Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1918, p. 8

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Another opportunit preparing to bay a bon¢ count here will help you Savings Ace HHH GEORGE B. SHIH 2 I FOR large lot, $2100, FRONTENAC extra deep lot, $3400, ticular; good location Appl 56 Brock Street ad Office--~King end Bay Bireets, Toronto. THE NEXT WAR LOAN y for you to help win the war 1 by saxing money now? A .S a small sum is sufficient to ounts Invited BANK or IORONTO M'KAY, HU COLBORNE ST.~Frame dwellin ST.--Solid brick JOHNSON ST.--S8olid brick, nine rooms, modern in eve $5500. y J: K. Carroll A RA AR 1835 I 'Incorporated Capital, £3,000,000 Reserve Fund $6,555,000 THOS. ¥. HOW, General Manager. Are you ings Ace art with. MANAGER, SALE 8, six rooms, summer kitchen, + Six rooms, all modern, ned, ry pars gency. Phones: 68, 874w. SHER I G % fr GREATER EFFICIENCY ! © © You want to be more effi. cient, dow't you? Perhaps your eyes are holding you back. You can't see well or you suf- fer from headaches or tired eyes. Act now before you for. get and consult oar eyesight specialist. Competent, honest advice re- garding your eyesight, R.J.Rodger Man'f'g. Opticlans and Opto- metrists, 182 Princess Street, Wall Paper Sale at Fraser's 78 Willlam street, still cons tinues for next two weeks. Must vacate premises. Great reductions in hall, ceiling, par- lor papers and cut out borders. A quantity picture moulding and plate rail (oak finish), at half price. Ingrain and cut out borders at less than cost. fresh Cut Flowers Ferng, palms, funeral designs, floral sprays, weddiog bouquets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist BUSINESS | NOTICE I beg to inform the public of King- ston and district, that having taken over the business of John Kelly & Sons, Carriage Builders and Black- smiths, am now in a position to ful- fill all orders for new and repair work. All orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 1217w. JAMES SELBY, 54 & 56 Queen St. Cape Vincent FAIR! Take Str. Missisquoi Wednesday, Sept. 11th; Thursday, Sept. 12th; Friday, Sept. 13th. Leave Kingston 7 a.m. 1 pam. Leave Cape Vincent 9.40 am. 6 p.m. Horse races and baseball matches each day. Fare, round trip, 75c; TTY YYY YY YY YY Pickling and Preserving Requisites are now in full swing. Corks of all sizes, in wax, bottling wax, rub- r rings, spices and preserve powder. ng look at our window will tell the story. HOAG'S Drug Store Branch Post Office. > Kingston, Ont. adhd dd A A baa ag a Aahaiadiddhdhdh & A 4 82 Ata a a ddd dh 4 4 a a Adhd Ah A A a Sin Our Counters THURSDAY Will camry a choice lot of chickens and fowl for you to select good for day only. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the lith Qetober, 1918, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Con- tract for four years, six times per week on the route, Kingston Rural Mail toute Neo, 1, from the Postmaster Gen- eral's pleasure, Printed notices containing further in- formation hs to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Barriefield, Kingston, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. Kingston, August 27th, 1918, H. MERRICK, Post Office Inspector RG SEALED TENDERS ad- dressed to the undersigned, and en- dorsed "Tender for 'Kitchen Wing, 'Boller House' Orthopedic Hospital, To. ronto," as the case may be, (two sep- arate tenders) will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 24, 1918, for tho construction of a Kitchen Wing and Boiler House, Mill- tary Orthopedic Hospital, Toronto. Plans and Specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the Offices of the Chief Architect, Depart- of Public Works, Postal Station Yonge streeet, Toronto, Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein, Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on & chartered bank payable to 'the order of the Hon- orable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds >f the Do- minion will also be accepted-as. secur- ity, or war bonds and cheques if re- quired to make up an odd amount, SEPARATE By order, R. C, DESROCHERS, - Cratary. Department of Publie/ Works, Ottawa, September 7, i818. SALE OF CITY PRO- PERTY: as will oe Siered sor Sale on ur the elfth day o Prem ber, 191%, at twelve o'clock noon, hy William Murray at his Auction Rooms on Market street, in the City of Kings- the ur rth lowing. 