Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1918, p. 6

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" . RE nh f IE witho dolibt the world's groat-| F . 0 . READY FOR THE BIG FAIR ss sscide ves, 227ees £4 4 p Ie Ot8 many n t ' Eastern ntario News (Cont i ee : ' stunts asd tricks hot = na: veilous,| "Ranks the Sti gr ) " ) inued from Page 1. such as playing musical inst ats, | 41 ruil 0 ar instrument UDSON BAY PAGE SIX = - -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1918. ° 'Bob" Bushell, the ial manager, fringing bells and playing tunes just} C . . ipervising the cour 1 in } ike = person. This pony will keep | Ins nce Lompan The rush is now to the ODESSA CASUALTIES his own expedition iy, and claims | you laughing throughout the whole) ura : pany that the Weather Mas s in league | performance. The pony was a fe FIRE INSURANCE "% GANANO UE Charles Timmerman Has Returned with him to i tare in Lowes' Theatr onto last | Shenu Office, Roya! Insurance Bidg UNITED GROCERY Home to Montreal. ip to its slogan, "Big and better | season, Be sure to take hildren | MONTREAL Odessa, Sept. 23.--Mr. and Mrs, [1740 ever _ | to see him when at the fair grounds . PERCY J. QUINN ' John Denyes have received the sad |. Although arrangemer 're mad | Masager, Ontario Branch. Torente Workmanship Guaranteed. ands etree smcaron ovr «fg {| J: E. MULLEN * 9 for all kinds of the best ror ar Cor der news that their grandson ra 1) ¢ A a! % Sep 24 In the t f the { Denyes, only son of Mr. and Mrs. [© rs ¥ ® + "hrdren i Week Campaign' a <p Malcolm Denyes, Milton, had been =o: "16 SELoG --chudren tters to the Editor HR peess, Emaion, ows «i 155 Froatenae St. Phone 1417 holiday FRESH FRUIT ® v held a Ode ows' [killed in France, Sept. 2nd. For|® eh ¥ l-wa "er evening t as the wea hé had been employed |¢? © give the children a half h ) f IAA | I ttt eA NA Sty some time LtO-MOTT cord Customers go agay daily ad. packing 'munitions. The particulars Nitle folk cn 3 Foard iy » fair]: tle { an be looked f« fair Appeal of the Blue Cross. vertising our the endance ot arge as |of his death have not yet been receiv- oft Wedel x = have been expected cut, led. He went as a volunteer about |" ednesday Kingston, Sept. 24° --(To the Edi- --As the Blue Cros 1 In carloads. Cut to any length required. Delivered on C.P.R. Isay Carnegie f ronto, two years ago.. gh f 188 Princess St N Ie: of Ci : Mr. a Mrs. M. F. Schermerhorn The Horse Races. mg an appeal to the public for finan. | 1 tracks in Kingston, Ont, i vy AY OR CHOICE GROCERIES AND SEASONABLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES G0 TO Friendship's ww an RA were notified from Ottawa last Mon- |. Fhe following horses were entered | cial aid next Th rsday 3 will be con- |day that their son Ross had been ad-| OF the races on Tuesday afternoon! [you kindly gra : 1se to house | mitted to the hospital with gunshot y Green R per ; made in his right limb. He went as a . Treen Kace. . this fun 8 EE i bast week the campaign | volunteer at the beginning of the war raron. 3rino, by T. Ga livan, King The Blue Cr is the war depart- | " " . . here in the interests of the Knights of | four years ago last August, and pre-|Ston; Alvera by Frank Eves, King- [ment of Kingston : | At the enami, SHAY olumbus' big effort to raise $500,000 | vious to this, had been gassed while Bons. Fometiens by M Howell, of ciety, formed for the pt Golden Lion G for huts for soldiers at the front, |acting as messenger on his bicycle Perth: Mona Prince, by Dr. Allen, plying comforts for we rocery which has had T. D. O'Connor's store Mrs. Sidney Denyes received word |' ri; Joe Patchin, jr, by J. Bannk- avd mules, and is headquarters, has realized quite a that her son, Dr. Jerald Denyes, had |!" Kingston; Dolly Patch, by J. f Miss Going Fan Clover ubstantial amo lt for that purpese, been wounded in his right arm and jiendersan. Trenton; To dlem, br ER t et] Canada Food Board License Apply. tir. Chas: = Stevens and Mrs. Thomas McKendry itte ital in France aylor, Napanee; Blondine, by NX. - wee ! ag } No, S-17903 Appl) S. , iH b : el ated I I Rm ihe Polk, Kingston. » spagnum :. . rs. + | 810 Division Se. Fhone 54s Drawer 612, Napanee, Ont. a Safad dd Ahh A A A 4 4 4 4 4 4 a aa ¥ William street, have received notice Among H NEY that son, Pte. McKendry, has | from attending the (Central) Qtiewa are forwarded to L i " een admitted to hospital for treat- [fair are Mrs. Orange Babcock, Alfred Pergite.d 235 Shas. z ; $ They ha dy Nn -------------- ment gas poisonin Babcock and Earl Silver, Mr. and enaity, by W: S. Reynolds, 1g- | twenty thousand band n i I 'heock ° Ruth Medienne, : 4 "1 tr - { -~ In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Mr I Mrs, J i" lips Ja) e also | Mrs. Charles Deckér and 'son Fred, te Prat pom ; y R. 1g ; I Fresh California Prunes, nice and received notification that their son. | Kingston, spent the week-end with |/Man, ricton; Golden Re y LE la *s have forwarded to the! i Co» 306, 12360, 160 Ib. | Pte. Edward Pilliys, has heen gassed | Mr. 'and Mrs. James Boyce. Miss| LaRache, Ottawa; Har , Fie : ae ro f you want Good Purchased Laundry 2 Ibs for 88¢| and admitted to haspital for treat- Georgie Ettinger, Kingston, and Miss Dock Farm, Hamilton; 7 p ¥ | of wounded animals to veterinary he { Bread, ask for Business sss sas 180 Ib. mene tes § « e Christina McKay, Goeur 4' Alene, | Pr L. Alyea, Colborne pitas. | T wish to notify the puble th Villiam Heasler has taken posses- 4 ; ave been guests of . ---------- 3 ieut.-Col sh { 0 no © that Sweet Cider ... ... ... .. 40c gal. iam Heasler has take $s€s- | [daho, who have been guests of Mr. | Notes of the Fair. eh on h 1 have purchased the bustness sion of the re n Hickory | and Mrs. George Watts, left for their| 3 ! 2 . J Mrs Riis, 3 There was a Sy scene in » 5- : " / | treet recently purchased from Charles [pomes last Saturday. Charles Tim- |, TIE az 2 busy Se othe = ato say in regard to the Blue ¢ t : Sweet mermah, who has been spending the 1 Ee y The |'$ doing splendid ¢ for the ! Lai Sang Laundry, JLICRAeN LO So as VY YY Ya Ahn dd A £2 AR a "oe Whig reporter made the rounds and mules. and 220 Barrie St. Mr au Mrs. William Fairman have past two weeks at home, has return-{. 7 & the hammer was much in 5 " noved into the resi e at the cor- 4 1 ! The hey yas i has done e Y r Phone 618 ed Montreal. evidence. The hall was we illed Oe x : * A . nd will continue it an a first being se rer of Charles and Garden streets re- The annual Thanksgiving services } : é anks "land they were busily engaged in get- 3 € busily engaged in get pital are : Clans lnundry. - Golden Lion Grocery jeRlly ows ed and occupied by Dr. F. lin the Salvation Army barracks were ting the exhibits in or z i ways su A a nice, | ' yLonnor : 'held Saturday night and Sunday.| .. acre a GT : ve Lclean dress and . jich | And river will co Canada ¥304 Build Liconns At the service on Sunday morning {Many from other places attending Srbead thar erst Wout {adds greatly t r comfo ur | a flr wi call; | LEE MOW, Prop. : in Grace Church Rev. W. § Lennon The sale of vegetables and other|' AS Uist 1 Su 1: lie a be | SYstem of looki g i. oy 88, Manager. Workmanship Guaranteed. conducted a service in memory of the |gittg is to take place Monday night as ecial fe: fore adies we - to, € {mals is as fol | two members of his congregation who | A haby boy arrived to make his home 5 bt " Botted § irae Space 8 mule is were reported as making the supreme | with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawlor. TET or this part of the. "" : 1 , Are You Using Stale] | acrifice. Pics. CM. Wright and J BE re Tosenr ater TOTAL hove op Lr Sh ae SOUVENIR FROM FRONT. ranged a very nice booth, which brought '" E. Eastw th a1 oo x, | W ater? Miss Essie DeLong, King street, ------ ; ted with Chi at mobile in he ya ° . +r vers re decoratec ith $ t g | ¥ho has been spending several weeks' | 4 Gommwall Soldier Sends Home An flags. The exhibit of dairy lucts J C€1Ves his second dress hen wher um er at S ng fs we have : ficient 1 re » ship 9 9 Has it ever occurrred to you when vacation Wii zelarived jn the far Mest Iron Cross. 