Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1918, p. 7

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a . - PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1918. mo " m-- -- i -- npn . mms with the of teachers and {public ¢ cream | Satu 1 - l -- a p 1 attendance aid of t r ran S { in act ance. "Water, Water, i * Son of Rev. C. J. Curtis Killed in_Ac- | from here attended the funeral of the [day sche on Tuegday evening | " { astern ntario ews tion in France. {Late Mrs. Herman Hillis, formerly | was well att ed, and "a pleasant Tie Matheson afm. P Water. Mallofytown, Sept. 7.--The rain on | Miss McDonald, in Brockville, on |e was S| Mr as lain idle for fourt : ° Thursday was greatly appreciate {11 rida 3 3 : urrer is Ww $ g been used only a Has ft ev rred to ¥ when (Bere, as every ver ury, Ae Red Cross Society is pla te F Purvis, here y| was ploughéd Jast spring Y buying a Hot f LIQU HAMPOO + | farm stock and implements by pup-: Mrs. M Arr § foo ho E Eres ang Yazaar T Bhan gdag lo Bl and sown 1p oats 4 that you are ng 1 ? Surely He auction at hi ate residence, Wmbia vi 1 J ! ; n Sept. 17th, | Col = Institute < 1 irs, @ Over Sixty you have ipl thou ua - : the GT.R. Mrs. A, rida t d | Miss May Green, Pre tt, visited i turne » on Wed-|a 3 vy crop is be spending yur e rg it Leeds township, he fern RE favnt. M WwW i 1} Pedom - froe ng afew ve 3h You can avoid g bridge, yesterday noon, the sale bride, Kingstor ! EE Lr 2 Feacn 3 3 VIBLNOR SHAM P fr a being quite largely patronized. {week with his r. liott. | Miss Laura Jordan Ot- | Brockvi he : : form) and mixing what Mr. and Mrs. John Dorey and! School reopened on Tuesday tawa to begin her duties there on the J urtis received word on frésh water from the tap. B f n Our i nt ¥ A rr A a A AAI Alin. ag ANNAN this you not only save the pro on . ne ee ¢ | family. River street, v water but u ru isk of the Tr : 3 enjoy he past f eks in' 5 a "state or rancid. the Town Council and Board of fenjo¥ile the 0 2600000000000600006000080 Liquid being stale or rancid ] ed L he have rade was he camp up the north channel, i OF MO 1a » . 0% 3 It 4s 8 real pleasure to shampos! The busines ie ever Ve returned home. : : ? WAIL VERNER, the so Dive Frook| Lie business of the evening George Senny. of Kissin. ment | Boye, Dress Up For Yy, made - Hguid that is far better fo , tar pe e has a very Monday 1d Tuesday in town on your hair and scalp than something cerning waich ts + . : yy, hat h - months of cf s the local business. . Ba t er as the local (Dusiness. king; King Come to rnet Lipman in Seoomical 1s harmicns uri 221 or in sta ye: En for get. Street, and gon, Delbert Tomiie and And 've will diéss up your boy with 3 t is € purest form in w ting » i. 4 k e bl aes TIT an ing th § . . shampoo can be made, and it will im-| the \structic upkeep 'of a {little son, Billy, apen iing the past prove the natural color of the Yair i RE SOT 1PK P eal |few weeks in Toronto, have return good suit, underwear and hat for very little A g o Montreal ) the roadway have | ed home. money. We have the largest stock in King- ' 1 fr {rdf vi 11 Other sections of > at The carton containing six Individual bi I > George Keyworth arrived in town and superior qualities, the flamp acs costs but 50c, and will last| Leen taken over 2a yet nothing from Winnipeg this week for a short ston of men's and boys' all kind of cloth- -~ + a. for months. At never spolls, for vou| doing in this locality President F gy im =~ a 1 : visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. use it a8 required. Sold by all drugs | vi~ A t the Board of : 3 3 I per 7 W. Bell, of the Board of Wiliam Kefworth, Osborie street, ing and furnishings. HN & Cn | { - On request we will mail you. REE | Presidents Frederick J | INSPECTION INVITED ! > THE VELNOR COMPANY, pointed as a delegation to attend the Art Piano of All cost a sample containing enough | Alf. W. Taylor, Ma ilson, L. E CIC res wort indiy for one shampoo. oH A ao roster word dp | CATARAQUI NEWS BUDGET. 