WEAR FURS AND SAVE THE WOOL McKay's Hudson Seal Canons Guaty » Coats and ~wasaps typical of che coming season's fur decrees, beautifully made from the choicest skins for fall and winter. John McKay Limited J RN BN " WAYSIDE TWO REPAIR MEN PARTOOK TOO FREELY OF HOSPITALITY Leon Marrison Took Too Long To Be Shaved, and the Eagle Eye of a Watchful Constable Found His Car Loafing--A. W. Benjamin Passed a Standing Street Car. "Fmperial whiskey flowed freely by the wayside Tuesday afternoon when a generous motorist travelling from {Montreal to Toronto brought some of the Lower Canada booze with him On the ree road near the Five Mile Hq broke the front spring of his car, an 1d a hurried call vias sent to cine of the local garages for repair men, y drove to the spot, and while one was jacking up the car the other imbibed freely of the delicious Five drinks -he cldimed ito have taken before he passed the fire water to his companion. Between them they drank the bottle dry, and as the story of the hour's delight was told to the crowded police court on Wednesday morning many heads were seen to wag and a sort of far-away look came into yearning eyes. The motorist knew what he was dé- ing, for he paid no money for the work, and one of the tipplers made the startling statement that he did not | consider that a bottle of whiskey was | worth a new spring. For their little escapade Walter Me- Bundle and Gordon Macdonald con tributed $10 and costs apiece, and the liquid Victrolas and Victor Records Popular Dance Records (Kiss Me Again, Wallz, Jos. C. +Smith"s Orchestra. Missouri Waltz, (Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra. Forget Me Not Waltz, 3sess 4 Orchestra. Felicia Wallz, $1 lkel's Orchestra. {s iaptain Betty, One-step, Marimba 35663 $1.50 McKee's Mar- Band. Besame, One-step, Ma- 18292 80c - rimba Band. (American Serenade, Fox Trot, «Waldorf Orchestra, May time {Wa altz, Waldorf Orchestra. 18432 CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' and Pure, Overcoats, Suits, Dresses Gentlemen's Suits and N. Morris, 374 King St. .. $3,200 ALBERT STREET New Brick 6-room - BUNGALOW Furnace, all improvements. $2,700 PRINCESS ST. Frame, 7 rooms, B. & C.; Lot 2; 98 x 1 's 86 Brock St. Phone 826 or 621 Real. Estate '& Insurance 1S Asselstine D.0.S | 2 : ] Wh i When. we can exam- prescribe glasses "that will add ours each day to your working effici- ency. For eyeglass . satisfaction, consult - a King So Te St. Tae i Optieal Store farmer paid an additional $10 and costs for recklessly driving the car back to the city, so hilarious did the forbidden tastes make him An elaborate defence was present- ed to Magistrate Farrell by the lo- cal branch of the C. A. S. C.,, which was charged with cutting a corner at the corner of Montreal and Princess streets. The driver, Pte. Edson Murray, claimed that there was a mo- tor car in front of him and a street car behind him, and that all he could do was to make a diagonal crossing. His evidence was corroborated by Capt. Van Blackslee, and in a plea for a minimum fine, if found guilty, Lieut. Askwith stated .that instruc tions had been issued to all the driv- ers that no distinction could be made in the case of Government drivers, and that therefore they must obey the traffic regulations. In dismissing the case, the Police Magisgrate stated that he was pleased at the action of the authorities, and appreciated their interest in maintaining careful driv ing on the city streets. Although Leon Marrison, appear- ing for O. J. Robinson, stated that his car could not have been on Prin- cess street longer than seven min- utes, P. C. Leslie Armstrong said that the car stood in front of a local barber shop for twenty-five minutes Marrison said that it would be a poor barber that would have to take twen- ty-five minutes to shave him, and just to show how easy it