Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1918, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1918. ---- Te ------ ce era From The Frontenac GLENDOWER. ABg. 20.-The farmers have got | thelr hay in and are cotting their Countryside] | grain. It Is getting very dry. Aaron | Hoppins' mine has started up again Edward Babeock, Smith's Falls, is | visiting friends. Mr. Austin has re- turned to Toronto." Mrs. Stuart Leeman is at Sanford Leeman's. Mrs Lasher Cronk is at Sanford Lee- . man's. I ELGINBURG, Wag. 17.-The parsonage is be- ing repainted by Mr. Storms, Syden- ham. Miss Babcock, Odessa, has been engaged to 'teach school here Lord Willams, of Belleville, spent a couple of days with Harold Kiel. A ple social i$ to be held shortly to ald the parsonage repair fund. Chas F r is rebuilding his residence. | ME. and Mrs. L. Spooner, Kingston, | Spent a couple of (weeks at W Clogg's. Marjorie and Geraldine | Johnson, Kepler, visited their cousin, | Jean Cordukes, recently, Mr. and Mrs. IW. Jacobs, Brockville, are visit- « ing friends here. 'Mrs. Pexiey and Etta, Kingston, and Edith Pexley, | Toronto, are vigiting at John Sil- ver's. (Eat! Frasér, who has been in hospital at Kingston for over a 'week, #8 'much better Miss Eva Péarson was a 'recent visitor at C Fraser's. David mith has pur- chased an auto. LELAND. Aug. 20.-- Most 'of the farmers have completed harvesting their grain and report a good crop. Mr and Mrs. Ross = Peters and little daughter, Flint, Mich., are calling Frank Kellar is visiting her mother, Mrs. Smith, Gananoque. Mrs. Har- Johnson's, Perth Road J. Sills, who has been on the sick list, is able to be around again. Mrs. Jack Smith and children, Inverary, at S. Randles'. Mrs. W. Kennedy ahd Miss Lena Stewart, Sydenham, have been calling on friends. Mrs. Stokes, Perth Road, at T. Young's. A number from heré attended the camp meeting at Wilmur on Sun- day, which will continue over next Sunday. J. Smith and family, Mrs. L. Randles and IM. Hughson at Ora Cumpson's on Sunday last; Marie Johnson at W. Koens"; Mrs. © Corey, Kingston, at George Young's. LAVANT STATION, Avg. 20.--Miss Muriel Lattin and brother, Clyde, of Montreal, are visiting friends here. Visitors at Mrs. S. B. Jacobls for the week-end were Miss Hilda Jacob, of Ottawa: Bradley Jacob and Wilfred Wilson, of Renfrew; and Pte. Arthur Jacob, of Petawawa camp. An enjoyable time was spent.at.Mrs. S. B. Jacob's on Saturday evening. The evening Was spent in music and games, after which ice cream and cake were served. 'Before the departure of the guests, Pte. Arthur Jacob was | | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil on friends and relatives. Mrs. | . a 5 river 'is so low the stone appears, fr Gs < oo i BREA RS g "The Hunger Stone' "beneath the chain bridge over the Elbe, fr "HUNGER STONE" WARNS i A AAA A rc ee. sect inne i {presented with a fountain pen as a | remembrance from his friends be- | fore leaving for overseas E J. {McFarlane and two daughters spent {the week-end with friends in Drum- jmond. Miss Ines Browning arrived home on Saturday after spending a { pleasant wacation with cousin i i Montreal Miss Meliszia {and Ady Jackson spent the {week with friends in Renfrew | Marie Morean, of Renfrew, visited {her mother, Mrs. J. Moreau over | Sunday Miss Almeda Howard, of ttawa, ig visiting at her grand- n Thomas, "Hillview Farm." Joseph { Burke, of Oso, spent the week-end jat William Thomas'. A baby girl vey Kellar spent Tuesday at H.| : x has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sproule, Aug. | §th "Jack" Gray spent the week- | 3 p fend at his home at Clyde Forks Leeds LOMBARDY, Aug. 19.