1s a splendid one. byline & DOT arin SH PC ) PON ih as re.urned to resume her x Sorvall, apiembas 22 Ms One very fine exhibit which was be you have plenty at home wit] Miss Josephine Bedard, spending Sow Sg fevered oO oi ou ing arranged for was that in the cen- Here: they recess Hon | . opting Tour Food id I bing the past two weeks with relatives Batiation an iron cross in a leather Ire of the hain building. consisting of | ment ind when cu I ar ? 1 Try us for your requirements. YELNOR SHAMPOO. (in concentrated | here and in Kingston, has returned to [oage with black and white ribbon, | I rims Wrawp in Ouigtio Bey wn pk Ka - remount d : > UVC Ipartment, which ag: farm) and mixing what you need with | Brockville to resume her duties as su- ¢ i fresh water from the tap. By doing bale . Hl . E re Hos ital "| presumably that of a German officer, | ,y the returned soldiers from the us rashes tor 9 pervi he Laster: pt as it has g silver rim. On one side Af wat and Queen's hospitals the various units i fe 1h I an S 2 Y may say that av Canadian | m r a as : this you not only save the profit on Water but you run no risk of the J is "F. W.' 1913," and on the other [ ¢ PE y ; 7 : . § JW. 1313, n the display of vegetables is num- : JL} Liquid being stale or rancid, , [The Late Mrs. A. Rice. "1914." No explanation was given as| ered a fing A rege Hom Rock- | Yeierinary .hospit; France which | Victoria St. Yard Phone 1042 It is a real pleasure to shampoo Westport, Sept. 24. Mrs. Arm to the history of the cyoss, but it was | yd Hospital and the penitentiary will AcPomn nineteen hundred | Branch Y d, Pl rme : 2356 with VELNOR for you have a fresh |rotte Rice, an elderly resident of | ,ropaply taken from 'a prisoner or-a| The addresses to have been given | OTS€S, so you can form some idea of : ard, Ringe Do Atmes i Phone made lMquid that is far better for| Westport, died at the home_ of her |jead Hun. this afternoon have been post 2d | the, magnitude of the work In the | Jour hay and oalp. than mething son, Amos Rice, Sunday morning. - tI Wed Soon. aye Yeen postponed { i. sion of which IT am now in charge | . i our or months. Mrs. Rice was seventy-five years of ] nescay. afternoon. there is a hospital which hol en | é it: vhic olds seven | hundred animals. The use of VELNOR aside from pe-{age and had lived here practically Miss Margaret Tobin, formerly of Boyd Garage Exhibit TA . "We also have a school for the training of men in n aking dressis ing. economical, is harmless and behe- |; ap rher } ' 3 fels 1 It ig the purest form in which li Ke ae Sea Kui Sr es 3uNOuNes fue Situated fat the front entrance in- © shampoo can be made, and it will im-| 1e& . . Ny marriage of her daughter, Margaret | gi40 the (Crystal Palace is an. ex- { G TI i prove the natural color of the hair, viving are)two sons, Amos [Rice and | K ' (Greta), to Orville A. Jarvis, Re- hibit of Rey and Gray-Dort cars, (and the of different medicines. | NEW CLASSIFIED ADVER SING Nelson (Rice, one sister; Mrs. John | gina Sask. son of Mr. and Mrs. E : Ink dey. "he [They are ed veterin reean The carton containing six individual|afare Westport, and two brothers v SASK. Mr. Ana AIS. =. lwhich are being demonstrated by Lo ternary sergeants RATES shampoos costs but 60c, and will last| 2 87% POM, 0 ro ners, | Jarvis, Smith's Falls, The wedding the Bo rd Garage The gormer |aNd receive a certificate when they for months, It never spoils, for you| E. Jones, Tied Man., and Justice | took place quietly in Winnipeg, auton es Tage, doa speci- | have completed a successful course Owing to the greatly increased cost of newsprint, ink, la- ' a x 3 TV ow . pr = 3 WI 8 { ¥ 8 » pe 4 . 