'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY AUGUST 10, 1918. PAGE FIVE rei A in cant WHIG'S DIGEST OF OF PRICE FLUC- TUATIONS DURING THE WEEK Prices Vegetable Increases. (Market Prices on Page 14,) The retail and wholesale markets were remarkibly. stable during ! week and very Tew changes in the prices of commodities were. noted Beef remained unchanged during the week and lamb is beginning to appear in large quantities, Canada Food Board removing the ban on pork products apparently ha: not lowered the prices, as was antici pated In some quarters. Wholesale hogs showed an increase over last week's quotations and some of the hams were also up fn price. Gener- ally retail pork remained firm, This is the first time in the history of the city that eggs have remained at half a dollar a dogen at this time of the year and predictions are that they will go still higher in the win- ter. The price has remained at the same level since the early spring and they are being eagerly bought. All dairy produce is being maintained at the same high point and the prophets say that eggs will be 75¢, in the win- ter and that butter will show a cor- responding increase. There were few changes in the prices of fruits and average increases of fifty per cent, over last summer's quotations are noted. Market vegetables also high, but it was found that dozen for corn was too much, At one store the price was startedsat 40c. but the stock could not be disposed of at that price, and it had to be lowered All the greens continue at abnormal rates, but the housewives continue to buy them. Potatoes are coming into the city in large quantities and they should be very cheap. A rough comparison of prices a year, ago and now is given below, based on market reports: Classes in Time "Saved Mine" properly fit. ted, used when reading or doing close work, will conserve your vis- fon and arrest eye strain. : We never prescribe glassed unless they pro- mise good resulis J. J. Stewart, OPT. Db. Optometrist Sight Specialist Opposite Post Kingston, Glasses, Office, Sef od SAAN, AY PRRs ER SRNR A safe, veliable regulating medicine, Bold in three de goes of Ment 0. '1, 81; No. per box. a ond Bo De or sent repaid on receipt of price. Free pamplict. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONY. (Formerly Windsor.) Bold 5 continue 40c. a Dairy Produce. 1917 45 35-40 30 40-45 creamery, 1b. rolls .. Butter, Butter, Cheese . Eggs, fresh, 45-47 . ve 30 doz. . 48-50 Fish. --_ Ansco Vest- Pocket Speedex catches swiftly moving figures without a blur. It gets into action quickly when every second counts. You can change the focus, the speed and opening of the shutter instantly and accurately while viewing the image in the finder. Let usshow you this camera. Other Anscos $2 to § Buckwheat, bush "a 5 ¥ Cornmeal, ewt, ., Er Flour, ewt, .. .. SARGENT'S ; . Hay, baled, ton Drug Store Hay, loose, ton ,. Phone 41 Oats, Man. bush, .. Oats, local, bush, .. Wheat, local, bush. BW. .. Fillets, ' fresh, Halibut, Ib,. 20-25 Meats, Beef, cuts, 1b. . . | Beef, western, lb. . { Beef, local, Ib... Hogs, live, cwt.. Hogs, dressed, cwt Lamb, cuts, Ib, Veal, 1b, .. 03 3.00 bp = a £0 Ansco Vest-Packet Speedex Bran, ton 40.00 2.00 6.560 . . 5.90 .12.00 Up to 17.00 11.00 Up to 15.00 90 1.00-1.10 80 1.00-1.05 1.85 2.40 Hides, Furs, ete, fam skins 25 Veal skins, 25 Wool, 60-62 Li 111] It is probable the Fake Shore Mines, Limited, will disburse divi- dends of 21% per cent. at regular in- tervals of every three months. CATARRH New and Curious Remedial Discovery That Never Fails to Give Immediate Results. 