could be dene he had Ross Hartman, his barber, called into the witness stand. Witness said that Marrison was in the shop be- tween five and seven minutes, and that a quick job was made because «the constable informed them that he had his eye on the car. Their efforts proved « unavailing, and a fine of $5 and costs was meted out. After being gdjourned on several! occasions, the "case against A.W Benjamin, Yarker, which was prefer- red by the Street Railway Company, of driving past a standing street car. came up once more. Mr. Benjamin was in fighting mood, but the evi- dence of Inspector Damon Marchand, Motorman Albert Perry ang Conduc- torette' Mabel Brewster showed that he had passed the car, and $5 and costs had to be put into the city cof- fers. Two other motorists, W. C. Ash- ton and the driver for Milford & Co.. did not appear in court, but paid $5 and costs to the acting chief of po- Late Miss Justicia O'Brien. The death occurred on Tuesday of Miss Justicia O'Brien, after an illness extending over two years. The late Miss O'Brien was a daughter of Peter O'Brien, of Gananoque. She is sur- vived By three sisters and one brother, all of whom reside in this city. The funeral is to take place on Friday from St. Mary's Cathedral and the = --- remains will be interred in the family plot at Gananoque. TWO OLD FRIENDS MEET. Mayor Hughes and A. F.- Newlands Talk Over Bchooldays. In the <¢ity buildings on Wednes- day morning A. F. Newlands, art ex- pert of Ottawa, who has been visit- ing at his old home here, met Mayor Hughes in the corridor of the City | Buildings. The two had not seen) each other for twenty-five years. mayor, shaking his hand. "Good morning," was Mr. New- lands' response. "If I am not mis- taken your name is Hughes." "Right you are," replied His Wor- ip. Then it developed that the two had attended Mills' school when bent you remember, 'Frank, alongside. --- ks Why don Jes and say to you, Ary and write as jokingly: i ~iMr. Newlands eventually became i one o Sanadn's best penmen and ructorss The mayor 14 al pretty, .nifty writer, too "Good morning, Frank," said the} when our schoolmaster used to come INCIDENTS OF THE oA S---- LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity -- What the Merchants Offer to the Reuders of the Whig. Two aviators hung over the city this morning and gave some stunts in aerial manoeuvres. The annual retreat for the priests of the archdiocese of Kingston will commence on Monday, Sept. 2ug, in St. Mary's cathedral. The temperatures on Tuesday were: Kingston, 76; Toronto, 81; Ot- tawa, 82; Buffalo, 78; Montreal, 80; Winnipeg, 78; Parry Sound, 86. Now 1s the time to bhave your olane tuned. We carry two expert tupers and will assure entire satis- 'action. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Miss Elizabeth and Master Kenneth Douglas have returned after spending the past two weeks the guest of their cousin, Jean Douglas, at her summer home, Tumble Inn, It is likely the Vacation School and Supervised Playgrounds will close on Wednesday, Aug. 28th. There have been six weeks of good work. The experiment has been a real success, The Director of Records, Ottawa, has advised Deputy Warden O'Leary, Pte. William Arthur O'Leary, in sta- tionary hospital, Wimereau, France, is no longer seriously ill. ° snd of six months if you feel like purchaging instrument we will al low the ix months' rental on par shase price, and arrange easy terms »n balance, C. W, Lindsay, Limited. If "the man of the house" is too busy to pay much attention to :lothes, the wife may come to the rescue through studying the cloth- ng ads and learning what's what in the way of fabrics and prices for men's clothes. A cheesemaker, employed by Wal- ker Bros., Howe Island, was charged in Magistrate Hunter's court with at- tempted fraud, but the case was a matter of dispute over