A Cup | , of Tea -- SALAD Fresh From The Gardens Sealed Packets Only Black--Green or Mixed In Perfection Try a Pachet PA i el ss ATTRACTIVE STOCKS AT PRICES To Yield 7 to - 9 Per cent. i Exceptional market conditions--due to the : war--have caused many high grade Can- adian Industrial and public utility stocks to sell at prices that yield 7 to 9 per cent. on the investment. This opportunity---leading bankers have indi- cated that many stocks are selling at below their intrinsic value. Our Statistical Department will be pleased to discuss your investments with you. * ard a is the investor's » me NEW TYPE OF COAT Slip-Over Has Advantages for 'Motor or Travel Wear. Completely = Protects Garment Over Which It Is Worn--Always Ship- shape and Snug. Capes have so utterly dominated the fleld of wraps this season that very little out of the ordinary has lieen of- fered in coat styles. While the cape vogue continues, a closer reefed wrap Is more becoming to some figiires. The coat shown In the sketch 1g well worth considering, ts it was actually intended b¥ the Paris designer who originated it as a suggestion for a fall or winter coat. This coat would be lovely developed in dark-colored satin and embroidered in a lighter shade, or vice versa, a8 a summer traveling or motor coat. Pongee or shanting, silk Jersey cloth or heavy linen might also be used for it if preferred. This coat has a number of unusual features, the most promincnt being its freedom from fastenings. It Is a slip: over model. The belt Is attached across the back section, the front ends being loose, so that the ¢oat may be slipped easily over the head, the belt ends being drawn forward aad bud DAILY BRITISH WORK HARD AND ND DONT. WORRY if There May Be Said to Ba. a Recipe for a 'Long and Happy Life, ie Why, There It Is, America is anxiously scanning th casualty lista" these days poignantiy sensitive to the dread possibilities of war. Yet, if we paused to think, we should find, as the Equitable Life As- surance society has deducted from its' vast experience in mortality data, that "worry kills: more men than war and disease put together," We read of those killed in. action, dead of wounds, ac- cidents or disease at the front, snd our hearts are wrung | for the loss of these bravé boys, but' day by day a larger company falls out eof our own ranks here at home to answer the last call, the Pittsburgh Dispatch observes. Some are spoken of as victims of bard work, of overexertion, but If the "truth were known, it would be found it was wi that hastened their end. Hard work never killed anyone. It is worry that kills A young man, for instance, rises to the head of a good business or to some other responsible position. Perhaps he begins to slacken, to ease up a Iit- tle, and leaves the details to his sub- ordinates. Things do not move as smoothly, and, when he wakes up, he finds he has lost his grip of affairs and begins to worry. His friends ° think hard work killed him, but ft was worry that shortened his years. While he. was fighting his way upward his work engrossed Mm, as it will any man capable of a career. Work left him no time for worry. Keep pegging away, PAGE ELEVEN often, "Fruit Salt," FRUIT SALT EADACHES | What woman isn't subject to them ? Some frequently. But, in any case, if the womenfolk would only follow the example set by their husband¢ and brothers in the use of Eno's they, too, would es- cape the annoying, painful head- aches caused by a lazy liver or de- ranged digestive system, the stimulating and refreshin ments of ripe fruit juices, Others less - Made of ele- no's NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS 10 the atareity of hein ' we have been handicapped in Ween out as s00n as we expected. We now have a full staff of re. pale ong and. assure prompt the future. "Central Garage Bd Walsh, Prop. COAL CUSTOMERS " Please Notice ! Coal Sales will be for "45a Cash Only, "Ranks with the 'Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE remy Office, aus Lous Insurance Bide, PERCY J. NN, ager, Ontario Branch, T¢ W. H. GODWIN & SONS Worry is the grain of dust that up- sets the fine balance of the human mechanism, brings loss of power, slow ing down the engine and ultimately racking it to pleces. Bear in mind that "worry kills more men than war and disease put togeth- rouses the torpid liver to fresh ac tivity and cleanses and invigorates the whole digestive and eliminative tract. A headache has po show where Enos is. Thornton Davidson & Co. Members Montreal took Exchange. Transportation Building, == MONTREAL All druggists sell "Eno's™ ; L ; ge PRL A Ga We have anticipated the well-dressed man's- idea of ideal fashion in these Semi-ready clothes. Perfect tailoring