THE STANDARD BANK | OF CANADA MEAD OFFICE = TORONTO BUSINESS ACCOUNTS All classes of business accounts car'o vane TeECEive careful attention. ~ KINGSTON BRANCH, J, Fa ROWLAND, \ Manager, G , Prompt Returns From Shipments 'When you ship Grain, Butter, | Cheese or Fruit, put through The Merchants Bank a Draft on the buyer. This is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactory settlement. -- It saves time and possible loss, THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, } KINGSTON BRANCH, H. A. TOFIELD, pr) Manager. INFORMATION ON INVESTMENTS A ----------CE------E-------------- ---- invest you can Canadian When you have money to get full information from us on all securities. : The services of oul Statistical Department are at your digposal to enable you to sec ure all particulars, * Our Market Circular will enabie you to keep in touch with the developments in the financial world. © It will be mailed free on request. Thornton Davidson & Co. Members Montreal Stock Exchange Transportation Building MONTREAL -- Our New Fall Designs in Furniture "Are Arriving Daily We invite overybodf whether thy wish to purehise or not, as it keeps prospective buyers posted in the latest designs, " The Leading Undertaker; Motor and Horse Equipment 230 PRINCESS STREET i PHONE B77 d two pieces Cited Sie loans 1 the until the kh! Don't wait rm tnt, Lore # ake shen payate smd send sestefaton sie] Ot; Capt Matthews, Toronto, p A residenca Fi Kian on the { i fin Watertown, N.Y. 3. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY a -- OCTOBER 1; 1918. From the Countryside Frontenac -- A GLENVALE. Sept. 30.---The funeral of the late William Beattie was held at Joseph Cramer's on Monday last at one o'clock, after which the remains were taken to Wilton cemetery. Deceased was eighty-four years of, age. On Sunday morning a resentation was made in the Presbyterian church to Mrs, Clarence Taylor, who. had been the faithful organist in that church for the past twelve years. William Pillar read the address and handed the bride a well-filled pursé from the members of the congregation. Mrs. Taylor made suitable reply. - A large number attended the fair in Kings- ton during the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Jack -Burnett are visiting at J. Cramer's. Johnson Topliffe has pur- chased a fine new car. Mrs. Annie Gordon is in Kingston, wheré she at- tended the funeral .of her uncle, A.} | Knight, . Hoe CrOSS LAKE, - Sept. 26.---The farmers are cutting marsh hay between showers of rain. A box social was held at the school house on Sept. 20th ,and was a de- cided success, Lawrence Woodcock filled the position of chairman. The proceeds amounted to $32.13. An aeroplane was seen in this vieinjty téxday. Mr. and Mrs, "Miles Wood have the sympathy of the community in the reported death in France of their son, Manley, who has paid the supreme sacrifice for King and coun- try. Mr and Mrs. William Wilks, are at John Clark's, Borden Wood . Miss F. A, Gendron is visiting at Mrs. Wil- liam Newton's, "Jack" Newton made a flying trip through here to Arden, M. R. Reid, 1.P.B., made a _ trip through here to Northbrook on Tues- day. Miss PF. A, Gendron spent the week-end with her parents at Arden- dale, WESTBROOK. Sept. 28.---The children were pleased with the school fair, although the heavy rain put a damper on their sports, Mrs. Mackenzie, of Kingston, spent last week the guest of Mrs, L. Hyland. Stewart Barry has pur- chased Mrs. Letitia Smith's store. Miss Bessie Hull has been pe-engaged as teacher for the coming year. An- | drew McDonald, of Cleveland, Ohio, was rensawing acquaintances in this vicinity and visiting the scenes of his boyhood days. Mrs, G. Cadott has returned home from visiting friends Miss E. Toomey, of Odessa, spent a day recently with the Misses Sheehan and Mrs, Kenny. Mr. and Mrs, W, L. Grass and Mr, and Mrs. G. Clark, of Collins Bay, motored to Picton on Sunday, where they spent the day visiting friends. Isaag Smith 'and brother Robert and Anthony Smith attended Parham fair. Mrs. P. M, Grass has returned home after spending the past two weeks with friends in Belleville, PERTH ROAD. Sept. 27.