11 Colborme St, Toronto, meeting in Ottawa to-day, at which DP. J, Bennington Returns From Ten- . ki! ' Premier Hurst and Mr. McDiarmid, 3 nesseo to Enlist, | arne man : SFR Minister of Highways, will be the Cataraqui, Sept. 7.--The recent I ¥Al has won for itself the 4 chief speakers, to urge on the Gqv- | rain was very welcome, as some were i ! / ) ie ernment the taking over of that | drawing water for their cattle and 107 Princess Street ! leading place Song . v sistorns we v re ! i 3 part of the ay from the town } cisterns were going dry. P.T. Ward The Up-té-Date Clothing and Men's Furnishing Store. | 4 the pianos o t e world. It's the choice The ine of Pittsburg township to Pres-|and family have arrived safely in Vie- cott. toria, B.C. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, J.| : : Mrs. J. J. Moore, Charles street, | Wise, a daughter, Miss Ida McVicar| il of the world's great. Fruit & Candy Store received word yesterday ° that her | has been visiting relatives in Claren- | est artists. Cantiih, Food Basra Litouse [ Fon, Pte. George Moore, had been | don. Mr, and Mrs Bunker, Ottawa, " I hers . admitted to hospital for treatment | and Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Teronto, have » C Ww Li . W. Lindsay, Fruits and Candy | for gunshot wound in the jaw re- | been the guests of W. J. Smith, Sun- 3 : ot x | i . | ceived recently in action at the | nyside. Miss Evelyn Kiser, Toronto,! : . SYvhen Rud. wan Sholen, Ata | tront. : is at her home here, | ' Limited, . & Word has\also been received here The Misses Frances and Jemima, \ k = Princess St. | MALLORYTOWN TIDINGS i { i ave been ; ™ . 5 me wre Se " gy By its construction, by its beauty, by its tone, by its elasticity, delicacy and strength of action, by 1s general excellence made candy, call in and see us, . . oe fas h fox. we silways keep the very by relatives that Sgt. Michael Nalon, | Meacham, who spent ' the summer | wek, deo IAAL ER RA REAR REAR EAR ERT RYT XR J at mpt who enlisted and went overseas with | with relatives here, have returned to Full assortment, all grades, New Brunswick make 0 Printer! parts of the elty. rs. |l[the 156th Battalion, had been | their home in Eldred, Pa. Mrs. Wal-| also British Columbia XXX. Try our N.B. extras. : Near King Street. wounded in action and also gassed, | ter Cooke accompanied them as far| and had been admitted to hgspital | as Rochester, staying a few days with | eee) for treatment. . ; tues. se 8 : i SR) | 2. re, oe Leona | ortits Vike smornnec| | Allan' Lumber Yard 2. Kane, eldest son of Mrs. Maud harge A ---------- Kane, Brock street, was held yes = Dr Egwards and family motored Victoria St, Yard Ho Phone 1042 terday from the home of his uncle, | {5 Toronto. Lieut. Worden Edwards, Branch Yard, Place De Armes 5 Phone 2356 ol : ~ Oliver Bulloch, of Dufferin, to Wil- | R Af, {s now in training there. - lowbank cemetery . « | Miss Dorothy Nicol has been spending The Misses Gladys Sword, Clara\| her holidays at home. ; » | Allan, Loretta Kirke, Eva Sheets, D. J. Bennington, who has been in . : Mari an Watson and Grace Sharia Tennessee for some time, has return- Best quality Cannell all of ik town, have entered Kings- | od 40 Canada fo enlist. He was ac- ron Business Loliege lor a com septed in Toronto and after spending coal for open grates and | mercial course the week-end here, returned to that Wesley Stoliker disposed of bis | (itv on Tuesday. Mrs. Vanhooser sly dditiestie Jae. 1 ¢ . "er i continues quite ill in the hospital. 