Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1918, p. 9

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12PAGES " - en . ---------- KINGSTON. ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER }, 1018 Speciai given by C. | BROCK VILLE-PRESCOPT ROAD. , ang -agé, W. To be Linked Up With Kingston- Brockville Provincial Highway. Brockville, Sept. 30.--The Brockville and Prescott road for a distance of twelve miles, which Wag recently relieved of four . toll gates, is fp-béeome part of the new provincial "highway. : The Brockville people = were about to send a deputation to To- onto to urge upon the Government {the desirability of making this part of the new Government. system. A. E. Donovan, M.P.P. for Brockville, YEAR 85. NO, 228 EE KINGSTON FAIR PRIE LIST AS ANNOUNCED BY MANAGER | ROBERT J. BUSHELL., 34 3 Keith Full, the collegiate school' Finnegan. boy, living on the Bath Rond, is high-| Donoghue, best boar ly recommend y the judge. Last A. Potters year he was second. Evidently this year he has made older ones stand ¥ up and get busy, "As f donot intend | Boar, one year ar over, W. A. such energy to # unrewarded, I will | Potter. Brood sow, ome year or make 'a fourth prize and give him over, W. A. Potter. Brood sow, one 2," Manager Bushell announces. / year or over, W. A. 'Potter. Hest Charles H. Snow, " litter of pigs over two moaths old, Judge of or Siam, TW. A. Potter. Boar, 1918; over § | months ou, W.. A. -Potter. Sow, Sheep, Oxford Downs. . 11918; over live months old, W. A. Special given by William Pitas, | Potter. Special given. by 6. Dong: best ram lamb, 1918, C. W. Neville. ghue for hest boar, 'any age, W. A. Special given by John MdKay, ram, [ judge, was fudge of the horse clays. es, ------ Berkshire Breed. | at ! | Vegetables, Onions, yellow, James city J. Brown, Pittsburg; o 8. Those Whose | K ions taio, Baiden Bros., Exhibits Won Prizes | St: omiaus, potuio. br city. Early at the Big Show Held in Kingston | 00 potato, Joseph. White; Keith tant. Wesic | | Hull, a boy attending the Colegits Institute, Green Mountain potato, John Baker, Benson Coulter, BE, E, Cooke. Irish Cobbler potato, John Baker, E! E. Cooke, Sandy Barnes. Savoy cabbage, John Heaton, Baiden Gregory, BOVRIL * Gives Strength to Win . 2 - - #5 62 oo orses, Pedigreed. Heavy draft mare, with foal by her side, Rutledge Bros., Sydenham. Heavy draft mare, threa years ' or Qver, Colin Rogers, Pittsburgh, 1st CWE he has heen absolutely, assured by Hon. F. G. MeDiarmid, Minister of Public Works, that the road will go and on to Brockville atid Prescott, Potter, . and from there to Ottawa, and that Drumblead cab- ---- and 2nd. Heavy draft. foal, 1918, Rutledge Bros, Sydenham. Draft team, in harness, 1,500 cwt. or r, B, G. Hogle, Odessa. Mare with foal by her side, Thomas Doyle, Pittsburgh. - gricultural team in harness, R. J. Moors, Pittsburgh; Benson' Buek, Kingston; H. J. Foxwell, Township of Kingston: Agricultural mare, with foal by her side, Colin Rogers. Agricultural filley or gelding, foale ed 1916, J. Brown, Kingston town- ship; Thomas Doyle; H. J. Foxwell. . Agricultural filly or gelding, foaled 191%, H..J. Foxwell. Agricultural foal, 1918, J. J. Wil- mot, Pittéburgh, ; Carriage team, 15% hands or over, in harness, James Reid, Kings ton; Walter Hagadown, Odessa. Carriage team, under 15% hands, in harness, KC. H. Finkle, city; A. Hegadown, Westbrook. Carriage . 