Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1918, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1918. ' ~ PAGE FIVE Son : = . . Y FEATURES oN THE MOWAT re HmOTous S00iss ARE BRIMFUL OF INTEREST ~ Hinh Ty. is = igh Iop : Kingston. 5 sw, bright, humorous book, written wi a dash that : : : A new, bright, hu SrIien with 2 Various Shows Are Under Able Management of « il arouse your admiration... Price 75e¢. IS, Messrs. Weeks and Farley--A Variety LITTLE JOURNEYS TOW ARDS PAR of Good Things For the Visitors. A guide book for confirmed tourists, hy W. Hohenzollern. Brimful of interesting attrattions] girls It is a show of real merit, The author's knowledge of his subject is unrivalled. He has the Midway at the Fair this year is, With a most pleasing programme of spent four years traversing the distance from the German without doubt, one of the best ever|Singing and dancing by a bevy of frontier to the Nach Paris line. Price 60c, given at any show. Bvery fair has to | pretty girls. 'The show also carries a have its Midway, and the Kingston | number of clever comedians. It is a Don't Industrial Fair has at is sure classy show for classy people. DERE MABLE (125th Thousand) ng A =n riled Jogi Lowe es is A for hunny Price 75¢c. Every soldier wants a copy. the young and the old, and for var.| Congress of Wrestling. iety would be hard to beat. Some-| Fred Diotte has a congress. of thing doing every minute is the mot- holds 141 Princess Street ANTHROPCLOGY Up-to-date. By Professor George W. Mitchell, of Queen's University, Lace Boots for Women This special boot is 12 inches high. Made of finest grade kid; light sole and high heel, and glove fitting. Price, $9.00. Li Domed Ab th ; Shoe Stor e The Midway this year is under the terested in wrestling and boxing y 1 nd Farley. veterans nthe show] Spidors; the mysterious spider £m AAR - - ------ ------ a -------------- a ------------------ ) fh basta J and Farley, veterans in the show! Spidora, the mysterious spider girl, CIE pias NOTICE TO OUR business, and they have gathered an has proved a great sensation all over the greatest | | | { | to. It will be a sure cure for the Wrestling and athletics. He Smile, smile, will be the gen-|the title of middle weight champion, J blues. U lo w S eral order when "doing up" the Mid-|and offers $5 for all comers. There way. In addition to the fun and fro-!is also Hector Decarie, the champion : | At the rse ten ; lic, there are interesting features that strong 'man of the world. ~ Kingston call for study and reflection. There Summer Park in Montreal last sea- are many wonders, and every person {son he downed Warren Travers, of B) who goes to the fair should not fail{New York. There are also a number to visit every show on the Midway. |of lady wrestlers and boxers. All in- TTT mas---- 211m COKE ORDERS PATRONS exhibit that is certainly worth while | the world, and forms and deserving of the patronage of {mystery yet unsolved. She is looked ONLY Owing to the scarcity of help every person who takes in the exhibi- {upon as a 'brain twister." This at- we have been handicapped in tion The Midway started with a traction calls for more than passing TAKEN our repair Sepugtmetn, and have bang this afternoon, @nd will be in|note, and is a feature that everyone fet been unable get the work full blast for four days and four should see. out as soon as we expected. night. Be syre and see it, ---- Week's World of Wonders. rt". y We now have a full staff of re- a . The James Sowards pair men and assure prompt . Hall, the Man of Mystery, is fea- Coal Co. service in the future. The Double Bodied Man. Jores in this show. He is America's! Pho 155 Central Garage ane of the Stronges; RitFections premost magician, and puts on an ne . Sr n the Midway i hat of Jean Lit nhibition that is indeed wonderful. . | Ed Walsh, Prop. bera, the double-bodied man There Other attractions include Dorothy { 835 King St have been many great and curious |Smith, the half lad¥, with a number iid iddddddidse. | Creations