/ A "Wife and Little Boy SAVED BY Dr. Fowler's EXTRACT OF Wild Strawberry. " Both Had Dysentery. Dysentery comes on very suddenly and Is one of the worst and most dangerous of all bowel troubles. The Pains in the bowels become intense. the discharges occur with -great ra pidity and are Yery often accompan- ied by blood. Unless these discharges are checked the sufferer becomes weak and languid, and very often death ensues, There is only one rem edy to use In all cases of dysentery or any other looseness of the bowels and that is "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It will care where all others fail It has been on the market for 73 years, Don't accept a cheap substitute and> thus endanger your health. Mr. W. J. Metcalfe, Tofield, Alta., writes: "I wish to state that we have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry with good results I will say that it can't he beat. It saved my wife and little hoy last sum- mer, when they were very low with dysentery. We always have a bot- tle of it in the house, and would not be without it if it cost five dollars a bottle." The genuine' "Dr. Fowler's" is manufactured only by The T. Milburn So. Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price dbe. Best's Branch Princess & Division City Dairy lce Cream Bricks, all flavors, 80 cents, fresh daily from Toronto, Phone Your Orders Best's Branch Phone 2018 - WN TY YT Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. OO Those people (and they | are many) who dread the | : ordeal of an eve Jamin. on are agreeably aston- ished to find that, us made p by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- fence. And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr, 0.0.0. 226 Princess Street aie dh AnrhrArhhdd 2 2 4 2 CANADA TO M i WAR TRADE BOARD ARRAN . ING FOR NEW INDUSTRY. Scarce--~--Wiil for Flax Grown Supplies Are Now Aiford | Use | on Farms in Dominion, New Ottawa, Sept taken the Gove War establis by the Canadian secure the nent in Canada for an industry for the manufactures of linen threads and yarns. At the time variety af commodities a produced From] flax grown in thé Dominion. Hither- | however, linen thread and yarns | have not been manufactured. Can- ada has depended for them upon Great Britain and the United States. Of late it has been difficuit to se- cure supplies Only small and ir- regular shipments have been receiv- ed from Britain and exportation from the United, States 'has been stopped. Hence it becomes neces- sary that a thread and yarn spin- ning industry be encouraged in ors der to meet the demand for.thread for the boot and shoe manufactur- ing industry, for the making of harness and other leather goods and equipment, for the weaving of nets for the fishermen of the country and for many other purposes. This problem has heen engaging the at- tention of the Government and has been the subject of a number of conferences It has been decided that encouragement shall be givea to firms in Canada to engage in the industry An order-in-Covncil bas been passed, is understood, em- powering the Canadian War T ade | Beard to earry on the neg { and make the Necessary arrange- | ments. The new industry »wili 8970 | | | | | { | | present a re to, it ply the needs of many manufactur- ers in Canada and will afford a new use for flax grown on farms in the Dominion. When scandal gets into the church ity nine times out of ten keeps other people out. a a . Irritable Nerves Restored | And Health Regained Ina Simple Way or woman who is inl down, not feeling up to the mark, perhaps irritable, nervous or sleep- less can well afford to learn about the wonderful results the newly dis- covered blood-food is giving to folks that use it. There is wonderful power in this new blood-food, and every weak; pal- lid person can be quickly nourished back to health that uses it as direct- ed. After each meal, with a sip or'two of: water, you simply take two Ifttle chocolate-coated tablets, sold , in all drug stores under the name of "FER- ROZONE." The effect is noticeable at once, You feel happier, brighter, more contented. That old-time feeling of weariness departs--you forget your "nerves" and no longer get irritable or cross over trifling annoyances. Phere is a reason for this change and that reason consists of the fact that