Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Sep 1918, p. 10

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EE ---- TE -- a ---- re-- a. " = L In the Realm of Woman --- Some Interesting Features PAGE TEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. MR a INDIGESTION AND 7 he Wite" By Jane Phelps| [M32 PUZZLES] | ! CONSTIPATION _|RUTH SEES BRIAN AND MOLLIE KING TOGETHER AT THENOON| | <3 ~~ D A vey HOUR. Quickly Relieved By CHAPTBR XLIL was Brian's unconsciovs appeal for)once more to see if Brian was still Ruth had just returned from: her| help and sympathy that had caused | visible. Yes, they were talking on "Fruit-a fives" luncheon and was removing her hat| Mollie King to be kind and give up| the sidewalk, then the stage started i when Mr. Mandel's offide boy told her | her coveted working bours-to him.}| ang she saw no more Rocaox, P.Q, in wanted to see her in his private | That when 3e had telephone por ge Poe 4 moment she grow fold ut fhe ; j AN. Co : office, meet him for luneh, she ald ought © @ possibility of Mollie 2 > 4 : : ss raed for maa) Jers with ; "J wan} you to go with me look Milla Sor Worl with aulgh and gone tals rung live, the sexi a Wave : \i gd zy is not only the mest econornical on account of terri oe . 4t an old house in ashington mi im ause D ree ar } . 4 ¥ . A neighbor advised me to try Square," he told her 8 sd thought he needed comfort, She hated this '*'village," she hated k a its great strength but you have the refreshing "Fruit-a-tives". 1 didiso and tothe She stepped into a taxi with him It wag in &his apistt that Mollie the Jeople wha claimed, it as Pie / ~ and deliciotis qualities as well. 8438 {sé o ede regan and soon they stopped at a fine old | King, artist and Bohemian, had gone | baliwick. ut Brian had once love 3 yl / 4 a of my en Fiat a house on the North Side of the park. | to meet Ruth's' husband--just be-| it. What if he were tiring of her " nr y Ask your Grocér. In Scaled Metal Packets. Mk sm trys. Pp ' They finished . looking the house | cause she thought Ruth wasn't being prosy conventionality? i with "Fruit-alivesh 4 over, then started up the avenue. | fair to him. And ft was jut the| wefe more interested fn this colony : % I consider that. d owe my life to "We will walk until I see a taxi, | spirit that under the circumstances, | of artists and writers than the world J BRYA 7 " NA "Fruit-a-tives" shd Dyaat-to say to or until a stage comes along," Mr { appealed most strongly to Brian Mac-| she represented' ? Was it not her What if he . 4 in SE ET omnes sind rasan sinam-- : i ; w/ - - | those who suffer from Indigestion, Mandell said, then continued the dis-! kett. : "ed > cong ARE oY, cussion of the decoration suitable for People 'who saw them together,| friends her friends--if they would / ha " F In D . Coustipation' or Headdches -- try let her? : g J \ ur ew a esigns bad no fear of being seem by them, | other, Half the village thought they] but where she could see ler, was Brian might never have dined alpne| she hafeh to think that Mollie had | never had admitted it save to | say BATURDAY'S ANSWER Fresw Office, Roy) Insurance Bldg, So while Ruth answered Mandel| that Brian was being drawn back in-| told Brian that she had seem him ' ONTREAL > : : = i the house they had pust lefs, that noon, shrugged their shoulders "Truitt M08 Tau sll got wel, As they drew near 4 very popular{and said fo.one ahother: a Not ppd that aileron at for . restaurant, Ruth saw Brian aud Mol-|' 'What can you expect? His wife! days afterward, Ruth thought con- ° » lie King come out and stroll slowly! fs With some Fifth avenue firm, do-| stantly of her own perplexities, It in Furniture ff Are Arriving Dail engrossed as they evidently were, would be married." Mollie King. : y . A feeling of dread, of fear, settled Really, to be fair to Ruth and also It was fortunate that Ruth had the lz ud fl ; over Ruth. Up to that minute, nofto Briam, she had not connected un-j new apartment {0 put in order; it GENERAL VON FALKENHAYN We invite everybody whether they wish to purchase or not, thought that Brian might ever be | faithfulness to her as a result of &is | gave her less time to think. Every! Started a drive against the. Rowman as it keeps prospective buyers posted mn the latest designs. with Mollie King, and so renewed the| been entertaining Brian, that some- | that it was a better loeation for him, | 70p side down in Elouds. : The | Leading Undertaker; Motor and Horse Equipment . } agquaintance--in 'an