Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Sep 1918, p. 8

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__ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1918. 1 [I Ae ares || tary News | oT Boys' School i oo : Lieut. Col. Stuart and Major Law- son are dn Belleville interviewing Clothes Mayor Platt and the civic authorities on the matter of securing accommoda- tion for an office staff of fifty-five clothes? Clothes? School At The Grand, Tears and laughter will hold sway at the Grand Opera House to-night, where "THrn to the Right," the wide- ly-praised comedy drama success of last year in New York and Chicago, is to. be presented with the original cast and produétion. Local audiences will see this quaint mixture of fun and mother-love exactly as it ran for a solid year at the Gaiety Theatre, New York, and George M. Cohan's Grand Opera House, Chicago, the produéers having steadfastly declined to organize any duplicate or "No, 2" companies. 2 "Turn to the Right" was written by Winchell Smith and John E. Haz- zard, and it is presented by Mr. Smith in association' with John L. Golden, a famous writer of songs and lyrics, Its charm of simplicity and wholesome- ness place it at the top of the list of Winchell Smith successes, which in- cludes "The Bomerang," 'The For- tune 'Hunter," "Polly of the Circus," "Brewster's Millions" and other nota- ble offerings. The original cast is headed by Ruth Chester as the snowy-haired Mother Bascom, through whose Christian faith and undying mother-lave three saan clerks, who will be sent to Belleville in the autumn to look after the work of the discharge depot which is to be established, there at the armouries and for which the armouries have been prepared. The depot, it is und- erstood will handle 800 men. Capt. R. H. Lalonde, C.A., M.C,, at present attached to the Ontario Mill- tary Hospital at Cobourg, has been selected as one of the Canadian Medi- cal Corps that will be part of the Ca- nadian expedition to Siberia. Dr. La- londe graduated this year from Queen's University, 'Brig."Gen. T. D. R. Hemming, who has been camping with his family 1h on . the shore overlooking Cart- wright's Bay, has returned to the city residence, 157 King street. | OTTAWA CONTRACTOR TO BUILD BARRACKS At Barriefield--Bate McMahon School School More Clothes. What a common call in every household that OWNS one or more strenuous boys. In the boy doesn't mead a new suit after his vacation,' he cer- tainly isn't well We hope he does need a new one. Keep him well dressed and do - mot injure his pride by compell- ing him to wear school erring youths are restored to lives of honesty and. usefulness, Other members of the original cast are Samuel Reed, Edgar Nelson, De- Arrives With Thirty-Five * Men. It is arnounced that Bate Me- Mahon of Ottawa has been awarded the contract for the Barriefield 'bar- racks and will commence the work of erection at once. Four car loads of lumber arrived on Wednesday and he has brought thirty-five men "rom Ottawa to do the work. Mr. Me- Mahon has the labor and equipment ; necessary for such a large undertak- ing and the work is expected to go on uninterruptedly. This firm has been engaged on military contracts in dif- ferent parts of the Dominion. No figures are announced, but it is stated that it is likely the contract was let on a percentage basis. The barracks at Barriefield have to be completed in eighty days and the firm holds the record for filling its contracts in the time specified. One official said to-day: "Just watch the Barriefield common for the next two or three days for developments." The soldiers in camp at present will have to go into quarters by the 1st of Oct. and, if the weather is unfavorable, possibly at an earlier date. Col. "Bob" Low, it is reported, will be on the job and his presence is regarded as a guarantee that it will be hustle from start to finish. The erection of twenty-two build- ings, eleven of them 200 feet long, in eighty days calls for a highly effici- ent organization-amd the execution of the contract will be of unusual inter- est in military circles. witt Newing, Harry Humphrey and Al Sincoff. Mrs. Castle at Grand. For Friday matinee and night only the Grand will offer one of the most interesting and absorbing photoplays of the season. Mrs. Vernon Castle, the celebrated dancer and actress, will be presented in her latest Pathe release, 'The Hillcrest Mystery. In this picture the plot is of the most entertaining type imaginable as the title would suggest and interwoven through the mysterious proceedings is a very prety little romance. Mrs. Castle is seen at her best in this pro- duction and as she is so well known her name alone ought to be a great drawing card. She has a splendid supporting cast which is typical of all Pathe pictures and the scenery was all obtained on large country estates that were secured for the purpose of making this picture Other films will be the Pathe News, a Lonesome Luke comedy and an O. PMenry Htory. For the vaudeville a dandy act has been secured that will, round out a first class bill, Don't forget that this is for Friday only as "Turn to the Right' will be on Thurs- day evening and "Everywoman' on Saturday both matinee and night. The Correct Styles For Fall and Winter Are Here - w Double strength given tb all points where the strain comes. Nothing is omitted that could better the suits, and then we offer them to our trade with a sporting guarantee of money back if not satisfactory. Suits: $6750, $7.00, $7.50, $8.00, up to $13.50. Fashion's latest style fancies for the approaching fall and winter seasons are most correctly mirrored in this beautiful opening display of - FASCINATING CREATIONS IN New Fall Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Gloves, Neck- wear, Corsets, Hosiery, Underwear, Dress Goods, Silks and Accessories. "Everywoman" . Seats are now selling for "Every- woman' which will be at the Grand Opera House on Saturday Sept. 7th, matinee and night. This play has evidently attracted widespread attention, judging from!' pop Harvesting in Western Canada~-- the lines at the box-office, and splen- | Additional Excursion Tuesday, did audiences for all performances Sept. 10th. are ahsured. 