Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1918, p. 6

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PAGE SIX q \ "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1918. Go To Robinson and Wiltshire's Garage For Repair Work of All Kinga, Vuoleanising we. Cars Weoshed ' We sell gusoline, olls, tires and | aecessorien. Open' Day and Night. 2393 Bagot Street Phi ne 243. ™ Wood's Pa @reat English Remedy. 'ones and invigorates the whole | em, makes new Biood ins, Cures Nervous FOR CHOICE GROCERIES AND SEASONABLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ny i 2 Friendship's Canadas Food Hoard License 4 No, B-17773. 210 Division 5s. hone 54s A hd la 4 4 Ahnu dt 2-4-2 2 £2 2 2 a de adh aot 2 Monument Workmanship Guaranteed J. E. MULLEN, 133 Fronteunc St. Phone 1417 RE -At the " Golden Lion Fancy Clover HONEY |i In one pound sections, 25 cents each Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juley ... ... 10e, 12%ec, 15¢ Ib Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25¢ aporated Apri "i vue 15¢ IB Sweet Cider ... ... ... .. 40c gal WR.McRae&C _ FRESH FRUIT gr go away dally " 188 Princess " Stewart Forbes, cheesemaker . at Middleville, has purchased Wiifwm Eastern/Ontario News |/DASIL CASE AT TORONTO (Continued from Page 1.) NEWS FROH Th DSTRET CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. In Briet'Form the Events In th Country About Kingston Are Told ~--Fu]l of Interest to Many, «| joined 'novelty Herbert, Parry 'has sold his home, Frankford, to A. J. Headrick dnd has bought a farm near Welliag- ton. { i. 2 Perth's coal allotment tor this winter ig 4,700 tons. 2,000 tons of this amount has bgen recéiy ad. J. D. Adams, Westport, has pur- chased the grocery business of H. C. McEwen and iss now in possession Brockville couneil will + ald in erecting a big building on the fair grounds for the accommodation of soldiers. . W. IN. Stevenson the position of organist leader in the (Carleton thodist church. On Sept. 26th, George P. Hanna, Trenton, was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Jordain, Sulphur Springs, Alta. ' 'Lev Southworth, lessee of the St. Lawrence Hall, Morrisburg, is dis- posing by auction of the entire cof- tents of that hostelry. 'Willet - Bedell, son of Mr. Mrs. H. 'W. Bedell, Picton, the newly organized Canadian Air (Force. John Hilborne, Alexander Gibbons, Robert Edmond and George Patter- son, well-known residents of Almonte, have died witliin the past week, Angus Thibault, aged forty years: Mrs, (Dr.) J. B. Mogden and Mrs. Stesfuen B, Hubbs, aged ninety-one years, are recent deaths in Picton. At-Grace church parsonage, Tren- ton, on Sept, 18th, John G. Bush, Frankford, was married to Miss Lenna L. Parry, of the same village. Stewart Mcllraith, Lanark ,has the misfortune of breaking his arm just above the elbow, by a fall on the stairway of his home on Friday last. Harry E. McKercher, Toronto, and formerly of Renfrew, was married at his old home in Winchester on Sept. 14th, to Miss Frances Mabel Reveler. | has macceptel and choir Place Me- and nas Royal Judge McNamara, being about to remove his family from North Bay to Pembroke, has sold his residence in Matter of Se. Mr. Tilley said that if the dam- ages were attacked merely on the oumds. of magnitude, it would be necessary to go over the events of the night in question. "I don't un- derstand they are attacked on that ground unless it appears from the proceedings of the trial that the plaintiff or the judge ' permitted something to go before the, jury which was not properly before the former town, receiving $8,600 for it. Lieut. Georgy Shorey, of the Naval Patrol Service, arrived from Eng- land lgst week, and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Canfield Shorey, Napanee. : via While playing at home with her twin brother Catherine Foy, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, C, J. Foy, | Perth, got a fall which resulted in a!ipem » said counsel. broken collar? bone. Justice Magee=--"You still claim Jesse Vandervoort, a well-known |(iey were entitled".to increase the résident of Trenton, passed away on damages on. account of the plaintiff Sept. 23rd, dn his fifty-first year. The being put in sueh a position through greater part of deceased life was|the assault that she could not con- spent in Frankford. tinue longer in the society?" Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Munrce and Mr. Tilley--*"I would not put it family, (Wellington, are moving in- [in that wi7. I say they are entitled to Bert Noxon's house. [Mr. and |to take into consideration the nat- Mrs. Harry Quaiff have taken &|uyre and character of the. act, and part jof the same house. perhaps of the nature and character Rev. Jacob H. Johnson, of Berkley, that extended beyond." Cal., formerly of Picton, Ont., died,|" Th letter from .the Papal Dele- after a lingering illhess, on Sept. gate, Which in-part read, "It is for 26th, The interment took place at:Sister Regis to" take up the matter Glenwood cemetery ,Picton. after consulting you." itcriminated The death of 'Miss Jean Mackin-|the Archbishop, sald counsel. tosh, sister of the late William The Archbishop could 'not, - Mr. Mackintosh, P.8.I, occurred 1m [Tilley argued, considering his posi- Madoc on Sept. 2Ist, The inter-|tion, escape 'Hability by saying it ment took place lin Madoc. was mot" done in his official capa- J. R. A. Laing, Brockville, has been | city. * appointed - representative ' for the Justice Hodgins -- Then you James Alexander Company, Montreal, ! think property held for the Arch- in succession fo C, E. Bissell, resign- bishropric .couid be absorbed to ed to take over other duties. meet slanders or assaults, The death took place on Wednes-| (Mr. Tilley--If I have a right to day at the home of her brother, | judgment against this corporation Charles Ryan, South Elmsley, of Miss I have the right to hold it. People Minnie Ryan, eldest daughter of the vested with property to manage late Paul Ryan ,of that township, ~ |have no right in the exercise of their power to do a wrongful thing. Lillian Pearl Whitton, I don't see why there should not be Deseronto," Sept, 30.--Death, for 'liability in case of this kind. the second time within the past two There is no distinction between it and a half years, entered the home of 20d a ladies' college or a Method- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Post, and ISt church, but the question of claimed for its own the young life of Meeting the judgment is not one for Mrs, Frank Whitton (Lillian Pearl the present. : : Post), at the age of twenty-three, Justice FHigioa: This is not the years one month and thirteen days.|Archbishop's property. It is trust Deceased was born in Deseronto and Property. Sint received her public and high school! MI. Tilley--It is simply vested education at the local schools. and In Rim for the church. The canon was united in marriage to Frank |!/AW Says the Archbisbep-ig the per- Whitton on May 6th, 1914. + Son who controls everything in his : (diocese. If we get judgment against this corporation an argument that Ste- the properties are in trust for cer- tain churches or objects may he a perfectly good answer, but I could not prevent me getting judgment for acts done in an official capacity under an official name. Trustees might render their trusts liable to Accused Of Stealing Brass, Belleville, Sept. 28.--Harry pheus and Stephen Petterhalf, the later a Bulgarian, both young men, are under arrest charged with steal- ing brass from the G.T.R. Company. They 'claim Toronto as their homes. THEATRICAL. (Continued from Page 8.) Million Dollar Doll. Harvey ID. Orr's big sensational musical comedy success, "The Mil- lion Dollar Doll," is the next big attraction booked at the Grand Opera: House, October 3rd, for one night only. It will play there on Thursday evening. This is one of the most popular musical comedies of the day, and has heen promouhc- ed a most attractive farce womedy. It has exceptionally catchy music) and the most beautiful dancing girls ever crowded into ome \per- formance. [Beautiful gowns, whist- ing music, a thousand laughs, and the greatest singing and dancing chorus in musical comedy, all go to J make the 'Million Dollar Doll" the biggest musical comedy - sensation of the season. 'A hig scenic produc~ tion jis 'carried, including a variety of special electrical effects and big scenes; taken all in all "The Million Dollar Doli' seems to be the Ibiggest musical threat in stere for local theatre-goers this season. The seat sale is now open at the box office of the theatre. "The Bird Of Paradise." {-+ The importance of atmosphere in a play is very forcibly illustrated in the success which has attended 'the production of Richard Walton Tully's play, "The Bird of Paradise," which comes to the Grand Opera House for two nights, Friday: and Saturday, O¢t. 4th and 5th, with a matinee Saturday. Its most valuable asset is its atmosphere--the indolence, * the langour, the deep passion and the J. Affleck's farm adjoining Lanark. careful simplicity of the eclime and Also SE ER YY 4A, GTR "3 a | ON Fes al CET ANB 86 to ur Tungsten Lamps at 35¢ New Play by Kittering and Lorin Howard, {authors of "A Daughter of the Sun," 'ly, and its obje( . is 40 reveal the mis- attachment by a third party by rea- son--of 'their conduet. y Mr, McCarthy's Charge. temperature of the Hawaiian Islands. The story of the plot concerns itself with the subject of interaLT age of (Cam IS ChArgD. the race. For a time it was the ques- Sghy res 8 tion" of the mixture of black and Ha oe, Oat 3 Tat. Father white, with Dion Boucicuult's favors so € : itd drama, "The Octoroon," as a bril- DIShop Spratt, and was using bis i ' 1 Theh not 50. Vor influence over Sister Mary Basil to laut example. Theh, ¥ accomplish this, was the statement long ago, there followed a series of made by D. iL. McCarthy, K.C plays in which the Indian and white counsel for the Archbishop and man figured TH ~Squawman." if. 1," (hg course. of his: argu. "Strongheart," and a few others be- ment to-day. Prior