City people are flying to the country, and country people are fleing to the city each and all in search of com- fort and change. We're going to stay right here and provide both with comfort- able summer wearables. Palm Beach suits, every suit cor-$ rectly cut and ar- tistically tailored $13.50, $15.00, $18.00. Choice negligee shirts, $1.00 up to $3.50. Summer under- wear, single gar- ments and com- bination 50c up to $3.00. Handsome Hosiery .50c to $1.25 Summer neckwear, suspenders, belts, etc. Bathing Suits .. .. . .. . .$1.25 to $6.00 We've everything for a man's summer comfort--everything that's right and want- ed these days. Livingstons BROCK STREET If off your route it pays to walk. ~~ 'o-Night 48 ONLY--TERRY BATH TOWELS Good large size, 22 x 44 inches; soft fin- ish, free from all dressing and absorbent, a ~ towel worth to-day 75c¢ a pair. Special to-night for .. .. . .25¢ each 10 DOZEN WHITE COTTON VESTS With lisle finish, no sleeves and short sleeves, at less than present mill price. Special to-night for .. .." ... .25¢ each Extra Special | 110 YARDS NAVY BLUE SERGE In two shades, dark and light; suitable for children's school dress or ladies skirts; could not be bought for less than $1.25 to- y. Special to-night for . . . .75c a yard RITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918. THE DAILY BRITISH Wi CRIPPLING 1S RESUMED IN EFFORT TO LOCATE BODY OF MAJOR W. J. 8. SHARP, The Authorities Trying to Ascertain it the Missing Casualties Officer Has Really Been Prowned. The search for the body of Major WwW. J. Sharp was renewed yester- day, under the direction of Lieut. Askwith and Lieut. Martin, of the Canadian Engineers. Members of the military police dragged with grap- pling irons but failed to locate the body. Dynamite was then einployed and twenty-six charges were set off with the hope of causing the body to rise to the surface of the water, but without result. A strong east wind was blowing on the morning of Sat- urday last and if the beady floated it would have gone toward the sunken hull of a vessel near the shore. A hedvy charge of dynamite was used here and the boat was. raised above the water. Those experienced in the use of dynamite in the water say that the concussion would invariably raise a body. Lieut. Askwith said: "We are do- ing our best to ascer in whether or not Major Sharp's boy is in the wa- ter, and we have made a thorough gearch in the water for a consider- able distance around the spot where the clothing was found." The military police are rendering assistance in the solution of the mys- tery and a special agent is also em- ployed. The work will be carried on unremittingly and every. clue will be traced in an effort to account for Major Sharp's disappearance, Major W. J. S. Sharp was a native of Dundee, Scotland. For five years before he enlisted to go overseas with the 21st Battalion, he was em- ployed in the Timber and Grazing Branch of the Department of Inter- for, Ottawa. He was born April 26th, 1886, and came to Canada about ten years ago. APPOI NTED EXAMINER Of Kingston District For Board of Pension Commissioners. LIBUT.-COL, W. G. ANGLIN Lieut.<Col. W. G. Anglin has been appointed chief medical examiner of the Kingston district for the Board of Pefsion Commissioners. He serv- ed overseas in Egypt and France with Queen's Hospital Corps, and was in- valided to Canada and eventuhally dis- charged and pensioned, owing .to physical disability suffered during service, 8 N.Y by the foreman for t Miltary News | A. Harvest leave is to be granled to all soldiers, according to ordef No. 1220, issued by Brig.-General Maunsell. Special application must be made by the individual and a statement submitted showing that he comes within the provision of the order, and also that he has been properly instructed as to the condi- tions of leave. Capt. lL. M. Dawson, AM.C., has been detailed for duty at the base recruting office, Ottawa. At Mohawk and, Rathbun camps many workinen are busv enlarging the facilities of the camps and building new hangars, indicating that these camps will be continued as traiging quarters during the winter. Ane order-in-council has been pass- ed granting six weeks' leave of ab- sence to all soldiers engaged exclu- sively in farming prior to their enlist- ment, = Any 'soldier answering these conditions and making application to ! his commanding officer will be grant- ed leave at once. There are twenty-two invalided sol- diers in the Emma Flower Taylor Convalescent Home, at y They were sent over from Queen's Military Hospital. ~All ex- penses entailed in the care of the men will be paid by Mrs. Taylor. Soldiers who were under twenty years of age October 13th, 1917, and who were called up under the Mili- tary Service Act, are to be §| charged, 3 Nab Ten Alleged Evaders. Ottawa, Aug. 10.