--Lombardy fair is to be | held on Saturday, Sept. 14th. Miss Margaret O'Meara, nurse, Toronto, is { home for a visit. O. W. Wriglit and | daughter, Miss Marion Wright, spent { & day last week with friends in Al- gonquin. Miss E. Kiyne, who has been in Smith's Falls for the past week, has returned home. Quite 4 number from this vicinity attended a party at BEd- ward Willis, Scotch Point, on Friday evening last. Mise Oleda Coughlin, Smith's Falls, has been visiting Miss Laura Breen for the past week. Miss Alma Ruffield has returned from vis- iting friends in Ottawa. Miiss Kelly and nephew, Master Arthur Cough- lin, Buffalo, N.Y., will leave for home to-day, having spent the past few weeks with relatives here. Mr. and mem | | [BRUCE'S RECLEANED<SEED WHEAT We offer for early orders, cash with order Do not delay as the demand will be large. Help win the war by growing wheat, Wheat, Abundance White graia, straw stiff, bald head, hardy aud heavy yielder =an old favorite, * Dawson's Golden Chaff--White grain, straw stiff, bald head, hardy and eavy yiekder--an eid favorite, Wheat, Michigan Amber--ied grain, yielder--an old favorite, straw stiff, bald head, hardy and heavy Wheat, Red Rook --Red in, stiff straw, bearded head very 4 » very hardy---a great favorite in Michigan. i Reavy yielder sud Wheat, Red Wave--Red grain, straw stiff, bald bead, hardy and heavy yielder-- a grand variety, ran Rosen Much heavier yielder than oid sort and better § Ry: Rove Michigan Agricultural College, In fvery vay, Trice of a11 above, 30¢ Ib, 51ha. $1.25 Postpaid, By express or freight at purchaser's J ¢ expense, peck $1.00, }§ bushel $1.83, busie $3.80, 5 buskiels $16.75, 10 bushels $32.50. Yimothy-No. 1,68. 86 iN. 2,G.8., 88.75; No. 3, C.5., $5.25 bushel i by freight At purchaser's expe: Bags extra -- Jule, 3 bushels, 90 cents eachj Cotton, 27 bushels, 80 cents each. Where order amounts to $50 we will pay freight to any Ontario point, We have good stock Abundance, and Dawson' 5, and expect ties dre offered subject to Rye. Other varie! United States allowing their export, v £10 Jor age Wheat Cowon with prices of Wheat, Timothy, A. Bruce & Cc: Food, Bic. FREE. Limited Sshite'set Mrs, John Leeder ana family, Lyn, were guests on Sunday, of Mr. .nd Mrs. 'Thomas Cauley. Mrs. John Ryan, New York, is spending a few weeks with relatives here. Mrs. Fan- ny Frayne is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Blanchér, and Mr. Blancher, North Lancaster. Mrs, WW. Reynolds, Frankville, is visiting her parents here. LYNDHURST, Aug. 19.--Miss Ada Wing is im- proving very nicely They took Mrs. James Young to Brockville to the general hospital on Saturday. A number from here attended Peter Johnston's- funeral at Oak Leaf on Sunday. A. M. Sweet is carrying his arm in a sling yet. Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Chatham, are moving into C. A. Deal's house. Mr. and Mrs Aerron Roddrick have moved back to their old home from the west. Jimes Roddrick has come, back to spénd the remainder of his days here. Joshua Wiltse has the nab- biest car in this town. Clifton Shef- field and Chris: Sheffield have got each a Ford. PORTLAND. Aug. -19.--~The farmers are about done with the' harvesting, and they certainly have an abundant crop this vear Mrs. Bishop died on Sunday The funeral will be held in the Meth- odist Church here on the 20th inst Mr. Stanton has purchased a new Me. Laughlin car Miss Carrie Robinson, Athens, is visiting friendd in the vil lage A great many from here at- tended a dance at E. Willis', Cran- worth, on Friday evening of last week: all report having a good time. The ladies of the Red Cross held a bazaar heme, and they cleared the handsome sum of $287. It was a great success. Herman Morris, Ot- tawa, spent the week-end at his home here. CHARLESTON, Aug. 19.