of nature presented to the of varied side issues which space will oer | public, but positively not one of not permit of reference, but all of |them can equal either in interest or | which go to make up a first-class . remarkable anatomical and physiolo-| show in every respect It is without Get Ready For Complete Stock of Dyes: RIT, SUNSET, | gical pecularities the subject of this doubt one of the most interesting . ' ON] Kingston's Fair! sketch. "He was born in 1884 in shows at the Midway | Rome His father, mother and broth- -- RUMMER, |ers, with one exception, are ordinary See Commodore "Tom." _ : " y D IAMOND, | appearing people with nothing un-| Commodore "Tom has his piace} WE HAVE THE }}» OOM FURNITURE lusual in their appearance or physical | on the Midway, and he has made the YOLA. characteristics. * Some people are so|trip to meet every fair visitor. By HATS DINING R M F iready to say "fake" when reading of | way of introduction, we wish to say | Hundreds to choose from. . . Ae a ' ywonders, but in this case, there is that "Tom' is a horse, and without A hat for every man. New col- A wisely furnished dining room 1s a harem of something 'that the medical profes] loubt, the most intelligent horse in| ors, new styles at popular 1 1 1 | sion has pronounced to be the great-| the world. He does everything but | prices. y Pops comfort. To attain this result you must keep mn mind two standards, beauty and comfort. We have fest anomaly of nature ever known. | speak and is just liable to break out] Civons skdeahow, which has a grist of | sey) methine. AOLE (ho sifog a whole floor to choose from that constitutes good i | mgs 2800 minetoen, and meshing 122 |showink How Ro toon 0 Lod be nr a value in walnut and quartered oak in satin finishes. Ee ers atti | By Soin av Jun (h] marae Sos coms "Fy At the Busy Store With the Large Stock. ® » E } tr ritannic | Congo; a tribe of black-footed In-|tricks to show the people. He is small 3 ; w ydians, with an exhibition of knife in size, but large in intelligence. " 2 ar throwing, battle axe throwing, and | N-------- = bow and arrow shooting that has yet| Riggs Mysterio, Oriental Marvel. All best in Men's fine . Order Your Montreal Freight By the to be equalled. Indian King Congo| A lady actually floating in midair, the gloves, including Dent's cele- won a medal offered by the late King defying all the laws of gravitation, is Independent Line and send your shipments Vol 2 medal oltered by the | Bd wa 8 g George, for his another gpecial feature, and at the brated English make. ut : : m Se spe ie Te J Rr Tre tor. veal Phone 147 For Service. ed. 7 'SARGENTS' DRUG STORE' Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts. Phone 41. &. skill in this line. But this it not all. | same time @ 0st sensation- for Gananoque, Brockville, Cornwall, There is Paddy, the man-slaying gor-{al ever attem values. i . Montreal, and intermediate ports to the illa; Big Ben, the largest diamond |' In addition to whaifhas'been men- "seca black rattlesnake; Capt. Cotoma the |tiomed, the 'Midway everal more . A i 5 iv ;| half frog boy. 'It is a real wonder attractions worthy § @ patronage ! if i «#4 Ferry Dock: 'Telephone 2195. show rom start to finish "1 |ot avery. VIBGr 4nd dh dA lon TO INVESTORS " -- {the shows, there. are amusements | ® re _ et] wi ihe shows. there. | ; CITY of CALGARY Anglo Athletie<Arena. | All roads will lead to the Midway, ¢ Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers : 'Ae sas Wa . 