© PAGES | a a - ; -- KINGSTON. ONTARIO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1918 - SECOND SECTION o cae En : mm " 4 . og 12 PAGES | | The Daily British Whig YEAR 85. NO, 22 : Ame - -- -------- in = - - -- 5 One Touch of Fashion Makes Whole World Pause and Gaze| \ ems. 11616 NN CAPE 7833 waist 7815 7799 8000 » 7657 \ By Maude Hall, x \t the back there is under a wide girdle of self- s 8s ar with the same ma- soft, thick and comfortable In fact med with narrow soutache braid. An merous of these new silk models have Paris pauses at the task of protect of bla¢k satin. There [Below th k the wais they scem to be a combination of ve- jotherwise simple' model with tunic ja braided coat skirt with the braidin, ing its precious possesions irom pos<}'s rovel it panel un- fmed with mn ¢ of wool jersey |lours de laine, duvetyn and salina, [skirt features a pretentious collar of reaching well up under the arms an sible eclats d'oblis long enough to an- {Ui } n the new loose fyeliow ! s one of the unexpected things in the | Without especially emphasizing ° the [self-material combined with satin. |all the way around. A fine narrow alyze the new season's styles Not |arrangements, r front and back. [tpuch of world of dress: Just'as Sima rt as it |dominant qualities of either, To |The satin forms a semi-high rolling [soutache is used for thi braiding, even the persistent bombarding of [Theg it affords an opportunity for the |of the embroidery cat be 35 4 blotise of this material in | Snuggle about ene vravool affergon [collar below which is a gathered cape {which is arranged in conventional de- "big Bertha" can spoil the enjoyment [introduction of fringe soutache braid | Novelty velvet and duvetyn are com- taupe trismed with heavy' silk fein e. or evening, nothing is more. delifht- | frill of wool jersey. stitched with dou- [signs and offers pleasing results if of following the openings, ' la id buttons, in the decorative scheme, [bined in an unusnally smart frock. {7s § 3 oa ge ul than a cape of dark absinthe che. [ble bands of soutache braid. The lone likes bralded garments. The y 3 One must have a slender, svelte figure |The skirt is gathered and vor lined with gayly figured satin. [cuffs and foundation skirt also are Jdark blue silk suits show much of Many old-fashioned materials are [to affect such frocks however. Injte the tops of the shoes t quite | yreher utilized in the decoration of | The front and sides are in coat effect, [braided this trimming. featured in distinctive new modes, Al. Jthe dress under discussion the flowing I" 3 high as last se nform to nd Hare deevies The 1i rox | the back being long" and cape-like, : The tennis and golf tournaments paca, lot instance, Well-designed and : aced with black satin cor.) Het vation. reg is out. though "+ Snug ¢ t- | rounded at the lower edge. The! Silks and satins are not displaced {have brought out some remarkable effectively trimmed, sounds a ing with the panel, and the well .skeletonized as to armhole and fing ate 85 close that Ee epnug hte righ collar isa super-affair, being ca- | y other materials with the advent of [sports suits particularly attractive be- note. Itds used in the development [buttons are of the sXne trimming. neck, has a peplum, slit at both sides Ves mIGre aE an oR dment Hon 1. | jacious Mough to serve the purpose | utumn. Especially effective are the [ing the model all in one piece of wi of one-piece: frockso and taif®urs, to to give a generous view of the skirt. Bl%sgory, "TU ET both cellar and shoulder cape. De- | 1ew fonkards as heavy and almost as | jersey, shantung, crepe. de chine, satin valuable for early autumn wear {The Bwer part of the bodice extends a 4 eloped in fur it would fit the model | ustrouns as satin, which look silvery or silk. It §ppears onthe f links, _ : . \ | Oddly smart are the capes and cos- [for cold-day defence' most satisfac- fund glisteming like moonlight. They |at thé country clubs agd 'at the shoot. gray alpaca is in straight-line effect, 1 one-piece dress. e sRirt is |each underarm seam with small but- | umes of cheviot, which 'material is | orily : make iddal frocks for formal and semi- ling resorts and is destifed to be quite the front being folded in a box plait | t and narrow, with the fulness Jtons, in girdle effect The collar | naking a newd bid for select favor Some extremely smart and wel J ormal wear Ae colors most sought | the ymost popular garment weshave 0 above and below the belt of narrow about the waist regulated in gathers I matehes ¢ skirt, while the flare I Thy newest. cheviots are deliciously! made frocks are of wool jersey trim-being those ' sombre tone. Nu- 'had in many seasons, RN NP NAA PENN NNN Np NAN NINN ANN lt NN Nl NIN li fst Sp WE # » imma rari " A gn . Policoman Injured. e nued vog he ro The fringe is stitched on under a head- alls fully 5, 2 of fancy braid, which trimming is Fhe waist, which list may be added capes and sports blouses. A pleasing model in |i Alpaca of invisible check made laroitd the waist, being fastened at oT 5 The Lord wants to know some- to 'Christian ought "be able to! The sugar was thrown out of car thing more of us than our social or | withstand temptation easier than financial rathg. the sinner sr A Ai A A tc ro a i In the scuffle for freedom e, had his 'Perfect Coffee-- s Perfectly is the Title of a Booklet 3 i we have issued to enable those ERLE ie wi. are two essentials to the perfect coun of coffee-- the right coffee and the right way fo make it. Thi belt ls ho t bv Both. Wile +o free if you write i 14 CHASE § SANBORN . MONTREAL "Blenders nd Rowsters of * Sg! Braid Gifs LEADER OF /ANTI-BOLSHEVIK COSSACKS n-- earch yj Sp de % on EE : omc _ c soem in the backgomid: ey the new | while effecting the arrest of mon, of the city police § left leg broken and Police Constable G. Ellis was bruised about the face John Wilson, of the city. Wilson was be- ing arrested on a charge of stealing six bags of sugar from a G.T.R. car. i Belleville, Sept. ws rt Har- | and Wilson was caught near She eat, cused was Teaponsible for . Har mon falling upon the pride rm ing his leg. Wilson was remanded to Jail for a week, as the Crown was not prepared {fo proceed. Wilson is tent uight years of age and unmar- ried. ? Semi Special Order Tailoring Custom-made clothés a : sale cost--that is what 2 Ye ready Suit made to special order means. : : : We eliminate all questionable cloth--all +German-kind y fabrics and the