Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1918, p. 6

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Sg - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1913. i -- es -- CITIZENS. MUST ee. LT Le "Out of the High Rent District," 4 | CONSERVE vn Theatrical News | = § . { O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive § ......-..., | ===" |§ Prices $8.00 to $12.00 Thi v re 0 de es. This would prevent a good deal For Thursday and Friday the of the trofible that results when ac- I P cidents occur on the lines. The Grand will offer charming Bessie : : iii + Love in Pathe's latest feature picture, cost of installing these switches . A . be from $1,200 to $31,500. His | "A Little Sister of Everybody," This r commendation Will be followed out. | little artiste will no doubt be well re- An interim statement of the ceived upon her return to the screen finances of the plant for the first sey- by her many former admirers. In en months of the year was presented this play Miss Love takes the part of by Accountant Patterson and it was an orphan who is brought ap by her ery isfactorily grandfather and they live in.the for- In all the wanted shades, and newest eT ey entistac ori, ™ eign quarter of a large American : e H. Watts discussed with the Com- City, Then when war is declared cloths now ready. Bhi a Bovey had made f#*there. are strange things happening : the erection of the waterworks elec. @round the neighborhood and it is up to the little heroine to ferret out the mysterious doings and with the help of her breezy young lover they are A * the construction of the concrete bed I Ea oe hay are | E-- : for the engine, and asked to be paid roug 3 he : : ' . for this ds an extra, The matter was this film, for it is the kind that will - Dressy patents, smart browns, dainty greys and good blacks, in referred to the city solicitor for re- interest you and all those who don't 1 h h f . h poi see it will regret it. There will also all the newest patterns. Toe caps are one of the newest features wit - i . ssi be the Pathe News, a Lonesome Luke i wanted Wr Barnet 1 soe He ian comeay, an O.ents sors ans snee] ur fall footwear. : ; | We guarantee to save you money. Head- Kingelon Construction Company a1 reels. For the waudevile, Dick und x : ' 4 n > Fa ; ice McAvoy w Dp p eir sing- - quarters for stylish suits and dresses. pace Fgoyed dhe stat pile of stone ing, dancing aad msical ast Joat = Abernethy S Shoe Store ye - { s py a b Ba Will prove to be a change in that line, Watch For Our Millinery Opening. Since Tast winter. Constant bromoec) 48 Some of their offering wil os vers |) ; { have been made by the contractors to Dovel to Kingston audiences. ERE RENNER TNE => | remove it but most of it is still there! mvm-- p "A Daughter Of The Sun." fand is in the way of the steel con- a Se L ~ Th ' | struction work whichis to be done.' ~ "A Daughter of the Sun," the story WHEN THE SANDMAN COMES [ Mr. Burnett held that he had no au- ©f an Hawaiian Buttery, will be the - - é thority to force its removal, but if the attraction at the Grand Opera House < : : eer o onno y Sept. 14th, both matinee |§ | 'How safe you feel when you place baby in this trical pumphouse, He did not cons sider that the contract called for | Commission's solicitor thought on Saturday, Ih i o vould ake sas- and night. The play is of a type sim- 7; y ) " : : Hie ad he. wou ake me ae ilar to the famous "Bird of Paradise," ' f . 