--Ten men, alleged to be fit for military service, two shot- 1} guns and one rifle, were gathered in when Capt. J. J. Graham and his squad & of military and civil police raided shanties in the lonely woods of Cant- ley Township. Gatineau district, op- ite Cascades, on ahon limits. The men claim the ate and McMa- hon, an Ottawa firm. The men t 16 run away, but did not show fight, Watertown, | the Bate and Mec- 1} were emplo ed [Abe Theatres | 5% <; At the Grand. The trials and tribulations that a working girl is forced to put up with were forcefully presented on the screen in "Whims of Society," the World picture Brady-made in which charming Ethel Clayton was s€arred, which' was shown at the Grand last night. This was an en- tirely different picture, and one in which Miss Clayton had great oppor- tunity to display her wonderful acting talent, There was also the Pathe News, a Lonesome Luke comedy, and an O. Henry story, along with a nov- elty vaudeville act that drew rounds of applause. This programme will be given its last showing to-night For Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day of next week Edward Earle, Flor- enie Deshon and Agnes Ayres will all be starred in the Vitagraph feature "One Thousand Dollars." This story has to deal with a young man who is cut off in his millionaire uncle's will with $1,000, and how he tries to spend it so as to come into the rest of the fortune makes an interesting picture The Pathe News, a good comedy, and other films, besides an act of the very best vaudeville, will complete 1 fine evening's entertainment. new At Griffin's, This popular theatre was last even- ing the scene of a most enthusiastic audience, who were unanimous in their praise of our superb feature; "Missing," which wis A. R. B. Williamson, King street y (Mrs. John Phillips and son, Bazot street, are visiting her parents, Mr. ,and' Mrs. Joel P. Ccpeland, Brock- ville. Mrs. MdGaumbridge, Princess street, and her son, Dr. James Mc- Cambridge, Ploughkeepsie, » N.Y, have returned from Burlington, Vt., after visiting Dr. Leonard McCam- bridge. ; ® he p.. Miss (R. (Spooner, nurse, is visit- ing her mother at "The Elms," and will spend a few days with her sister Mrs. (Dr.) G. Wesley Bell, Princess street. {Mrs. 'ames O'Hagan and daugh- ter have returned to Ottawa after spending the past week in Kingston, the guests of Mrs, J. Craig. Dr. E. M. Morgan, Westmount, is in the city, the guest of Francis King. . 0» Miss Mabet Robinson, Chatham, Ont., who fhas been spending the past week with {Miss Nellie Spoon- er, Frontenac street, is leaving on Sunday for Toronto and other west- ern points. ' Mrs. Eugene Ritzel and family, Waterloo, Ont., and Mrs. Frank Ritzel and little daughter, Kitchen- er, Ont., are visiting their father; \ Frank Greenwood, Wolfe Island. - » » Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Hether- ington, Earl street, announce the engagement of their .eldest daugh- ter, Mary Jane (Maisie) to Q.M.S. Thomas R. Sullivan, of Fort Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Dundrum, Ireland, the wedding to take place shortly: . Five Appointed. This week five students "of the Qingston Business College were ap- pointed to Government positions in Ottawa. Fall term, September 3rd. Catalogue free. Farm Laborers' Excursion. The Canadian Pacific is advertis- ing $12 rate to Winnipeg for farm laborers. A A DAILY, MESIORANDUM See top: of page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities, |" BORN, "The Shleling," Front Road, Aug. 9th, 1818 to. the wife of W, F. Nickle, a daughter. HARTMAN---To Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hartman, 131 Colborne street, Kingston, on July 24th, 1918, a daughter (Vivian Clair). : wih Firm 254 and 356 PRINCESS Phone 147 for Ambulance. ROBERT J.REID™ The Undertaker. Phone 577 NICKLE--At 280 Princess Street. dis-|U ape PECIAL FOR ONIGHT From 7.30 to 9.30, or as long as these special offerings may last. 250 MEN'S FINE WHITE COTTON oe Nightgowns Well made of a good quality of white night- gown cotton. These are Tooke's make, which is a guarantee as to fit and value, and their worth is $1.50. Very special to-night i Not more than 2 to any one customer. For Overseas We will offer to-night the following very special article that should interest every person sending parcels overseas, and some who have not sent anything as yet may secure one of these and it will ! 1 i } produced by » that '"master of gcreencraft," J. Stp- art Blackton. This is indeed a mas- ter production from every standpoint. It deals with a splendid story of love and war, in which practically an all- star cast appears. -It is one of the 4 most unusual photoplays seen at our 1 theatre this season, Vivian Martin, one of the most popular gcreen favor- ites, added many new admirers to an already long list in her newest photo- play, "Viviette," which proved decid- edly entertaining to the audience, In addition to these two genuinely good er eee re rene ee 8 ct features, a stunning episode of "The Eagle's Eye' winds up the pro- . gramme. LATE SOCIAL NEWS. oS Mrs. 'Herbert andy and little daughter, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. | | cheer a friend. 2 Comfort Kits Each kit contains: One stick of shaving soap in fine metal case; one cake of soap; one tube ribborhgentsl cream; one tin of talcum powder. | These articles are all of the best, and are made and stamped by Colgate & Co., of New York, which is a guarantee as to their. excellence. "These four articles are enclosed in a real good khaki waterproof kit bag and ready to mail, and to-night will be sold at 75c each complete 9" John Laidlaw & Son ; latest kett S - a wow S LOCKETT'S---- ALTERATION SALE] hoe Store