2" heralded n Thousands of, men. are still requir- uverywoman 9 alaed as ed to hel n Ww rve; ng kaleidoscope of bewildering stage pile- the oF ie ork of harvest! ture, lavish costumes, and sumptuous For those going from points in On- scenery, is officially designated a|iariy to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and dramatic speetacle. This phraseol- Alberta extra trains will be operatel ogy is adopted by the producer to through to Winnipeg (the distribut- bamish the lurking notion of its hav- ing point) without change. ing an unpleasant connection with Going trip west, $12 to Winnipeg. morals and preachments. As a mat- Returning trip east, $18 from Win-|, ter of fact the Walter Browne drama. nipeg ' is a highly up-to-date musical show, For tickets and: information apply gorgeous in those ravishments which to F, Conway, C.R.A., City Ticket Of- appeal to eye and ear. The action fice ' corner Prinoess and Wellington of the play is accompainied by a streets Phone 1197. score of illustrative music, and inter- : : preted by an orchestra of almost' grand opera size, "Everywoman" is strikingly pre- sented in this superb production pre- sented under the direction of Henry W. Savage. In this splendid play there is a defi- S| nite story. It is the quest of a young oman for love, and in panoramic form. is-unrolled the adveniyres of is 'fair matd---her encounter with reed, Riches and Passion and the ht ) Livingston's Outfitters For Men And Bove. If off your route it pays to walk. MORE MEN REQUIRED. ALL FEATURED IN A MAGNIFICENT AR- RAY OF REMARKABLE VALUES. Affording an opportunity for smart dressing, and discriminative selection, from this practical, economically priced assemblage of fine apparel _ and materials. Only Now Obtainable at Such ~ Low Figures And worth one's while to make a careful inspec- Are You 'Prepared for the : Cold Wea- _ther that will 'soon be with us Dollar Peaches On: Friday, Yellow or white flesh freestone peaches, $1 for big baskets; some lower, few higher in price. Extra se- lects in six quart baskets, for Satur- day or Sunday use. Save on the cash and carry system at Carmev- sky's, British prisoners in Germany Cheered their airmen when they rafded = Mannheim and shouted, "Give them hell, boys, don't mind us!". .The airmen did not drop u} single. bomb where the prisoners were kept. DAILY MEMORANDUM "Turn to the Right," Grand, 8.15. See top of page g, right hand corner, for probabilities, MARRIED. ELLIOTT-SPOONER---in Kingston on Sept. 4th, 191%, by the Rev. D, Lough, at Brock street Methodist Parsonage, Agnes Spooner, davgh- ter of Mrs. Win. Craig, 354 Brock Street, to Benson E. Elliott, of Mal- lorytown, SAVAGE-OLDFIN--iIn Kiggston, Sept. 3rd, 1918, at . Mary's Cathedral, by the Rev. T. P. O'Connor (uncle of the bride), Mary, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, John W. Old fin to William H, Savage of Co- bourg. WHLLSON-DAVIDSON--In Kingston on September 4th, 1918, by Rev. John Stephen of St. Andrew's Church, Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson, 264 University Avenue, to Darwin ldoyd Willson, Camp- bells Bay, Quebec, son of / a Mrs. Charles Wilson, Athens, - - tarfo. path, only turn'to Wer once happy but deserted "home to seek consola- tion at the shrine of Truth, . . . 2 es tion, even if you ake not Just prépared to buy. and. The programme offered at the Strand to-night and for the balance of this week will be very attractive from the fact that the comedy ele- ment will perdominate. Mabel Nor- man, the winsome comedienne-- known as the happy girl--will appear in her latest Goldywyn success. en- titled "Back to the Woods," a five-act comedy drama that carries a very ex: cellent dramatic story with many very funny situations, and, being = story of the Moine lumber woods, has many very beautiful scenes of the great outside world in the pine for- est, a picture refréshing to the eye and clean as a pin in story and theme. Besides this splendid feature General Manager Green states he will send in : - ; | several good comedy and short reel I x gm' Subjects making a big show for the dren, in all the best makes and styles. | Week-ond--at the Strands" Hopi a = matinee and evening pri and in Hosiery for all the family in cotton, cash- = giv ana oe future some of the bi: mere and heavy wool. : Now is the time to supply your wants in underwear, hosiery, blankets and other John Laidlaw & Son winter necessities while the assortments are at their best and the low prices prevail. = . Underwear for men, women and chil- DIED. M'BRIDE-----Suddenly, East View Park, on Wednesday, September 4th, 1918. Rachael Kelly, widow of e lat uel McBride, Funeral (private), Friday, Sept. 6th, a pm, from her late residence, 251 Barrie street, Kingston. at ( seen in Kingston at the Strand. M| this popular playhouse to xhibited i to-day, Friday y headed by the screen's cle dicane May uerite Clarke * Tat- est and without a doubt ™} mos charming Jroddction, "Uticle Tom's|™™ Cabin" In this photoplay Miss] Clark portrays a dual a that of Little Eva and Topsy, in a manner | pg that cannot fail to impress even the most, blase theat Two more Ped pcontrasts in phates canj imagined t. saintly, | | £olden-haircd heroine of the stor the ignoran h child of slavery. During the Alterations | and Saturddly, and is : ! i nportance is the fact that our prices s are lower than the manu J wy oe ply _L Dror 13. TE eal... s280 $275 und | ceive : 16inch and 18 inch, Wee ayy

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