7] free from worry drop side crib. 260 i | ures have smoved. i g . Princess St. Telephone 800 [Bag withheld "$1700 trom and it is said to be ohe of the mes a ---& Baby Walkers strengthen the limbs and teach 2 : baby to walk . * . . | the contractors' tender money B80rgeously staged productions of the Higher up street but always lower in price. [for the purpose. The Commission Current season, It will be presented | practically decided that if the con. DY a capable company headed by Miss | { tractors did not begin, the removal-"reda Tymers, including Richard | by next Monday it would put carters Earle, Walter Ayres, Blosser Jen-| | at it and charge the contractors with Pings, Jean Clarendon, Virginia tthe cost. Stuart and Hilda Graham. The play Manager Folger is making arrange- hinges around the efforts of Japanese ments to supply electric light to the agents, although watched by sec ret | new barracks at Barriefield which are Service men, to gain possession of the about to be constructed. Hawaiian Islands by intrigue and sit- | These accounts were passed: uations of an intensely dramatic chiar- Of the Stomach sD e Debentures and interest .$22,009 55 ater are developed. There is 3 I ang rous John Evans . 125 or lightful love story woven throu ¢ SR ---------- ~ | Bradden & McKegney i 371 06 Plo. and it confributes an in "Thousands Have It and Don't Bradden & McKegney .. 8 30 <¢harm to the drama. One of the ch STRAINING : Know It," Says Physician. C. C. Folger .. .. ve 2 features of the show is the won lerful YOUR EYES Frequently Mistaken For In< Customs Department 3! scenic effects, especially the scene digestion--How to Recog- Bradden & Mc Kegney .. 59 82 showing the eruption of the volcano. nize and Treat. H. Watts em o . oo Straining your eyes to BE Vidor TT 1 kiddies. do your work is like over. PEASE PE EEE SPSS EPP ILL PBED | hy pr pis TITER y : Riddy Kars for ; song phil. 'Too much [] | "Thousands of peopte sutter more Mek. Um Chapman. © 138 & nd are shown in models ana || £4 Pleasing exercise andeasily propelled. . 0 « 088 ( sts , ¢ N soat- | James Xi BY vv 33 e 1 . or less constantly from furred, coat- | James Rigney dimensions to suit every face At busy store with large stock. pull on the engine will 1 op . ; IT {3 od tongue, bs ag 8 zg | Can. Geperal Electric . y ed tongue, bad breath, sour burning * citric Co and age. We still sell the best wear it out quickly. We + ; : itomach, frequent vomiting, rumb- | Dominién Government . 3 are professionally cap- ' ul " aker' 2 ol 3 able pro eliorin . ap ling in stomach, bitter eructations, | Bradden & McKegney .. ud maker's goods, such as ' ! a gas, wind, and stomach ac idity and | Bradden & McKegney ., 06 2 B 3 Borsalino, a most aggravated cases of ] ; oo. : Be call it indigestion when in reality | Collector of customs ... 2 d b 2 : Stetson, train by our scien. : oo risen y their trouble is due to gastric catarrh | Moffat Stove CO vues 92 no Chri A b 1 : : of the stomach," writes a New York | Pay lists .. .. .. .. . 2396 *hristy, ance physician. J. Evans . "ae : 5 Mallory. Phone 147 For mbu i 2 Catarrh of the stomach is langer-| C. C. Folger i vo wieiiele py ( . " J J. Stewart, ol aryh go he Stomach is unger Me Baten. 3: Po : They're better than ever, At the # 10 INVESTORS Fb ddbss 00 a ltt i thr, Eyssight Specials : : 1 Ope) ns 1 and a coating of phlegm covers the Con. General Electric Co. selecting your surface so that the digestive fluids S. Anglin & Co. our immense stock. 1 assimilated food. The blood is pol-| Bell Telephone Co. .. CAMPBI 1 BROS 3 é 00 luted and carries the infection! A. Chown & Co, ® Gold Debentures cancer. { BE Co... oo In catarrh of the stomach a good | Canadian Northern Ex- y Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c Principal May Regist : seis Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15¢ Ib. Price 1 and mucus from the stomach walls and | Dominion Government 0! TR draws the blood to the stomach while | Dominion Government . 00 | IN MARINE CIRCLES. iB D SUTHERLAND / $ 2 . . Golden Lion Grocery tnsurgace, Real Eatate, Bonds ment. Moreover the Bisurated Mag-| Electric App. Dept. .. . 