: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1918. - Coats FOR STREET AND MOTOR SERVICE looking, good wearing They last a lifetime. Buy furs and save the wool Your inspection invited. John McKay, Limited Good stylish Kingston's Reliable Fur House. 149-157 Brock Street. Victrolas and Victor Records i Model X. $186.00, Songs That Never Die UP TO THE HOUSEHOLDERS TO PREVENT A VERY SERIOUS SHORTAGE OF SUGAR. Food Board Says Making of Heavy Preserves Is Not Necessary and That It Should Stop--The Limit Which Has Been "Placed on Household, Are you conserving n your home? Just at preser time this appears to the Abn to be an un- fair question to ask, but the Food Board declares that the householders are to blame if there is a sugar scare- ity. "I've got the peaches all right, but now to get the sugar," remarked a citizen, as he came out of a down. town fruit store with a basket of peaches, "Sugar is the hardest thing to get." Although sugar is hard to get, re- ports go to show there has been a big sale of fruit in the city. The Food Board says that making heavy pre- serves is not nelessary, and that it should stop. People who do not care for sugar in their tea or coffee are conserving the sugar supply, and without any effort on their part. It is of interest to note what the Food Board has to say on the matter. The Board urges that a family of two should not use ter of a level cupful of sugar per day, for cooking, table use and all other purposes, serving, and for all other families consumption should be limited to the same proportion, It is stated that there will not be suficient sugar if it is consumed in other ways in the homes in the same extent as in other years, The Food Board points out hardships have that | ing a supply for and that it is now the duty of the travagant use of sugar. SOON BE IN BLIGHTY. Driver Lawrence Joyce is Progress- ' ing Favourably. Comin' Thre' the Rye ) Bonnie Doon--Ye ' Braes. 1 Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls Then You'll Remember Me Old Black Joe Amoureuse Wallz Darling Nellie Gray Long, Long Ago Old Folks at Home My Old Kentucky Home Home, Sweet Home My Old Kentucky Home - Mahood Bros. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Goniiomen's Baie tad Orevsonts . Morris, 374 King St. Country Store & Post Office Soa Doli, © roam: edal shed, foe house, poultry house, boat house, garage and stable for two horses and cows, well and cistern, 7 miles m city, ~ McCann's Real Estate and Insurance 86 Brock St, Phone 826 or 621 A, 16162 80c¢ 16398 90¢ 16838 980¢ 17888 80c 18127 90¢c 18795 Banks and y by en ~ can exam- fe a and prescribe Slasecs that will add urs each day to your working effici- ency. For eyeglass satisfaction, consult JS. Asselstine D.0.5 Optieal Store -- \ 42 King The a ' | GARPETS and RUGS Our Motto: Service and Satisfaction We have a complete range of carpets and rugs of every description for the fall season of 1918. The prices are the lowest pos- sible, i in fact, surprisingly low, the state of aries considered, and you know price are ever upward i in these days. ving protected our customers to the Wier nda we are fully presuaded that our values will compare favorably With the best abtajnable from any source. DRIVER L. H. JOY( Sarah M. Joyce, 59. 'Charles received on Sept. 3rd further official noticed from the Office of Records, Ottawa, concerning the condition of her husband, Driver Lawrence H. Joyce, artillery, was wounded on: 15th Augus:, fering gun shot wound in and amputation of the right leg Joyce is progressing as favorably Mrs. street, Dr blighty. W.CT.U. EXECUTIVE Mrs. H. W. I. Day to Represent Local Organization at Guelph. The annual meeting of the men's Christian Temperance Tuesday afternoon. lL. Day was appointed delegite to the provincial convention to be held in October in Guelph. The new executive was appointed with the exception of the president and the nomination of a suitable lady for the responsible position was left in the hands of a conmmittee to con- sider. Mrs. IG. A. Bateman, the re- tiring