Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1918, p. 7

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- ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1918. AS] G R A N D OPERA TO-NIGHT The People's Forum AND THURSDAY Matinee, oS hrsday at 2.30 REE RE An Coie Wi ews. 0000 Shubert). the Dramatic Sensation 4 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ord. Eseh ' - p si OVERLAND TOURING © } for passenger. Apply Raglan one insertion, 23¢j Road, nth, $2, ee ----------------_------------- SOc; six $1; one month, 3, IN A-1 CONDITION, A sensible landlord named Kent HULL, 32 X 4 X pa N Placed a Want Ad. "Houses to Rent,' 130, 335. Apply No. 3 Cottage, x RM C y OU ! H HELP WANTED 'The following day : -------- a MALE CLERK. APPLY 8. ANGLIN & A friend heard him say RIAMOND R Tee, SLL By Max Marcin and Charles Guernon Ce, ay It surprised him how quickly they went, "Whig Office, C ar ne whole year at Maxine Elliott | » GoOD PLAIN COOK, APPLY MRS. CHUICE OF . TWO GOOD HORSES, Wark single or double. Apply 439 Brock street. Capital, $3,000,000 Reserve Fand £6.,5535,000 THOS. F. HOW, General Manager. Head Office-- King and Bay Streets, Toronto. WINNING OUT Men, munitions, money, ships and food are all nec to win out Those who cannot go overseas must produce plies and save money A Savings Account will h Ip you save for the next War Loan: Start the account now. TTT Theatre, N.Y. Fraser, 174 Earl street, The Metropolitan Cast Including GOOD MAN AT ONCE, TO TAKE CARE r horses. Apply Jas. Reid SIX ROOMED HOUSE, ALL MODERN Bavings Accounts Invited. ALMA TELL --- - a PETOR WW, ows - improvements; good location, he LADY TO ASSIST IN OFFICE WORK. rrr g SE p 3 H. Whig PRICES--Matinec: 25¢, 50¢, T5¢ $1. Apply Rodgers Jewellery store. ---------- tearm -------- ™ NEW CARS AND 2 SA GEORGE B. M'KAY, MANAGER. TWO MAXWELL Evening: 23¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1, £1.50. rp A SEATS NOW ON IN SALR | FIDE WANILE ATELY YAR NE CARTERS, SINGLE RiGS AND TEAMS FOUND | fied Son J SRT CC oT ed BY LA GOUD COOK, WAGES $25 PER Aue wen > vans A PARCEL OF 'STEACY'S HAIR Clergy erect Rar ' north: ply "hi orks Office, Q 1een street. Nets Owner may have sarhe y " month. "Apply Box 919, Whig! Queen Ee a DY calling. a1 Whip Olt he SULKY WHEELS AND TIRES) Also Offic . " 150 } : SET Perfect, Columbia and Overland Saturday A FARM OF ABOUT 100 TO 13 ON PRINCESS STREET, A Bhar Geo ae 371-318 Friday A GOOD KITCHEN WOMAN, WAGES Aches, near th ty preferred." Ap. black hand bag with regis- King St, POORe aSulion $7.00 per week. Apply Froutenac ply Box R.R 3, care Whig. tration card bearing name of Primace. Stern. Apply 473 lf NE BEAUTIFUL BEVELLED PLATE Hotel, City ' " x ~ > 3 WANTED--FLAT, FOUR OR FIVE Princess Street § . ne good quarter ress = -- rooms, with Kitchen, closet,' bath, CRANK FOR AUTO, ON PERTH mirror, 10 x 86; one good quar GENER AL SERVANT; PLAIN Coo, electric lighting, heated; posses- road. Owner may have same oak sideboard, and refrigator; Ap- washing or irening. Appiy 1% A pe Ry ply 156 University Ave. Wellington Sereet Hon at October Box 250, Whig ya appiring at 149 Colborne = = = : FISHING TACKLE THATS FIT FOR FUUAD ARTICLES ADVER. SEAT SALE OPENS|sttttssttttsrtstrtssttoses er NE THAT : #|sEcoND-mAND UPRIGHT #EAnos TISED ¥REE $9 Clarence street, opposite dm: . That desirable property TO-DAY ment Sunt have some tovcetion. | | for.ca or in Dar pavmeat of new vist finding anyining ang 3; Clarence strest. opposite Ame ; . . # Apply In person. A. Davis & Som, & Hanes apd grafo Princess street. || 39.80 by reporting the facts to || Gye TwpERIAL OXFORD COOK south of King street, be- Matinee Saturday at 2.30 # Kingston Tammery. 