' THE DAILY BRITISH WIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 , 1918. ° ------------ ---- = y 1 -- \ i - a | We Take Care of Your Re-charging and Repairing 'A NEW CLUB ENTERS . RUTH AND MAYS TIED. | H.A.| == frees ie | O.R.F.U. AND O.H.A For Pitching Honors in World's | . We Can Supply a New Baseball Series. ! St. Vincent's Club to Play Sen- ball Sor for Football and Junior { | . hi . G id Hockey. bite. Gaency Pa | | Philadelphia Diamond Gri tional League { { p With "Mike" Ro e Queen's | man, was the bat i | Battery w and St. Patrick pl as coach, a] players who appee are a | | : new club is makin game. His ay was 1 in the senior series 1 was at bat 18 | TO FIT YOUR CAR U. and the junior n a of the O.] hits St incent's f | . Na rE i Yh thy o Guaranteed For Eighteen Months i J Irendy they have secured Sergt. Carefully SuDoFeis ; : o ait "Ril" Box of th artis hekov i sfully supervised repairs. Only the best parts. Scien- al Box She Dentist, Shockey tific recharging. Batteries called for and delivered. Free os thon, "Duke" MaCurry, of once Inspection Free distilled water. The only STANDARD-. La Sa le, "Dunk" Munro of Univer- Str unk, Boston's r IZED service in s sity Schools, Wendell Holmes, last ] hit a triple in Chicage . - and McKelvey |in The City of Kingston BR With the Ultona Sound Box Plays Any Re- cord Made Better. 'At the Toronto Exhibition crowds stood around the exhibit of Brunswick Phono- graphs and were absolutely astonished at the clearness and naturalness of the Bruns- wick with the Ultona Sound Box, playing Brunswick, Edison, Pathe, Victor and Col- umbia records with changing to any differ- ent parts or pieces. This makes THE LAST WORD In phonographs as you have all the re- cords of all manufacturers at your disposal to pick and choose, and your Brunswick will play them better than the machine they were originally made-for. Why ? Because it is made ly the old wood work- ing institutions in this country who have been making cabinets for leading phono- aph makers for years. « They pick out the fers ideas from all these different machines and place them in one. FINAL PHONOGRAPH For you. Is this not what you want. Come into our store and see and hear this wonderful machine. . | TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. Phone 529 Kingston . TRY 5c Poet Cigar 5¢ Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. 7 S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. MONUMENTS! The McCallum m Granite Company, Ltd. 897 Princess Street. Telephone 1931 Bicycle Champion's Woes. Immediately after his arrival in the George Watson, Cagada's Olym- i¢ bieycle champion, is up against' t for fair. The Toronto crack was sent down to Ottawa to learn some- 'thing about musketry and' he took his pet bicycle along with him for training purposes so that he would be in good shape for coming events. (Canadian Capital he was placed in quarantine along with a number of other boys in khaki because they had come into contact with cases of contagious diseases. By the time Watson gets out, a number of the meets and road races will have been held. proportionately among the players {of the three teams in the National League which finish second, third year with Parkdale, of Kingston for their football team In these players they the nucleus fine t Ro ce arly practices at Trinity College they have made a ten-strike for their debut. For the junior hockey team those in charge refuse Yo divulge their in- tention regarding players. THE SALARY DISPUTE. Two Teams in the World's Baseball Series. One year ago when the New York Giants and the Chicago White Sox Of the fouight out the world's series the players divided as thei are of the first four games $15 § This meant that each player "of tie Chicago team received something over $4,000 and ea player of the New York team something over $2,700. This year the only $69,527 as 2 of the first four games, a loss of $83 3 over the world series of 1917. Under the new arrangement this year it was planned to give each player of the winning team $2,000 and each player of the losting team $1,400, with the balance divided wil get and the players of the American League and fourth, three teams in the which finish second third and fourth. If this plan is carried out the Cubs and the Red Sox will divide the full pot and still not get the propos- ed guarantee Boston has twenty- ons players eligible, which, at $2,- | Montreal Club Sue Boston for $1,000 ec, postage will deliver an 000 each, would reach a total of Due From Sale of Smith. RilaStrop Ovitien, A $42,000. Chicago has twenty-two The Montreal Baseball Club yes- class registered mail players eligible, and at $1,400 the |ferday brought suit in equity AutoStrop total would be $30,000, or a grand |@R@inst the -Boston,.americhn Club Safety Razor Co., total of $72,800, This means that the players of the other six teams will not get a penny unless the plan of the vNa- tional Commission to reduce the contending teams and give the win- ners $1,200 and the losers $800 each is carried out. The Boston and Chicago players strenuously object to this. It is the old story. Not satisfied with being allowed to play and to make even something extra, the