'mare. or welding, 15% hands or over, ia Warnéss, M. Fowler, Glen- burnie; W. J. Smythe; J. H. Keyds, Cataraqui. - \ By some etror on the part of the Judge, M. Fowler did not get--his entry tickets, and 'W. J. Smythe made no entry at all. This. will be corrected at the next meeting of the board of direttors, Manager Bushell says. yo i} 'Carriage mare or gelding, winder 15% hands, in harness, Colin M. K. Woods, Barriefield; A. L. Starr, : Blginburg;: C. A. Kincaid, - Pitts- burgh. ' Carriage maré, with foal hy her side, A. G. Robbs, city: John MdCartney, . Barriefield. Foal .of 1918, jearrfage, A. G. Robbs, city; John MeCartneéy. Carriage, filly or. gelding, foaled in 1917, Joseph White, Paftsmouth. ROAAULEE Btallion, any age, hack- ney or standard bred, pedigreed, Dr. Allan, Perth. Roadster, single, 16% 'hands or over, im harness, J. B. ibn , Wingston township; Harry Pieékeéring, city; roadster, ¥ single, under 15% hands, in har- ness, J. A. MéCaugherty, peniten- tiary, E. Sloen, city; fastest driv- ing team in harness, James Wallen, Collins Bay; E. Steen; Walter Hega- down, Odessa. Saddle horse, to be shown mounted, Rutledge Bros., Sydenham; W. H. Pickering, city. al s' sparial--1918' Ar, g : EY, "registration No. 5 , year 1918, A. Jarratt oP attest, city; EK. Steen, city. 7 P. rain, director of the Ottawz ~ fair and departmental Bros, Joseph White, bage, Joseph White, E. E. Cooke; James Gregory, city, Red cabbage, Joseph" Wiiite, John Baker, Baiden Bros. Mangolds, Harry Pickering, ; city; Philip Edwards, Charles Baker. Pine, 8. Beets, round, Keith Hull; E. Dinnee, i Medium, 8. city; James Gregory, city. Turnips, icon Suede, table, Philip Edwards, Baiden Bros, Kéith Hull, Turnips, any other kind, Philip Edwards, Keith Hull, W, A, Potter. Carrots, field red, P. Bd- wards, Balden Brog/, J. 8S. Knight. Carrots, field white, P, Edwards. Car- rots, table, E. Dinnee, city; E. BE. Cooke, J .S. Knight. Onions, red, James Gregory, J. H, Keyes, E. Din< nee. Onions, white, Jofeph White, J. S. Knight, E. E. Cooke. Melons, musk, John Baker, . Cucumbers, C. L. Hicks, Douglas E. Wark, Baiden Bros. Pickling onions, white, Baiden | McKay, Lig Bros., Joseph White, Tomato, réd, | Hogle. E. E. Cooke; James Gregory, city; > Joseph White. Tomato, purple, E. Dinnee, city; EB. BE. Cooke; Joseph White. . Heads celery, white plume, E. Dinnee, Joseph White, J. 8. Knight, Sugar beets, J. H, Keyes, x James Waller, Charles Baker, Heads | Brash, Cataraqui. One ewe, two lettuce, Joseph White, E. E, Cooke, |Shears and over, J. S. Knight; C. Heads celery, golden paris, J. S.:W. Neville One sheariing ewe, C. Knight, Charles Baker ,E, BE. Cooke. | W- Neville; J. 8. Knight; C. Ww, heads winter celery, E. E, Cooke, E. | Neville. Ewe lamb, 1918. 1 and 3, Dinnee, John Baker . Pumpkins, CW: Neville; 2,7. 8, Knight. Douglas E, Wark, Baiden Bros., P. % Edwards. Citron, P. Edwards, E. E. eicesters. Cooke, Baiden Bros, Heads caull-| Ram, two shears: and over, Geo. flowers, Baiden Bros., J. S. Knight, { Ieatherland, Kingston townghip. John Heaton. Squash, field, W. H.| Ram lamb, 1918, 1 and 2, \George Pickering, city; P. Edwards, Douglas Leatherland. Ewe, two shears or Wark. Squash, table, John Heatom, | Over, "George Leatherland. One Baiden Bros, E. B. Cooke. Vegetable | Shearling ewe, George Leatherland. marrow, Baiden Bros., John Heaton, | Oe ewe lamb, 1918, George Leath- Joseph White. Ears sweet . corn,|ci}and. Special by John MeKay, Baideh Bros., Joseph White, Charles|i-tdw Ia; any. age, George Leather- A . * land. Special prize by John Me- Baker, Parsnips, John Heaton Baid- | ;~ 3 k py Kay, Ltd., ewe, any age, Geor a en Bros, C. L. Hicks. Heaviest ar re 2 ge, 8 stalks ensilage corn, J. §, Knight, E.