3 % \ a "oer Yue * * ' Diet as required. Sold by all drug-| Jones, Westpor <A . The death took place on 'Satur-|mens of motor manufacturing and we have another schoo tor yo, sic, the British Whig Has been obliged to advance its ad- On request we will mall you FREE . day at Mallorytown of Charles A.|gare accepted as the gold standard of (horse-shoers), which is rtising rates somewhat. A sincere effort has been made to of all cost a sample containing enough The remains of the late Thomas McDonald, a well known resident. | values. [This is |v guarantee of | VEY necessary now All of this wil minimize the advance as much as possible. "The increase now for one shampoo, Hart, who died in Smith 8s Falls, of | He was elght even years of age. strength 'and excellence. The fact give some idea of how the horses are announced applies only to classified advertising, and then only THE VELNOR COMPANY, heart failure, were buried at. Belle-!He was t he father of George McDo that no improvements to the staunch handled over here re. : ¥ hen it is charged. Ww hen cash accompanies the copy, the fol- ville, ald, G.T.R. conductor. J enginé have been made in the con-]. SPagnum moss, which in some re- | owing old rates will prevail 11 Colborne St, Toronto. ma, NA A AAA manent Det ruction | fOr the past" four years |SPects is better than absorbent cot One Insertion (25 words or less) ... . = o5 - ton, is gathered by the boys around Three Insertions; (26 words or less) .». ,.. ... ." 50 TTT TII and that thousands..ef -the cars are ) 1 : ' = ne in ude throughout the Dominion is the marshes in certain sections of the Six Insertions (25 words or less) ... ....... ... .... $1.00 it indisputable evidence wf #ts relia- country, and brought home, dried, and One Month (25 words or less) | |. end dew owe wn od iREOMD - bility. (The appearagce of the car is | used in the dressings The cotton Over 25 words, 1¢ a word first insertion, and %c¢ a word for "Tmost alluring, and those on exhibi- of which the bandages, etc, are made each subsequent, consecutive insertion, i tion are beautifully. furnished in]is becoming, like most other articles It advtse are to be charged, the rates hn be double those in these days, very expensive, and we above quoted en , fine leather wupholstering and are ¢ need Wh badly in order to carry The cost of sending out a man to collect small accounts to- J BN A ct cr em perma ee ~~ At rata el ta Pg tit ther a veterinary p me wi e | ( Y ion ED Lil] | id v fitted with the latest devices. If We Could Save 1/7 The Gray-Dorft cars ate also at- | an thi humane work, consequently day amounts to more than the totil revenue derived from such tractinig favorable attemtion, and Jour appenl on Thursday. advertising. Hence the increase. 7 th C 1 C Ht their sturdiness is a subject of no --J. R. C. DOBBS, e oa onsump on little comment among those "who Sec.-Treas. K.1.S - . ¥ know of their dependability. Though Ly, S-------- in Ontario-- a small car it has the reputation of The Zionist 'Council of Greater getting a person around without |New York has announced a demon- ] fear of mechanical difficulties. The Sieuion at 'Carnegie {Hall next Sun- + 2 motto of the manufacturers is, "The | day night to celebrate the liberation IF we could even leave the rangé cold a FO Tg of Palin: oo i Sra heratic ) ' they have flived wp to their slogan,| The Allies under Japanese leader- for one day per weok, we could divert ag is testified by thousands of satis- gh have put jue [Bolsheviki and ; fied owneFs in all climates and in [Germans out 'of business in the | many thousands of tons of. fuel to more sections of the country iwhere the {Omar province wof Siberia. Two roads are not iof the best. thousand AustroGermans were needed uses. The lespecial feature of both cars, | taken prisoner. % which is jbeing emphasized by the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson and is their | Pr. and Edward C. Moloney, of the : 3 3 1 1 t, Ge Boyd, . 