1.00-1.25 38 85-90 ib. - = washed, Here is a safe nnd easy method for getting at eatarrh that invariably sur. prises Muferers because of the imniedinte and pleasing effects i pro duces. ja no alting for results. Just to cite an ingtance, take the ex- perience of Mr. M, hey, fexington, Neb. who writes: "Dear Sam Katz: 1 ree ceived your catarch treatment, and in two days my catarrh was gone I am now The Sam Katx method which this gentle man and thousands of others have used, ls different from savihiag you have ever known of. There is nothing to smoke, spray or in- Jeat; no salves, creams, vibration or massage. Everything about jt is natural and healthful. The exact remedial combination of this method is & secret known only to myself and my associates, although 1 will say this much; it is based on the modern scientific discovery that the disease germs causing catarrh must be destroyed and dislodged from the Infected tissne in order to effect & radical and perm- anent ocuré, . Banish Your Catarrh. Re- store Your Health and . - . Organic Vitality Catarrh, as yoo know, gradually works downward from: the nose, throat and head, through the entire system, doing. damage everywhere. . Heowdadhes, dissiness, deafness, h noises, confused thoughts, impairment of the memory, weakened vison, sore eves, boils, nervousness, general languor, rheum- atlem. lame back, neuralgia, stomach, lver, kidney, Bladder disorders, weaktiesses of the vital organs and many other maladies ano ills may. any or al. be due to the ravages of e disease we call eatarrh. 0 cleanse your system of ithe deadly catarch Bore a task that my method is purposed to secom- plish, and your entire drganism responds giving you a mew sensa of vital Vigor and renewed helith. As Nahey A. Davig of Waynegboro, taking the Sam Katz method I feel like a new woman treatment is worth its weight in gold." ~ FULL BOX SENT ON TRIAL Don't send any money, net even a stamp, but simply your name and addresy on «a postal or in & letter, and 1 will arrange 'to forwand to you, postpaid, Arial Nox of the Sam Katz Catarrh Materials, the same that 1 have sent to Tons of thousands all over the world. ere Wil be en of the Materials tor a Hiftenn duys' test, after which you may go on with the full course if you so The Sam Kati Catarrh Materials ate ways put © in these trial packages, fio mater how far from Chicago i may tive, incuining Cade and foreign Farivu Te go. not hesitate or del 2 ro winte at once, 1 wa Fou ta or myster! remedy wit tr & a penny or your money glad take all the chances. Please address, Ty SAMUATE, foam JA 1188, 142 Mutua St. Foros, Ont The above ewt shows e wide extent of eatarrh through the head and throat, alse into the Jungs and emrs. It gradually w downward rough the entire system, doing damage everywhere, Mink. writes me: Since 1 think your catarrh WEEKLY MARKET REPORT = Ba Are Very High | Comparison of Prices in the Sum- | Oranges, doz. mer of 1917 and Now Show Many | Peaches, doz.' | Pears, » Iq anteloupes, each The order of the | | westerr 1b. 35 60-63) unwashed, . 75-1.08} Pruits. oni doz. | Da Bb, ..0 sn Grapefruit, each Lemons, doz, doz. spberries, box .. 20 THE HARVEST F! FIELDS. i & Thousands of Men Required in West- | ern Canada. . Thousands of men are required to { help in the work of harvesting the op. The C. P.-R. has ympliceted arrangements to transport | to the west this great army of work- €rs For those going from points in On- tario to M anitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta extra trains will be operated through to Winnipeg (the distributing )} without change, Going trip. west, $12.00 to Winn: peg Returning trip east, Winnipeg. Consult C. P. R transportation arrar Winnipeg $1800 from agents regarding Going Date. August 20th All in Ontario, weet of Smith's Falls, up to and including Toroito, on Lake Shore Line, and havilock Pe terboro line, also from stations Kings- ton to Renfrew Junction, inclusive, and from stations on Toronto-Sud- bury line From stations on Sault Ste. Marie branch From stations on main line, Beaucage to Franz, in- clusive From stations, Bethany Junction to Port McNicoll ahd Burke- ton-Bobecaygeon August 22nd--From stations west and south w©f Toronto, up to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont., on Owen Sound, Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingham, Elora, Listowel, Goderich, St. Mary's, | Port Burwell and St. Thomas | branches, and stations Toronto and north to Bolton, inclusive. Further particulars from any C.P.R ticket agents, or W. B. Howard, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont or F. Conway, C. P. & T. A., cor Princess and Wellington streets, Kingston, Ont BERRIES AND SUGAR AT TOP NOTCH