| : H. Stover, James E. Brash. - Collee- : tion peppers, Joseph White, E. E. Cooke, Douglas-B; Wark, Collection of onions, Joseph White; J.S. Knight, Baiden Bros. Collection of vegeta! 19 h 2 7. Nevi bles, Baiden 'Bros., 'Joseph = White, ip a = rg ag Collection potatoes, Joseph White, KE. 2, €. W. Neville. One shedrling BE. Cooke, Baiden Bros, Potatoes, {ewe, ¢. W. Neville. Ewe lamb, early red, Joseph White, Keith Hull, 1918, 1.and-2,"C. 'W. Neville. Spe- "EB. B. Cooke. Potatoes, late red, | cfal hy John McKay, Ltd., ram, any Halden #Bros,, E. E. Cooke, Jogeph Neville: Special by age, O.W. Join $20, gi Nas, Ld. owe, any age, C. W, ville, Special prize, $20, given by H.W 'Pigs, Yorkshire Breed. Newman for the best half 'bushel po- $6; Joseph White, $4. ~=-- Hoar, one year or over, W. any age, C. W. Neville. Special by John McKay, ewe, any age, C. W,. Neville, ; Fleece Exhibits, G. Hogle, H, J. Simpson. G. Hogle, H. J. Simp- Shropshire Downs. i Ram, 2 shears and over, S. 4G. Hogle,,.~ Vielet; Phil. Edwards, Kingston township. Ram, - shear- ling, 8. G. Hogle. Ram, lamb, 1918, 1,2, 3, 8. G. Hogle. One ewe, 2 sear; or over, 8S. G. Hogle. One shearling ewe, 1, 2 and 3, 8. G. Hogle. One ewe lamb, 1918, 1 and 2,8. G. Hogle. Special prize given by John McKay, Ltd., ram, any age, S. G. Hogle. Prize given by John 2 ewe, any age, 8. G. Oxford Downs, Ram, 2 shears and over, 1 and 2, C. [W. Neville. Ram, shearing, C. W. Neville. -- Ram lamb, 1918, and i2, C. 'W, Neville; 3rd, Janres E, Cotswolds. 2, C. W. Neville, Napanee. Ram, shearling, C. W. Neville. Ram tatoes, John Baker, $10; E. B. Cooke, ha A. terrible war-- J 1: the wonien in this strain has The Dreaded Message that have suffered most . "Por met must work 2 And women must weep." has been fhe worry ihe fain | och both severe and ; an alarm se Seana + Nervous h ply to the depleted nerve cells the nourish- ment essential for their restoration. anxiety. constant Ram, two shears or.over, 1 and '| meat. are being+«eaten in Tam Breed, Doar, one year or.over, W. Keil and Son, ElginBurgh: > Brood sow, one year or.aver, 1,.2, 3, Kell & Son. Best litter of pigs, not over two months, T and 2, Keil & Son. Boar, 1918, over five monthe od, Keil | Son. Sow, 1918, over five months oid, '1, 2, Keil & Son. Special by C. Donog ue, 'best boar, any age, Keil & Son. . ------ Grades. Sow, one year over, George JLeatherland, James EB. rash. Best litter jof pigs; Ot 'ovér two months old, George Leatherland; 2, James Brash. Sow, 1918, over five months old, Keil & Som, land. Senay * Grain. Bushel spring, wheat, W. A. Pot- ter, W. A. Piuiegan, Keith Hull. Bushel oats, white, J.J. Wilmot, David Watts, Wolfe Island... One peck beans, white, C.: W. Neville, J.-J. Wilmot, A. IL. Stover. One peck beans, amy ' color, Rutledge Bros. 'Bushel peas, large, A. L. Stover. . Bushel corn jf ears, C. W. Neville, J. C. Crefghton, Napanee. Bushel 'buckwheat, .: not over one year old, David Watts. Half bushel clover seed, not over one yedr old, Rutledge Bros. Half bushel Tim- othy, seed, Benson Coulter, Rut- ledge Bros. Bushel barley, six rowed, George Leatherland, David Watts, W. A. Potter. Sheaf 'exhibit, wheat, spring or fall, J. S. Sibbitt. Sheaf, pats, any white variety, J. 8. Sibbhetf. W. J. McNeil, Government grain inspector, - Afr-Heated Suits: In order 'to Rivtect military air- fen from the fhiense cold. of the upper atmosphere, and also. free them from the burden of cumber- Some, heavy garments, an" ingenious idea -has"been, promulgated, consist- Ing of 40 air-heated one-piece suit. # garment is made of two layers