WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1918. Make Sure of the Dates Meet Your Friends at and Come ! the Fair! Kingston Industrial Exhibitio FOUR BIG DAYS - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and F riday ept. 24th, 25th, 26th and 27t $10,000 JIN PREMIUMS Make Up Your Mind A Glad, Glorious, to Attend and Bring the Family With You Gleeful, Gigantic Holiday dway, Baseball Games plendid Mig Trotti Balloon Ascension and Parachute Drops Daily at 3 P.M. Exhibit of Machinery, Live Stock, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. Reduced Fares on All Railway and Steamship Lines | 8 R. J. BUSHELL, Manager | ng, Pacing and Running Races Be ------------------ lin - RECORD. CROWD LOOKED FOR IN CITY NEXT WEEK. Two Bands Will Furaish Programme of Mies On Ground Day--A very the Great Be \ Will Atiracs Misch 4 ention. 7 | This year the Kingston Industrial Fair will bring a greater number of isitors than any other attraction pos- could, 'and the business enter- prise. of phe Kingston merchants i wide awake . the opportunity af- forded hy XLS of directing at- tention to the great . } the Sif offers for doing business. ; 'the agricultural exhibit of grain "and vegetables wi include the entries of the rie vilhers of 'the field crop. comipetit conducted in ss dace Fier the eastern were not on Ottawa fair. The entries of pure bred cattle and | merchandise of the citi wees oh than ever be- | from the ends of he, en horses i ig . while no feature for the en- «of visitors has been ne- ed, the fair promises to ppeisty g ihest adulation: f all inter- farm: ce, re, cand ack d'the 14th P. W. : nanogue and tf 4th PF. W. x bill be on the e oo every day, and horse races will take place every afternoon. More horses will race in the different classes than ever before, including Armordale, one of the fastest pacers ever seen on the Kingston.track. Very precaution has been taken to prevent accidents, and no opportunity will be allowed the ingenious sharper to practise on the sion has been made entorcement shrift will he detected. VEry one goes to see the fair be. cause all are interested. Here will be brought into focus both the city and the country, where each realizes its dependence upon the other. . the of. rural industry brought to perfec- tion hy patient toil in conformity with e divine plan oversting through all nature and shedding the light of joy and contentment in a land of plenty; while on the other is re el the brought ¢ earth, that all might have a fuller enjoyment of this world's comforts and conveniences. Both are attracted in obedience to the law of necessity. which no one can igs nore without feeling the = conses quences. The fair has pla d an im- portant part in the advance of civili- unwary. Provi- for the most rigid of the law, and short meted out to any culprit zation, and has served to perpetuate | one hand is offered the firstfruits s GERMANS USING UP MACHINE GUNNERS Activity on Canadian Front Gonfining Itself to the Ar= tillery and Air. With the Canadian Forces in the Field, France, Sept. 21,~~Activity on the Canadian front is confining ftselt largely to artillery and the air. Gas shelling continues, a strange feature of it being that the epemy is using gas shells when wind and weather entirely nullify their effects. A not inconsiderable portion of our own return is from captured guns, many of which are still doing service ,with the highest and best we possess to- day. The Greek calendar was regu- lated by the fair, which stimulated a universal interest in the physical de- velopment of Greek manhood and ul- timately made the nation a military power. : Our fair will be educative as well as an occasion for enjoyment; to whith all are entitled after the good harvest this year, The department of agricul ture, realizing the importance of the spirit of competition and its' educa. tive value in awakening interest in the best methods of farming and the raising of stock and poultry, gives evs ery encouragement by way of finan: cial support, the amount of which de- pends upon the number of people who w enough interest in the fait to patronize it. ga Thereiore, let every ane contribute to make the Kings air a success, The city of Kingston needs it, the county of Fronteuac needs it, and "Bob" Bushell deserves hearty sup- port for his untiring efforts on behalf of both. ? the by the retreating German army, A Chicago man whe.gecently gave $10,000 to improve ga Guelph given. $20,000 C. eter? dn] mish mystgese on ey OA a, y J ote : a good bras? band can phy to our lines. one machine all the airs the drign major puts on. & stocks of ammunition left | oy, other evidence prove the sfficiency of the tanks, German army orders are giving out detailed plans for fight- ing the tanks and are trying by every means to. stiffen the backbone of the terrified infantry. Indeed, the fin- fantry seems largely to have left the fighting to the machine-gunners. In the recent battles the plan has been for the infantry to bolt, leaving the machine.-gunners to fight a rear- guard action. These picked men are therefore being sacrificed 'o save for the moment the retrenting armies, | are picked id of fighting is enemy of its ilibre of the re- As the mach best soldiers, the sistance ! y fight the rale of the reinforce- their ve 1 the N 'will depreciate as the night 1 the that |, largely lo wacrincs hem: 3 their es, whe will selves for | not face the unceasing attacks of UNCONDITIONAL SURREND POLICY OF THE ALLIES Is Urged by War Mothers of orice Meeting in Indiana. | -- Evansville, Ind., Sept. 21,--"Un- conditional surrender" is demanded of the German nation in a resolu- tion sent to-day by the War Moth- ers of America, representing Am- I women with sons at the front, ding their first national conven- tion here, fo President Wilson, eneral Pershing and the American Expeditionary Forces in France. The resolution regds: "Miflions of War Mothers In America, repre- {Ea Sational an aon in VARS, y loyally' ind you in Sau Sesite'to make un- ermany £4 sur- uneonditionally." The adoption of the resolution followed the reading of a telegram from President > liaon, Mo which ; a tribute "sguperh courage" of 1 rs for the wives and mothers of brive men in the days to come." TO DEVELOP SIBERIA. Ex ie Organiz tion Formed. ll Tokio, Sept. 21.---The formation of a Russo-Japanese econonde ore ganization for the commercial and industrial development of Siberia virtually has oth giompleted. Rus sia is represen n the sordors: Russo-J tion by twelve wealthy residen Siberia, and Japan by the Chosen" the On 1 Dev on The 5 za tion will be 000,000 «to : be distri between Kpmivss md ingame T5 i Sede within s mand -------------------- Es