4 Fo brick dwelling he north side of The Mari Any THURS,, BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESD OPERA HOUSF RAN TO-NIGHT LAST SEASON'S BIG HIT Henry W. Savage offers -- | THEMUSICAL COMEDY DELIGHT THE ONLY COMPANY Splendia cast; rear Ueaury chorus; company PRICES: orchestra, : S0¢, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50 SEATS NOW ON SALE. & O DAYS ONLY AT 2.30 AND 730 P.M. Polite Vaudeville A Five Real Pathe Photoplay BESSIE LOVE in | "A Little Sister to Every- body " Lonesome Luke Comedy Pathe 10c «. nee Evening 10¢; Sent 1MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE WON, FRIDAY News and Other Reels. Reserved, Se Extra Ey CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First uaertion, 1c & word, Mach cos secutive Insertion hai thereaftes, cent a word. Minimum charge one ingertiom, 25¢; three ingertions, SOc; mix $1; one wonth, $2, HELF WANTED NURSE. APPLY ORPHAN'S HOME. Apply Mrs. Coon, 188 Brock street. MAIDS WANTED, APPLY THE MA- tron, Kingston Genera] Hospital CANVASSER FOR LIFE INSURANCE. Good contract. Apply 352 King street, GOOD MILLINERY PREPARE, AP. once. Gedye Millinery, Wel- street, ily wt lington AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS; GOOD wages paid Apply at once Prince George Hotel rect WANTED AT ONCE, PLUMBURS AND tinsmiths empioyment A 'The People's For EEE AEN RN NEN EEN AY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1918. oo tt er crema: re omens on SO WANTED GENERAL EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS SMALL farm to rent; work on shares or by month, Apply Box 995, Whig 0Of- Tice, HIGH SCHOOL BOY (16), WOULD like ocoupation for his spare | time, Apply Box $939, 'Whig oOf-| ce, WELL PURNISHED ROOM; PRW ATE family preferred, by gentleman | travelling out of Kingston. Box $09, 'Whig Omice. { UPRIGHT FIANUS | for cash or In part payment of new | Planog and grafonolas. C. W. Lind- | Say, Limited, 121 Princesy street | PLACE WITH FROM TWO TO FIVE acres of land, convenient to city! Or house with stable, on outskirts 0 city. Apply W Johnston, | Cataraquj. THREE ' op rooms, by Qct ed; modern conveniences: for light housekeeping, BEUUND-HAND FOUR UNFURNISHED | 1st, centrally locat-| suitable | 8 glead Apply to Simmons Bros GENERAL SERVANT, PLAIN COOh, no washing or ironing, family of 2. Apply 169 Union Street west. | GIRLS FOR THE WORKROOM; { pleasant, "light work. Apply Miss deCatum, C. Polson, Co., Ltd, GENERAL SERVANT MIDDLE aged woman preferred; two in family, Apply 80 Barrie street, A YOUNG MAN TO LEARN HARDWARE business; alsq 'wy 1, fearn tin- amith trade. Stevenson & Hunter, TWO SMART YOUNG MIN FOR SHIP. ping department. Must have sone education Apply A, Davis x op Limited APPLY Apply | Box A.B.C, FURS TO BE REPAIREY. NOW S| the best time to have your furs re- | modelled and repaired. Satisfaction | guaranteed, White furs cleaned. | 5. P. Bowes, Furrier, 19% Sydenham | reat, Opposite Central School, | WES WANT 10 BUY ALL KINDS oy second-hand furniture, stovea | beaters, clothes, ete. We also have | two electric fans "and everything | In the second-Yand line for sale. | 8. Shapiro, ¢ Princess | Phone 1237. ! OLD FALSE TEC 1 WANTEN , DOS. | n't matter broken, We pay ac- | tual value, We pay cash for old| gold. silver and platinum. Send | 10 us and receive cash by return| mail. If price is not patisfaciory LABORERS, $3.00; 8 HOURS. Douglas and Mcllquham, 8t. An- 888w in drew's Church, or phone the evening. G Nic MA Saturday, SEPT 14th SCENIC SPECTACLE Mad Ld ITT or THE SUR A play of love and beauty; same Ereat onnf; siogers and rand Opera House MATIVEE AND NIGHT ED. W. ROWLAND OFFERS THE MASSIVE EN 5 THE STORY OF AN HAWAIIAN AVR REI I I8Y native ukulele players, dnncery. This is not a moving pleture, HT PRICE be, bbe, 75¢, $1.00 T. PRICES, y B8¢, Boe. SEAT SALE THURSDAY S d bei ¥ 525 and 527 a \ 52 and Sine vacant lot md ining "an (hhe mortheast corner neess a red streets This property will be offered en bloc In the event and the vacant lot will be Separate parcels, each sub- reserve hia. © Ten