to Father Mea's ing the notable examples, Then came assuming an influence over the Mr. Tully with the problem of inter- sister, sald Mr: McCartay, the Aroh- marriage of a Caucasian and a Malay hishop had always been able to --and all the pothér was again re- «pix up her troubles." vived./ = Continuing bis argument in the "The Bird of Paradise" does Bot case with 'regard to the Mability of depend on its plot alone for success. Dr. Phelan, Mr. Tilley, counsel for It has a more important feature-- the sister, pointed out that being a that of novel and original atmos- professional man, the doctor should phere, which gives it distinction and have said to these women who which marks it with a flavor of its 'wanted to remove Sistér Basil that own, ~ | they were all "crazy." "Instead he took 'part in it,;and then went futo the witness box and could not re- member what took place." For + Ithis reason thé counsel argued that at Dr. Phelan should have been as- | sessed costs. "The Archbishop may have been a weak and vacillating man, and may have been under the thumb of the mother superior, but Dr. Phel- an, being a man out in the world, should 'have had more sense. Phel- ,an accompanied Naylon part of the way when going to get this wonian and was really in charge in that he went to the police for the mother superior." : 3 ' ! 'With. regard to the procedure as to the removal of Sister .Basil, Mr. Tilley pointed out that the proper course was for a doctor to have charge of taking a crazy woman to an asylum, accompanied by a police man. "I submit the judgment is right, . "THE MARRIAGE QUESTION." A Delightful Play Presented Grand on Monday Night, "The Marriage Question," present- ed at the Grand on Monday night, proved a most delightful play. There was a large audience and the presen- tation was much enjoyed, It is a new 'which was given at the Grand recent- takes made by n.any who embark on thé matrimonial sea, The whole question of marriage is dealt with in a very frank manner. There is a most interesting love story, and mingled with it there is an abundance of comedy. :-Taken alto- gether, it was one of the best plays of its kind ever presented at the, Grand. Miss Wanda Ludlow takes the leading role as "Billie," and her xcept hal ihe South Should have Gortial of the role was all that could | 8 - 4 be desired. She was charming at { Patriotic Concert. or aurice Clark, us Teddy | At the patriotic concert to be given dow the comed gins I able to-night in Convocation Hall, the no: aor, wis CM bo ot an he tice of which appears in another col- er, while L. E. Streeter, the "5° following programme will be butler for "Billie's" husband, show- rendered: § ed himself to be a most finished act- 3 or. The balance of the company gave good support. - The story takes a most interesting turn when "Billie" leaves her hus-| bang .and starts an ideal dairy, and . Vocal-= is given some trouble when the milk | L'ultima canzone 1. Piano-- ; (a) Romance .......ia\5. 0.0% Sibelius (b) Moment Musical Miss Knight of 30 x 34 tires at cost So} a al trust endeavors to put her out of. Mrs. Herbert Wood business, But, lke all g plays, | : ; ; there is a happy ending. The Bus-| band searches for "Billie" and find - Ler, while another interesting fea' |, Violin ture is that the couple are reconciled Hungarian . Dance, by the arrival of a baby. : / g Victory Loan Executive. The following citizens have offered to serve on the executive for the next Victory Loan drive, which is to be ut on shortly: William Cook, J. M. arrell, R. | Rodger, G. Y, Chown, iu CG ills, and 3. Vocal The Trumpeter... 0viiii. es Dr. Harold Angrove Dix No. 2..Brahms- = ; . Joachim Miss Leslie Taylor . A 5 Vocal oy (3) A Blooded Ring.. Coleridge Tal ha os _ Taylor + b) Who Knows'... Words by Paul Lawrenep. Dunbar, Music by Er mest Ball' h Mrs, Coleman > 6. Voeal-- . : 3 : (a) Cradle Song iyiv Keniglet (¥) Love is the Wind .... MacFadyen 5 Herbert Wood ir it 7 Vocar-- oT ---------------- (a) Wind Song ....:. Building in Kingston, ig its taken 'out at the Dr. Harold Angrove , 'same month last ta.' 3 ®) T Know of Twe B mogpnted to $20, 13936 for the' building permits for the nige 30th. total PLE Sheth Sh | T the same peri in_1917, ; Lieut. i THE NEW ad th broken black line ie indenburg an altacked yesterday. CANADA S. §. BUSINESS Reported Excellent During Septem- ber--Season Satisfactory, Both passenger and freight depart- ments of the Canada Steamship Lines report satisfactory business for the month of September, as well as for the operation of the compagy's lake the preceding months this year; and though the traffic season is far from closed, earnings considerably in ex- cess of last year are guaranteed from tonnage. The bulk freighters have had a very satisfactory season, and though tue package freight business has been re- stricted owing to the number of ves- sels used for ocean traffic, returns from this source are quite satisfact- tory. Passenger business has been par- ticularly gratifying. = With a reduced number of boats in