--A meeting of the Red Cross society was held at Mrs. Fos- ter"s on Friday evening to arrange for the filling of Christmas stockings for overseas. The people of Charles- ton can now boast a fairly good road to Athens, thanks to A. E. Dono- van, M.P.P. Rev. Rural Dean| Swayne and son, Belleville, were re-| newing friendships here last week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Web- ster. Major Starr, Kingston, was the guest of Rev. W. W. Giles for a| few days last week at the cottage. | Miss Peebles, Smith's Falls, is the] guest of Miss Maggie Finley. Miss| Beale, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Florence Hefferman. Miss Palmer, Philadelphia, was a recent visitor at A. Botsford's. She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Jennie Pal- mer. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Eyre are the happy parents of a little son. Mrs. Jack McKenney, Frankville, is visiting at her old home here. Mas- ter Gerald Amell, Cardinal, is holi- daying at his uncle's, R. Foster's. Mrs, John Morehead, Mr. and Mrs, Johnson Moorhead, Mr. and Mis Jacob Bryan, Long Point, and Mr. and Mrs. McConnell, Lyndhurst, were at Mrs. Mulvenna's on Sunday after attending the funeral of thé late Peter F. Johnson. (ood Shoes § imei ios w Pn § In addition to lines marked at $1.98, $2.- 25 and $2.98, we have placed about 150 | pairs women's high and low shoes, princi- BY Suen Quality $4.00, $5.00 and . Allato ne price... .. SNR oes. "Sizes 2, 2}, 3; 3}, 4 and 'B 92.49 * Alo one lo. about 40 pairs, m tly all | | Soar. nel $5.95 Come in and look at these shoes. ala 1 i aS --_----_-- ODESSA. Aug. 19--Dr. and Mrs. Boynton and | family, New York, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamm for a few days last week. , Mrs. Cle- ment Booth and daughters, Miss Mary and Miss Marjorie Booth, Rutherford, N.J., are guests at the Dominion. Mr. to keep the liver right if you use Dr, Chase's Kid- ne -Liver Pills occasion- a by Tm 1 Jhtoslareg wah is interfe ; » and the kidneys fail to act. You soon know it when this treatment, for | ache, bilio and stomach troubles disap- Fils ~and you feel fine. Eu 2 : near Tetschen in Germany. is showing again this year, it means there is mot enough water for crops and famine conditions reign. Across the face of the stone the German words, which mean "When you gaze upon me then cry," are carved. There are many dates showing low water marks, the oldest being 1417, A This year the water has reached the lowest level in the river ever : known. , » and Mrs. William Jenkins, Napanee, spent last Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Watts Mrs. Rogers, Rochester, N.Y. is the guest of Mr and Mrs, Sidney Sproule. Mrs. Da- vid Arbuckle and son, Horace, Otta- wa, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burt, have left for their home Mr, and Mrs. G. B. Joy spent Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs John Mancur Capt.. Foster, who has been in charge of the Salvatior Army, . has resigned owing to ill- health His place is being filled by Capt. Hafrison CENTROVILLE. Aug. 19.--The harvest is all off and most of the grain in the barns around this vicinity. Mrs. William O'Connor, the Misses Hogan and Mrs. Murray, Sydenham, are spending some time in the village in the old O'Connor home. Patrick Evans brought a car load of cattle from To- ronto last week. James B, Weese has the masons bricking up his new house. Miss Irene Lacey, Tamworth, has been engaged in Centreville West school for the coming term. Hugh Carroll and daughter, Marie, visited last week at Charles Ingoldeby's. Mrs. Henry Card is on the sick list. The funeral of the late James MoGuire, Strathcona, reached here on Wednes- day and his remains were placed in the Roman Catholic cemetery. A re- quiem mass was sung by Rev. Father MacDonald, of Chippewa, 4 WILTON. Aug, 19.