per cent. of the purchas at paid down at the time of ance, to be paid 'wit ---- Griffin PictureS donb! Monday, Tues., Wed. Pauline Frederick Her Final Reckoning ALSO Jane and Catherine Lee The Trouble Makers AND A Fight For Millions THE GREAT SERIAL TRAND Monday, Tues., Wed. 2-FEATURES--2 Viola Dana In OPPORTUNITY ALSO Pearl White In ® The HOUSE OF HATE COMEDY REELS | Matinee, 10c; Eve., 15¢ iis lotto 80 bv Bo 4 GOOD SALMON A GOOL At 25¢ Per Tin. { Ket, Kingston, a HANG of Long, | FORTY MEN FOR EXTRA work at rate of 36¢ for rneriod two months Apply to M. Tichborne, or Belleville, CUTTERS, WAGES 60C PER hour; boarding accommodation on job. College of Our Lady; Pigott, Healy Construction Co. Brockville, | Ont A GOOD SMART GIR knowledge of bookkeeping, grocery store. Apply to : 4 Nesbitt, Corner Johnsen and Uni- versity, Se 1 en. se -------- MAN WANTED--ELDERLY MAN AS laborer, with some knowledge of gardening, for outdoor work, Ap- ply to Dr, J. C. Connell, at office in the evening. IMMEIMATELY, AN EXPERIENCED girl for general hoWsework, No washing or ironing. References call at 152 Upi- wo {STONE SOME for a : J . WITH Telephone 1485 or versity avenue. $3 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREETING card sample book free; representa- tives already making five to ten dollars daily, Bradley-Garreston, Brantford, Ont. MEN OR WOMEN TO INTRODUCE marvelous househdl discovery: Sells on sight; experience wun- necessary; Pracfioaliy hundred per cent. profit,' Send ten Sela for twenty-five cent sample. Linseott Company, Brantford, Ont, 85 UF DAILY EARNED BY GOOD live men or women soliciting or- ders from our magnificent free sample book of Personal Christ - mas Greeting Cards. &pare time. able prices. Easy to sell r adian Publishing Co. Dept, Church street, Toronto, te, British Can- 39, 35 HIGH PRICED FRUIT HAS CREATED a splendid demand for vurgery stock. Our trees are known ss the best in the trade. We want reliable salesmen to sell in unreprosented country and city districts and pay well for services rendered. Over six hundred acred of frait and or- namental trees, shrubs, ete. Exclu. sive selling rights for allotted ter- ritory. 'rite Pelham Narsery Company, Toronto. LEGAL B. OUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor, Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, we will return teeth promptly | upon request, International| Teeth Co. 305 West 42nd St, New| York { WORK WANTED. NOW Is THE TIME T0 GET YOUR man to attend your furnace, You Can get a first class man by apply- ing to Whig Office Box, $10, { ater wm A Btreet.| | TWO FURNISHED HEAR N FOUND SATURDAY novsky's know 'what NIGHT AT Fruit Store AUTOMOBILE NUMBE tween Kingston i Phone 1100 R.22 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FRER finding anything and reach the owner may do 80 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The a&iver. tisement will be printed Li. this Column free of charge, 'Found articles" does not In- elude lost dogs, cattle, horses el. These, if lost. may be ad- Anyone wishing to PAGE SEVEN APs uin EEEnEN | I; RS 112035, PASSENGER BUICK ROADS. il Drel Cass conanion, 3 ter Bodie ud GUOD QUIET CAkl single or double Street Y good { HORSE; WORK { APPLY 439 Broce « 00K STON Es Appiy 1sa HAPP raovear a cheap, Wad street HUUSEHOLD FURNITURE; CARY Apply 24 © . b tet RES AND RABBITS; SBLL SKPr. if desired; bargain Wick. fhomas street 43 HA arately fam, SIX ROOMED HOUSE, ALL MODERN Improvements; good location, 33. duu. Apply Box OG. M., Whig Office. Po -- ---- BUGGY, DISK HARROW, NO 2 DAISY e Vy wagon boX; also set rness. Apply 370 Bagot vertised for in the "Lost" column. LOST 31-4, BETWEEN HERE Mines. Find Joe Sinnot's, SIZE Richardson leave at Street. TIRE, and kindly Johnson GENTLEMAN'S GOLD watch > street, Finder Office TO LET APPLY NO, Phone 1438w, » ALICE GARAGE. str NFURNISHED ROOMS, Alfred street HREE ply 451 nD APPLY sty SMALL FURNISHED HOUS Mrs. Daykin, 32 Ellerbe eet oR Apply Willian ed rooms, 202 street, FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR Wil H- out board. . Apply to 204 King St. City. Nag pester evememmeae-------- tan 36 MILLED AP. UNFURNISH- Aoply HOUSE, t off William just MAKE MONEY show cards. learned; new, simple method, canvassing; we sel] Your work Big demand. Write to-day. Am- erican ghow Card School, Ryrie Bullding, Yonge and Bhuter streets, Toronto, Ont. ey TEACHERS WANTED SECOND CLASS PROFESSIONAL teacher, for Glenburnie public 8chool to open on Sept, 2zd. Sal- ary $650.00 for an ex erlenced teacher. Apply to R. J. air, Bee.