75 $ } | Brash nesia will serve as a powerful but{F. A. Fish Coal Co. .. | 283 78 recently equipped for service, made 3 the first trip into the port of Kings- Opp. Post Office, Kingston cannot mix with the food and digest| American Gas Institute . throughout the body. Gastric ulcers Canadian Pacific Railway J » I Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers fn one pound ions, 25 cents each. Due iat June, 1938 and safe treatment is to take. before press Co, .. , 'a 95 Interest the bisurated magnesia is an excel-| Dominion Wire Rope Co. 22 - fi of Vessels Reported oh . Ae ,Along 'the Harbor. { VANES } Bagot & harmless antacid which will peutral-| Grand Trunk Railway Co. 63 lining of the stomach is thickened Davis & Farnum Mtg. Co. \ and you will have no trouble . new hat from Golden Lion Grocery CITY of CALGARY 0 them. This condition soon breeds| British Whig Pub. Co. deadly disease in the fermented, un-, E. Beaupre are apt to form and frequently an 1. Cohen & Co. rion ulcer is the first sign of a deadly Collingwood Shipbuild- Fresh California Prunes, nice and Interest Jarnble iat June and : . 3 Juicy ... ... 10¢, 12%¢, 15¢c Ib. Denominat $300, $1,000, meals a teaspoonful of pure bisurat-: College Book Store .. . 30 on Cia il LR a ed Magnesia in half a glass of hot Canada Steamship Lines. 15 So RAH, SARIILD GARI ho water as hot as you can comfortably | Can, General Electric Co. 95 00 Zpkignd, Ont. He enlisted 'n ito, 4 We kave many other attractive drink it. The hot water washes the J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. - 50 and Is now somewherewin France, a issues, yielding good returns. A\NCRACNLO lent solvent for mucus and increases | C. Donoghue . . ish 50 Movements the efficiency of the hot water treat-| W. B. Dalton & Sons .. 56 03' : a The steamer Brockville, which was EB Canada Food Board License, Neo. 048, ize any excess hydrochloric acid that{ Gartshore Thomson Pipe ; ton on Tuesday night, The boat ar- " : 7 may be in your stomach and sweeten| & Foundry Co, .. . : 5 16 ¥ived at 6 18 pau. ang loaded cheese, Cheese List y PY, its food contents, Easy, natural! Hydro-Electric Power clearing on Wednesday morning for Fine Canadinn Cheese i i Picton. : American Cream Cheese (in tins) COKE ORDERS d on ee " License No. 5-768 digestion without distress of Any Commission of Ontario 3 13 : : ' kind should soon follow. Bisurated! Imperial Oil, Limited .. 3,41 . The steamer Belleville was dam- Americin amembery Cheene (In J ONLY Magnesia is not a laxative, is harm-| Kerr Engine Co., Limited i aged on her trip up to. Toronto and Amer Swiss Cheese tin tinn) |! » less, pleasant and easy to take and|James Kelley & Co, ... will be laid up for a week, Ij] MacLaren's Canada Cream TAKEN Prices Reduced a " can be obtained from any local drug-| George Muller .. .. .. r The sfeamer City of Hamilton ar- Cheese (In rolls.) gist. Don't confuse Bisurated Mag-; McLéan Publishing Co. . rived frgyn Toronto at 1.30 a.m and MacLaren's Roquefort Cheese (In On All Kinds. ars.) Eat Fish and Save Bacon. Wood's h [nesia with other forms of magnesia,| McKelvey & Birch, Lim- cleared for Montreal at 2 a.m. on Mack men Imperiyl Cheewe (In The James Sowards 3 / 4 The Great ish Iemedy, | milks, citrates, etc., but get it in the ited ca at a Wednesday, ! jars,) Tonos and Een iio Fhole | pure bisurated form (powder or tab-{L. W. Murphy .. .. | : 1he steamer Warren and barge ar- LIMBURGER (HEFSE Coal Co. fn" old Vena pascanew Blood | tats), especially prepared for this|N. C. Polson Bia 7 rived in port, from Cleveland, with (Made in Canada.) . i Swedish Gen. Elee, Co. coal. The Warren is unloading at Phone 155. in old Debitity, Mental and Brain Wore, De, purpose. . 0a% Gf Kneray, Balplation. of The | mom nn oma Aten | Simmons Bros. .. .. .. 1 the Grove Inn and the barge at the H d ' Friling Mem. per box, six f s Locomotive Works, | en erson $ ory, ice $1 Qo t . | L . 4 J 4 | James Swift & Co. .. .. s Sai oe Sak pom svt il cure, Soidbyal When it comes to votes it's the | Shedden Forwarding Cc M,T. Co's bulletin: The tug Mag- : ; antity, not th lity, that puts | arcing Co, i { REBitine co" tosomns aires, THE WOOD quan y, no she quality," tha PUIS | VanLuven Bros, .. .. 