Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Sep 1918, p. 12

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& - + AGE TWELVE TH% DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. ne -- Kingston F air 1 In the World of Sport the Time to Peiare SOLDIERS MAY FILL ! nd Rugby at MeGill dail s BOXERS IN REAL FIGHT. If f th ( Id W th Week is the last time you will be able to OUT SENIOR O.R.F.U. | voi . with the > of the | Nearly Nine Hundred From Anti. or € 0 S €a er b semen -Lgovernors of the university, podes in British Army. i + + ee pan r uy a Suggestion. From Niagara lis now assured that a fons) dd According to a statement issued by : Toronto, St. Vincents Have | matches will ve played this season |.g,owy Baker Australian hd 4 on the new stadium Tr internation as 3 Somme Rare Material. 1 Tie Me aan will be opened Tan i inatianally famous ---- 131 by MeGill with a match with Royal In San Francis re St aaitiat 13 are prepared to look after your wants along this line,also if you snt ry Fleming, formerly off... _ . Th n San Francisco, 875 Austrailian nm iin t buv aw Fopmen . a Lieu Bare 5 n ne § armerly off agilitary College of Kingston." The 4 "00 are now fighting with = the are thinking of buving a new Furnace, Range or Heating Stove, the Hamilton Tigers and now man-| date set for the match is Saturday, 3 ¢ de not fail to see our complefe line as we are agents for Findlay ager of the Niagara Camp football > . rill la i Ive Favorite Stow 3 e on San hi k ager ue Ni Baa np Joyal | Oct. 19th. oe a a fronts of the world war. i Bros. - Savarite oloves and Ranges, which is a guarantee of AIL, NaS dE el awa on ctober 2lh, ang . a . satisfac . 1 estion for the solution of the! ¥ 2 i : rh h the Ot- With mist of the prominent pugil- y t E : 3 {have a return match with th i O.R.F.U. senior series muddle. He | tawa team here on October 26th. It | ists in the service the boxing game gt suggests that the O.RF.U. form af js likely that a game will be ar-| present is rather quiet inthe Anti- ; i three-team series, consisting of St.| ranged with. a Hamilton team |podes, but Baker expects Y{ to come . Vincents Capitals and a team made | which is composed largely of re- | back strong after the war and says ! : up of soldiers now in training at Ni+{ turned officers and men the glove sport is exceedingly popu- l lar among the "Anzacs,'" - * a, By having vour furnaces and stoves attended to, as we now have a tinshop in comnection with ourshargware business. We British forces on the various battle- a agara Camp His suggestion is un-| nediy well oR hy the consid. Hod Eller, of the 'eds although| Jimmy Clabby, the most popular : eration of the : ana It re~f. 8 ed 4 has a child, is} American boxer with Australian fans, : malas to be: seen what aellon Ba ne Laan ie id to war. He was|is serving with the Australian sol- 85-87 Princess Street. Body Hill take i the matter aa | formerly in the Illinois National|diers. At present he is éngaged in : iy iii shlong ready RYEan sec | Guard, and has had considerable recruiting duty, but will soon go to and oe A $ g| military training France, He has been kept on the re- players as "Dutch Burton, Lang andj 4 Tendler, the Philadelphit | cruiting detail much longer than the| ~~ ------~------ a ---- Patterson of the Tigers, Peterson of | lightweight has followed the ex-|average man assigned to thal branch The Lambton Goif Cilab 86 During seven months ending July the. Argos, Ashworth, M.A AA.:!l mple set by Jack Dempsey, and has| of work savs Baker, because he has] 56,850 at the patriotic tourney : 31st the Canadian Y.M.CA. sup- Hoose- and Bee of the Capitals and} 50 ag a position as "labor agent"| been remarkably. . successful in OD cou lied free 650 sets of boxing gloves- wing. of The Gueens University tose] 2.8 Shipbulling concern Ol 0 ar SORTA: is TE A etna of 1910, Several other well known | SEE players have signified their intention | vA J w 01 Joining the soldier team, i * a i It has been suggested that in thel event of the O.R.F.U. failing to re-| ¥ cruit enough teams for a senior tha City League abolish its] age limit in the nior division and| operate as the major section of the Ontario Union | W rr | SRB Bde Sb SP Bobb dod ofoford fode. JAPANE WILL, SOON HAVE BASEBALL GAMES 3 A Seattle Japanese baseball e team is going to Japan to show Pohbbd he the home folks how .the Ameri- can national game is played The Asahi, composed of the pick . of the Oriental diamond stars in Prices have gone up $7.50 Sept. 1st. ; the Northwest. will leave on a tour which will last six months, The Japanese team is not the We have a few left and will sell them []|* vert smacon: aggregation, but it + . . J can give any of them a battle, Fair Week at the old prices. With a record of 15 games won $ » and 9 lost for the season, the ¥ Ashai have shown that they rank + well with the American players. While a little weak in batting + the little fielders are wonderful ? fielders and good base runners, Kukuda, who was cashier in a + Seattle' bank, is managing the «+ * + + & * * +» + ohh ke @ ay O win the war, Money is needed. So that-- Thrift is a War Service. . Every dollar you save instead of spending thoughtlessly, releases A labour in some form--labour Sorely needed for war purposes. q Thrift is enforced in the use of many things today, such as flour, sugar, and coal, by the simple expedient of limiting the amount one may buy. q But thousands of extravagant habits flourish unchecked, and these are [Rtesttsersivirssstors he contributory hindrances to an early peace. Such habits are accomplices re m------ of the Kaiser. -- ir ppt | WAR AND ATHLETES : . wa 2 ® Wh ATHIETES qG For instance, there is no excuse for a man hiring another man to shave The Conflc s N ining . -. . a - I ca tuining All Of him. It wastes time, money and vital labour. You can shave yourself 1 READ GOLD wis ms --eorow, York athlete; better with a Gillette Safety Razor in five minutes. { Engineers in France, shattered thei . : ; : | world's record for throwine 1is- : i 1 ' ** * SPORTING GOODS CO. br] arias resora tor throwing the ain q Buy a Gillette and wipe out the dollara week expense. At the end f i in AE 8 } NoNJy {Paris last month before dver of a year you have saved practically $52.1 & Wi : twenty housand people. In do- b 3 Phone 529 Kingston: Ig (heory, that (hs ered. an 'existe q With such a saving you can buy a $50 War Bond (the purchase of * "The Only Place You Can Buy a Massey" | nas heen in Eas ae. Duncan : which enables the Government to produce 15,000 cartridges), and you neering Compan nat sven th day still have the finest razor in the world, good for an unlimited number of: ore of Army lite, Eood-natured Jt inimitable daily shaves--shaves that leave the skin perfectly smooth. The | 48 : touch of the Gillette is thoroughly agreeable to the most tender #xin. team. The club will play more than 30 games Among the crack teams they will meet are the Kelo, the Fuseda and the Meiji University teams. These three have made tours in this country 2 MAS SEY hurled the disc 45 metres and 48 cen- | timetres. Duncan's new mark of 45 T R Y Jingtres and as Yo imetres, ls £quat q I hrift will help to win the war, Gillette Razors ar {to & 088 of j ittie over 9 eet, : 2 {Another notable example of the fal- at home and at the front. . . ® j «acy of thie theory is the remarkable - ' 5 Pi t C 5 jLertormance of R E. Walker in a day : I : h d : military meet af Woki BC p J 3 C Yoe 18 EP OC [rier mee'ss wosing ecemis' THE BOYS "OVER THERE (J Any jeweler, druggist, or hardware 2 {any active campuigning on the cind- 't forget the boys "over there" use and lose more dealer will be glad to, show you his S | ers, yet he managed to win the two : Id. Mak ti fF; Look tor Silk Thread on Tip of Each Olgar. ' {sprint 5 In. xcellont Gillette Blades than ou would. Make a practice of ; . , { a smart "fold. oF pene iis énclosin 2 packet of blades in letters going overseas. | assortment of Gillette Razors today . S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston, [| {inc fr ie century" Seis in 3s Resp 8 CARTON of packsis handy, The price is five dollars. ) . 4 | | seconds Walker spent two years 7 1d e doing their share-- . | with the English army on the western | front and was wounded twice, and the - 8 SC i z i fact that he could Fun at all has puz-| i x 9 . | 216d the ai experts and the! ~ ® i | medical experts and the madicdNy ; ? 3 : [MONUMENTS 1] i G . 3 y : ; The~western ORtario Regiment. | ' : - ® First Begot Battalion will' figure on ¢ - OF CANADA LIMITED : - x pa ter a strong sextette for the Ontario a : : S 4 09. Prius ue Serie : rene ms 11 sins ate fo ** . Office and Factory: 65-73 St. Alexander St., Montreal. b of 8 and Antert Vv Marble, the hockey map this winter, as! > The McCallum Granite Company, Lid. there is plenty of material to mus-| - . " A mn, Vile "WHY, WASTE TIME 0 s : : i 2 :: 28 3 3% 1 hs) -- : se - : -- ; - , ge 5 a " - it re. { you, Sab IT BIR, | { ca, SSF URSELF! T HAVE A Battie FoR THE Love of mike, 7 ' . SID! JUST BECAUSE | | pe hoe (UAR LIQUOR. AT veh li mts pie I Gol" 50 (NTERESTED IN THIS 3 : i g : : : + WAS A Second House. Wels WALK. © Bor Tr FORGOT ALL ABovT . itl Glider r LATE I GOTTA: E A Foo 3 CLOSING TIME FoR THe bs ide a ALS ! : " WALT UNTIL SIX -- AND HAVE ; = WALK? PUBS. I'M SIMPLY Dymic 77 | Ss Wl [ocrock For we | CT . WHAT'S THe FoR A DRINK, Too. | ; NIE : 5. ©] puBs TO OPEN C--. MATTER With T GOT A MINUTE TB Lh : (2 : » AGAIN. BEFORE T : : JE a iar 02 fe tu pd 1 : 1 cas GET A DRink. 3% : Pp RUNNING! COURSE I'M ~The Seles.

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