and a discriminate taste in cloth selection--with every suit fitt The price is as right as the style--but the appeal is to the man who wants day-to-day satisfaction in what he chooses after he has seen the style and the cloth. ® Thati is the Semi- ready po is based on cost of cloth. David J. J. Will i Semi-ready Cuilored : @lothes | ed to the try-on stage. ligy---the label i in the pocket A CONSERVA- TIVE DUCK Duck = Nong of those skye scrapers for me, 1 prefer to live on the ground, saftenge Cup, a | coveted piece 0 rwary, held the past The Slip-Over Coat toned as indicated. It is open from hem to 'waistline on both sides, the buttons and buttonholes being purely decorative, although they may be ar- ranged to hold the coat tegether if such an arrangement is preferred. The coat as designed has an &lon- gated back collar, really a small cape, and this may be used or omitted. A coat that slips over the head 1s something decidedly new, but for mo- tor or travel wear especially such a coat has many advantages over the conventional open-in-front garment. It completely protects the garment over which it is worn, and is always shipshape and snug. If designed for wear during the fall, this coat would be very smart devel oped in one of the rough wool plaids that are being shown for fall, both In dress and coat materials. 'Plain color might be used for sleeves and caps facing and for the wide belt. CORAL JEWELRY VERY 'SMART Decorations Prove Decidedly Effective When Worn With Dull-Hued Buits, . the most charming shades when not overdone in costume, and this season are bogey he bowlers of the Kast ub, was wrested from Srainizasion by two rinks, Brockville Club. White : Sedewic H B Xk were the and against them Land P. Kilgour. | er," and so shape your life and hab- ituate your mind that you cannot be 'a victim, ; UTILIZE COMBINGS OF DOGS English Women Making Articles for the Red Cross Bervice From Somewhat Odd Materials. 4 The picturesque spinning wheel ig coming into its own again In Eag- land, but in certain instances an un- usual. material is emploged to work upon. The tiny pet dogs, so very numerous in dog-loving England, are "doing their bit." tch the spinner at the wheel and guess' what her soft and fluffy raw material is? Just simply the combings of Fido and Fifi, and a host of similar pets. The soft- ness of these combings suggests be- fore-the-war Shetland, and the wool produced provides for Jerseys, muf- flers, bed-socks, and operation stoek- ings, of which the Red Cross say they can never have too many. Of course these doggie combings receive special treatment before they reach the spin- ning wheel. It seems that the use of dog's halr for wool manufacture is not new, as a lady in England tells of her mother having a frieze suit years ago, the material for which was contrib- uted by a favorite Chow. Gossip has it in London that only the fear of looking absurd prevented the wom- en's branch of the ministry 6F national service from instituting a scheme for collecting dog's hair. Perhaps the lit. tle dogs are trying to Justify their tiny Hves, In the face of suggestions that their food is more needed in England now than thelr presence. - rey Every Tooth Visible. =~ "All right, here they are, look at them." This was the reply of a local manufacturer whose health has been unsatisfactory and 'who went to a lo- cal doctor for examination and treat ment. Some of the doctors are order- ing patients to have their teeth ex- tracted when rheumatism or other aches fail to respond to treatment. Some perfectly sound teeth have been pulled to relieve patients of illness and they say the Toss of all the teeth has In some cases shut off the poison which opened his mouth and handed the is- tonished doctor an upper and lower plate, ~Indiznapolis News. How "Johnny Cake" Got Name. 8 4 / [i SH (Pte. Suffel David Cornell, a Lyn member of the Royal Ottawa Bat- tallion, reported missing, is believed to be a prisoner in the hands of the Germans. And if remorse were the advance agent of temptation there would de less sin in the world, Prepared by # J. C. ENO, Limited, "Fruit Salt Works," London, Eng. Sole Agents for North America HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., Limited, 10 McCaul st. TORONTO THOMAS COPLEY, Telephone 987 wanting anything «ome in the carpen- tery line, Baiimates sven on all kinds of andi new work; alse wood 8 al kinds. All orders Shop| | a df will receive Bs attention street. 3 nn daddy." "Give it to me, Grand- ~ "Why Bobby, if ~ you wait a bit for it you'll have it '10 enioy longer!" "*"Poo-poo! That's "ho argument with THREE FULL LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street CHEAP, Helps" teeth, breath, appetite,