- Treas, R. H. No; 1, Kingston, Ont PROTESTANT TEACHER, HOLDING Second clasg certificate, for 8.8. No. 9. Hinehinbrooke, for term 1918- 1919. Convendent to station and Post Office, Salary $500, Apply, stating experience" and qualifica- Hom, to I. A. Cameron, Tichborne, nt, AT HOME WRIT Quickly and east! l SITUATIONS VACANT, | No | MUSIC. MISS GLADYS SAUNDERS, TEACHER of piano and theory; prepares pu- pills for Toronto Conservatory ex. amination, 412 Albert Street or telephone 1243w, BRSSIE 6, ROGERS, ET,CM., teacher in Eastern servatory of Musi song LATE Townships Con- Cc will give les- in planoferte, ipe organ theory. Pupils prepared. for exam- ination. Studio, Bank of Montreal Building, 3rd floor, MISS GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST, HAV. ing passed her Sr. University ex- aminations, with honors in plano and theory, is prepared to tech a Hmited number of pupils. Pu ils prepared for Conservatory or Uni. versity Exams, Studio, 131 Bever- ly street, DRESSMAKING Mis RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER. having £2%umed ' business, solicits work orders for 1 and wing Address 202 Alfred street. GOOD WORK ANU PRICES MODER. ate; la Parisian perfumes and tol- let Rrcparations In connection. Mrs, ood, corner of Brock and Division. Phone 1934w. FOR SALE OR TO LET Brook and Wellington TO RENT. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, 150 KING or, opposite the Chateau Belvidere. TIMBER AND WOOD LIMITS FOR SALE All the timber and wood on that par- cel of land in the township of Shef. field and County of Lennox .and ad. dington, being the west half of Lot 18 and the whole of Lot 19, in the 14th Concession and Lot 20 in the 15th Con- cession of said township, will be sold by Pu Auction on the Isinmd Mar- t 13 o'clock moon Sat- urday, Sept. 14th, 1918, ' ALLEN, the Auctioneér. Sn . NOTICE. Al bers of ie Brink ayers, Hall at ohn aad requested to meet at the Labor 1.30 p.m. on Thi ay, Sept, 12th, to At. tend the funeral of our late Bro, Alfred em. : By Difers ROBERT REYNOLDS, FARM OF 100 ACRES, ings; ingston, Kingston. Cataraqul. DANAE A At pi d PEARL A. NESBIT, LTCM. ose CONTRALTO Organ, Singing. . myth, Johnson b wireet, Fall term fommenees Sept. Ard, 1918, FURNISHED one or two gentlemen J.H., Whig FURNISHED Rooms AND rooms for light housekeeping. Ap- ply 896 Princess street. ONE central, Apply LARGE for 30x 1 IRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, all Improvements; centrally looat- el. Apply 243 Brock Street TWO FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE for Hght housekeeping Electrix light, gas Apply 1 street SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE IN FIRST im- Possession 682 Montreal condition Apply class mediately, street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN and dry. MoCann's Real Hstate Agency, 86 Brock St. Phone 336 or 621. 40 ROOM, ALSO Jenkins POLLTRY FOL R APRIL-HATCHED barred Rock cockerels; froca splen- dia laying strain, Apply 234 Earl street v FORD TOURING CAR IN GOOD CON. dition New tires Price, $3uv.0u for quick © Apply Neo. § Rus- sell st FORD TOURING CAR IN FIRST CLASS condition Price reasonable Ap- ply 8 Upper William op phone 1022), between § and 7 p.m, MISHMING TACKLE THATS MIT FOR fishing, go to Frank + Cooke, 39 Clarence street, opposite Ameri. can Consulate. Telephone $91w, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $34.60. Terms, cash, §1 per week, OC. W. nd imited, 121 Princess St. SULKY WHEELS AND TIRES; ALSO Perfeet, Columbia and Overland Bloyeles Geo, Muller, 371-3713 King St, Phone 1032, ar---------- asp ---- 1 $1,550 COTTAGE, 8 ROOMS; NICELY situated, 390 Montreal street; im- provements. Apply F. W. Mea eh 99 Lower Aber Street. Phon 657). pr $2,500 BROCK brick, STREET, 6 rooms, central; fmprove- ments and gas. Apply Wh Meagher, 99 Lower Albert street. Phone 657). INDIAN BIG TWIN