president, whosg efforts have been unflagging in the interest of the local organization, became Tirst vice-president. The other appoint- ments were: Mrs. (Herbert Lyons, second vice-president and recording secretary; Mrs. John Lyall, third vice-president; Mrs. J. Pixley, cor- r ding secretary; and Mrs. R. A. Fraser, treasurer. The honorary presidents chosen are Mrs. R. E. more than an aggregate of one-quar-| with the exception of yre- INCIDENTS. OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. W. J. Fair has returned home from a trip to New York Save gifviine by keeping autos in shelter on Suaday next. "Save the gas and the xine, is now the order of the day in Kings- ton. Reeve James Halliday, mouth, has returned from-a trip New York. T. W. Hugo and Mrs. Duluth, are the guests of Meek, University avenue. To NEGLECT to advertise real es- tate, in a timely and adequate way, is usually a very expensive policy. For cutting a street corner, Cwlcheth was fined $56 and costs Police Court Wednesday morning. Now is the time to have your plano tuned, We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay. Limited. If you are paying too much rent for the value you are getting, it will pay you to study the "To Let" ads and to investigate offerings made in them. Herbert Saunders and Miss Ethel Saunders, Albert street, who 'have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harman, Outremont, Montreal, for the past two weeks, have return- ed home. Although Dominion Express Com- pany's employees are out on strike the As of Ports- to Rene Hugo, Mrs. E in been placed on the| manufacturers, for the sake of secur-| and no likelihood of a strike. the householders, householders to discontinue the ex- who | suf- | 2 arm | as | the nature of his wounds vould al-,-- iow and would soon be removed lo | APPOINTED | Wo- | Union | was held in the YW.C.A. parlors on! Mrs. Harold W. | | in some outside places, including Ot- | tawa, and Montreal, is was reported to the Whig that there was no trou- ble with the employees in Kingston, We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel lke purchasing ipstrument we will al low the six months' rental on pur chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance, C, W. Lindsay, Limited. J. E. Mortimer has resigned as manager of the Kingston Hosiery Company to accept the position of general manager of the Reliance Knitting Company, Limited, of To- ronto. His successor here will be H. W. Lundy, of Almente, Will auto owners make the sacri- fice on Sunday by stalling their cars and save gasoline for the Allies? §We have confidence that Kingson- fans will set an example, net only for one Sunday but ag many Sun- days as the fuel controlier desires. FRIENDSHIP-DONALDSON. A Quiet Wedding Was Solemnized on Wednesday Morning. A quiet wedding was solemnized {on Wednesday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Donaldson, University avenue, when their se- cond daughter, Florence Edith Evelyn, was married to George { Henwood Friendship, son of Mr. rand Mrs. J. Friendship, Albert street, by Rev. J. 8. Lafleur, pastor {of the First Baptist church: i /The bride, who was unattended, was given away by her father in the presence of a few inthuate friends. She looked very winsome in a white silk frock trimmed with filet lace, which was enhanced by a large bouquet of sunset roses. Following the ceremony the happy couple left on the noon train for Ottawa, and on their return they will take up residence in Kingston at 38 Frontenac street. FROSTS ARE REPORTED. Freezing Point Was Nearly Reached in City on Tuesday. Heavy frosts are being experienced {in the country districts these nights | and special precautions are beeing | taken to prevent damage to veget- ables. On Tuesday night in the city the minimum temperature recorded by the local weather man was 38.2 degrees, and the thermometer set several inchez-above the ground re- gistered 3575 degrees, which is 3.5 degrees above freezing point. To- wards early morning the atmosphere is very cold, becoming