wages, board, etc, and an agreement was reached between the parties. A Surprise Party, A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Pearson, Bagot street,' when the many friends of her young daughter, Miss Lucy Pearson, held a surprise party in her honor. Those present were: Thelma Haffner, Alice Fowler, Sylvia Brunke, Emily Yellowly, Mary Gratton, Constance Stroud, Frances Turcotte, Lucy Pear- json, Margaret Letro, Nora Melville, Bridgie Burke, Sherwood Upton, Alan Ratanbury, Charles Whitty ,Erwood Upton, Howard Thompson, Leo Clarke, Bernard Turcotte, Charles Woods, William Woods. Earl Stroud, Howard Lyons, Nelson Morrisey, and William Allan. Bowling on Tuesday. At Queen' s bowling green on Tues- day evening Skip Sleeth defeated Skip C. Crozier by 14 to 12 in a well played game. All the scheduled games absence of several rinks from the city. Trouble has often been prevented by talking the matter over, -- ie th------ "The Hat Store" DOLLAR DAY TO-MORROW Great Clean-up Sale of Sum- mer Hats For Men, La. dies' and Children. $1 Hats For Men Your choice of any straw hat in our store for $1.00, ° A big lot of caps in silk, ete., for $1.00, Any Panama hat up to $10, for $8.00. v hice as Hughes? a said the "mayor |} | And is on the toad to. | An Hats $1.50 0 tor $1 an a to $1.25 each at of the penitentiary staff, that his son | We will rent you a plano, and at could not be played on account of the |: Good Music That is Popular for Summer Sussex by the Sea, , Rackety Coo, Danny Boy, Waiting, Dear Old Pal of Mine, Wait Till the Cows Come Home, Till the Clouds Roll By, God Be With Our Boys To-night, God Send You Back to Me, When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining. Cheero, England, Britain. Three new English numbers. : September Magazines: Pictorial Review, Woman's Home Com- panion, McCall's, McClure's, Metropolitan, Designer, Cosmopolitan, Live Stories, Saucy Stories, Green Book, Smart Set, American. For August: Ladies' Home Jouptal, Motor, Motor Boating, 'Harper's Bazaar. New Standard Quarterly For Autumn at 25c, with a certificate good for |5¢ in the purchase of any standard patern. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Phone 919 i 2 Open Nights 4 EN SPIN EES PN SN. Exquisite Cut Glass Lovers of, or prospective purchasers ot Cut Glass should uot fail to see our greatly var- fed stock, of this very desirable table necessity, We have arranged a black and white window, worth your viewing. SMITH BROS. Jewelers lad. Opticians, Shacviage Licenses, lamonds, 350 King St. DAY SOME SPECIAL OFFERINGS 10 DOZEN CORSETS . All sizes from 19 to 30. Worth to-day, $1.50 per pair. Thursday, $1.00 per pair. NIGHT DRESSES Ladies' flannellette, cotton or nainsook night gowns, worth to-day $1.50 per gar- Sd BA a ah he hl he a ah a a lla daa x ment. Thursday, $1.00 each. ASK TO SEE THE White Voile Bluoses White Middy Blouses White Repp Skirts White Embroidery Trimmed Petticoats AT $1.00 EACH. NEW PICTORIAL QUARTERLY Newman & Shaw i The Always Busy Store Seal Coats W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street. Phone 700. An AAA dh dedi dh di 4 6 4 a 4 hb 4 4a a a Ass a ARAAS ony TY 2 Adan a da hh dh hh hh hh hh hhh 4 a a a RA troees BUILDERS SUPPLIES eweoyg Soft Lump Coal. Cannel Lump. Coke No government xe, strictions on the above fuels. S. ANGLIN & CO. A Frame Dwelling STANDING OF THE LEAGUES, On Eigin St. with garden, National. . P.C, 6566 $571 531 500 464 445 429 A407 Chicago .. .. «+ New York .. Pittsburgh .. Cincinnati .. Brooklyn .. .. ... Philadelphia .. .. Boston .. y. .. St, louis .. P.C. 5938 565 5484 A491 TY YN INN Boston . Cleveland ae Washington . Chicago . Philadelphia .. International. Binghamton .. ... Toronto, . .. Baltimore .. "ra '237 vehicle and sustained sown 'injuries. He was taken to Moscow, where he is now receiving mi attention, ery. Hie