Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1918, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1518, PAGE FIVE THOUSANDS IN IN IN ATTENDANCE hemor, Brow" iesss and. ihe Beh EAS makers of, the "Out of the High Rent District," (Continued trom Page 1.) Fi : ceehcatines jr See Abernethy's $4.50 Footwear fair along, and he was sure that it was |the matter © ver with you and give going to meet the success that it rich- Iyou the price list and ail the neces- Connor' § Ladies' Exclusive §°:<: Bo, This to Mr "Bu hell was showered with manufac g pianos "hold records Se es praise on all sides for his good work, [that are g arantee that the pur- -- |chaser is Zetting the very best value Mayer Hughes' Address. for his mon With the approach "We are assembled here to-day to of the long winter nights the time mark the occasion of another year of to buy a pian now Y he King Industrial Fair," said| A cordial invitation is extended - u 1g a e May: i , in opening his ad- 'tn everyone visiting the fair to see ' - iress. x added that the province this dupa. . 1d. sising "Musi LADIES FALL FOOT WEAR (an over Lhere 18 § old saying, Mus - » BC Shioyed & banner yeas black kid laced boots, with medium or high heels . . .. .. . $4.50 LADIES' AND | GIRLS' COLLEGE BOOTS, made of brown calf skin with rubber fibre soles . . . . $4.50 LADIES GUN METAL LACED BOOTS, grey cloth tops, W white Neo- Is now in full swing g will continue 2 p rds crops ,which were unusy- hath charms." And what is home lin soles .. .. . $4.50 Abemnethy's Sloe Store during the entire week. "ag He cavenly Father has been music in the home, and thé piano 0 000 -- wy A tt ANNAN TE WONDERFUL BARGAINS 'Rui sisedtie Mayon Sm she vy Jo she paris ot, Be oe farsivr 1ed until it has a piano { i iS In Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, nly of ouraies ut fo ky s Sweater Coats, , Neckwear, etc. le." | J. M. Greene Music Co. arm tribtite to Mr, Bushell for the | J. Johnston, the genial district 'MILLINERY ! 2 1 work he had put in to make tnd Mayor Hughes took occasic ay ays ies toe Casion to pay | manager of this well known oon- cern, was Jn charge of the exhibit fair UeCess. jof his establishment and had on dis- The latest novelty styles at sale prices. RE a: yon will be well pleased (Play a number of Edison's latest ith ff. " i the M | phonographs--the phonograph with Headquarters for children's headwear. row ent ded. the Mayor, |& soul, and withcut doubt the last you many happy recollections bf the word in reprodu tion of vocal and ty of Kingstor 1 th 1 be Instrumental mus and also seve- Get Our Prides We Save You Money. sity of Kingston, and that you will be ; Tnatrumental musts--and also. sore- 2t vor Gea Bie " lfams new piano, all of 'which at- Fares refunded to Out-of-Town Customers. Jrhit you ave seen and heard at the [TE28 Dew BIRR, Al nl and the Board of Direciors 1. now | tion of the crowds. The machines . 1 a ¥ {were demonstrated on request and - | y rar oa fiicially opened 1 '* | from the throngs which crowded the § Year 1958 ad dress. of Moyer "booth 'made a favorable dmpression. | 2 Kin ston one Begins, he president of the Fur Au] Openiug Day. Notes. | ( ' | President Colin Rogers was on ; . ad Headmasters for o . . : oC 8. wan) | Higher up street but always lower in price. success. He locked for a record ME to those who were visiting the upon He spoke of the work under- > and when the gates swung open on crowd this year : - > i : | ' v : | Chief Arms&Rong ds . supervising 4 i . [the safety first cperations ar is ia ¢ 3 Cattle and Agriculture. seaing that all : oper is ans oi Wi ! / p | -- The lexhibits of horses, cattle, oor 2 A 1 Ter 3 rear A sheep and hogs attract particular &0° a ran on : ep and hogs attra particu'ar o.,m No. 2 station were 'on the : aken to oi ha rary mty a 3 ( 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 laken to give the city Hd founpy 2 Tuesday afternoon, and with Man- attention Walter Hurdman, of Ot- fair worth while, and he felt that the g : 4} AYO Os: ¢of a i \ groundgy'to answer any call. Complete Stock of Dyes: RIT, SUNSET tawa, is the Judge of horses, and he STCIYAYO SIUOT SAE CALL y : ! sig (0 8 Wiig cepresentative Aa, Em the boil at | Get Ready For | During Fair Week-- that the specimens of the different the Taces He is not letting the | RUMMER 7 classes entered were very good - : : A Ki ' F ie! | \ ' } : i deitare wae DOTSemen