3 fatmert Wii bo printed bod stove, with hot water front. Also . oe = AN. EM ( On . six leather bottom d@ining room fair time is the best time to : PEPER SESE EERE 344004 | 2 ROOMS AND DEN, FURNISHED ¥ column free of charge. 'hairs. Apply 52 © pot: have your ern best time to | tween Simcoe and West Not the Motion Picture tro yous buslice mann piv || Hote Stel 0 nat in chairs. Apply 33 Colborne sreet Fas : MAILING DEPARTMENT. house; quie cality, w nd or e »! og, cattle, horses 3 TEN You know that they have been streets in the city of Tue : ov BOY OR ining Wages. Apply blocks of Whig building Box ete. These, if lost may be &d- elections! Your own ngiew: $34.50, strained and bothering you for Ki t f th we Liebler Co.' s Prod tuction of the mailing Dept. British Whig Office. 925 Whig. vertised for in the "Lost" column. Terms, §5 cash, r week, . a long time. While You are mgsion, acing e Mightiest Play on the Planet RIT TIAN oon Lindsay, Sa Li Pb St. pe ng # GENERAL SE ' 4 > A YY visiting the city call at our three and a quarter acres no washing or iroming, family of| TWO UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY SEPP EIST PEPPERS bl offices and consult our optome- : 3. Apply 189 Union Street nL furnished bed rooms, heated, for a * trist. with about 80 feet front- nt -- lady with two ct *h, ages 4 and LOST + CHEVROLET, FIVE PASSENGER 4 I R THE WORKROOM a ajitable PR eng . ft). # touring car in good shape. Fred 4 GIRLS FOR ' Apply Bo tH. Whi : Elmer, 65 Pri treet. park, containing about leasant, light work. Avi Miss A FIVE DOLLAR BILL. BETWEEN, § Fimer Hicess - McCabum, N. C Polson, University, Earl, Barr . - ing on King street, 250 ---- : "ee | WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS of| [hiversity, Earl Ba ® er YOUN GIRL. TO ASSIST WITH second-hand furniture, stoves hig Office and rec GOOD GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE, feet frontin on Simcoe le] Mght housework, in the afternoon, heaters, clothes. etc. We aiso have also Mclaughlin top buggy and g daily, App rs. Cappon, 26 Bar- two electric fans and sverything GENTLEMAN'S GOLD . Rarness. Abply to J. EB Mullen, The Busy Optical Shop street, and 250 feet front- rie street {0 She second hand iine for sale. watch on Concession iv 161 Frontenac street, Phone 1417. 2 . Sha Sirest. out to St. Mary's Cemetery Manufacturing Opt. & Optician . A GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE WORK Phone 1237, ¥ Finder kindly ret: ; 5 v : 7 d IRL S18 SE » naly return to Whig | ONE MLAUGHLIN LIGHT TOUR- 182 Princess Street. ing on West street, with one who can remain at home Office ing car; excellent condition; good == = Ea So reason for selling. May be seen at nights pre fe Fred; Apply to 204 y rm " a 3 a water front about 230 gs Sn DTH WANE 4 D048 oy Frost's City Storage. Phone 526w . or 98%w Ni priminpirsmp----t feet. : " tual 'value. "We pe ph or ofa a » Ko. Silver and platinum, in QIN (5 = I. oy i a > : 100 People LANORERS. FOR-SWargd =} for ta 8nd redeie 'cash by return | SINC NE Ex BRICK HOUSE. No. 13 VICTORIA * mall If price ig not satisfactory tle r ) Rres year § tie ght aon. Rr Arabs Camels Donkeys Horses Goats Kk 4 . 8 ys S oats outside work, Good wages. Ap- and one year e - ply A. Davis and Som, Limited. & rao oturn too eon pone 19 ossession. Apply at MoLeod's hi FE Tr YY" alr 1 de the a of Kingston and + Jct etapa" prencils aa' ii The 8th Wonder of the $essssssssssssssssssssssed Tooth dT War adn Be. New| ownsnip ge Hine | acer Sor. h ry a COR b \ or x -|WE HAVE GOOD 8 3 1 and by boat houses and connected WwW en CADRE TURE a Iie -- rr ---- ages and proving Ad HOON UEANG 3 {with the Canadian Nort Railway orld A CARE TAKER FOR MACDONALD dress Parham, Ont furniture, buffets, chairs the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the $ohool, Colborne street. Salary POSITION? WANTED buy 'ali, kinds of furni: ; $700.00. Apply to Sec. of Board of : : STRAYED. ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 388 nly one oh- Grand Trunk Railway Travelling In Its Own Special Train Education Pri street. Phone 1603. Tenders, the hig or any of which of Eight Cars. - MAN REQUIRES WORK TWO OR will not 0 we aceapted will | MAIL ORDERS NOW filled in order | GENERAL SERVANT, YOUNG OR three evenings per week; clerical DRY Cow, COLOR BROWN, oop= or ore BIGUEST ADVERTIS. : middle aged, for small family; no or manual." Toetor's books written weight between $00 and 1,000 ers today sometimes use & hue Preserv fom Vday "ot "Octoner | momen "maby When accompanied by Jaundry work. Apply Miss Lyman, up, ete. Apply Box R, Whig Office an" 132, Sremiues 'of Scovel Pei. #4 like this. A phone call or 3 Dead Cree Ont. Owner fall Saturday the 19th day of Octobér, money order and selfaddressed pr on q y 27 King street West. ersen, ' owtal will brin, ou 1915, By, stamped envelope for return of tic. 5 . rc a may have same by paying expen- re about this Fal, Par Requisites are mow in full J. McL. STEPHEN kets. MEN AND TEAMS WANTED AT SITUATIONS VACANT. Ses British Whig Publishing Co. , C Rich son So Anmited Grass Cree 3ridge, near nger- swing. Corks of all sizes, 9. James Richards a Limited MATINEE 25c, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00. $1.50 board, Pittsburgh township. Ap-| MAKE MONEY AT HOME WRITING FOR SALE--GEO. A. BATEMAN'S in wax, bottling wax, rub- RTE RiT ar ry Cy ULE, 4uIC, pi ale ply to John Gibson on the dob show cards. Quickly and easily; TO LET Agency, 12 lots on Smith street EVENING 50c, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50. learned; new, simple method. No north of Princess; a bargain to r rings, spices and preserve ' " 1 Pry ing powder. SEATS ON SALE WEDNESDAY | #444044 0083044000044 0 065 canvassing: 'we sell your work | UNFURNISHED FLAT ON BATHROOM clear the lot quick. windo: ill tell 3 Big demand. Write to-day. Am- floor Address W hig Offic e A look at our ww 3 ru y-- TIMEKEEPER WANTED. APPLY ov show Card School, . Ryrie| == $6,000---PRESSED BRICK, 7 ROOMS, the story. by letter only, Pultding, Jonge nd, Shuter streets, FURNISHED ROOMS WITH | OR | Wilh. hot water heating, electric 1iphts; ence and shlary Toronto, Ont ot beard, Apply to 204 King St, Qeep lot right of way; choice luca t v y e HOAG'S Drug Store ' . iatan fo Tiestgs, Ou 3 FINANCIAL FURNISHED. ROOMS,. CONVENIENT|$5,500-SIMILAR TO THE ABOVE. to business locality Apply Box . 3 $60.00 reward will be paid for the One Night Only . LVI 245, Whig Office, FA500-BRICK, § RooMs AND ATTIC, y r - I -- ate pro Branch Post Office. recovery of the body of Marine En- A NAC Li 0 34 EE EEE---------- Ont. sinecr William Watts, who was wash- . . n . EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AT FRONTEN Ae aD x 1863 | FURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO ed, overboard from the tug Dixon, fie | Ed.. W. Rowland Presents A New once. Written applications to ¥. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.: vice. rooms for ght housekeeping. Ap- | $4,500-BRICK SEMI-DETACHED] AL miles os the Duck Islands, Lake On- Comedy. 8. Evanson, Sec.