Ferrozone contains blood-mak- ing materia}s you can get in no other way. Ferrozone makes the blood tingle and sing with new vitality. ~ This en- sures lots of nourishment and strength being supplied to every part of the body. No wonder the eyes brighten and the cheeks radiate color and happi pess: With abundance of strength, a keen appetite, good digestion and plenty of sound sleep--all the result of Ferrozone---you quickly feel as if life held 'new charms and pleasures. The man THREE FULL LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street CHEAP W. H. Godwin & So RINGTEX is the underwear with a million little springs in its fabric which 'give and take" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite I wear or heavy weigh rit. A "Remember to Buy It-- You'll Forget Yi ig PF Also the Cheapest! -- are f Steps are being | n through | to Tanlac, for it has certainly made | i y case. a ione away with | de good in my case.and done ¢ | Board i» L aient| short, ¥ | OUT Progress. warfare. x i § THE DAILY IN MANY MONTES #] Sure Take Of My Hat To Tanlac," Says Frank McQuade. "Yes, sir, 1 sure take off my hat prejudices against sald Frank McQuade, who the 'Prest-O-Lite all my medicines is employed with Company and lives at 2 Wilkins ave. | nue, Toronto. "I was in pretty good shape up to about six months ago," he continfd me and I started 'down hill, After eating anything my food would sour! on my stomach and T would 'bloat up| with gas and feel so tight across the| chest that I couldn's draw a long| breath. I felt like I would suffocate, | and my heart would palpitate. and | flutter so 1 became alarmed My | nerves were in a terrible condition, | too, and I was so restless and fidgety | that I couldn't keep still a minute. | After going to bed I would lie awake | half the night without getting any | sleep and the next day I'd be Cross | and irritable that I was all out of] sorts with everything. 1 felt as -mis- | erable as anybody you ever saw and | took a prescription or two, but they did me no good. "One of the men I am working! with told me so much about how | Tanlac had helped him that 'to lease | him I got me a bottle, though fo tell | the truth I had no faith in it. Well, | sir, it sure turned the tables on me, | for 1 began to improve at once J have taken but two bottles and there | is absolutely no comparison between | the way I feel now and the way. 1 did before starting on it. My food di- gests all right now, it never sours! and [ am never troubled with gas or| bloating. My heart gives me nol trouble, my nerves are much stronger | and I sleep like a log all night. In| am stronger and better in every way than I have been in months, | Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ostler, | in Battersea by C. S. Clark, in Fern-| leigh by Ervin Martin, in Ardock by | M. J. Scullion in Sharbot Lake by Ww. | Y. Cannon. Advt, | CLEVER CANADIAN EXPLOIT DETECTED HEAVY MINE FITTED | WITH CONTACT WIRES. Cut Through the Leads--Canadian | Infantry Not Long = Afterwards | Streamed Across Bridge. f London, Sept. 5.--Reuter's cor- | respondent &t British headquarters describes clever exploit of af the | | Way Fren 1 " 3 "when my digestion began to worry | Taken | and | tounding | Canadian | steadily CAMDIANS RE. JUBLANT 'OVER THE BREAKING OF THE | GERMAN WOTAN 'LINE. i --~-- Canadian Officers Hospital | *Cheered on Hearing Bulletin | Prisoners Still Exceed the Cane adian Casualties. " 5~--To break been .the goal jevery Canadian and this ambition has atisfied The Canadians fought at Vimy and Hill 70 on, the Lens to the great coal ¢ity from the Germans. their task to finish the in the r of London, Sept German line has way to release from Job at Passchendaele, they returned winter again before away again to per- this great. offensive, in the battles of and finally yes- spent the Taken fect them for they fou Amiens and Arras, terday broke the Wotan line To break the German line entailed a sacrifice, but since August 8 our casualties are stil fewer than the priscners taken amd the work ac- complished is greater in proportion to the losses than in a previous Canadian actions. Of our officer casualties fortunately the majority wounded are not seriously injured When the story can be told of a famous Quebec battalion and its stubborn fight it; will