---Erwell Miller has pur- chased a McLaughlin ear. A num- ber from here attended the funeral of the late E. P. Wood, manager of the Royal Bank, Odessa A baby girl has come to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Reed. Visit- ors: Rev. Mr. Flemming, Winnipeg, at Burnard Mills'; Wiillam Bul- Jock, Winnipeg, at his brother-in- law's, Willlam Forsythe's; Mrs. Walter Jagwith, Chatham, N.J., at Guy Simmons'; Mrs. Farrow' and daughter, Toronto, with Sire Storms'; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Miller, Sandhurst, at his brother's, Erwell Miller's; Mrs. Alzona Parrott, Kings- ton, with friends in Wilton; Rev. Mr. Parsons is spending, his holiday with friends in Rochester, N.Y. "Miss Leila Simmons left this week to at- tend model school at Kingston. STELLA. Aug. '19.~Farmers are harvest- ing, the weather being in their favor. Some of the threshing ma- chines have commenced the season's work. The steamer Wolfe Islander brought a new steam threshing out- fit on Monday of last week for part- ies on the Front Road. Horse buy- ergs were over the island last week and purchased three heavy draft ani- mals. The M. B. Queannanache and lighters transferred them to Mill haven. The abdve boat ran an ex- cursion to Bath on Friday evening. J. E. McFern & Co., carpentérs (con- tractors), are erecting a new dwell- ing house for Walter Wemp on the south shore. C. A. Filson has re- turned home from the west. The fence and gates In front of St. Als ban's church have been improved by a fresh éoat of paint. Visitors: H. H. Howard, Toronto, at Mrs. J. C. Howard's; Mrs. M. Filson, Kings- ton, at D. Caughey's; Mrs. D. Hin ton, Kingston, is renewing acquaint- ances here; Pte. John Miller, of the C/AS.C., Kingston, spent a few days at his home here last week. SALEM. Aug. 19--Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Vancott, accompanied by Mr. and Ys. ay aunamaker and daughter; wetidolyn, were recent guests Mrs. Trumpour, Picton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lont have been visiting at ¥F. Lauder's, Mountain View. Vir. Brown had a hee to haul hay to W. Master's. - | 5 a BONGARD'S, Aug. 19. Mrs. G. N. Rose and daughter, of 'Waupoos, have return- ed home after spending the week- end with the Misses David. Miss Vincent, who was the guest of G. ho tive gee Ti ot [i Sipe ERT GERMANY OF DISASTER When the water in the What a man wants in the morning-- Come in and See Our Stock of Tweed Rain Coats. Large stock of all wool and worsted suitings, Indigo blue serge, JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailor. Remorse is like a wooden leg: it helps a man on his way, but he can see where he would have been hap- pier without it. The wise man formerly built his house on a rock, but now he builds it on the sand and calls it a seaside hotel, --, A Ae Ar ttt cr aN in] COR \ fs an [Tonour To be 2 Good Cook TO BE ABLE TO FEED THE FAMILY WELL AND ECONOMICALLY IS REAL WAR WORK BENSON'S N STARCH is of vital importance to the good cook. er -- It is the foundation of dozens of every-day desserts----gives lightness and flavour to homemade "war bread" --makes far smoother gravies and sauces than flour. Be sure to get BENSON'S famous for quality for more than half a century. MANUFACTURED BY THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL "universal military service gum e-- " /~ 7 pe 7 A Soldier's offering to his sweetheart is naturally the sweefmeat that gave him most refreshment 'and great- est enjoyment when on duty. The Flavour Lasts

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