----Many from her attend- ed the schpol fair at Sydenham, Sept. 12fh. The children of School section No. 14. won a largé number of prizes on ther vgrious exhibits, amounting to $14.25 in all. Great interest is being taken each year in this good and helpful" werk, which tends toward keeping the boys and girls on the farm. Last Thursday evening a number of friends drove to William Guthrie's, where they held a good time party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Guthrie. Chas. Stonness, Westport," made a trip to Perth Road on 'Wednesday. George Rousehorne is spending a few days at Perth Road. R. Ritchie is {ll. The rainy geather is causing many colds, but it is helping the pastures greatly. Mrs. J. Raymond is visiting friends at Oates. George Green, Miss Bes- sie Green, A. Pettan, Miss R. Buck, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harris, and J. Har- ris, William Shales and son, Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. H. Babcock and Son Sherman were among the numbe who attend Kingston Fair this w r Mis Tredinnick and Richard Tredinnick are tamping at Perth Road, and were the recent guests of Miss Sarah Darling. The Ladies' Aid met last Thursday afternoon at Mrs. William Raymond's. MORTON. Sept, 26.--A number from here took in Kingston fair on Thursday last, The hum of the corn cutter can be heard 'in this vicinity. Mrs. A. "Dean and Miss Estella Sly motored to Smith's Falls on Saturday last. Coon spent Wednesday in Lyn, -Mr, and Mrs. K, Gamble have moved into the village from Gananoque. Mrs, J. Gamble and daughter visited her son, R. Gamble, on Wednesday last. Miss Clarissa Sweet, Portsmouth, spent a couple of days the guest of Mrs, H, Sly. Mrs. E. Roantree, Ber- ryton,' spent a couple of days in the village - spent a few days this week with his son, E. Roddick, Several teams are drawing gravel for the new dam. Miss Florenée Wiltse and Misé Amy |¥ , Toronto, are the guest Adams." Mrs. (Rev.r and baby, Muriel; lare an Frankvilie. "Gratton ting friends OUTLET. Sept --It "seems nice to he able to enjoy the sunshine again af- tre two weeks of showery weather, A number of children enjoyed themsel- ves on Friday at Lansdowne school fair. Mr. and Mrs. W,. G. Vander- burgh left Monday last for the north- west to spend a few days with friends there. Mrs. W. T. Parsons is now recovering after being confined to her bed for the past week. Everett Reid spent last week with his par- ents. Mrs. W. Bradley has been visiting friends. at Ellisville. "Miss May Jeme'rison was the guest of Mrs, W. T. Parsons. Charles Charlton is engaged ' in Warburton cheese faé- tory. Miss Eva Bradley spent Sun- day at her home. Mrs, John Reed is on the sick list." Glen Reed has re- tirned from Winnipég where he has been engaged in helping with the harvest, Miss E. Vanderburgh ex- pects to soon be able to return to her home as Mrs. H. Venderburgh is greatly improved. 30 WASHBURN'S CORNERS, Sept 28.--A number from hére attended Kingston Fair and report the exhibits numérous and of super- for quality. Born, on September 23rd to Mr. and. Mrs. M. Seabrook, a son. Samuel] Stafford is suffering with a broken rib as a' result of be- ing thrown from his buggy on Délta fair ground. Mrs. William Freeman and daugliter of Phillipsville, visited friends here recently, Mr. and Mrs. | Orvis Carpenter, "and little Miss | Alice Jean, Saratoga, and a number of other friéndsspent a very pleasant | evening at the home of Mr. -and Mrs, William Hamblin on Thursday even- ing last. Married at the home of the bride on: Sept. 18th, John Coad of Newbliss, Ont., to Mrs. Elixa Jane Wilson. Miss Celestia Foley visited at her home, Lake Eloida, a few days recéntly. Threshing and silo fill- ing are in full swing at pre<ent. Some farmers here have dug their potatoes! and report a fair crop. The recent| heavy frosts have done considerable damage. A number from here em- joyed field day sports at Athens on Friday. 'Frankyille fair was a fail- ure on account of tie downpour of rain. -- JUNETOWN. 26.