2 nolia arrived from Montreal, light, ocery ; oop «(Formerly Windosr. ithe man in o ee, | valley Camp Coal Co. .. amd Seared with us barges for A Square House to Deal With a EN Sr a i a -- = | George A, Wright .. s Montreal; the tug alen is due to 59-61 Broek Street. \ b NOTICE TO . OUR | Suddaby Bros. arrive to-day, with the barges Davie a. ' | 3 -- ee) Ranks with the Strongest' PATRONS ATOMIZERS |ias 4 Saat 2 h Ci di KE RE | --P k ' Fuiaiian Express Go. |. 3 50] pian: - | [IUDSON BAY § || ovine io the sary at el To Prevent and Check Hay Fever | Jackin Prasoriment | 10.90 IRINGSTON EVENTS 1.00 Insurance Company our repair department, and have Try Our Special Guaranteed One. | Can. General Electric Co. 886 92 25 YXARE AGO. $ . PIRE INSURANCE Been able ° oot te City of Kingston «5,439 75 Fountain Pens Frva Office, Reve. Insurance Bide. We now have a full of re- assure aa ve SARGENTS' DRUG STORE Total... ........ $47,346 86 Haycock & Kent secured five pre- Bani ir BIN : In attendance were G. Y. Chown i Itry exhib tl Princes sand Montreal Sts. Phone 41. (Chairman), R. F. Ellott, RN. F.| worlds tals. | red Ot ithe $1.50 W. H. GODWIN & SONS S ' . - arfarlane and T. J. Rigney, ry ! 1 Sargent's Satisfactory Service. : wis aneral gusposie horses, are gly Fountain Pens AGENTS, KINGSTON. ONT. ¢ There was a lvely scene on the : A Delightful Treat. § C market to-day, when a pig broke * ne : Miss Ida Shaw, assisted by the loose. Twenty-five men scattered in E pe. - oy IT | Ph $2.00 ! RET A Erone" tof yladlon. Save A UeHEbifn: | pier actions, and Snslly Coun th oo] Self Fills ng Fountain : 'E=|of Providence on Thursday after- | [USilive, | . e : ® EMF hie: Mrs. Fitzmartyw, J. R. Rutledge the Winner, Pens r ® r 1 aninige id-Summer |i: ase, r : Mrs. Gratton, Dire. Mareec™iille. | free tuition. at Queens. niversity, $2.50 up } Order Your Montreal Freight By the = (Milo, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Murphy |2Warded for general proficiency on ' In » . | Waterman's [deal dependent Line and send your shipments® + the good things of the table there Rutledge, Sydenham. Oni. ; f =| 1st. Mrs M. Tallon; 2nd, Mrs. Bry-| The doctr may not know just ar &=|son; 3rd, Mary McGowan: 4th. An- | What is troubling you, but he knotws All Pens Guaranteed. ule O'Brien. 'Men, lai, John Can. |€BOUEh Dot to own Up fo the fact. |§ Ferry Dock. Telephone 2195, -------- ; np 's Pi Also Waterman's Ink = gn mm 'D. L. Smith, who visited the Dalnless, purely vegetatle @|1 r n ; ~The Royal Canadian (HNIC: Cute Dlicumess cone @14 | AR Had Selling Experience Of Any Kind. hose "active operations Work every time. 25e. $18 gg, her coll) Here is an individual line of work with' immense oppor- © trying days of last spring | > > ¥ SSAA asl : | ed all the way from Peronne ow : nt - Gus 2 Th i naw rich field of Life and Indemnity Insurance. You sarn an the 3rd a gad } > | Blo i i income that is limiteq only by the energy and ability you put bi - Vi SEER : en course in Sulesmanship, and help t good ; Complaint is made that day. hip, a you 10 make Write to- Mrs. F. Grimshaw, Mrs. J. Mullen, The Sydenham #igh School " the examinations of junior matricu- ' rei : = and Miss Maiden. In addition' to lation, has been awarded to John R. Pens or =| Was music, song and dancing. Prizes 5 "hy « ' a e E | for the latter were awarded: Ladies : Montreal, and intermediate ports: to the ming; 2nd, Charles Green. In writing in the Toronto News. : W to News, [§ mu A Real Opportunity For Men Who Ha tunities for the man who has character and ability to sell in the Division. | AHEF : N | = - into your work. We start you into business--give yon a free "has been common Hh - Ht JTTON i in during the J. 0. y fi

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