3 Every home can help in performing this all round dependability, a result of | British Chemical Co., Trenton, en.|| Save fuel by procuring our ELE A . : the careful and painstaking con- srtained a party of eighteen people ER patriotic economy by using Hydro elec struction at the factories. rom out af town from Ottawa, Mon- S, from $6.50 and up. hi real and New York, at duck shoots ta - tric power, owned by the people of ; » [ing this last week-snd, They bag: Ty Ontario 3 ! Harvey Milne's Display. ged eighteen brace, > . . 3 One of the neatest displays in the Lieut. Rolph McKeil, born. and 4 \f majh huilding, and ofie, which falled feceived his effucation in Gananoque . . a orth much praise by all who viewec elore moving to Guelph with his »- ps IRONING DAY MAY BE COAL-LESS | it, was that of Harvey Milne, dealer | parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. PHoNE G4 1617 Princes S OT b in bicycles, auto tires, and adtomobile McKeil, was killed in an airplane LV] NGSTON 0) [| 3 oil. Much pains were taken in the Jaccident in Scotland on Sent. 6th. : y the use of the Hydro electric iron, backed arranging of the exhibit. - There is E. Taylor has boyght the farm, { . NTARIO by Hydro power. It will mean not only co-oper- a very pretty background, showing |Main street east, A hed by : - : ith : se the picture of a girl and hoy riding a {the late William ton, LP.S. ation with a war government, but a less tiring wheel, with some timely mottos, "Ride Slise Hi§ster M.y, Napanee, has A x { : a bicycle," "This is the Life," and "It {taken a pfsition as teacher of Hay- day; a successful ironing easily done. 2a The to Rite 2 Bicycle Six bic (bare plghe athoor cycle tires are used in displaying the G. Flfod has purchased the Mul- } Ly 1 name of the dealer. vena property, Athens' Hydro irons are the best. Made from plans ae of the dealer. in the Dusinéts 9 which call for the elimination of every weak- . for jeveral years, and is vo. stranger . : to the public. n his exhibit he is ra 2 ness. They cost but $4.50 and we are so sure featuring Cleveland and Hyslop bi- : HEAR all the well' known" phono-¥ graphs and you willl be thoroughly cyclé® Now is the time to get a . of their strength that we guarantee them for = good bicycle in preparation for next] g8 J ; 5 years of use. yeaf." Mr. Milne has a 'good line at convinced that thereg is nome that reasonable prices, Give him a call d - - . : when you are taking in the fair. He compares with the krepe the very hest stock of automo- # ye £3 Highest Class Talking) Machine' J = 7 1d bile tires and oils, | 8 Fine Exhibit of Harness. A in the, An exhibit in the main building A . oA 44 which is attracting much attention is pa BB De 3 . TE « OF QUARITY that of M. J. Dolan, the well-known K f : R : : Vv harness maker, whose place of bush : ror ALC 1 ness is at 219 Princess street. . This " LS | ECF of The CIVIC UTILITIES wholesale harness And saddiery firm ] TE # { CLEAR AS A BOLL ia has a record extending over seventy- \ npRI ma APPLIANCE De 3 two years, as Mr. Dolar's father c~n- . 0 This is the famons instrument whichswon highedt score pt., ducted for tone quality at the Panama~Pacific Exposition 268 P . he business before Jim, the Y rinces Street business being established in 5 g : . X The stock is of the verv best, and the Hear the Sonora First See Them at the Fair! we firm carries a full line of turf goods: - A : : * tA "dummy" horse fitted out was a opecial feature of the firm's exitibit. Jf Carpenter and i : there is anything youl nee is BILLENN Sa line of trade i I Dolan is man Ww. R. ESS 4 Bn . who is un the job 'and ever ready to do Shecimising Store Fronts ana en || C.W.Li Lid a good job. Butidiagh i . W. Lindsa i The re s a reputation of turn If eeTiNATES = SxPER °8 ¥, i -xlass work. Visitors to m2 ) y 121 INCESS STREET the fair should not fail to see the ex- | TT -------- hibit, as it is one worthy of special note.

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