operation ,a great- er number of passengers lave been carried than last year, with a resul- tant increase in earnings. The season fas yet several weeks to run, when urther increases are expected from all lines still operating. REGISTRATION AT QUEEN'S. Lectures Begin at the University on RY ednesday. : * Registration in the faculty of medi. cine at Queen's University Las been going on for the past two days, and it is believed that it has been very sat- isfactory, Lectures are scheduled to begin for the first four years on Wednesday morning, and an attend. ance equal to that of last year: if not above, is anticipated . The demand for professional medical men for mili-. tary service continues unabated, and every possible means are being taken to have the medical colleges filled, Registration and lectures in the fac- ulties of arts and applied science beein on Wednésday morning: It is be- lieved. that the male registration «in each of the faculties will come near that o flast year, and a larger number of 'female students is expected. Major Bishop Among Aces. The following figures are the iat: est available of machines brought down by star airmen of the various belligerents. Major Bishop's record is only exceeded by that of Baron von Richthofen, Germany's premier airman: A : --Canadian-- Major W. A. Bishop. ......... Capt. Stanley Rosevear .,.... ~British-- Lieut. Albert Ball .........,. ~French--- Capt. Georges Guynemer ..... Lieut. Rene Fonck ...... Lieut. Nungesser ........... Lieut. Maden .,..... ; ---American-- Major Raoul Lufbery ~--German-- Baron von Richthoten Lieut. Buckler Capt. Ber v nkho Lieut. Musth Lieut. Schleic 72 21 teases = az : : i o 5: ile Lid - = 4 Neg THRUST AT CAMBR} "The heavy black line shows todiy's. battlefront, showiig yesterday's gains. Wotan lives. The arrow shows where the Canadians sjwas ordered to get a. job . 3 the space between that lines are .! CIVIC INCINERATOR IS CAUSING TROUBLE Sparks From It Set Fire to Nearby Shed on Monday Afternoon. Spagps rom the inMnerator smoke- stack. "are still causing trduble, and the firemen were given a run between three and four o'clock on Monday. af. ternoon. Several months ago the recurrence of fires in the vicinity of the incinerator gonipelled the garbage committed to instal a screen on the smokestack to prevent hat cinders and' sparks from issuing. It was'remov- ed some. time ago however; as it was found that the fires could not be lit. As a result the fires have started again, and some damage' was done to a wooden coal shed near the inciner- ator on Monday afternoon The harm does not lie so much with the incinerator as with the dangerous conditions of nearby buitdings, and it is believed that they will have to be fitted with fireproof roofing. -------- © Canadian Club. (Members are reminded luncheon at the Hostel, Thursday, at 12.30 p.m. Also, all persons de- siring to join the club are invited to attend. Will members and others kindly notify the acting secretary, Thomas - Mills, Wednesday morning so that places may be provided for them at the tables and the caterer informed? An address will be made by the Right Rev. Bishop M. F. Fallon, D.D., Bishop of London. We are sure the membérs of the -elub-will feel honored by having so (distinguished a speaker; ~and that they will turn out In numbers to show regard for one of Kingston's sons. : of the A citizen charged with not being engaged in some "useful employ- ment" was on the carpet at the Po- lice Court on Tuesday morning. He and will have to report to the police. N STOCK | Also select lum ft coal for all purposes; 111] THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY South of King street, between Simcoe and West streets in the city. of Kingston, facing the park, containing about three and a quarter acres with about 80 feet fronting on King Street, 250 feet fronting on Simcoe St,, and 230 feet fronting on West street. WITH A WATER FRONT ABOUT 230 FEET | now about the only one obtain. able in the city of Kingston, and 'dock from Simcoe it to West street occupied presently as a coal yard and by--- boat houses and connected with the Canadian Northern Rallway, the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Grand Truhk Railway. TENDERS, the highest or any of which will not necessarily be accepted, will be received until + 12 o'clock noon on Saturday the 19th of October, ois J. Mol. STEPHEN C.o. James Richardson & Sons, Ltd., Kingston, Ont. THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. (Parmerly Windeer.) coal for open grates and CK SON 1 1 . The Ideal Piano ~~ If you can afford a piano you can afford a Baby Grand---pro- vided you get it at LINDSAY'S. Come in and learn about the advantages offered during LIND- SAY'S "Baby Grand Campaign." C.W. Lindsay, AE MITED - ® a 121 Princess Street Quebec, Brockville, Montreal, Three Ottawa, Rivers, Belleville. HARDWOOD and always on hand of 4 00k a man t6 collect Sm} secouiits fo. ---- Ot the total revénue derived from #yoh-

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