get away with anything ingston 8 air. In . Among the interested visitors was lion Naren 2 inva Rate | . IAMOND, Col, €. Hunter Oelivie the" well | ot her mmatrg, Bama coon || 2 Meet your friends as op YOLA. Koon Apprentim of aearessed hs at the grounds to seo that no m1] WE HAVE THE } portunity beckons you. keen appreciation of some of. the fractions of the law. were permitted.' HATS If you are going to buy One man who was operating a whee] SARGENTS' DRUG STORE; Be Cn A PIL exhibit of of fortune was forced to close down Hundreds to choose from. furniture for present or pure-bred (Holsteins, Jerseys, Ayr hud: ness. . . i A' hat for every man. New col- future use. N matt 1 A number of ladies from the] ors, new styles at popular oO atter Cor. Friiicess & Montreal Sts. Phone a1, shires and Durham. | N. Henderson, Mothers' Council of the Y. M, C. A. prices, how little ou need, rou showing twenty-one head. There are 2I'® Selling program mes at the gates | y you Tamworth hogs nd Shropshire 30: Maize money for their worthy ac- | need it a long time. sheep, | a a % | Several - returned 'soldiers are -- The Ontario Department of Agri-! . A { -- ba erating booths on the midway. R culture has a very ingenious display Opera Ph me irond A aro 4 9 J We have of model farm buildings properly '11€Y are receiving generous patron- | + BE the kind that y '} » ef a a age. J ] i i "Str Bri tannic I iret occupies oth tg | M0 automobiles are being allowed "ol lasts for years, at moderate prices, ®» ain building The splendid suc- to enter the grounds at the main vias} 1 hi te. Cars are being admitted at : BH cess of the agricultural exhibits {s, #2 a tai the Stanley street gate, thus obviat- | in a large measure, due to his inde- . Order Your Montreal Freight By the tatigable work of preparation con. |IM€ the danger of accidents. t | All the. Dost ta. Nlen's This | AERO SEI EB] TT Zl wis to the people of Can- first place. It takes its place parlor just like the furniture efforts put -forth had met with oreat a8€r Bushell extended a warm greet- horses shown Saddle horses will Independent Line and send your shipments ducted throughout the season. He toon as Sueno, An os gloves, including Dent's cele- B 1i 1, conducted the rural school fairs.and pass tickets, which Have been issued brated English make. Phone 147 5 a Th B for Gananoque, rockvi e, Cornwa the field crop competition, and the be Motnger Bushell in au This is the store for real 3 ee e Busy ore enthusiasm aroused has contributed values. ho GROCHE ¢ {ines air. | DOTS Montreal, and intermediate ports to the to the success of the Kingston fair. Pe" 0 oo H{ voir) The agricultural, exhibit both in ah J > iW Ferd 5 a: 2 ona cer vas we croun son : Ferry Dock. Telephone 2195. SA nd, avagity sures any AE on CAMPBELL BROS LAWN MOWERS. |[ TO INVESTORS h CITY of CALGARY many years. All possible informa- very pleased with the: éxiibjtion. | 1 tion, woo, is obtainable regarding ARE COSTLY. : ae Ren he iy ope Several Jadies' "organizations are ingston® > EG the different kind: of seeds. TWO | presented at refreshment booths Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers Jet your old one sharpened, re 4% - tractors are included in the farm- aired or refitted at moderate OO actives id Semonhrstions Toy eis the Cal Paves ad ee ried wt der . . Aw thodist Church Ladies' Aid have a stapd:id machines, - Gold De . Ask For John M. Patrick id Debentures ' The city and rural poultry asso- . i. : = rq] POOth as well as several of the local cations 'have put "on a beautitul | chapters of the Doughters of the Interest Jarable ist June 149 Sydenham Street. It Dern ss snd : ¢ Phone 2056J. Pra ns, S300, S100. $500, $1,000, St. L aAwr e nce show of 'utility and fancy breeds, Empire. and the list is a very complete one. |" ip number of young ladies attired NS ---- Price 100 and and : Interest : 'A Plesant Smile With Every Glass Ring Phone 645 for a Case. Quality counts. Our coffee sales handled by this fm. There is.also ery Ee Coal Co. in patriotic costume raised a goodly sum of money when the sun was 3 SB oi We have many other stitnstive ianu License Nov Horas, COKE ORDERS "= Tein . : Every day we are getting new 473 Pribiass St. Kingston. a gasoline tank and all the necds-| Sustomery Tar. ony fnew: coffee, Phone 155. USE : - © i 'ry a poun w please you x ® saries. Special mention should also you will remember the quality. > a shining