outrank its glorious record at Hill 70 and Cour- celette Leans have Jubilant in London. Canadians in London 'are It is a-proud record to be the first to break what was Suppos- ed to be the impregnable. German line. In a great hospital here scor- 8 of wounded Canadian officers cheered when the bulletin was read that corps had turned the trick *se officers were men who had fou it Amiens and Arras The British press gives great credit to the Canadians. Tha Tele- graph heads its article "Canadians Dash Through Drocourt fine---As- Victory." The Express headline says "Six-mile Dash Through 'Impregnable' Line.' The Daily Chronicle heading is, "Can- adians Smash Through Drocourt Switch," while the Times' line reads, "Canadians' Big Triumph.' . A Standard editorial says: "There will be great rejoicing throughout Canada at the notable part played by its sons in this great victory." An artillery staff officer who left the front yesterday evening says the corps, although fighting nearly a month, dis- wonderful bravery, in the attack on The corps is deter- The jubilant their for playgd most dash and tenacity the Wotan line | mined to add to its notable victory the German line ! smashing in Canadian officer at the Wotan line | | battle, In. the dark hours. of Mon- day morning 'he erept out to try to find a crossing over the Sensee. He discovered a bridge, but thought nz | would investigate before returning | to report this valuable find { The result was the detention of a heavy -mine fitted with contact wires all ready: to be laid. With wire cutters the officer nipped through all the leads, and not long after the Canadian infantry stream- ed across the bridge in an endless flow. > So rapidly did our guns get across the entrenched zone that "six-inch high velocity shells since early morning have been maintaining a continous and harassing fire on e Marquein crossing on the Cam- brai road, ,whence all the heavy Garman transport had to escape. By eleven the old Royal Naval Division had advanced nearly eight miles since yesterday morning, and they are still going strong. Morthward to the Scarpe our troops have done little more than steadily throw for- ward a covering flank. Our infan- try outran the support of their guns despite the fact that the batteries galloped -torward In a way reminis- cent of the Long Valley manoeuvres. The enemy's gunfire was desultony and nowhere formidable, the enemy being evidently desperately short of artillery ammunition on this part of the front. The surprise oocasioned 'by rapidity of our advance seems to have been complete. Many fires are springing up in many places far back of their lines. The Germans have dammed the Scarpe and the water has spread over considerable areas, but has not interfered with We struck the ene- emy in a new place northwards, wherefour troops stormed and cap- tured Richebourg, St. Vaast. . The weather continues ideal for field the IN MARINE CIRCLES. Many Vessels "Held Up" as a Result of the Storm. There was very little to report in marine circles on Thursday morning. Many vessels were "held up' as a re- sult of the storm, which was regarded as one of the wildest experienced this season. The wind blew a regular hur- ricane, andthe rainfall accompanying it was heavy. The steamer Windsor arrived, light, from Mentreal, and the tug Glyde arrived; with three light barges, from Montreal. . he steamer Toronto arrived from Prescott at § p.m. and cleared for Toronto at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday. The steamer Kingston arrived from Toronto at 6.35 a.m. and cleared for Prescott at 6.50 a.m. on Thursday. EDGAR NELSON As Sam Martin, the country "Turn to the RIght," to be at the Grand Thursday 6th, with the original N MAXIMILIAN HARDEN'S PAPER IS SUPPRESSED Fearless Editor Punished for Attack on The Prussian Upper House. cast, Amsterdam, Sept. 5,--The mili- tary censor"s mailed fist has again descended on Maximilian Harden In the place of Saturday's issue ap- pears only the cover with this an- nouncement: 4 "The Zukunft is prohibited order of the military authorities.' Its last previous issue was mainly devoted to excoriation of the Prus- sian upper house for Hs expulsion of Prince Linchnowsky 'and to an ac- count of the Malvy trial in Paris which warmly praised the free, ( frank methods