. PAGE TEN THE DAILY BRITISH 'Wiig, FRIDAY, tte ste re OCTOBER 4, 1918. $. Watch your children's skins. #00n a: youl' see the In the Realm of Woman --- Some Interesting ""T he Wite" By Jane Phelps As of 8 rash or sore, apply This antiseptic balm the sore place frem infection, pre. vent it from spreading and healing soon. follows. "Careful Zam-Buk on hand for their chil dren's injurfes--it ends pein so quickly and prevents any possibil- ity # rash, --------_--n "1 SUFFERED Was Eventually Cured by i EB Pi am's Vege- 5 whils stupid it 18 too early to turn in." They smoked Philadelphis, Pa.--*1 suffersd for seven long years "with a lame back, ih and been hely b; it." Mrs. MARGARET NEss, 8 £ a Hazzard Bt, Philadelph me er fore dis 8, 68, ulceral ack s aches or until ch hoy have given thie E Plone "Vegetable cations mothers always keep Best for cuts; , 8calds, bruises, ringworm, sores, eczema a teething All dealers 50c box. of festering. an ( he n SUC Kir SEVEN YEARS" |:: Mc table Compound. unt Mo sal irregularities and pain. I had one physician after an- other but they did me nogood. read about Lydia E. "~Pinkham's Vege: table Compound and gaveita trialand in a short time I felt benefited and am now "feeling fine, she sal when they the bug went brick building when he was with Ruth; warm heart A \ AVL taxi? Mais had oad up mon- without on let's £3 evenings Didn't you again "did I dream aps we id, with » Brian der Mollie's elbow i walked toward the Jn top of t t s500N fact ent. long retain h a Mollie 1g t i aft ten o'clock vy climbed down at wite in Washington dden ras the then down. you like," i red no ona end of the iare, havin Ip town, 'Come in and smoke, if Iie said 7 reaeh e as fa ' as th ine! I's alone, and May 1? That wil up Lome » "reuinisced' o'clock, when out, she and twelve him il nearly Nie "shooed' i i as think you haven't You'd never laughed, test idea of time." Not when I'm with viully som 3 Was alone mean that going," : ' the Mollie. ' mean- and Mollie draggad and so, her sha yeu. to filling with pity, i: : A "Come often as you like, Brian." As before, Brian would kave been shocked could he have known what was in Mollie's mind, and to do him justice he would quickly have dis- abused her of the notion that 'he wasn't happy with Ruth It was only that he was aggrieved at ber absence." But Mollie hal no idea but that 'poor Brian' was nnhappily married to a 'high brow girl." "Gee! but Mollie's a peach!" Brian said as, once again, he took the bus to ride home. It happened to be the same expression he had used thé last time he had taken her to dinner, and thgn had gome home the same way. BUS RIDE HELPS WHILE AWAY THE EVENING. as He counted his money before he went to bed. A smile twisted lis mouth when, he saw what a hole th dinner had made in the little roll "Good thing Mollie set down on the one hoss shay," he mumbled. "1 get fqolish sometimes, I guess. Dus rides for us, Mollie, unless we cut down on the eats," he said ag he put his depleted roll back into his poc- ket. Then idly he wondered who "bloke" was who had started Mollie so. -- "Can't blame him much! ghe look: ed sweet 'enough to kiss to-might." Then as Ruth's picture caught ais eye: "But Ruth has it all over thew all, for style. She ought to, too! two hundred dollars for a dress! I don't believe ' Mollie spends that much in a year on her back," in which .surmise he was right. Moilie didn't! she didn't have it to spend. The next morning he received a night telegrah letter from Ruth. She had arrived safely, had found everything alright, and would hurry that at and without weak. ness orpain. Many of my friends have also taken Lydia E. ham's Vege- table Compound ia., Pa. TALKING IT OVER ~~ With Lorna Moon * Compound, a trial. If exist, write Lydia E. Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for, 8 estions. The result of its ence Is at your service. ing + e re, As pl pas of strengtha=-No. 1, $1; a a az. 'pamphlet. THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) A fa : i Evacuation Methodically Conducted the civil population from the Gray Hair paration for restoring natura! to dandruff Jud as & hai IeNOrous M ilo Hay Co. hair, for removi , In not 8 dye. ready to use. and' LLL LE ® SPRIN! ih melon, fabric is the underwear Jindde springs in its I give and take" with movement of the body, and preserve the shape of ite. long wear underwear, light weight, as you like. vei y= Deir Y Your _ Grace is added even to a figure by the D & A allD & A'sitis tiving of the best Preach corsets Rut sells at half the charming slight Corset No, 624. Lil made in Canada and fitted on, models, It has the "chic" price. Theresa D& A tosuit every figure, ION CORSET CO. sk pour Fhave always had a confused con- that there was no iethod used at all ception of the method used in mov- {t was, therefore, with the keenest interest that I listened to a descrip- French villages before an impend- tion of the proceeding by a Major ing attack; or rather I had an idea of the Canadian forces who had Just ireturned from France, n I have no doubt that many of my readers share my mis-conception, :& picturing a pell § mell, hurly burly Bof human souls § hurrying to the rear without lead- ership. That was how it happened the first months of § the war, but later § on evacuation was usually an orderly ® and systematic business. To quote the Major "When an attack is impending, and there is reason fo suppose that a vil- [lage will be subjected to shell fire, We are at once set about moving the civil population to a place of safety. Very often the village sustains very little damage and the inhabitants are returned again as soon as the danger is over. In other cases the village is completely wiped out by shell fire from both sides. : "The first thing we do 1s to com- mandeer -all the vehicles, horses, oxen and donkeys, - in the village. 