--Claude : Purvis spent in Brockville. Mrs. Sten- son, .Detroit;- Mich.," is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Avery. Several from here attended the Lyn rural school fair on Wednesday, Miss Gertrude Scatt, Poole"s Resort, spent week-end at her home here. liam Hall 'was in Brockville Thursday... Quite a number here attended the coneert in Ath- ens last night. Misa Evalena Price spent the weck-end with her sister, Miss Agnes Price. Mr§. Fred Gra- ham and Mrs. B. J. Ferguson and Alfred Ferguson were in Athens on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs, El- mer White and baby = spent the week-end - at Norman Marshall's, Idllies. {1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baile. . Lyn, visited Sunday at iClande Purvis'. Mrs. MoGuire and Loyd ™ulvaugh = were in Lans- downe oun Saturday. Jean Hagar- man, Mallorytown, made a business trip trough here on Saturday. Scott and-B. J. Ferguson are Lansdowne to-day. Rev. P. 'C. Watson, Frontenac County, is. re- newing old acquaintances" here. Mr. and Mrs. J. McAvoy, Maillorytown, and Miss Grace MoAvoy spent Sun- day at M. Hall's, Sept. Tuesday at : INTERPRISE EAST, Sept. 26.--The recent rains--have left the roads in very bad condition. Corn cutting and potato digging are the order of the day. A number from here attended Kingston fair during the past week. [The kitchen shower for P. M, Sagriff and bride on Wed- nésday evening was largely attended. ie 15 | aol ¥I"Phursday in Kingston, Jquiet wedding at twelve {white asters and fern. Jones' Fall Patrick Kelly and sister Annie spent Mr. and Mrs, Kingston, are visit Miss Florence Mu is visiting friends here, Mr. and .'rs, John Finn mo- tored to Kingston on Thursday. Mr. Fand Mrs. W. H. Mawson are visiting friends in Rochester and Niagama Falls, doseph Dillon was in Toronto over Sunday. Miss Annie G. Fenn and cousin, Lauretta, returned home on Saturdey after spending the past week on Wolfe Island, Miss Mary Breen, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting friends here. A number drom here attended Newburgh ball ¢n 'Friday evening, George Snyder, ing friends here Donald, Invérary, MALLORYTOWN TIDINGS. Oscar Forrester Fell From Silo and Was Severely Injured. Mallorytown, Sept. 256.~--The rainy weather of the past couple of weeks has greatly delayed fall work, and a lot of threshing is still to be done, Ernest Purvis, Brockville, ing a few days with his father, Thad. Purvis. Mrs, Neil, Ottawa, and Mrs. John Summers and children, Ottawa, are visiting at Edwin Summers'. The Red Cross social and bazaar held bere on Sept. 17th was well at- tended and $120 was realized, Rev. Dr, Charles Service, missionary from West: China, gave an interesting ad- dress in the Methodist church on Thursday evening last on his work among the Chingde. Dr. Service's father was at one time stationed on this circuit and the doctor has many friends here, who were glad to wal- come him to Mallorytown once more. The funeral of the late Charles Ansen McDonald was conducted on Monday afternoon to the Methodist church; wnder the auspices of the L1.O.O.F. lodge, ot which the deceased was a charter member, Rev, W. G. Bradford Newboro, preached the fun- eral -sermon, fair at Lansdowne on Friday last. Mrs. Hogan and daughted, Lillian, Gananoque, are visiting' at Thad. Purvis'. rester"s on Monday, David Forrester fell from the silo, a distance of over twenty feet, and hurt himself quite seriously, although no bones were broken, w : Mrs, Vincent . Buell, Vancouver, B.C., has been renewing acquaint- ances here. D. J. Hadigan is erect- ing a new dwelling on his premises. 'A memorial servicé for Stanley Gur- tis and Richard McGihon is to be conducted in the Methodist church on Sunday evening next. HAD A TAG DAY. The Money Will Provide Christmas Boxes For Soldiers. Harrowsmith, Sept. 30.---There ere only. a few of the villagers who id not attend the Kingston Fair of last week, the weather and roads be- ing iddal. On Sept. 20th, tag day, for Harrowsmith, the sum of $80.50 was raised. Christmas boxes for the boys of the township who are over- seas will be sent. The proceeds of tag day will be used for that purpose. Rev. Mr. Currie has beewn canvassing on the Methodist circuit for the past ten days. James Boyer and T. Cowdy have.each a heavy yield of fall and winter applies in their small or- chards. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lyons expect to move to Kingston abot No- vember 1st to spend the winter with their daughter. "The township road machinery will move to-morrow to do a piece of work on the road near Alex. -Me€Connell's:- - ; The main street of the village has been greatly improved during the past two weeks. A great number contemplate attending Odessa Fair, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Ashwin and children left "for Watertown on Saturday morning last to speifd a few days. Mr. Vandivoort and family have ta- ken up residence over his own place of business, lately purchased from Charles Redden & Son. Oliver Hen- derson, has purchased a new Brisco car. It was very quiet on the roads Sunday; a large percentage of those owning cars seems to have been con- serving. gasoline. WHDDING AT PHILLIPSVILLE. 