PRICES stations 0 luppeserving Time" Has Given |; -» the Housewives Much Worry This Season. With both berries and sugar sell-| ing at top notch prices, housewives have had much to worry them this season. "It's not marked one woman "when we could get three boxes of berries for 25 cents, and all the su- gar you wanted for five cents a pound. Nowadays, it is hard to get sugar, even if you have the price, and it is selling at 10 cents and 11 cents per pound. "With berries selling as high ad like the old ways," re- 35 cents a box, plus the high price; for sugar, preserving time has had many drawbacks this year." While there are many citizens who have put away a lot of fruit, there are also a large number who have been unable to do so, owing to -the high cost of the necessaries. GEMS OF THOUGHT. Capt. A. Ketterson Is Engaged .in Unique Endeavor. Capt, A. Ketterson, 6th Infantry Brigade, C.E.F., was a visitor at the Whig office on Friday and showed the staff an interesting - little volume which he is compiling. over seven hundred gems of thought contributed by officers serving with the Canadian forces. Capt. Ketter- son hopes to have the book published shortly and the royalties are to be donated to the widows and orphans of officers and men who have given up their lives in the great cause. Among the officers who have contributed to the collection are Gen, Sir James Byng, Sir Sam Hughes, Sir Richard! Turner, Sir Arthur Curry, Sir David Watson, Sir H, Burstall, Major.-Gen. L. J. Lipsett, Major-Gen, G. L. Fos- ter, Brig.-Gen, R. B. Radelifle, and FP. 8. Thacker. Annual Meeting Adjourned. The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Anglers' Association of the St. Lawrence river was held on Wednes- day at the Thousand Island House, Alexandria Bay. Officers of the asso- ciaiton for the ensuing year were not chosen, owing to the - small attend- ance, and a resolution was adopted for ® recess until August 28th, cou- pled with a recommendation urging active members not only tp be present] at the adjourned meeting, but to see+ cure as many new members as possi- ble, Officers for ensuing year will then be chosen. . Visiting at ¢ Bethel. Master Norman Way, Kingston, is spending a well-earned holiday with his uncles at Bethel, having 'passed the HS. entrance examination with honors and winning the Macleod scholarship of Kingston, entitling him to four years' free tuition in the Kingston (Collegiate, says the Picton Gazette. He is the son of W. Herb. Way, an old Prince Ed- ward boy. For Queen's tal Overseas. Previously acknowledged, $29. 810.66. + - $45---Red Cross workers of Paken- ham. $20-----Oakdale Rebekah Lodge, No. 124, Madoc (maintenance). $10--Menie Women's Institute; Mrs. F. Jemmett, Napanee; James Fairlie, Springfield, HL 2 tor): = | Canadian to the Whig, It consists of | il TN | Question of Tax Fxomptions. Kingston, Aug. 9 My atten ito an item wh p of Thursday, | {July 18th, as follows ! {told 'Kingston Orangemen that Pa- Jims numbered one-third of the pop} ulation of this city. Now will Mr. | | Berney please téll us what percent- i {age of the city's payroll goes to this one-third." 1 presume that the Freeman allud- | 3 - '. i (To the Edi-} = tion has been called | + "appeared in she I 5) "past Grand Master James Berney Se Abornoths's % Clearing Sale of ed to my speech at Sydenham fast gy 12th 'July, and reported in your pa- per. Throughout my whole discourse 1 did not use the word "Papist" | {once, although had 1 done so, there; would not be any need for an apol-| OEY. When I stated that Roman cate} olics comprised less than one-third jof the population of Kingston, I was {referring to the exemption from tax-| | ation of churches and other religious lor sectarian institutions, but refrain-' led from giving statistics. Whilst unable to give the Free-! {man any information as to the pay- {roll of the city, 1 shall with your g| Permission and through the medium, {of vour valuable paper, furnish him | |and any others who may be interest- ed, some statistics to justify my re niarks at Sydenham In the City of Kingston, there are several churches and other religious or sectarian institutions, the