-Treas. Odd Fel. resident. A. B., Cunningham ply 396 Princess stree improvements, quarter cut oa taro tts was about 61 years| Charming Story Admirably Told lows' Reéllel Assdofation, King St., ney issued on dity and farm floor In hall ave. from 'same 'price others oose si old, ny 1 gray hair and mus- City. i 155 to 160 pounds comer eben timate eta Poonr ow; inielpal and coutty |, Ley crass RoOMS AND BOARD, found, please notify A PLAIN COOK FOR SMALL FAMILY; investment bonds for sale; deposits all improvements; centrally 10cat- | gs 500--RRICK gl 7 ROOMS trored § Mary Watts, 307 Merrick Ave, T * no upstairs 'Wofk or washing or Bvt ol Apply 243 Brock Street. : . { ed and interest allowe R pply roc Tee and three in attic; hof water heat heMarria e ironing; high wier Another git) C. Cartwright, manager. 37 Clan: ing: H.W. floors, and| stable north kept. Apply Mus. Harold Davis, ence street. Kingston: A NICE COMFORTABLE FRONT BED- og Pe ople's S ® 174 Stuart street. room, suitable for one or two: wo a % N bath. Apply 41 Division street. $1,900--S0LID BRICK. SEMI-DETAOH. FLORIST uestion TIMEKEEPER WANTED. APPLY BY | ERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE ol. 8 rooms, B. Wyd C. and right letter only, stating experience and Fire Insurapce Company. Available : way SEVEN ROOMBD HOUSE IN FIRST "w WwW By Ralpth T. Kettering & Lorin salary expected, The Collingwood asset 61,187,215. In addity tof * Fruit & . Candy St Store ah cut iT Wellington t. P Howard g Shipbulldng Co. Ltd, Kingston which Jel, policy holds ha a Phd class condition; possession imme. [4 NUMBER OF FRAME HOUSES, Fre funeral Yard, Kingston, Out. security the unlimited ilability of diately. 'Apply 682 Montreal St 1,000 to §$2.000 and double houses, ------------------------------------------ and wedding bouquets to orde: Tats rosd $1030 3 die of town orders given special a city property, Insured at lowest| -- = Fruits and Candy || "0% It's a Gale of Laughter | vepeese 000002 | DIO" eiving now Cbasineas IE | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, my |NONEY To rats LARGE on swaLL 4 Direct From Long Runs in New York | % rate tm A ai and clean. Apply E. BE. Wathen, 2 QUALI IY !! a * WANTED IMMEDIATELY, COOP- s 3 ? & 143 Nelson street, or phone 2153, . ee, 0d ( "hicago. ers for repair work on Hight bar Agents. Phone 325. & A. BATEMAN REAL BATATE AND ECONOMY 11 PRICE 253¢, B0c, 75¢, $1.00 : rein; good wages. Apply H. Corby TORAGE Jon FURNITURE, OLEAN Intutancy, 7 Clarence / King. > + . SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY Distillery Co., Ltd, Corbyville, and E a Alp FRIDAY Ontario, MUSIC. ARensy) 5 otk" St. ee * FER E bbb ES EPR IPP " "GOLD BOND" MISS ENA BARNES, TEACHEWQE|FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED VE T WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST ULASS ' planoforte playing, 360 Johnson reoms, or for light s pi HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, ARKS GE ABLE upholsterer, also #o assist im furni- street, board if re 4 Su and all growths and & ARI Catharines St, ira. Bowman. Ishes removed permanently, 'with. SOUP ture and undertaking department; » vod wa and rmanent posi- t he Bor Diy E Johnston Co, | BESSIE G. ROGERS, ET.C.M., LATE STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN; Binary un) » Laka Eye enbe, os tion. Apply to C. E. 0. Y Brockville, Ont. teacher in Eastern Townships Con- dry, alry rooms; your own jock and u eS AN en servatory of Music will give les- kkey. Prost: dry Bt A 208 fhroat and Skia FOR "THE GARDEN OF ALLAH --13 ne in planoforte, Fe organ Queen street. Phone 526; res. 98». r | 3 sina for 250, . Ask oral em art oe Jud 10 cul. |. (ROSY. . Bulls previted Montreal | FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY ; 1 red men-and women. Apply stage n. o RESSMA KIN | for it. Monday Tues Wed nt Grand Opera oe 5 Building, rd Hoon convenlence for light housekeep- --PRESSMAKING = ® ' *y . p.m. Friday, Sept. 27th. ing. on bath room flat; in good | yris RICHARDSON, DREsSHAKER, n locality. Apply Box 223 hig . S . NTED = NGLE | MISS GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST, HAV. having resumed budiness, solicit Visitors to the Fair || So ----" ENID BENNETT [Mire to ike avers ron moi 1 On ane th organs may.) on Ries '52 Sibel atrmagier work invi to vis it AUER SEO 1 bors for Prigate Christmas Greet- Sminations, with honors in plano | ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH. | Addres 202 Alfred street. we invite you 1 lil IN ing Cards to end the soldiers and and theory, is pre red to teach a ed, suitable for Nght housekeep-| -- ee EE ---------------------------- : friends. $5 ple bodk free. Big limited number pupils. Pupfls ing, with every convenience; very DENTAL profits. Maké one hundred dollars prepared for Conservatory or Uni. central. Apply Box 24), Whig our store and take faity Exams. Studio, 131 Bevan THE KEYS OF THE | Glamis "Toei Somganst | Borie beams *Sudiocth hover: | Gmc | NATE orion. 3a FRINGES | N k Hersley blend 5 1b. package y ALSO of using classified advertisin corner Princess and Wellington chants Bank Bui Jing. corner Whig Pub street. Phone 652. p Black Tea (00c quality), 3 a. 3| POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. Write of He us about Rs streets. Phone 1678. 7 r Best quality Cannell WM. RUSSELL 1 and at J Brock and Wellingto mm ---- tists, 159 Wellington street, over 4 4 Y 4 home RIGHTEOUS Brantford, Ontarf ly SESS edd dt Ea THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS : ) ; gl Me ARCHITECT glad to hear from any one thinking | on, GORDON ©. DEW. AR, DENTIST, selling at 45¢. may be able\to help you. DHS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. Carnovaky's, Phone 346. -- 5 Ib. package of (Gold Bond) NaxTib--s00 was choi || Gor SOF OPen grates and) SNAP JUDGMENT [§ 55 amiss? weibes sire Notice to Creditors | ____mo we POR Tamas WANTHD---300 bags choice domestic use. ; aw Whig Office, While potataes, also chicken, « And Our Great Serial SEES E PEP IIPIOLES In the matter of, Rebecca Mendels, ovposite the Chateau Belvidere. fowl and ducks. ---- a carrying on busines phe Mendes & === == FURS TO BE REPAIRED, NOW 18 a HIGH PRICED FRUIT HAS CREATED tha any: ¢ enera ry Goods, the best time to have your furs re~. Fi ¥ of Kingsto Conny of Fron- LEGAL > p A ight For r Millions a Jplendid demand for nursery tenne, and by of " Porth, County. of re Aired, re ANDERSON BROS. | Ein FL HE Wh wares i, Bn oF Sell | ©, ovate Suman 0 freien Ro Ni » ¥ Riven ° . and solleitor w ft t, © od £3 ges Mendels has mude an Assign- ama oh " Sona hee 'posits, Central R d Canada Food Hoard Licenses Ste Sects Qistrd Ver | Dent & Preferences Act "lo Baward | rest i. 7-543, 85-5125, 95819, h Chap all her estate, cre- HN : ' » . bs, ete. B ark. MeLeod Tew,| \ >. ; : ; Ahong 458 or 1846. od to 4 ton, in the county accountant, for the gen. wei trees Wh lott RR n ' filers verte (Pelham N Nursery oo || mmm jij TONIGHT | Hal, Bi eons vi is ng ee"s offices, 109 Clvde Building. tn the ity of Hamilton, Ontarfo. on. Friday. : 27th day of September, 1918. at May Ison i 20 P. ee Atement of 2. ; v 4 fates, a inspect or the : : 3 ordering. of the affairs of the estate : oD Whig generally. The creditors are hereb: to file their clalmm with the asetoer fuly proved by afidavit on or before . " ESSFUIL 4 2 b ar {he date of wuch and notice | With or without experience, on sewing and A succgSsrtn ork fried CO pA _ machines; Sight work; hfcn: A Story Proving That Blood win] | Bon han Phe <BEXLL Songer EE tied : : Jearn: 2 Sood tr clin Bt Which rotice shall he bi war orders and : : ly atoffice. || MARK MLEOD TEW (Assignee). our bit w. ile wor | R Se Rami nt, doing y h king i Who Is 1 : - Sepiemper. 1015" Us TO day ot

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