of material, and supplied with a sys tem: of 'air conduits extending: to its various extremitiés. Afr, taken in though a funnel ted - behind as ng the m s -fexhuust pipe, is carried into the Sain artery. of the suit by a 'flexible 'tub- circulates into the gloves and shoes worn by the airman and rises dround his 'body, while cool. air passes out through valves. --Tit-Biis. a Meat In Saxony. Camel meat, dog meat and horse ony by the poorer clusses, according to the Berliner Tageblatt of April 4. a copy of which has beén received here. The camel is being sold in Zwichau and comes from the mohair camels of the Hagenbeck . Menagerie, which gave-a show in Zwickau in March. 'The camels were sold to a butcher because of lack of fodder. The larg- er camels gave from 300 to 400 pounds of meat. : ee Consumption of dog meat and horse uneat has increased greatly ow- ing .to the war-time scarcity of meat and the price also has gone up. Dog meat sells for 2 marks 75 pfenni a pound and horse meat at 1 mar 80 pfennigs. * ------------ . <A "Phreadbare Phrase. At a London club of writing mene-- chiefly from Fleet an informal debate recently as to which is the 'most over-employed phrase of the war. . Thi een mem bers took part in the argument, and, on the question being put to a vote, it was. found that twelve were of opinion that, without doubt, the most overworked phrase was: "When the history of this war comes to be writ- ten." | States this will not be necessary, as {direct from Kingston to Gananoque, Ju "His Master's George' Leather Records ing connected at the rear. The heat : Street----there was | Thirteen mem- | =~ it be designated fn the mear fut re. & foi A DELIGHTFUL RED SEAL RECORD Laddie in Khaki 90 CENTS FOR Mammy 's Chocolate Soldier M. When You Sang "Hush-a-bye Baby" to Me © Ma Chocol the humor and wonderful way al side is "When You rion Harris is ory onling in Saldias™ and ine thos of the werds in a . Frances Alda > 10.INCH, DOUBLE-SIDED ; arion Harrie Sterling Trip "Mammy's : her own. On the reverse Sang "Hush.a.-bye Baby" to Me" by the Sterling Trio. a 27 Ey Lo. = 90 CENTS FOR .10-INCH, DOUBLE.SIDED I Miss the Mississippi Miss that Misses Me Ste rling Trio I'm Alway's i inbows Charles Harrison ". Miss the Mississippi Miss that Misses Me" contains some vety nest ragtime effects in the refrain, and some very pretty On the reverse side--"I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" by } 18496 Charles Harrison, ee RED SEAL RECORDS. | Glack--Zimbalist--McCormack-~Heifetz Names to conjure with in musical circles--all to be found in October "His Master's Voice Re- cords and "His Master's Voice" Records ONLY. The Lost Chord . ot Gluek-Zimbalist 88593 Love's Garden of Roses John McCormack 64787 La Ronde des Lutins (Violin) Heifgtz ~ 74570 SSI oe 3 @ ne Fo Pr WP Eg SS "To Chase the Gold nothing can assist better than $1.50 FOR 12. Oriental "Fox Trot Dodola-- Waltz en Hours With Flying Feet" INCH; DOUBLE-SIDED fr & foils Opes Jos. : & Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer : for free copy of pedis listing over 9000 Berliner Gr MON REAL Lenoir Street i 35676 - "His Master's Voice" Kin F. W. COATES, 158 Princess St. MAHOOD BROS. 113:115 Princess St T. F. HARRISON C0., Ltd, 229-237 Princess St.~ Don't Forget There are no others! You cannot purchase these Victrolas'up to $597, sold on easy payments, if desi gston Dealers our 620: Musical Enc. "His Masters. Voice" Records. am-o-phone Co. vbase < "His Master's new Voice" Records at but our authorized

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