5 Yo in | John McLaughlin is featured inl o don't fail to take it im. Visit 3 . this arena. He is the American light, | ovary show and do not miss any- Dates of Fall Fairs, 1918 Gold Debentures 1938 + ' : heavy weight champion of America | p00 t y | g. ; «nd is ready.to take on all comers, ! offering $100 for any person who About Jean |Libbera. , 8 . i will stay with him fifteen ines) A Whig representative was much | & Due ist June, He is ably supported by a number Of | impressed with the. facts given = » well-known boxers and wrestlers. | Jp 1 Jean Libbera, and asked for Bi Ssued 7. he, agricuptural Societies st December ! This is a great show fom 13ver8 of | further information. Records were AEFioultare, onary. Donkie Witsom i Principal Ma this sport. It is a clean athletic ex-|ynoquced, And fit was shown that in | superintendent. Bancroft ... .., . Sent. 28-27 hibition. | Jean Libbera wé are confronted SECRET, ? bs 8 ' ' Ah po ajQobden ... . , [. .., .... Sept. 26-27 3 a ------ { with the unparralled spectacle of a |Gobourg .. d Pe " We have ust be n So--~-- Lee's Little Palace of Big Laughs. {handsome normal young man, out Pont ville ere Sy oe J "i'r ec Kingaton +: sept. 34-27 | § granted permission ka os . 3 . We have man a This is its title and it is a good |, whose body there grows a second ding other tive ~ | : ssn 2 ® one, as for fun and frolic, it takes the | body diminutive in size, but perfect jMaberly Fa . Sept. y es, Zielding good | : i Sa cake, The old but very pleasing|go far as it \goes; arms, hands, fing- Moraes l. * to sell these rings to R D SUTHERLAND the funny marivnettes, and worthy fingers; hips. thighs, shins, feet, ! Millbrook ke 't. G. lo . . Ca of special mention is the thrilling ex-| (ges and nails'upon the toes. The Odessa EN . Ww : bl Insurance, Real Bonds . . hibition of throwing battle axes and circulation of the blood comes from Teel' TRY aaa gan aes nag . V. Association. Bagot & hrock Bin ees vane Oct, 8 Then there is Bonita, "The small-| body furnishes the nourishment for Windsor . ..v Sept. 23-26 On and after Monday, Sept. 30th, 1918, est biggest lady in the world." Her|the two bodies. The second body is M Tried ot Abneet At present we have * : : All height is forty-two. inches and she not so well developed as [thé normal A atria at Arnprior. > some in stock. ? : there will be a ten minute car service. weighs 350 pounds: - She is a clever body. but for its size it possesses a of Eabtior Laut The Hyomte Nee : : enteftainer and keeps her" audience strong bone structure. /iIn IClogne, MIs am ¥uil, ugh street, i bs cars will down Princess street. Tiere : in roars of laughter, with her funny | Prof. Berdenhuimer made a' very | ie a : i * Se Oth i 1 : 3 ay oh i Sept. 21st, when her wi be jokes and antics. She travelled all|thorough and complete examination 18 ! \ u no t line car. Up to pt. ? over the world with Barnum and using the X-ray. {In his report hd! voungest daughter, Catherine Annie, KINNEAR & D'ESTERRE ¢ there will be a ten-minute service between Ringlin Bros. | declares there ds imbedded in the Was mited in marriage with Farqu: » X Also on exhibit is Tiny, the small-{ normal body a formation that re- N< Villis Toles, Galt. urn 5% Jewelers, q | | - yo] Punch ahd Judy show is put on, with|ers, even down to mails upon the McDonald's Corners'... ves +20 Sept, members of the knives, showing great skill. { the normal body, and that same Underwood wall was the scene of a very interesting 12.30 and 8.30 p.m. est horse in the world, in height, 26 |sembles h rudimentary head; this | i i i ) forty-two | he claimed. has a circumference of | Lieut. D. Smith Killed. ; Cornwall, Sept. 24 --Rev. G. Watt read | 9 inches and weighing ; 5 pounds. Tiny is five years old. This|about 15 centimeters. Sms LR is an attraction that appeals particu-| "> z - smith, pastor of the Presbyterian ~ Has a Great Variety. i Church, St. Elmo, has received official 100 Princess st., City. All flour sifted on ob r I larly to the children, and should ia . . As already stated the mid way has notification of the death in action on ises by an tmproved ar rei ter, At the Fitst Presbyterian church ¢ délight and the pet of the ladies. | t |]aklight a p | to suit the taste of every person whe D. Smith. Rev. Mr. Smith's only re- I YE ., | be overlooked. Tiny is the children's! 1 3 in Toronto, on Sept. 6th, the sonniton, of %he C.F: Jonmston Co : {a great variety. There is something August 27th 'of 'His elder son, Lieut. } manse 8 a h B. & El : _A. E. Labarge, Smith's Falls,' has