intimate form. | one beside herself could interest himr| for a professional man, than was the 230 PRINCESS STREET Tig PHONE 577 "Rinks with the Stropgest" 80 that he would come so far from | other. Aside from that, he made' no - iy HUDSON BAY Then cama the thought. If he was [his office for luncheon. Mrs. Curtis | concession to Ruth's entire planning, , : ) so easily led away, if he cared for hag told her that Brian had used to | and--financing, 'of the move. 4 BN IN - ---- 4 M - at fandom, thinking bard things of | to its arms, ; with Mollie Ring. bite) / 1 - » i ° PERCY J. QUINN, 3 Brian, she could know ' that it} As they hailed a stage Ruth turned (To Be Continued. ; L Manne PES BU rrr § | BAR: She could B04 Kno" chat it] As they Rated o sais : | nsist on Getting W. H. GODWIN & SONS § |y -- or NORWAY'S HERRING CATCH. {4 i : 3 AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. : : : ) . A Ey : + - A Neutral Nation Faces Important ! : A v : TALKING IT OVER ...==5% 02 [lh i i LW In order to secure the fishernion | fe a A ' A ! \ against loss on the eatchesiney EE = In Packages Only | toward the Square they had just leit, | ing as she pleases, Why shouldn't | became a task to hold her mind upon disloyal had entered her mind. Now, intimacy with Mollie. The coarse| evening she worked until late, and fans in Transylvania, two years ago | Insurance Company her so much less 'than she had ima-| he "a reat favorite in the village. Then, all suddenly,Ruth was oblig- sn A <5 itera coson of the withdrawal Black, Green, Mixed. At all Grocers. duty to follow him, to make his f font postpaid by Ruth and Mr. Mandell were on the' he be with Mollie? You remember] her work. It constantly trailed after mited, Ottawa, opposite side of the street, s6 Ruth) they were always rather fond of each| Brian, and always in the distance, /I'all suddenly, Ruth blamed herself. | expressions and forms of love never | after they moved in Brian worked today, Septengber "1916. ® If she had not been so anxious about | occurred to (Ruth. Her mind was as | with her. She could see that he was Find a Rouffanian doing something that was congenial, | daintily clean as was her body. But | delighted with the change; but he . hy ® °e 1 i gined he did, it was well'she should | She did not care at all for 'what she | 8d to g0 'west. She would be away \ A : PIRE INSURANCE khow it'¥t once. knsw of it; and she hated to think |at least a week, She had not yet d \ 1 RT yyy yyy gs ~~With Lorna Moon {by Britain of the agreement to. pur- IT'S POPULAR AT er h e af , the' D hase a fixed amount of fish, the Nor. THE FRONT < Badd dh A 4 4 4 4 a PPO OPOT OY -- weglan Government has fixed mini- | 3 me mum prices for the sale of salted There is no postal regula- So herring. It develops as the fishing tion that forbids sending or Ki Beason advanced thatthe fishermen tins of Reindeer Coffee td your Wanted --A Winter Wrap For Kitty. Nad no cause for complaiftwith the | Soldier Boy. Fach can mens o letter from the kitty all right, one of the fal-|resu e amount ol }. 4a twenty-five cups of savory coffee I think the following y increased and the fishermen were for him and his pals. Keephim nswer to the | lows was asleep with it in the hollow Boancially better rewarded that dur. dy DIAMOND CONSTRUCTION MAKES France is a pretty good.an believe! hi D irate! So Bestimisty ho edule uv oy hard. um, b : rT Sae ing the previous year. Om Mareh 15, Handy for home use, at picnics, land unfeeling. along with them. Liifting soap and | 918, the state was able 10-reduce on motor trips, when you're THE PENNSYLVANIA STATION "I'm as happy matches or socks, that isn't so bad:| tHe Minimum price of herring from hunting, fishing or/tamping, p ' ; a fol | 80 crowns ($13.40) to] 40 crowns and as a coffee icing. as a king to-dayS=| but when it comes to alienating a fel ($10.72) r barrel In April 6 . 