ANSI Pt NN NANI NN Hon. T. W. Crothers, Minister of Labor of Canada, will visit Belle ville on Qetober 10th, apd will ad- dress the ecltizéens umder the aus pices of the Board of Trade in the y ) City Hall upon some vital problems. 'ly free from the intestinal "bacteria eA IS AA AAA Eb ~~ - WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR NEW RANGE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S .. - SHOES FOR FALL & WINTER WEAR Men's Shoes priced at . $4. 00 to $10.00 - Women's Shoes priced at 4.50 to 15.00 Boys' Shoes priced at . 3.00 to 6.00 Misses' Shoes priced at. . 3.00 to 5.00 Children's Shoes priced at 1.00 to- 3.50 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 1H Suthertand & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. NENA ENNSNAAN Music of Haw Special Columbia Records been satisfied. Already the 'price ; has advanced 'thres cents a pound KALALUHI'S HAWAIIAN MEDLEY OF Wi A 2077 Geo. Kalaluhi's Hawaiians, 104nch on creamery 'grades, and it is sell- 'ATTY ing now at prices | ranging trom WAI LULILUL . Louise, Ferera and Kalnoa 90¢ y<four to fifty-six cents a pound. w AILANA WALTZ. (Drowsy Waters. 1 2016 Some persons have expressed ° the and Ferera { hy ) oulse) 4 20 opinion that it would not 'be sur- HAWAIIAN MEDLEY. J Motorists Attention Gas$ The money saved for gasdline on. Sunday will buy two (2) Columbia Double-disc. Records. REEZY MUSIOAL COMEDY, "The Million Dollar Doll" Pleased 'S= Audience at Grand. Three acts of musical comedy in "The Million Dollar Doll" pleased a large audience at the Grand last night. Both principals and-chorus were good and all could sing, and dance delightfully. "Over the Bil-' lowy Sea," sung by the splendid bass voice of Paul Baker, was a fine num- 88 ber. Irene Medora, the Juillion dol- | lar doll, sang some pretty love Songs, with Truman Stanley, and the dane ing of this couple was also pleasing. The most of the comedy was provid- | a= ed by Arthur C. Burgess and Jack B. Williams, The story of "The Million Dollar Doll" centred about a prize at the Frisco fair for the prettiest doll Altogether the production was very | enjoyable. Make your Sunday as enjoyable as usual by the addition of music in some good - LHe goo Movements of Vessels Reported in and Around Kingston. The steamer Omaha, which went aground at €arteton Island, was re- leased on Thursday by the tug Frontenac and barge Harriet H. The Omaha went on to Montreal. The Donnelly Wrecking Company is at work on the barge Kingston, whieh went aground. off Carruthers' Point. The barge was light, on' the way to 'Oswego... .. + The steamer Jex cleared with the barges White and Frank for Os wega. The steamer "Jeska cleared Oswego. & Phe barge Muskoka, which was deserted on the lake by its crew and taken to Sackets Harbor by the tug Maskinonge, has arrived in Kings- ton. _ MT. Co's. Bulletin--The steam- er India arrived with the barge Bur- ma from Port Colborne, and went on to Prescott with 'the barge; the steamer Westerian 'arrived with the barge Godfrey from Port Colboruc; the Godfrey is discharging grain 'here; the Westerian cleared. with coal from 'Lake #rie for Montreal; the steamer Nicaragua - passed up, iight, on her way from Montreal to Oswego. The steamer Sarnor arrived.from Toronto at 6.20 a.m. and cleared for Montreal at 6.60 p.m. on Thurs- day. The steamer Toller arrived from Toronto at 7.10 p.m. and cleared for Montreal at 7.26 p.m. on Thursday. The steamer Ionic arrived {from Toronto at 12.10 a.m. and cleared for Montreal at 1.45 am. on Fri- ay. New York Stocks. Open, 2.45 p.m. 8614 169% 743% 881 8785 23 48 126% 107% C29 111 Atchison .. OP. R. N..Y. CG Reading SH ! Southern Pas. #0. Railway SE Paul o.oo... Union Pacific Atlantic Gulf Marine i Marine pfd. Gen, Motors |. Maxwell Motors Sindebaker ..' | Wiliys-Overlane Am. Loco :. Baldwin Loco pAm. Smelters .. Aoaconda Inspiration Beth. Steel " Crucible Midvale Kep. Steel .. (U, 8. Steel Alils<Chalmers .. Am, Can. .. . Am. Car Fdy. Distallers . ,. ind.