1 << A Pn N \ ---------- -------------- se ect ump 80 t 4 A Death of Mrs. Eliza Boyd. "a I coal for all purposes. fad DO §) RS J ) Wellington, Bept. 10.--There passed away in Wellington on Sept. 1st, at the residence of 'her daugh- § : (- oe 4 D N 2 ter, Mrs. (William McFaul, a noble y > Cr be woman, in 'the person of Mrs. Eliza e 7g pe Boyd, wife of James Boyd, fin 'her 4 f Mm 8 3 S Ee) seventy-sixth year. ¢ = Some 'thirty years ago Mr. and Fon \V oo ~ Ji I Mrs. Boyd came to Allisonville with MT oso i ty lh ic » bY | , store, which they continued to man- LIN 88. Sh nt age with great success. The post I office also had been in their charge Vv for many years. Owing to the in- i | I BRNEUM ATS ASP Y Ril ei SEC ° R A " yo ID ll: 1h dA iff; firmities of age they retired from \ de ef the business a couple of years ago, Ww oN I 0 and 'have since resided with 'their daughter in (Wellington; their son, The rush is now to the J. W. Boyd having succeeded in the business. ' UNITED GROCERY ores Vrouw Buty Monument Bath, Sept. 6.--~Dr. Northmore, Mrs. Northmore and Master Harold for all kinds of the best ® left on Monday on a motor trip to Lettering Toronto. Mrs. Raymore, of Toronto; Mrs. Scantlebury, of Belleville, and FRESH FRUIT In Cemeteries a Mr. and) Mrs, T. F. Canniff, of Ed- monton, Alta., were visitors at Rev, Customers go away daily ade Specialty. Mr. Seymour's this week, Miss Sadie vertising our business. Netlson has returned from Toronto, - Workmanship Guaranteed. where she was visiting her sister. Pames Chapman and familly, Brock- 188 Princess 8¢ J. E MULLEN, ville, spent Labor Day at Norman Rikley's. - Miss Dorothy Holt has re- ; BEN LEB, Mgr. 158 Froatemae St, Phone 1417 turned from visiting friends in To- ronto, | Hild if a .- Fe hiss ENE NENA NEN) Ape ji [DONT | HE GAVE A BE CAUGHT at UT 'mid bursting shell and battle's roar; out in the awful abyss of a man-made hell; in a strange land, thousands of miles from In the rdih without a good umbrella and a good raincoat. We have excellent values in both umbrellas and raincoats. #8 home, a brave Canadian mother's son is, this minute, fighting, bleed- # ing, dying--enduring all the agonies of this terrible conflict that the 200 Only, Children's Felt Hats To Clear at 50¢ world may be free. There, amid the victoriouscheers of our. men, the maddening curses of a savage foe, the cries of the stricken and the HOSE--We have some splendid hose values for Saturday of silk, . cashmere and lisle. CPE. wails of the dying, his mind goes back to Canada, to the land he loved INFANTS' COATS at special prices. These are values that cammot : so well; to a dear old mother's home, to the comforts he found there. be procured elsewhere. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE TO KEEP HIM SMILING? He sees her bent in longing for her boy "Over There," and his heart aches to com- fort her with a letter of good cheer. Hear him, in a voice with anguish filled, calling; SWEATERS Light weight; just the thing to wear under a suit | Tonk per ole Ihr 15% 10 230 coat or winter coat; pure woo!. Saturday, $1.98. . iy - i PY TCT Lao Li a A Em #8 5 - ' ¥ a5 § = i 3 ' fo pling A pleading, praying to those for whom he fights, to furnish him with the comforts that they themselves would want. : 2, We carry to YOU this plea from far across the sea, from your loved ones "Over CHILDREN'S SWEATERS, with button neck either on side or 1 SS 1 CCT LEI HNMREENENDENRRIRNERN EERE There," that they may have a few of the comforts that YOU daily. enjoy. #3 +4 UARTERS FOR KINGSTON 4 4 3 i OF COLUMBU pmo SAT

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