5 3 § but come to thik | low's kitten--well, T bet he won't try 1918. it -- decided that the Bato BORDEN MILK Co. ; LIKE THE of it a king hasn't hip again! guarantee was to be withdrawn, be- Montreal = Vancorer much reason to be «pm pearly forgetting what I wrote | ginning with April 15, 1918, so that Canada Food Control License No. 14318 § happy these Says. to ask about. I was wondering if|in future it would: not be bound 'to v §Anyway it takes| vy, could make something woolly buy herringeaughtafterthattime. The ordlesd J and soft with rubber or'some kind of quality is also becoming poorer, thus o : -* water proofing on the outside; you'll} increasing the risk incurred by the eindeer . be wondering what the mischief I|state if the fish were to be purchased. to make me bap-{ want that for, eh' They say the) It may aleo be sided hog tho spring fF py, that's where al weather is pretty ©¢ld and damp berej catch may be regarded as ended. ee it the winter, And, I was thinking] The sixth year herring (storsild) - ec . "The Pennsvivi Stn bi i J that if I bed something like that,fishing that takes place along the | gEE=====sy It contains both | very dia Station 1s strong because. it is. support- I have all the Kitty could lie in 1t when ¥'m in the] coasts of the Provinces of Romsdal St Milk nd S 1 ed in every direction by sturdy diagonal braces that form dia- tellows Jealous | ¢ront lines and so 1 could have herjand Sondre Trondhjem may be ro- J ODEN nas ugar. Mounds everywhere A enough to eat IY | with: me without chilling her to] garded as closed on March 15, 1918, Se You just add head: off and it's death. 1 could make a ledge in the from which time the state's minimum 5 oil Boiling Water all about a kitten--1I saw it rst? 1} side of the trench and: she could le|Prices ceased to be in effect, The SFFEES That is why the plates do not buckle nor lose their active gave a Finch youngster a. franc for spore cosy as toast in her case] Nerring caught after that time may | mht material, That is why the buttery can be guaranteed for eigh- it. Idon't know for sure Jf its alien her sticking out. ' If you] De regarded as spring herring. Last | Et TERE teen months, : : kitten or if it hasn't been fed welll hink 3' mad just write Pn do, | Year, the sixth-year Leérring amount- ; That Is why are ficial Phi ia Service 8 enough to grow to its full size, but ma 30st wl Lay oj ed 10 almost twice as much as it did ] == nia : po hat 1s why we are the official Philadelphia Service Station. : ita jake, and i¥'s mine! It cuddles fellows t ee, br ny Rat duck this Year. : Expert battery re-charging and repairing. LY AC { i np under my chin at night and goa he took it into the front lines last! The catch of spring herring for the | Free inspection--any battery dny make, any car, any . "f to sleep purring like everything. it week, Hels crazy about it, but [|PTeS*nt year amounted to about time. Drop in to-day dnd let us look at the condition of your "a 1 SON \ makes a fellow feel good having ean't see Anything 10 a duck myself 1,200,000 measures (mease), valued battery. \ 1 9 | something warm and soft and little It you'll fet:me have Miss Kitty's at -about 25,000,000 crowns ($6, FEE | like that, : 311 700,000). The cateh itgelf is not Vv RS » Sho other alent T woke and mis | ba ober on Ill much larger, but' the value is. con. . hand m 3 L FN 4 [] ed it." That stable was a pretty lively | Neodless to'say . Kitty's winter|Siderably greater than that of last place Tor fifteen minutes. 1 found} wrap is on the way to France. Tom: oh rated that the been unable to get the work »~ Will" amount to abot 1,500,000" bar] § TUS An. Soon, as wo expected. Phone 201 ft 129 Brock Street ois SYaian aa m---- irels. Up to the present the state : CR GERRY has purchased herring 10 & valu of | § PAE Wem and wssure prompe LESSONS EE gE AD is | Central Garage {|W a nl mn aici Bl Sax nor ven dimers to procure F. Hg Mm a ome ' f | ; i - A part of the herring that was | EE --. An y : ; el Ee £32 | KNOCKS OUT PAIN - ow NEw ly prepared for this Newnpaper | w) WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR NEW oo . RANGE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S * THE FIRST ROUND | AND CHILDREN'S > : The battery is strong be ause, like the station, are built on the Diamond. principle » An Attractive Luncheon Set in Filet Crochet, {hat it n purchase; | Comforting relief from pain As. regularly as the year rolls 1 ball of No. 80 cotton. will Fouts alse ; + makes Sloan's the : f round just so regularly do wedding ' i The lunch cloth y-six | other : , hb World Linimen i invitations find their ay ato the i oe Sunch cloth 1s thing | by te Royal roRian' World's iment "mail box Then follows the perplex- ine ! rner E | Prov 5 cable | Jae, problem of what. to give the b le. > 1 sm = pmeeeseaa hay) Tem 1 SHOES FOR FALL 8 § wily." * |H Men's Shoes priced at ..$4.00 to $10.00 ® Women's Shoes priced at 4.50 to 1500 ™ Boys' Shoes priced at,. 3.00 to 6.00 Misses' Shoes priced at.. 3.00 to * Children's Shoes peed at 1.00 to 3.50 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY

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