ronto, on R ee ea-- Sn I ! hs ratte -------- Abt on ari cr been sentenced to two and a half Matthew's Tango Girls. "|'will visit the show. The due of at maiaing son is now in the firing line. Many a man imagines that he has . FRONTENAC os. Now ®, of Mr. and Mes. C. G. Melrath, years in the penitentiary for burg-] High class vaudeville is a feature) HAcHiORS (have Ooh WEY ellie. | a hard row to hoe be ise he dislikes | is cd cc, Clevaland, Ohio, to Stanley Howard Jary. ! of the show put on by the tango tised, and the person who visits the Fleas, Flies, Bugs, Ants, Cock- Ne mid (way and does. not go away roaches and all household insects , smiling and feeling much better killed sure and certain by Keating's 7 Powder. A scientife fact: Keat- |! must sure be a pretty hard crust. 1 ,ing's properly used kills every i There is an old saying about a lit- : ; tle nonsense mow and then ibging household insect it has proper con- IF YOU DON'T N DIT ADVERTIS ' A hoeing, - r tac with. Sold by all druggists and, VISITORS SHOULD relished by the best of men. Ou the midway there is fun galore, but in 8rocers in tins only, 10¢, 25c, 36c. IT AND SEEL 1 TO SOMEBOD LOOK AF TER THEIR . addition to the funny (part of it Made in England. Harold F. Ritchie . : ---- ; there ds also a great number of at- and Co., Limited, Toronto, sole WH DOES! : = - tractions that must certainly cause agents for Canada. : . . much thought because many won- ; : ; Many Bf us are such creatures of habit that we store away something of use and value which is not GSTON EVENTS Iinmediately useful to us, on the theory that "some- * | : 25 YEARS AGO. ime it may come in handy." : assortment of Ready-Made clothing. "In these limes, when useful things are.in®special | Ew . . . : . an splendid assortment of Gent's . - 3 it: i While mn Kingston for Fair Week come prepared to y ' F d in His order oni de E. Spooner claims to be the first to demand, and the production of commodities is neces-' | m £8. introduce seven-headed wheat in this sarily curtailed, there is a real market for USED i 8 are i ' equi tme ever better assortéd E yourself. If you suffer with eye trouble that requires J} partment 'was Jmover noster assoredaj it ia ARTICLES. ; gl you will do well me and see us before to the |} examine nis stock before buying. ¢| A hawk today made its way into bat arti : . : " : ? . : - ae . o ¢ 3 Science hall, of Qugen's University, Vhal article of value are you storing away for | iy fair. We will make your glasses in time for the fun a theefair. : Most grades of clothing cost more] It Was captured od chloroformed ||| ssible---but net probable---future use? : | ees x "ZF : ! : than in norm times, o al know and a Sedu 0 pied by R M. I o Proud it B t be advisable to advertise it, &nd sell that---we et el * Ba e it for cash, to somebody ' it - But now, just 48 in peafe time, it is] 780 TIPU. © . mediately valuable? fy, fo whom | would he 10 i : ©. You may not particularly "need'_the 'money it ] ew to' securing real values 14) particularly oney, | ry rd ponders. This may eh would bring 10 yeu. But "you could USE HA : be done. 1 dir MUNEY to hetter advantage now than at any previous ot rane Finley, Tw h fan disposed posed ee : A time of your life. ¥¥u could use it to buy war securi- to William O'Keefe. Mr. Finley pur-| ease as-serofals or rhenmatism, It | fies wid ove dollar of it would thus be enlisted poses removitig With his family to relieve it ea y {I «in the great fight fo freedom of mankind, = : BG. removed by & : atment. ||| Do, you not feel thkt such.an additional investment The British Chemical Company at d ve general health, |} on your part---aver "above the amonpt you can Fesidents : : I afford fo so expendi ont of your regular income--- would be_of real dervice lo your country and your ~ cause? For it IS "your cause" just as surely 4 this . 18 your country! ° ee - For Fall and Win np Prevost, Brock Street, has a grea] dexful things are shown. / :

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