warmer as the day progresses. This is the Week for Plums, Next week we will push the peach- es. Carnovsky's. "The Hat Store" Sparks and Mrs. W. Craig. Mrs. W. | T. G. Brown conducted the meeting. HEATHER FOR KINGSTONIANS, Mrs. Dall Has Forwarded Supply j Suggestion, ! With a Timely Postmaster James Stewart has re ceived from Mrs. Dall, wife of Capt. Dall, president of the Kingston St. Andrew's Society, four boxes of heather. Mrs. Dall is in Scotland at present, and makes the suggestion that the Red Cross Society arrange for the heather to be sold in Kingston on St. Andrew's Day (Nov. 30th), the proceeds to go to the Red Cross So- LGiety. Mrs, Dall also sent along with th hedther, a supply of tartan, including the Macdonald and Stewart tartans and this can be used in tieing the heather, The suggestion of Mrs. Dall is a good one and no doubt will be carried out. | Must Keep To Right. The police have received numerous complaints about the drivers of de-' Hvery rigs, and A Many wreaths and gheafs of beauti- { useless editions. Phone 919 TEXT BOOKS OF LATEST EDITIONS ONLY. For Collegiate, Public and Separate Schools and Business College Store Open Tonight Public and High School geography new edition. This will not be obtainable from publishers for two weeks. Do not purchase old and THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights Guaranteed fast pile. 22 inch 27 inch 36 inch . 45 inch . Other lines at NN NNN Spey Good Buys Just received a big shipment of Worrall's chiffon finish velvet for suits and dresses. Silk k Posi In all the wanted shades; 36 inches wide. Extra heavy quality. Our price, $1.50 per Nobby Coats for dressy ladies, $16.50 up N ewman & Shaw The Always Busy Store Black and colors. . $1.25 . $2.00 . $3.50 75¢, 85¢, $1.00 Ahaha dias THE LATE T. A. HANLEY. A Large Number of Citizens Ate tended the Obsequies. The funeral of the late T. Alfred Hanley was held on Wednesday morning from his late residence, Wellington street, to St. Mary's Cathédral, where requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father Hanley. The service was attende by a large number of representative citizens. The pall bearers were Dr. Robert Hanley, Henry Hart, Thomas Nu- gent, V. Cleary Hanley, James 8. Hanley and Prof. A. C. Neish. The deceased's two sons, A. C. Hauley and Dr. Swift Hanley; his brothers, Joseph P. and James; his uncle, Archibald Hanley; and his brother- in-law, Dr. C. A. Morrison, were the mourners. Following the service in the cathedral, the remains were conveyed to St. Mary's cemetery. ful flowers were silent testimonies to one of Canada's best known tele- | graphers. Support For Good Roads, Anthony M. Rankin, M.P.P., Col- lins Bay, was in the city on Wednes- day morning. Asked by the Whig it he had been able to secute any sig- natures to the petition asking for cer- tain road improvements between Ot- tawa and Toronto, which was to be presented to Premier Hearst in Otta- wa on Wednesday, Mr. Rankin stated eavors. No | repre- Kingston, a a. 'Gananoque planted So to have representatives roeree BUILDERS SUPPLIES eewwy SAWDUST AND SHAVINGS at reduced prices. A good absorbent. Keeps floors clean under horses, pigs and poultry. 3. ANGLIN & (0. Factory, ards Lumber Bay and Wellington Streets, I {. ' Alarm Clocks This Is Headquarters, We sell all makes of Ameri. can alarin clocks, With reason- able care they'll last for years. And keep time andifzet you up. ALL CLOCKS GUARANTEED SMITH BROS. Jewelers Lf). Opticians, Marriage Licenses, - Diamonds. 350 King St. Hudson Seal Coats W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street. Phone 700. . TTY b : $2,000--Markland St.--Bunga- REAL Estate £2,250--Pembroke St.--Dwell- ing, barn and garden. $8.200--Division 8t,~Dwell- ing, furnace, hardwood floors, all improvements, £35,200--University Ave, ---- Brick dwelling, hot water eating, possession Oet. 1st. low, casy terms. FULL LAST AT OFFICER E W. Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate. Cor. sunans gud Divi. Su. { Phones B3OW dh a a Pe -- 14D §7 ores I DRUG