* Alcohol Am, Sumatra i Tobaceo Prods, Mex, Pete .. Montreal Stocks. Srapish River .. . Brazilian "a Erom'pton Can. Car .. a Can, Steamship ai Can, Staamsiip, pe. Can. Loco .. 'Cou. Cement .. .. Dom. Steel .. . Forgings .. . Maple Leaf .. oi Montreal Power Quebeé Ry. .. Steel of Canada Shawinigan CHICAGO GRAIN. | Columbia Records values. operatic favorite songs and bal- of instromental They are tasting musical You can have war songs, selections, lads, and the best musie. i" All Columbia Records are made in for Canada. sin, PROF. CAMPBELL RETURNED, Arrived in the City Thursday Night ms After Service in France. Prof. P. G. C. Campbell, who went overseas as officer commanding the 253rd' Queen's University Battalion, returned to Kingston on Thursday night. Since hie went overseas a year and a half ago he has seen considers | able service in France with an Im- | perial unit, serving as a captain. Prof. Campbell was at Queen's University ' f= on Friday morning, after his long J absence from the department of iI romance languages, of which he is head, and he will resume his duties Jj this session, ~ Remember b' We have always in stock the largest fine of Columbia Grafonolas and Record. in Canada. 4 MN GREENE MUSIC CO. 1AMIPED, 4 | Cok. , Sydenham & Princess St. 121 Butter Prices Advanced. r The commandeerigg of 'the buit- tet supply by the ernment for the next few weeks has reacted up- on the retail prices in the city. Local dealers will have to depend upon existing supplies until the re- quisition of the Government has Nurses | To Calls, Kingston will be depleted of its nurses if the demands from outside places continue te be responded to. Nurses from the local military hos- pitals are reported going fo ston to help in the influenza epidemic there. Several local nurses have gone to Moritreal, and Renfrew wants number, Wher" Kingston gets t with the'epidemie it will ® to look after itself if the éxodus of nurses continues, ' Louise and Ferera. Also fin Lon LR for store ip KAIWI WALTZ. HONOLULU RAG. Palie Lua and David Kail, Corn, bf, Palie Lua and David Kail. ~~ Op'n High Low' Close «131 131% 128% 131 «1208 131% 128% 130% ITH 3129 126 128% prising if it went as high as Sixty ysis & povos Louise and Perera. | Louise) MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME. MEDLEY OF HAWATIAN WALTZZES, . and Ferera. For Fall wad Winter. Prevost, Brock Street, has a greac J Qpen High -Made clothing, PALOMA. Louise, Ferera and Greenus. 688 70% 5h of ent of Gent's + WALSE BLEUE. Louise, Ferera and Greenus. Wg dew : - 69 70% ne 69% Ti 8 ree-------- WAS. HEAVILY FINED, ~KILIMA WALTZ. Palle Gua and David Kail. HAWANAN HOTEL. Palie Lua and David Rafi HILO. = KOHALA LR Trene West Royal Hawaiian Troupe d Mark Switt, i of Kingaton, of Mio bi iy Sn 0% MARCH. Palie Lua and David Rally. ally informed that his som Rohert ALOWA OK. Toots Paka Hawailan Co. HAWANAX MEDLEY. Toots Paka Hawailan SMILES. THEN KISSES. Waltz.) Louise, a 4 ad HAWANAN Bowons. {One Step.) Louise, Fer.j- 10h ove ox xm mac oF WATKIKE. Louise and Fere HAFA HAOLE HULA GIRL. Louise and _ Co. a 1985 10-inch 3 he Casualties. Lieut. B. G. Adams, dent. , Me Waters, Balle. 3

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