of the French. France he spoke of as still healthy despite the death of its soundest youth and self-controlled despite its Celto-Gaelic blood. "Vehmgerioht" is the name he applied to the! tribunal which jndg- ed Lichnowsky, a tribunal wherein neither the accused nor his defend- ers could appear. "The Prussian upper heuse." he sald, 'has deprived of his rights a man whose patriotlsm and diplo- matic achievements are beyond doubt, and not one man in that gas- sembly was found who could t say, 'we have almost all spoken or written like Licknowsky." It is not hig fault'that what he wrote be- came public." J ¥ "The judges," he concluded, "will regret the verdict much sooner than they imagine." : TOA | Prince Lichnowsky was punished for his revelations that srr 'panned and started the war. , --------e tt Melbourne, 'of a rev by BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1918. PAGE THREE a RN New Fancy Silks, New Satins, New all wool Serges, New all wool suitings, A Home Recipe For Removing Wrinkles the modern woman to 1 ¥ as young and ate she réasonably can? Why e placed at a disadvantage ways by wearing rin- ivoid these hateful age? Few women, » to effectua~ Who will blame for trying tive however ally rid the Mi nple and har ich any woman work wonders where preparations fail Buy an o e of powdered saxolite at any drug store Dissolve the whole ounce in a 'half pnt of witch hazel and e as a wash lotion. The results are practically instantaneous. Marked im- provement is noticed immediately after the very first trial. Wrinkles and sag. Eing are corrected and the face feels 80 refreshed apd smug-dke A A Ae AAA a Pat ntl PERU REVOLUTION SUPPRESSED pensive less hom a all the patent All Insurgents Have Surrendered to Government. Lima, Peru, Sept.' 5.--The revolu- ticnary movement which broke out last week at Ancen, 30 miles from Lima, has been suppressed The insurgents have surrendered the Government. ' Two hundred Peruvian troops in the garrison at Ancon, near Lima, mutinied on Aug. 24. The troops were led by Major Armando Patino, who issued a revolutionary mani- festo, condemning the present Peru- vian Government and calling for an immediate declaration of war on Germany. The manifesto demand- éd the unconditional delivery of in- terned German ehips to the United States, and the sending of a diviy sion of Peruvian troops to France. Several columns of the Royal troops were sent hy the Peruvian Govern- ment to capture the insurgents to Sun Burned in ' ' You want a healthy fea ih on" mes you get it ick~ Iy and. (hen thers Tou feo 3B of ering. he application of Dr. Tare stn coment, takes out the stinging and hurn- 45 aa eaves (ie sin do. First Showing Ee New Charmeause Silks, New Silk Velvets and Velvetesns New all wool Broadcloths, New all wool Garbardines, New all wool Coatings; New plain and fancy Georgettes, |} . Probs: Clearing to-night; fair and cool Friday of Being an advance display of Dresses, ~~ Custumes and Fall Coats. Featuring a comprehensive collection of the very newest designs, as shown by the better American houses. Developed in all the new materials, styles and trimmings. Styles that are rarely seen in any other save Steacy's ready to wear department. You are invited to inspect this exhibit. On the main floor new fall goods are on special display. Here are some of the new arrivals. New Laces and Chiffons, New plain and fancy Ribbons, - New Handkerchiefs, New Frillings, New Neckwear, New Hosiery, New Underwear, New Irish Linens, New Knitting Wools. 4 Steacy's - Limited Ny September is the month of home coming and the prepara- tion of comfortable surroundings for the winter. We have our new stock now of Living Room Furniture on our floors, and at a moderate cost, we can help you make your home attractive. Linoleums and for considerable wholesale price to- - Victrolas and Victor Records, a full | stock on hand. : .T. F. HARRISON CO. LTD Phone 90, We still have a very large stock of Rugs, Furnishings, which we have been holding time. Our prices are considerably below the day. Fresh Haddock, per 1b. .. .- . . .... 12 Market Cod, per 1b. .. .. . . . . ivi ile Steak Cod, per Ib., from .. .. .. .12fe Finnan Haddies, per Ib. .. .. .. .. .18¢ Eis : . | Canada Food Board License No. 98781. No Connection ith Any Other Firm fn the Clty,