2 -- The Hutchings-Best Nuptials on the 25th of September. Phillipaville, Sept. 28. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Best, Phillipsville, was the scene of ad o'clock, Wednesday morning, when their eldest daughter, Mabel Emily, was united in marriage to William Charles, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchings, of Jones' Falls, The ceremony was performed .by Rev. Mr, Barker, Baptist minister of Delta. The bride was assisted by her sister, Leffie, while Albert Hutchips, the brother of the groom, was best man. The bride looked very becoming in her gown of white pailetté silk trimmed with rosebuds and silk tassels, and wearing a wed- ding veil with wreath of orange blossoms and carrying a bouguet of The brides- maid was dressed in pale blue silk and carried a similar bouquet. The wedding march Was played by Mrs. | Barker. party retir to the dining where afi excellent dinner was serv- ed. The bride's travelling suit was a suit of blue silk poplin, with a pink Georgette crepe blouse and | hat to match. The bride 'received | many costly and useful presents. The happy couple dou o'clock train for Bro Sher ts. On their refurn fa will Paid $1,000 Fine. : 'Alexandria, son, who conducts a liguor store on St. Catherine st west, Montreal, wis ined $1,000 aad oss by Pics McDougsall for Wiltred | | ¥alet -New York, is spend-|" A number from here attended the| While filling the silo at Osqar For-} on the groom's farm at Sept. 28.--J. A. Hew-| > NEWS EBOM ODESSA, ; emcee Hartman leceived Wenn the Arm. Oderss nied? --XToert Booth, ot Dstyoir, Mic is a guest at Dorsifiion., Mr H. Robertson, , Spent the week-end . with Miss Kate, Kenyon. Nelson Booth, spen qupl e of days old acq ailitances | last Miss Nellie Clyde, of Bank, is spending vaca- With relatives in Kingston Miss Mary Millsap. has returned from. spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Murvale. John Law, rbot Lake. who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mabee, returned to her last Friday. 7 Mrs. Lewis Smith, visiting her parents, Mr..and Mrs. Trueman, Sydenham, has returned home. Mrs. Don Thompson's, matty friends will be pleased to hear that she has tetarned from spending a couple of weeks dn the Kingston General Hospital, ahd gaining nicely A. R. Aylesw nih has moved in the house ownec by Henry Hutchins on Factory street, and William Trink i8 moving inn the Dwight Frink home recently- vacated by A B. Aylesworth. Flesh a © renewing week Royal tion her MTS. who nas been is Hand Severely: Burned, Perth, Sept. 30.--~George King had his right hand severely burned while operating tha acetylene welder at James & Reid's garage. Arubbér pipe, attaclied to the regular exhaust tubing, came loose, allowing the gas to escape near his hand and also set- ting his clothing on fire. ' He stop- ped the clothing from burning by rolling on the ground. Brrr i. An the front, don't you want it to most needs? Read this letter and take the hint! Nothing ends pain like Zam- Buk, and pre- vents festering. Remember, too, it is justas use. ful in your home. Mothers should always keep it handy 'for it is a sure cure, for eczes ma, ulcers, piles, and skin diseases geners ally' the. home- Eepecialiy suitable for the skin troubles of young children. All druggists 50c. box. is different -- quite different from any other-kind of sauce: Get a bottle to-day, All Stores sell H.P, here. nr Ar AND Bloomfield Flour Mills Sold. Piston, Sept, 30.--The flour and feed mill at Bloomfield recently own- ed by N .D. Redpath and formerly owned by- W, J. Campbell, has been sold. The purchasers ave, Messrs, E. B. Purtelle, B. R. Leavens, W, H. Gough and J. E. Baxter. The new firm is composed of four of the most successful farmers and business men in Bloomfield, Send this advt, name, addross, and 1c. stamp Insist on Getting CHARM TEA i Packages Only Black, Green, Mixed. At all Grocers. Panui ghd i ald Adda da or