players must fight over the last dol- lar. Little wonder the fans have lost interest. L A RUGBY SUGGESTION. Form Military Groups With Kings n One. Rugby among the soldier athletes is taking a great hold though the season is just beginning to swing into working order. It has been suggested----and will be carried out if possible--to form a military sec- tion of the O.R.F.U. The suggestion is that teams from Kingston had district could form one group, teams from Toronto another, teams from Hamilton another, and teams from London and Western Ontario an- other. Undoutedly there are many 'players among the khaki clad lads, and as rughy is not a hard game to learn it would assist many in taking up the fall pastime. The various groups as suggested could play-off for the® military title of Ontario. In the fall sports are dead outside of rugby, and the game would give the soldier boys something to 'think about besides drill and military routine, Canada's Premier Trotter. Chilcoot (2.04%), with Tommy Murphy up, while the insert is Chil- cott's owner, C. A. Burns, of To- ronto, who has the honor of owning the fastest trotter in Canada. Chil- coot has more than earned his oats the past summer, his winnings so far thig season being $11,235. Exhibition Bout. Jack Dempsey, claimant of the world's heavyweight championship, will box ten rounds with Jack Mor- an at (Moana Springs, Saturday night, the Reno Athletic Club an- nounces. Moana Springs was Jef- fries' training quarters before the Johnson fight. Montreal club "claims the fed Sox ith. zed against This was who dropped cago Chicago made » Of the pitchers Ruth 3 Boston tied for honors, ning two games The Cubs made 37 each W in- hits tg Boston George Boyd 129 Brock Street Phone 201 The batti for the « Batting, averages Boston- 996. Chicago--i 980. 210; fielding, Batting, PRINCE LOREE WINS, STAKE. Cleveland's $120 Horse Winner of $10,000 Event. A Great Nation's Prince Loree, purchased two ears ago for $120 by Capt. David * aw, of Cleveland, Ohio, won the Tribute $10 094 stake for 2.12 trotters ¢ Pn Syracuse, NY. th of the Tivos sens? in story G rand of the the" 's share classic of t The winner was $4.75 e, piloted by purse 0 +McDev- driv was' pockete mile, and before he « cated Ante Guy, driven Murphy, raced into maintained the wire. advantage the Price $5.00 At leading stores everywhere RED SOX IN LAW SUIT. in an effort to get $1,000 which the ADA Tarouto, Out. 62-818 owes fof Otfielder Paul Sm The suit asks . that an Boston American club, the National Com- mission, Ban Johisol, Adgust Hérr- mann, John Bruce and John Heyd- A cA AAA. ler be enjoined from delivery to the "The day of grace is not entirely Red Sox funds and tickets of the |sinned away so long as you have world's series. conscience twinges. Our New Fall Designs in Furniture Are Arriving Daily We invite everybody whether they wish to purchase or not, as it keeps prospective buyers posted in the latest degigns. R. J. Reid MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT. Phone 577 THE LEADING UNDERTAKER; 230 PRINCESS STREET FALL SUITS $22 to $38.00 Fall OVERCOATS $18 to $30 Just received from England, Officers's 'Trench Couts, oiled, silk lining and removable wool lining. ~ JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailor 131 Princess Strocet Elon 1} 1a The wisdom of economy should prompt everybody to buy almost anything they may need--NOW. Not only will merchandise be more scarce as we increase our efforts to short- en the Road to Victory, but it seems certain that their will be no immediate relief from the continued advance in prices. This is true of every line of merchandise. It would be wisdom on your part to buy your Fall Suit, Raincoat or Fall Overcoat here and Now. Special _F or 1 week only, we are sellin a dandy Boys' suit in dark $6. 00 tweed nicely made, for . ® Sizes 24 to 30. The regular price of this suit is $8.00 to-day. A SPECIAL BARGAIN--We have just captured from one of the big clothing manufacturers' of Canada a number of black cheviots light weight overcoats which we are going to $ 1 5.00 il sell for one week for . . i They are worth $20.00 to-day. Sizes il 36 to 44. Some of the best dressed men in Kings- ton regularly patronize our hat depart- ment. They know that the hats sold here hold there shape and appearance an amazingly long"time. See our classy range before buying, at these same low § mwa 1% Soe ou range of Bo Fall Retr n Donegal. twoeds, Irish serge, etc., made very Caius i hieia (ME The Lion Clo _ The Bargain Spot of Kingston. Look for the Lion in the Window. a7 an These thoroughly high-class caps will please wide-awake young men. They are generously proportioned caps with one-piece tops, also some nice golf shapes made of smart imported tweeds and homespuns. Soecial oyalue, We are selling a dandy w renc Rain. coatfor ........... . $12.00 In a nice neat rh It will pay you to get one. We carry a large range to choose . REAL SERVICE IN BOYS' SCHOOL. SUITS --just buy his suit here. They are made to stand the very kind of youthful rough and tumble, and forget your boy has them on. Our Boys' Cor- duroy suits are as strong as steel. Buy him one. They are made i in trench yl and full bloomers,