on Tuesday afternoon by our gots un the Bure, ih ONLY RD. SUTHERLAND A be ade of the waiters. {KINGSTON EVENTS| Price, 45¢ . per Th. : + 3 ling ice cream cones. exhibit of Ford cars that ig 8 rth of special mention. « There A searchlight has been installed by lovers of a "Quality Cup" of this ral morning beverage. TAKEN + Insuramees, a on Estate Dons nouncement to make in that a num- 25 YEARS AGO. ber of new mechanics will arrive to --~ . ----payeeig is a Ford one-ton truck, a Ford labowe the grand stand and will be There Is No Doubt The James Sowards take their , place jin the workshop urn & , used during manoeuvres --in the next week, and ae a gosaly the : M | Another large crowd left to-day Henderson S : will be able to do their repairing i, attend th K's f t # Gr - with neatness and despatch. en ie worlt's fair at 'Onl oCelx y C 00 a i | Vanluven Bros'. Auto Display. The well-known firm of Vanluven Bros., 34-38 Princess street, have car, and 'a runabout. ind o* ys This firm is one that is making ee Cititens! Bang of Gunatonye rapid strides in the business. '"Ser- Ta bd an ne grant vice' is their motto, and it always = '80 (Seo me Me tog beings success. At their garage on Be o Page 6.) inces: re is Princess street thete 1s ip he found | 5 4. 'the store ade----and KNOW) rervihi ; I a Rukwats or bow | about changing prices; for prices do 3 not always go upward. HER Ey ol 2 actor ¢ a five-passenger tourin 3 ' tractor and a passenger tou € | nighttime. cago. Everyone contemplating buying a | The north-west exhjbit sh ai » wl own at A Square House to Deal With Above all otaers--baby's car should not fail to gee Vanluven Toronto fair has been secured for Phone (379, 39-61 Brock Street. things must look and be Bros. The firm has a good line of | the (Midland Central Fair. \_ ; ! absolutely clean. goods, and it is 'a pleasure for the representatives to give all the ne- v 61 FRONTENAC a NORTH, cessary information and to explain J : Phone 1 everything. The firm's garage is 00 5S : . Airis AANA situated on Princess street, between : 1 . RA King and Ontario street, and is one . FD ID DD ea m---- of the best eyuipped in the city. | Best family physic. ® BUTTER Weaeeme PAPER] is the one soap to use--Blcdnse The Fordson tractors sold by this ; Do not gripeor cause : ' of its purity --because of the firm are attracting much attention. | pain. Purely vegeta- Stock Printing, "Choice Dairy Butter," > r 1,000, $2.85; 5,000, $13.00; 19,000, $23.00, ease with which it cleanses The cars are being sold now at very | he, easy to take. 25¢. Specially printed with your own copy, Na L /4 reasondble prices, and those who 1/000, §3.50; 5,000, $15.00; 10,000, $25.00. : / intend mwakiniz a purchase should =. n nn - . s' Special prices on larger quantities, not lose any time in. making an in- \ a Shipping charges paid on 5,000 and over. spection of what Vanluven Bros. BRITISH wHIG eBLISHING co, i a haves to -- on ; CAUSE INDIGESTION. . Rings In Inco and buttdn. All flour sifted on our Inca by an improved electric site up el Cuaries a yo manufactur- # ers' agent, has an exhibit in the| Create Gas, Sourngss and Pain main building, and hd has some- : How To Try | > o " thi that is in -great demand now -------- ; 3 > eyo cold roa is approach- Medical authorities state that near- We have Just been Girls' ing. It is that Chambetla ly nine tenths of the cases of stom-|{ y 1_Q1 weather strips for os and in ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, granted permission dows, He is 'also exhibiti \ho {burning, Eas; bloating, nausea, ete.,|f$ t ll these rings to § Viking creat soparator ¥ are due to ail excess of hydrochloric|] oo gs hai and ow. .cut, Mr. Hermiston has his exhibit just "acid in the stomach and not as some members of the G. b Jacke or brown. to the left as enter the main (believe to a. lack of digestive juices. yuilding on main gate en- |The delicate stomach lining is frri- W.V. Association. trance. Winter will soon be here, [tated, digestion is delayed and food go all the wisit to th: should. | d a Mr. Hermiston and ca tne on " At present we have class in : he some in stock, 7 B 9 ged Art 2 OVS T.'F. Harrison Compaoy has -- t y Srugsiat : y a fine degiay of farnicure, The ex- i isura gn hay 3 : fg y Strong and durable. > > : or " hibit is arranged in a very. neat thas brought system. The Sawyer B 1 gv,

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