and side car; electrically equipped and speedometer; $2350. Apply Hemsley, 51 Quebec street, BRICK HOUSE, NO. 130 VICTORIA street, near Johnson; 10 rooms; electric Hght and gas: immedjate possession, Apply at Maleod's Dr IX store. SOLID MOTORCYCLE FISHING BOAT, NEW, 25 FT. OVER all; 2 cylin Grey engine: also 60 1bs. of trout nets and 60 Ibs, White. fish nets, all in good shape, Apply B. Shepard, 80 Frontenac WE HAVE GOOD SBUONL-HANY furniture, buffets, ohatrg and ta bles: will buy ali kinds of furni- ture and stoves. J. Thompson, $39 Princess street. Phone 1600, SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTS. ers today sometimes uss s little SMALL lady. University: 35 x 11, Whig Offic BED ROOM AND to rent to. your family; near week. Apply | = oR STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, doar own lock and dry, airy rooms; kkey. ~ Frost's Queen street. ty Btorage, Phone 526; res. 98 tt ---------- a ---- et St FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY convenience for light housekeep- ing, on bath room flat; locality, Apply Box Office. THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from joy one thinking of using classifi advertising. Write of Phone us about it. 6 may be able to help you. British Whig Pub Co, FINANCIAL 'HONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; incorporated 1863. President, W, ¥. Nick , K.C.; vice resident A. B. Cunningham. on city and municipal and ntures; mortgages pur. investment bonds for deposits received and Inter. est allowed. R. C, Cartwright, man ager, §7 Clarence St, Kingston, -------------------------- Fire Insurance Company, Avail assets $61,187,215, In addition which the policyholders have for Pecurity the unlimited Mability of tity property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange Agerts. ~ione 386. LIVERPOOL, LONBOY AND Lome 0 PERSONAL eet ete------e HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, SIRTHMARKS nq 11 growths and 30 years' experience. Dr. a e, Eye, Ear, Nose, aud, Skin Specialist, 253 reet. out scar; Eimer Throat Bagot st ° DENTAL A A. E. KNAPP, OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS street. Phone 662. DR. GORDON ©, DEWAR, DENTIST, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1678. DRS, SPARKS AND SP. DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnoveky's, Phone 346. SITTING Private in mood 222 Whig ad like this. A phone oall or * you full pare ticulars about this department British Whig Publishing 'Co. 1918 SAXON ROADSTER, ELECTRIC starter ' and lighting system: speadometer; new tires, motor In first class conditions, Apply J. Adams, 191 Brock street; between $5 and 7 pm SPLENDID MOP WR very lttle, swner st fron; Must be sold; - less than half its value, Also used single harnesses, horse collars and two raddie Yer furs ther informetion call ®t 79 Prin. cess street. CAR, n MOTOR BOAY, CHEAP Fon CASING 21% feet over all: 5.7 beam: § h.p. Grey engine, model R.;. in first class shape. Reason for selling, too small for outside lake fishing, Apply Sidney C. Carson, R.M.D, No, , 5. Pileton, nt. TWO SNAPS-TWO FARMS, 85 ACRES each, adjoining. Six miles from Kingston, on main sell separately, buildings, wel] vratered, wooded with maple, bickory, pine and spruce. Apply Ww. Meagher, 99 Lower Albert atrest, toickly SALE~GEO, A. BATEMAN'S gency, 12 lots on Smith street north of Princess; a bargain to clear the lot quick. $0000--PRESSED BRICK, 7 ROOMS, hot water heating, electric iights; deep lot right of Way; choice luca tion, FOR A $5,500--SIMILAR TO THE ABOVE. $5,500---BRICK, 8 ROOMS AND ATTIC, all latest improvements. $4.300-BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; ALL improvements, quarter cut oak floor in hall, and Farge. Several others to choose from same price, $3.500--RRICK |\VENEER, 7 ROOMS .and three in'attic; hot water heat. Ing; H.W. floors, and stable north end, $1.000--SOLID BRICK SEMI-DETACH. od. § rooms, B. and C. and right of way. A NUMBER OF FRAME HOUSES, 1,000 to $2,000 and double houses, MONEY TO LOAN, LARGE OR SMALL Sums; & couple of sums of $300, REAL ESTATE awn Clarence ®t. King ~~ a. A. BATEMAN Insurance, $7 ston. --

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