assess- ments of which, totaling $1,316,881,1 all exempt from taxation. Of this amount $747,215 represents the ex- emption of Roman Catholi¢ church and other institutions; whilst the balance, $569,661, represents non-, Roman Catholic exemptions includ- ing the Hebrew congregations. Thus it may be seen that the Roman Watholic exemptions are more than that of all the other denominations combined by $177,449, Taking into consideration the loss {of revenue to the city by the exemp- tion of $1,316,881 of property from taxation, one may be pardoned for asking how this loss has to be met. The pnly way it seems to me that it can be met is by an increased rate of taxation levied on the non-exempted {rateable property in the municipal- lity. { Now according to the Assessment J Roll for 1917, the rateable property Jot Public School supporters was §11,- 8,741, whilst the rateable property 13 Roman Catholic Separate school | supporters was only $1,997,618. | This seems very good evidence that about one-seventh of. the rateable | property in the city is owned by Ro- {man Catholics and consequently it is | fair to assume that of the amount of increased taxation required to meet the loss sustained by the exemption jof all sectarian institutions in the {city only about one-seventh of the amount comes from the pockets of Roman Catholic ratepayers, that bal- ance having to be met. by non-Roman Catholice ratepayers. My contention is that if we must have so many separate. religious or sectarian institutions, each denomin- ation should support its own even in the matter of taxes. "Let every tub stand on its own bottom." | Yours respectfully, JAMES BERNEY. FARM LABORERS WANTED ern Canada. vest fields---go by the your loyal support to the People's Line. -Information hands is given in a leaflet entitled "Harvesters Work and Wages," be had from any C. N.R. agent. MY EVENTS 25 YEARE AGO, pe nD. D. Rogers, Glen Logie, was thrown from a horse and had his shoulder badly injured. Samuel Harkness has been appint- od to manage the horse races during fair week. Prizes amounting to §1,- 000 will be given. It 'is proposed to have an eleetion railway from Toronto to Kingston, and may be before the century is completed. The barge Mills of the Hull Coal Company, Ogdenshurg, foundered off Charlotte. ------ ' |SERVICE PINS A very -appropri- ate symbol for those who are doing their bit overseas. ameled, with one to four leaves, 50 Cents. Same in gilt otal Jewelers a. a NENEE Harvesters Urgently Needed in West- | When travelling to Western har Canadian | Northern Railway and thereby give! of value to harvest to! vas pumps; some $3.50 ¢ for. . Ladies Oxfords Special sale ladies' white can- regular $300, and yoods in this lot. $2.95 wale of ladies" pumps in patent and gun metal, regular $3.95 in brown kid, also patents; regular $6.00. Clearing at .. MANY OTHER GOOD BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S, WOMEN'S We never allow' goods to grow old at this store. We believe in clearing out all small lots, broken sizes, etc., in season--so offer the following special $1.98 Small lot, Men's low shoes in calf and patent. Only about 15 pairs in this lot. Sizes 5, 6, and 8} $2.95 Sale of Men's low shoes in pa- tents and velour calf. Regula $5.00. Clearing at .$2.95 25c Children's rubber bathing shoes with stockings attached. Mostly all sizes, 6 to 10. Regular 7 5c. Clearing . J .. .. eae $4.00 . $2.95 black and ..$3.95 AND MEN"S SHOES ABERNETHY'S Shoe Store § i R---- Straw and il Panama Hats A Sterling silver, en-|| 1.2 Price Nothing reserved. They must all go. This is the place for bargains. CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers Hot Weather i Speci alties rig roadie A Bde. 25Cenis. = ' KINNEAR & D'ESIERRE| JAMES REID'S Big Mid-Summer Furniture Sale! By making your furniture investments during this per- iod you can save 20% to 507% on your purchase. If you prefer we will store your purchases. Opportunity beckons to you. We will be pleased to have you call. Reid High Quality and Reid's Low Prices. \_Phenie 147 For Service. nen -- pr ---- © ee Food License No, 8-768. Wm. ClarkLtd, Will demonstrate their famous line of