'Then we gather up-all the old people and load them into the vehicles. They {are allowed to take treasured pos- sessions, but the amount is limited to 50 many pounds per family, depend- '|ing on the accommodation we happen to have. The healthy adults walk, Spats are usually found for chil- and nursing mothers. When and mind, it is quite a problem con- vineing the old men and women that the trip is for their good, they are so .jconfused that they can't tell smemy from friend, many of them refuse to Bo, or beg to he left behind-- when everybody is accounted for they pro- coed to the rear with 4 military es- cort. While they go down one side of the road the reinforcemaénts and artillery dome up the other side on the way to the front lines. "I remember .auring one evacua- tion the attack began before we were out of range. The road was one moving mass for miles, men and guns were hurrying forward and re- fugees tramping away to safety; near. me Wis a cart drawn by a don- key i upon ft Share, sdafed an ud man amd woman a r nde! 0 The old lady was i Cit and muttering and rocking. She had v We heard back as soon as possible. She gave het address and asked him to write er. + Brian fully intended to write that morning. But when he reached the 'office he found some extra work--- which 'mean extra momey--so0 he sent her a wire insteady. He needed the money. That Ruth might need the letter, never occurred to him That night too he dined with Mol~ lie, and then they went to-the mov- jes. She had insisted that they eat at a little table de hote place where thé dinner was only sixty cents. "Quite a come dow." Brian had said, laughingly, yet in his heart glad that she had proposed it. "We musn't spend money every night like we did last night," she had sald in a way nat made him feel she was lobking out for his in- terests--which she realy was. "You're a good little scout, Mol- le! Some girls wouidn't care if they broke a fellow, as long as they had a good time. I made some ex- tra money to-day, hustled like the old scratch to make il, too. Weil blow ourselves to-morrow nizht. Co up on the bus to Claremont or something thal that." "Wro sald I was going dine with you" to-ivorrow night" I like the, way you dispose of my time." "I did! and you will,; won't you, Mollie? Please take pity on an old married man. Ruth wili be hoe in a few days then I wan't ask you to make a martyr of yourself any longer." "Martyr! you goose! Don't you know [ am having the time of my young life! Of course I'll dine with you to-moriow night!" To-morrow Ruth Brian's Message and Worries OME and take a glance inside McCormick's Biscuit Palace, the finest in America, See the snow-white interior and the spic-and-span white uniforms of the employees. Look at the immense windows through which the sunshine streams in. Note the perfect ventilation--how pure and fresh the air. See the white-enameled ovens--the wopderful mixing machines, and so on. The more you look around the greater your ad- miration--and you certainly will enjoy McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas after seeing where and how they are made. C to Sold fresh everywhere. In sealed packages. Receives Over every body has been rounded up-- | M*Cormicks Jersey Cream Sodas Factory at LONDON, Canada. Dranches at Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston, Winnipeg, Calgary, Port Arthur, St. John, N.B. Canada Food Doard Licenses 11-003, 14-125 it. Jerusalem have conveyed congratu- lations to the chief administrator and military governor, The occupation of Maan by Arab |, forces has especially pleased the Arab Beédouins, among whom there 'was doubtless an undercurrent of fear that the Turkish troops might return. But apprehension has been com- pletely dissipated.' The administra- tion is being conducted under normal conditions and the usual business 1s; being transacted, The situation in Nasareth is re- ported to be equally satisfactory. Rids Feet of Corns. Removes Foot Lumps. Sure and Painless What any corpmeed:is the, sooth- ing influence of Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor, which in twenty-four hours lifts out every root, branch and stem of corns and warts; Just clean riddance to the old offenders--that"s the way Put- nam's Painless Corn and Wart Ex- tractor acts, Refuse a substitute preparation for Putnam's Extractor, 25e., druggists everywhere. ou Ras eas mo, Pans ~~ The Telgmann School of . Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. | Phone 1610. | Aa oo TY TY YY YY TYTN YY YY -- Insist on Getting . = § CHARM TEA In Packages Only : Black, Green, Mixed. At all Grocers. ht whanau dedi hh A A A A A a 4 4 a aaa aaa Ad ~ FURNITURE & FLOORS LIKE NEW cloth--a few drops of O-Cedar on it--a light rubbing-- a brisk polish with & dry cloth--this gives you the remarkable "O-Cedar Result." Every finger mark-- every trace of that bluish film--will" quickly vanish. . -Cedar gives a surface that gleams like glass--a surface #6 hard it will not require further attention or w : Nothing like it for floors and linoleums To have floors clean and brightly polished, you need wo! D-Cedar Polish | M an > your mop always use r 'Polish. sour inoleums too, O:Geday is the only correct polish. eeps them racking --keeps them fresh and clean, O-Cedar.. Eps 8 rice1.0U, O-Cedar Polish ' comes in several T a time like this--when economy is preached and practiced. to the fullest extent--it ; is Fox tisuharly important for the housewife to know how best to make old 'things look "new." - Your furni- ture may be made to "look its best" by frequent cleaning and polishing. Use or this pu O-Cedar Polish. Tt will make your ht look its best; each polished surface will become a mirror to reflect the sunlight. . , Makes the beautify! grain show up All the beauty of a fine piece of wood is easily made to "show up" by a correct application of O-Cedar Polish. One of. the points of : supériority is that -O-Cedir cleans. "A light rubbing with ar and water will quickly remove the dust, scum and grime-- you will note the re-appearance of the real beauty of 2 new. ie hy -- @ as. directed on the botll rect way to use O-Cedar--you to have true economy od O-Cedar way: A wet a IT _POLIS